It's been a while, welcome one, welcome, all Assoldier will thrive again!
Here's some homecoming fanart
@OfficialSheriffMaybe @Wolfenus54 and Winter welcome back!
Looks like I missed the welcome back party. Oh well, welcome back guys Assoldier made it through these dark times but we barely scraped through without you.
Looks like I missed the welcome back party. Oh well, welcome back guys Assoldier made it through these dark times but we barely scraped through without you.
It's been a while, welcome one, welcome, all Assoldier will thrive again!
Here's some homecoming fanart
@OfficialSheriffMaybe @Wolfenus54 and Winter welcome back!
@Kracmos please come here
If you could fuck another player in GTA I know what they'd be doing rn
Gingers don't have souls, oh wait I'm not ginger.
You still don't have a soul.
I waited for this day my whole ban.
@RockMySocks don't come in here.
She's having meme sex with me
I MEAN WHEN WE GONNA MEME SEX AGAJAN BBH??!!,!,!,!,!,!!,!?!?!!??!?!
Just get your memes out and let's do it, no talking.
Why the fuck are you here? go away.
Bugger off
A blast from the past
asshole u summoned me
Hilarious and Original
I'm sorry
I mean discussion about some stuffffff
satan take me away from here
If you're my mother also does that make her my grandmother?
oh haha shit, my bad.
From the thread?
it makes her my incest wife
from the... memes
What about you and Lottii?
I thinkt the name Asholdier sounds good because it sounds like Ash holder
Welcome back everyone.
I think you're drunk
Looks like I missed a lot here :^)
It was 7 am back then.
Welcome back lost brothers and sisters. Assolier wouln't be as sexy as it is without you!
Looks like I missed the welcome back party. Oh well, welcome back guys
Assoldier made it through these dark times but we barely scraped through without you.
It's about time.
Why so late Kate
(I rhyme things)
I was late because time wasn't on my side.
And that's great rhyming mate.
Kate you're my best mate
More rhymes
So I'm back, and that means the world map is back too!
@Kracmos and @2685433 you have both been added!