Cryocoffin: An interactive sci-fi and fantasy fiction.
Hello, this is my new interactive fiction that I am 100% ready to write for. The main idea for the plot is somewhat similar to the anime known as Sword Art Online, in which people use machines to enter virtual worlds.
So basically, this story is set somewhere in the future, around 20 years from now, in which the release of the world's first virtual reality device is now being sold to the public. It puts the user in an immobile state, whilst transferring their consciousness to a 3D environment, in which they taste, smell and feel like they are physically in the world; it also runs on an amazing engine which allows almost photo-realistic graphics and allows players to visit places they would've dreamed of visiting. There are currently 5 games available:
Magicblade Chronicles: A fantasy MMORPG in which the users fight monsters and eachother in PVP with medieval weaponry and magic.
Pandora's Box: A sci-fi shooter MMO in which users explore space in search of an artifact with laser weapons and spaceships.
Moonwisp Forest: A children's MMO game in which users explore a beautiful, colourful forest and interact with mythical and adorable creatures.
Deadman's Land: Survivor MMO in which users fight against zombies in an abandoned wasteland, building shelter and zombie-slaying.
Darklight Hollow: Supernatural MMO in which users become supernatural creatures and fight against each other with their new found abilities.
All is going well for the first month of the device's release until the servers are suddenly hacked by a criminal organisation of hackers known as the Nocturnals. The players are at first trapped in the games until a glitch in the system occurs and morphs all 5 games (that run on the same engine together) creating one bizarre and dangerous world. Like SAO if a player dies in the game than they die in real life, although in this story it far more gory and painful. A group of high-level players form a group called the Resistance to fight the Nocturnals, who have had most of their members trapped in the game as well, although there are hackers in the real world hacking into the games and giving them advantages, although they can still die like the Resistance members. (All submitted characters are members of the Resistance).
This story will have a main protagonist created by me, although all the submitted characters will have major roles as well.
Your character will have a real life version and an avatar used in the game.
If you have questions feel free to ask.
Act 1: World of a Madman
Chapter 1: Fusion (Ongoing)
Chapter 2: The Glitching Sea (Coming soon)
Chapter 3: The Rampage of the White Wolf (Coming soon)
Chapter 4: TBA (Coming soon)
Chapter 5: TBA (Coming soon)
Chapter 6: TBA (Coming soon)
User submitted: Sayuri, Nizmir, Azula, Kat Darklighter, Slayer, Shinto, Twitch, Yetti, Linea
Non-user submitted: Casper Grimm/Wolfius, [Alpharus], [Oscar Jones/Lupinn], [Freddy Roscoe/WolfOut49569], Cassandra West/Cassie Dragonheart, The Anonymous Man, Seven-foot tall warrior, sooty.exe, Darko Titanblood, Advisor Phobos, General Deimos, Spymaster Grimwood
Status Key: Brackets=Deceased, Italics=Unknown, Bold=Unintroduced
Hey! This looks really cool, especially that I saw SAO and enjoyed it a lot.
I will submit my character soon - I am super excited as well! And after getting home I will even prepare real/avatar form of my char... damn, I love how those Interactive stories inspire me to be creative.
Casper Grimm cracked his eyes open, the early morning summer sunlight pushing an assault down on his retinas. He heaved himself out of the bed, a freezing gust of air brushed against his body, immediately making him want to leap back into his warm, comfortable bed, which now seemed to be calling to him in his head. He quickly went to pull the thick, navy blue winter duvet off the bed, but a weight seemed to be pushing down on it. The culprit was his fat, lazy ginger cat known as Gizmo, who had produced a small pool of saliva on the cover from the immense heat wave plaguing the room the night before. Casper had already had to have an awkward night’s sleep on the very edge of the bed due to the overweight feline’s dominance of the centre of the single bed. Casper gently poked his pet, signalling him to move, but was greeted with the cat’s claws swiping across his hand, leaving a puckered, bloody grin of a wound. Knowing that he had lost this morning’s battle, Casper dropped the duvet back onto the mattress, using his own arms to warm himself whilst simultaneously sucking the small droplets of blood from his newly attained injury. He dragged himself to the bathroom and looked at the smudged mirror; almost jumping at the sight of what he thought was a zombie. But alas, it was only his grim reflection.
