The OFFICIAL Asher X Random Forrester Soldier #167 Thread (Assoldier)



  • Is there a reason no one ships Rodrik with the random Forrester soldier, since he does play an equal role in Rodrik's walkthrough as well.

  • Because no one chose Rodrik ofc.

    Jkjk I like Rodrik

    Harian96 posted: »

    Is there a reason no one ships Rodrik with the random Forrester soldier, since he does play an equal role in Rodrik's walkthrough as well.

  • It's been stated before that #167 is only into blondes. Plus Rodrik and #167 didn't have the same chemistry.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Is there a reason no one ships Rodrik with the random Forrester soldier, since he does play an equal role in Rodrik's walkthrough as well.

  • Rodrik is almost always forgotten when it comes to ships. LOL

  • edited January 2016

    I live in The United Stated and In Virginia. Thank You, :D

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Would you like to be on the map? if you do, tell me your country and state/province.

  • i cri evrytim

    Art is dead.

  • This is the best ship ever

  • Greatest ship of all time

  • After it was agreed by fellow members of Assoldier it seems we now have a name for Random Forrester Soldier #167 and that name is...

    Ranester Soldeven.

    I came up with the name while writing my Modern fanfic, I did it by taking bits from his 'name' if you hadn't guessed that already. Random Forrester Soldier #One Six Seven

  • When our fellow companions get back the title shall be changed! (ofc if our mother agrees).

    Kateis posted: »

    After it was agreed by fellow members of Assoldier it seems we now have a name for Random Forrester Soldier #167 and that name is... Rane

  • Our mother better agree, I worked hard on that name!

    If she doesn't that's fine as well, I guess. :P

    When our fellow companions get back the title shall be changed! (ofc if our mother agrees).

  • So... Um... I don't know if I can ask about that, but why everyone got banned?

  • Yeah. I want to know too.

    Maybe Telltale hates this ship?

    GoTRules posted: »

    So... Um... I don't know if I can ask about that, but why everyone got banned?

  • I want to say beautiful but it's... Beautiful.

    But Telltale is right behind my grave, are they gonna destroy it or something? D:

    enter link description here

  • Dark times, we don't talk about those things.

    GoTRules posted: »

    So... Um... I don't know if I can ask about that, but why everyone got banned?

  • TellTale is the monster that killed our ship, ofcourse.

    Kateis posted: »

    I want to say beautiful but it's... Beautiful. But Telltale is right behind my grave, are they gonna destroy it or something?

  • That makes sense, just like they destroyed everything else...

    TellTale is the monster that killed our ship, ofcourse.

  • They did not destroyed Gared!

    That's good right?!


    Kateis posted: »

    That makes sense, just like they destroyed everything else...

  • edited January 2016

    The Great Assoldier Depression

    It was the begin of January, everyone was happy, because their favorite ship survived until 2016.

    But little did the happy people of Assoldier know, that dark times where coming ahead.

    Dark and silent times...

    As 4 loyal members got banned, Assoldier was in a depression: The Great Assoldier Depression.

    I am here, to make a big change. These times will not win from us!

    Most of the people will get unbanned in the second week of february, weeks to survive.

    Comment f to pay respect/ spam.

    Hear my words and bear witness to my vow. Sexy men gather, and so my shipping begins.

    It shall not end until my death.

    I will hold no shipping threads of my own, draw no fan art, write any fanfiction about any other ship.

    I shall live and die in this thread.

    I am the shipper in the darkness.

    I am the watcher in the comments.

    I am the shield that guards the realms of this thread.

    I pledge my life and honor to the Asher x Random Forrester Soldier #167 Thread, for this night and all the nights to come.

  • They haven't destroyed him yet.

    They did not destroyed Gared! That's good right?! Right?

  • fffffffffff

    We will previal!

    "My lord! We have to get you" -House Assoldier Words

    The Great Assoldier Depression It was the begin of January, everyone was happy, because their favorite ship survived until 2016. But l

  • Someone should make a RP Blog for Randon Forrester Soldier #167!

  • F

    I'm not even a fan of ships but I see in Assoldier something that I don't see often in other ships..yes,there must be something unique about Assoldier that convince me to comeback at his own thread even if I don't care about ships!
    After I waste whole seconds trying to understand the secret of Assoldier I found the simple truth:Assoldier show that a ship doesn't need long and intricate relationships between the characters fated to be in love,Assoldier show that only a simple act is truly needed to create a beautiful ship,Assoldier show that,even if one the lovers will fall before start the relationship and be forgotten by his other loved half,the fans of the ship will never forget that long and passionate moment between a Lord and his soldier.

    Yes,reader of this important post,Assoldier is not a simple ship,Assoldier is a symbol.


    The Great Assoldier Depression It was the begin of January, everyone was happy, because their favorite ship survived until 2016. But l

  • FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. But why did they get banned?

  • The OFFICIAL Asher X Random Forrester Soldier #167 Thread (Assoldier)

    Well... this thread exists then...

    enter image description here

  • It's brilliant isn't it?

    The OFFICIAL Asher X Random Forrester Soldier #167 Thread (Assoldier) Well... this thread exists then...

  • It certainly is.... something...

    Kateis posted: »

    It's brilliant isn't it?

  • It is something, it's amazing!

    It certainly is.... something...

  • F

    Hopefuly this depression will end soon.

    The Great Assoldier Depression It was the begin of January, everyone was happy, because their favorite ship survived until 2016. But l

  • Too much Ice Cream...

    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. But why did they get banned?

  • f x ∞
    Assoldier the one true ship! Speaking of which, I need to be better about making more fanart. :P

    The Great Assoldier Depression It was the begin of January, everyone was happy, because their favorite ship survived until 2016. But l

  • edited February 2016

    You know what they say - "Hope dies last" (or something like that)

  • Why is his name assoldier?

  • obviously asher+soldier

    Why is his name assoldier?

  • edited February 2016


    fuck my life

  • ^ Yes please do that.

    Yo Winters get Steam

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