What happens when consoles become obsolete?
Hi all!
I've been playing TWD on my PS3, but I doubt that Telltale will continue developing for that system for long. So, when that day comes, do I just lose my progress/choices up to that point? Or will there be some way to export the save?
Ideally, I'd like to export the save in a manner that the information can be passed to a PC version.
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PC master race
The end of downgrade in graphics!
Well.. about your saves, I really don't know if there is any way to copy your console files to your PC. I think you'll have to play it all over again. sorry..
The save files in Telltale's older games aren't compatible across platforms. This is changing though, as Minecraft: Story Mode has cloud saving (although it's not supported on all systems). It's possible that future titles will have cloud saving across all versions, which appears to be the direction that Telltale's currently heading (probably because we're nearing the end of the 360/PS3 life cycle).
So it's possible that The Walking Dead: Season Three will allow you to import all your choices from season one/two/Michonne, and then you can move that to PC via the cloud for season four (if there is one).
I'm pretty sure the games being made will work with PS3 for quite some time. They want a lot of people to buy the games. A lot of people still don't have the newest consoles... My guess is that when the next new consoles come out, you will have to upgrade... By then TWD game will almost certainly be done.... New consoles will probably not be out for 5 - 7 years
It's unlikely though that the PS3 and Xbox 360 will still be supported by Sony and Microsoft by the time the new consoles come out. The PlayStation 3 has already been discontinued in New Zealand.
Both current generations of consoles are now outpacing the sales of the previous generation, so it's likely that they'll be discontinued in all territories in a few years (the previous generation is now over 10 years old by this point).
Still seeing brand new games coming out on them though. If there is money to be made, games will be produced. Who cares about New Zealand? United States, and Japan are the big time sales.
Sure, they're likely to continue being supported in the United States and Japan for a few more years. New Zealand always drops support early, but it's always a sign that the system life cycle is nearing it's end. If history is anything to go by, Sony and Microsoft in United States and Japan will end their support as well. Companies supporting consoles usually last between around 10 to 12 years. We're at 10 years for PlayStation 3, and at 11 for Xbox 360.
Some games will likely still be released for them, but consumer purchasing drops dramatically after companies drop support. The only titles that have managed to sell well on a console after support is dropped is sports titles such as FIFA. It's unlikely that Telltale's games will be able to sell at that level. Plus, eventually the companies themselves stop even allowing games on that platform (licenses to make Xbox games were discontinued way before the Xbox One came out).
Its a shame they're not letting allowing games to transfer saves over. Perhaps worse is that they release games that are borderline unplayable on the last gen consoles.
Anyway i'll have to set about some time to buy and play through all the games again, on the new systems
Thanks! Here's hoping