The fifteen-year-old’s greenish-grey, bloodshot eyes were encrusted with eye discharge, which had now hardened overnight. An army of irritated-looking whiteheads had now grown on his chin next to the scars from his old acne invasion. His sloped nose was red from the previous assaults of spots. His skin was ghostly pale from the severe lack of sunlight that the teenager had shielded himself away from. His ash-blonde hair was a tattered mess, giving him the appearance of a mad scientist. He was quite short for his age, only being up to five feet and three inches tall, with a lack of meat on his bones make him look anorexic, despite eating a lot. He gently stroked the miniscule, fuzzy beginnings of a moustache arching above his upper-lip. All of these attributes mixed in with a round, chubby-cheeked baby face did not make the best looking adolescent.
He filled the oval-shaped, pristine-white sink to the brim with ice-cold water, which would hopefully be enough to bring the teen out of this undead-like state. He held his breath, which made a raspy squelchy noise due to the build-up of phlegm at the back of his throat, before dunking his entire head into the sink. A mortar shell of pain and discomfort exploded throughout his head, making the light blonde hairs from his neck to the bottom of his back stand up. Casper quickly pulled his head out of the whirlpool of freezing agony and took a cold, desperate breath. His hair was now almost black from the icy water darkening it; the whiteheads had frozen off from the cold temperature and the rheum had completely vanished.
It was then that Casper remembered that today was the day, and a wolfish grin stretched across his face.
To Casper it felt like the final day of school for the year would never end, but he was finally free and had the entire summer holiday to himself… and it. The Cryogamer. A machine that would transfer the user’s consciousness into virtual worlds as if they were really there in real life. It was named due to the machine putting the user in a cryogenic-like state whilst they explored virtual worlds in their head. Casper had spent the last four years of his life doing part-time jobs, selling his old consoles and begging his parents for pocket money to save up for this miracle of a machine. Casper, a loner with few real-life friends had been playing MMOs for over ten years and wishing that he could really explore amazing fantasy worlds. It was there in the centre of his room, all metallic and coffin-shaped with several buttons on both the inside and outside (his step-father must have set it up whilst he was at school). He flipped the switch to on and a loud, low-pitched, car-like sound vibrated out of it. He inserted the “Magicblade Chronicles” disc into the slot .He opened the lid and laid down on the cool, foamy space in the middle of its interior and clicked the start button. A visor lowered down from underneath the lid and rested above Casper’s face.
“Scanning for life form” the deep, robotic voice spoke.
The visor let out a blue flash of light, almost blinding Casper.
“Life form found” it spoke once again.
Casper suddenly felt a cold, spike clutch onto the back of head and neck, before everything went black.
Casper awoke to hear a strange, inhuman sounding voice calling to him.
“Casper Grimm, please select your avatar appearance and online alias” the voice spoke.
One Month Later
The army had assembled at the keep. A battering ram had been positioned in front of the humongous iron gate at the front of the keep. The Bloodbane Guild would fall here, with their greatest hold taken over by the Legion of the White Wolf, their worst enemies.
Wolfius, a Level 43 Warrior with short pitch-black hair, a short stubble, golden yellow eyes with almond-shaped pupils and a height of five feet and ten inches, who specialized in two-handed weaponry, slowly unsheathed his sharp, silver greatsword (in which he had crafted out of the bones of a dragon). The blade was not too heavy, but not too light, it was like holding an aluminium baseball bat. If he had used this very greatsword on his first day of the simulation then it would have had the weight of an anvil, severely straining the strength of the traveling warrior.
The White Wolf Legionnaires could see the Bloodbane soldiers in their crimson and gold, shining armoured uniforms in which the glistening flames of the nearby torches, mounted on the keep, could be seen. The Legion of the White Wolf stood there in their black and silver armours, the now iconic logo of the rare White Wolf boss stylised into the centre of the torso. Their bows, sword, daggers, axes and staves were all ready to begin a fiery assault on the towering castle. Whilst the Legion of the White Wolf were definitely the more powerful of the two rivalling factions, the Bloodbane Guild were very well prepared for the siege war, with numerous defences installed onto the keep.
The White Wolves began to furiously hammer their weapons down on their shields, creating a loud, rhythm of thunder-like noises as if they were some kind of warrior music band. The Bloodbanes had buckets filled with bubbling, boiling acid which menacingly hissed like an enraged, venomous snake. Of course, the acid would not truly harm the armoured rivals, just like every other weapon or enemy would not truly harm the players. Instead of feeling pain they would feel a vibration of warning in the area they are hit by an enemy.
The battering ram that the White Wolves had brought was a gigantic monster made of metal, with the head of it being in the shape of the legendary White Wolf. A protective roof to shield the ram users from any acid or arrows overshadowed the army below it. Suddenly the wolf-head jerked forward, smashing into the gate.
“Are you ready for this little brother?” asked the man beside Wolfius. He was much taller than Wolfius, dressed in White Wolf armour, had wolf-grey hair, a thick beard, and emerald-green eyes yet still managed to retain a youthful appearance.
“I was born ready, Oscar” Wolfius declared, with battle-ready grin stretched across his face.
The gate collapsed upon itself, unable to withstand the power of the White Wolf battering ram.
“ATTACK!” roared Alpharus, the leader of the Legion of the White Wolf who had his own special wolf-themed helmet. The thousands of warriors charged into the keep, wielding deadly weapons of destruction.
Within seconds half of the Bloodbanes had been turned into blue clouds of pixels after the assault. Wolfius and Oscar killed their attackers almost instantly as they had both been binge playing the game the entire summer which had levelled them up ready for PvP.
Amongst the onslaught, Wolfius could see a seven-foot tall titan of a man dressed in Bloodbane colours sweeping the White Wolves to the ground with his massive greatsword, killing them almost immediately. Wolfius grinned and raced towards the man, raising his own greatsword high up into the air.
The two warriors of the opposing factions clashed their blades together, sparks sent into the sky. Wolfius pushed forward his blade, cutting his opponent in the face with his own weapon, sending blue pixels into the air. This seemed to enrage the man, and he snatched the weapon from Wolfius with his bare hands, tossing it aside as if it was garbage. Before Wolfius could do a thing the man sliced him at the wrists, dismembering both of his hands leaving blue, glowing stumps. Wolfius could feel a vibrating sensation explode from his stumps to his elbows, signalling him that his health was lowering. The enemy then thrust his greatsword into Wolfius’ chest, depleting his health to pure emptiness within seconds and causing him to explode into a cloud of blue particles.
When Wolfius respawned he immediately summoned his unicorn mount and quickly rode back towards the keep. No one would kill Wolfius and get away with it!
When Wolfius arrived back at the now battle-worn keep he could hear countless screams coming from inside. Soldiers from both factions ran out covered in blood.
“What’s happening?!” Wolfius yelled at a nearby soldier.
“People are bleeding and not respawning!” he wept.
Wolfius ran inside and immediately thought he had stumbled upon a horror movie set. Dismembered limbs, decapitated heads, and bloody corpses lie everywhere. Wolfius could see the man who originally killed him. With his greatsword through Wolfius’ best friend Oscar, who had blood frothing at the mouth. The man was not horrified at all at what he had just done; he instead grinned at Oscar’s dying body and brutally pushed him off his greatsword onto the ground. Wolfius looked into the eyes of Oscar’s killer, who had now turned his attention to him.
“I’M GONNA KILL YOU” Wolfius roared, unsheathing his greatsword (which had been returned to his inventory) and charging at the murderer. The man grinned, stepped aside and sliced the side of Wolfius’ chest open, causing him to fall to the ground bleeding and screaming in agony. A pool of blood emerged from the wound. Wolfius felt like he couldn’t breathe and instead coughed up portions of blood before blacking out.
End of prologue
Wow, that was awesome prologue! Cant wait for more!
That prologue was seriously amazing! It makes me really excited for the rest of the story and I'm definitely looking forward for the next part
Fusion Part 1
Wolfius awoke to the sound of what seemed to be a medieval carriage. He examined his surroundings to discover that he was on the muddy path of a tall treed, forest which cast a ginormous shadow over everything that took shelter within its realm of darkness. Wolfius’ body was in an awkward, uncomfortable position similar to someone bending the limbs of an action figure in ways they weren’t supposed to go. Wolfius sniffed and immediately recoiled at the foul odour of the wooden vehicle. Why did it smell so horrid? It reminded Wolfius of the one time that a rat had died within his bedroom walls, in which his feline friend Gizmo had relentlessly attempted to claw his way through to feast on the rodent’s decaying corpse.
“Decaying corpse” Wolfius thought, before realizing that the reason he was not being carried to a healer, the reason why his body felt like a pretzel and the reason why it stank of death in the vehicle suddenly popped into his mind. “Oh god, please no”.
Wolfius awkwardly turned his head, causing the stiffened bones within his neck to make a loud, crunchy cracking noise. He almost died of a violent heart attacked he saw the hollowed, decomposing face of his close friend Oscar staring back at him. However, rather than being the corpse of his avatar, Oscar’s corpse had his real life appearance, the appearance of an ordinary, dorky college student. His reddish-brown hair was now tattered and blood-stained and his soul-patch had formed into a blood goatee with the blood caked around his mouth. He was still in his armour however, which was because the game would allow you to have your real life appearance in-game, although most players chose to have avatars. What was he going to say to Cassie and Freddy, the rest of the group of friends that he and Oscar had been hyping the Cryogamer’s release from day one. He had met them a few years ago on another MMO and they had been playing together ever since. Oscar, Cassie and Freddy were all in their twenties, but that didn’t stop their many gaming adventures.
Wolfius suddenly regained feeling from the waist down in which the deep wound hissed a fountain of blood which would have caused him scream if not for the sticky dryness of his parched throat. The wound revealed a small glimpse of Wolfius’ ribcage, making want to vomit. Wolfius could also feel a lump beneath him. He groped at it with hands and flinched when he realised he was touching another person’s face. It then occurred to Wolfius that he was in fact in a corpse cart as he scanned the rest of the cart to find maggots and crows feasting away at his fallen comrades. The cart drivers must have thought he was dead too.
This was all too much for him; he bought this game to fight monsters and other players in a beautiful fantasy setting with no real penalty, not relive the horrors of a real siege battle and be traumatized for life. What were the game developers thinking when they decided to add in this patch? Wolfius lifted his hand high up into the air and swiped bringing up the menu screen. Wolfius hated using it due to it breaking immersion as he wanted to deal with the actual hardships of carrying his valuables around. He clicked on the “options” menu and desperately searched for the “Logout” button. After a few second of panicked swiping it concluded to Wolfius that the logout button was no longer there. With all this stress and trauma clouding his mind he finally succumbed to his brain’s wishes to faint once again.
A few hours later
Wolfius began to regain his consciousness once again. He could feel a nice, warm heat gently stroking his cheek. He thought that he was safe and sound in a nice, warm bed beside a toasty, roaring fireplace, but then the foul smell of the deceased burned his nostrils and he quickly opened his eyes to see that he was being dragged to a large bonfire, where all of the fallen were being burnt.
“NO! PLEASE!” Wolfius squealed attempted to wriggle out of the soldier’s firm grip.
“Holy shit!” the soldier yelled, immediately dropping Wolfius to the cold, hard ground. “This one’s still breathing!”
“Casper!” the familiar, soft voice of Cassie cried, rushing to his aid and helping him up to his feet.
Wolfius inspected his surroundings. He was back in Wolfden, the home base of the Legion of the White Wolf. It was a huge, towering monster of a castle, making the Bloodbane home base seem like a small child’s sandcastle.
Wolfius returned his attention to Cassie, whose ocean blue eyes were red around the eyelids and tear ducts presumably from crying over Oscar’s brutal death. Cassie was like a big sister to Wolfius, always making sure he was safe. Wolfius had a small crush on her, but like most of the girls Wolfius had encountered in both reality and in-game they all seemed to treat him like a little brother, regardless of whether they were younger than him or not.
Wolfius noticed that her black hood was covering her white-blonde hair, meaning that she must be preparing for a battle of some kind. Cassie seemed to sense Wolfius’ thoughts when she suddenly spoke to him.
“The scouts have seen an unknown guild approaching with a far bigger army than anything we could be able to muster” Cassie said.
“Where is Alpharus?” Wolfius asked whilst simultaneously wheezing from the agonizing pain emanating from his now green-tinged wound.
“He perished at the Bloodbane keep” Freddy stated, seemingly appearing from out of nowhere. “Along with most of our troops”.
“Wait, what do you mean perished?” Wolfius interrogated.
“A player that was logged out during the Bloodbane battle saw a news report stating that people who died in this game are burnt alive inside of the Cryogamers in the real world” Freddy replied. “Unfortunately for him he didn’t know that we couldn’t log out and he was in for a shock when he logged back in to tell us”.
“That player was you wasn’t it?” Wolfius questioned. “I thought you had some important interview to go to today Fred?”
“Y-yes it was me” Freddy admitted, nervously running his fingers through his dark red hair. “I just didn’t want to ragequit again so I tried to skip the battle”.
“So you just left Cassie to lead the scouts all by herself?” Wolfius growled.
Casper and Freddy had never been as close to each other as they both were with Oscar and Cassie.
Before Freddy could reply a loud rumbling sound could be heard thundering towards the Wolfden.
“Stay here you two” Cassie commanded, resting Wolfius against a haystack whilst Freddy went to examine his wound.
“Yes, miss” they both replied, the two men cowering slightly as Cassie activated her “leader” mode.
Suddenly a ringing sound vibrated throughout Wolfius’ head and seemingly everyone else in Wolfden too going by them clutching their heads in anguish.
“Greetings, Cryogamer users” a deep, demonic, menacing voiced echoed throughout the keep. “I am the Anonymous Man, leader of the infamous hacking organization known as the Nocturnals, and we have just hacked into your precious little paradise and added a few special “modifications” such as blood, gore, real pain, and users actually dying when killed in-game”.
The manic laughing of the Nocturnal army outside the keep could be head.
“You can either bow down and accept me as your new game master… or die” he continued.
“We’ll never join you!” the White Wolves chanted.
“Very well then” the Anonymous Man cackled.
The gates suddenly burst into smithereens, debris flying everywhere. A huge battering ram with what looked like a panther as the actual ramming head glistened in the moonlight. Nocturnals raced in, roaring like crazed chimpanzees and began their slaughter in the keep.
“Shit, Casper, we’ve got to get out of-” Freddy managed to yell before an arrow was promptly lodged into the back of his head. Wolfius sat there in fear and then realized that this was it. He was going to die here.
His fear transformed into rage, as he heaved himself up, using his greatsword as support, ignoring the ugly wound on his side. A low level Nocturnal raced towards him, and with all his might, Wolfius managed to slice his attacker in two, but to his horror, he evaporated into a blue like before instead of bleeding. Wolfius could see the same enemy respawn in the distance. Wolfius was then circled by Nocturnals wielding bows and crossbows.
“Kill the high level!” one of them roared.
Wolfius desperately tried to think of words that would make awesome last words but he only managed to blurt out one of the most childish sentences a gamer could say ever.
“YOU FUCKING HACKERS!” Wolfius roared, tears streaming down his face.
Then a glowing, bright, seemingly endless white hole opened in the ground and swallowed them all up.
End of part 1
So cool, really! Wonder where they will go now! I am glad though that Wolfius/Casper are still alive, the description of the wound from the prologue sounded bad.
I really enjoy your writing style, keep going. :-)
That would have been my last words as well
I know that feeling, Wolfius, I know it.
Anyways, this was another amazing part! I'm already very intrigued by the story. By the way, I have just submitted three characters, I hope you like them
I've added the character list. I've decided to keep the real names of most characters a secret, just like a real MMO. There are also characters on the non-user submitted list who will appear later in the chapter.
Also a few questions to help me write the story to your preferences.
Next part should be out by Sunday.
What are you looking forward to most in the story? Action, mystery and characters developement.
Out of the user-submitted characters, who seems to be the most interesting? Hard to say by just a nickname, each of them must be interesting due to a fact of being created by someone!
Out of the non-user submitted characters who seems to be the most interesting? sooty.exe seem to be some program.... which can be pretty cool idea for a companion character.
Would you like a cute, funny, talking animal comic relief in the story? Why not, I like the idea
Would you like to see romance in the story? (No NSFW stuff though) Sure I do!
Would you like multiple PoVs or have Casper/Wolfius continue being the only PoV? This is entirely up to you depending how you feel comfortable with writing the story. I would say that it would be interesting to read the story from different points of view though.
Do you find Wolfius to be a likable protagonist? So far he is doing good, too early to judge.
Out of Casper, Oscar, Freddy and Cassie who do you relate to most? We did not see much of almost all of them, honestly hard to say.
Any suggestions to help improve my writing skills? Not really, your writing style is really nice to read.
Are you enjoying the story so far? Yes!
What are you looking forward to most in the story?
Character development is always my favourite thing in a story. Twist in the plot are also something I look forward to. And it sounds intriguing to see how elements of the different games will work together.
Out of the user-submitted characters, who seems to be the most interesting?
Since some of them are mine, I'm just going to concentrate on the others. Since I can judge them only by their names for now, I have to go with Azula. I love the original Avatar series, so that name gave me fond memories. I hope she's, well, less insane. In the end I guess they are all interesting characters.
Out of the non-user submitted characters who seems to be the most interesting?
From the names alone... Mathea said it, sooty.exe sounds very interesting. Spymaster Grimwood is also a very cool name and Darko Titanblood sounds like someone who is able to kick serious ass.
Would you like a cute, funny, talking animal comic relief in the story?
Sure, that sounds like an interesting idea.
Would you like to see romance in the story? (No NSFW stuff though)
Yes indeed. I'm a fan of romance elements in a story.
Would you like multiple PoVs or have Casper/Wolfius continue being the only PoV?
Personally, I'm a big fan of multiple PoV's, as different viewpoints can greatly enhance a story in my opinion. At the same time that should be up to you. If you feel comfortable with the idea, then by all means, do it, but if you want to stick to one central protagonist then that is fine as well
Do you find Wolfius to be a likable protagonist?
Yes,so far he is likeable. It was strange at first, having someone by the name of Wolfius as the protagonist, but he is a likeable and relatable character. So far, he is even my favourite character.
Out of Casper, Oscar, Freddy and Cassie who do you relate to most?
I got to say, for some reason I kinda liked Freddy. Despite his early death, he was a memorable character. What we have seen of him made him relatable for me.
Any suggestions to help improve my writing skills?
No, sorry. I am not very good at giving suggestions like that. I think your writing is great as it is, the parts have a nice length and it is easy and enjoyable to read, so I don't really see much room for improvement.
Are you enjoying the story so far?
Absolutely. I'm hyped for the story and I enjoy it very much.
Hehe, part about naming protagonist Wolfius made me smile and remind Wolfius from your story... well, it already reminded me from the very prologue actually. :-D
What are you looking forward to most in the story?
Suspense ,complex relationships and character deeloppement
Out of the user-submitted characters, who seems to be the most interesting?
I Don't have an opinion yet , but i can say by their name , they all look awesome ;D
Out of the non-user submitted characters who seems to be the most interesting?
Well ,The Anonymous man seems to be like an antagonist , and vilains have always been my favorite characters from Joker to the boltons .
Would you like a cute, funny, talking animal comic relief in the story?
Yes ! IT would be cool !!
Would you like to see romance in the story? (No NSFW stuff though)
Sure ! It always good to have some romance in a story !
Would you like multiple PoVs or have Casper/Wolfius continue being the only PoV?
It all depends on you , but personally , i would like to see multiple POVs.
Do you find Wolfius to be a likable protagonist?
Yeah , i like him
Out of Casper, Oscar, Freddy and Cassie who do you relate to most?
I kinda like Cassie , even we didn"t see her much
Any suggestions to help improve my writing skills?
I don't know anything about writing , i actually thought about making a story myself , and if i was to make one , you should actually be the one giving me advices ,
but i find your writing skills pretty good
Are you enjoying the story so far?
Yeah i love it !!
Anyways, I just found this and submitted a character. Awesome story so far. I've only watched the first episode of SAO, but never really watched anymore of it.
What are you looking forward to most in the story?
Action, adventure and awesome characters.
Out of the user-submitted characters, who seems to be the most interesting?
Just by name, Slayer sounds pretty cool. But so does Shinto.
Out of the non-user submitted characters who seems to be the most interesting?
Darko Titanblood sounds pretty interesting... Possibly.
Would you like a cute, funny, talking animal comic relief in the story?
Oh heck yeah! Talking animals!
Would you like to see romance in the story? (No NSFW stuff though)
Is it the purpose of life to love or is it the meaning of love to live? Sure, I'd like to see some romance.
Would you like multiple PoVs or have Casper/Wolfius continue being the only PoV?
Well, I'm more used to multiple PoV's. But I could deal with the one PoV if that's what you want to do. Either way, it's up to you really.
Do you find Wolfius to be a likable protagonist?
So far, yes. He has't given me a reason to not like him or completely like him yet, but he's good.
Out of Casper, Oscar, Freddy and Cassie who do you relate to most?
Eye, I think it would have to be Freddy. Poor guy.
Any suggestions to help improve my writing skills?
I don't feel like I'm in any position to be telling people how to write, since honestly I barely know what I'm doing half the time. But one of the things I've found out about writing is that you have to make it interesting to yourself. If you're not interested in your writing, then there's no point.
Are you enjoying the story so far?
Oh heck yeah. This is going to be good, I can feel it in my bones on this one.
Fusion Part 2
When Wolfius awoke, he thought that he had been transported to some form of purgatory. He was in some sort of endless, white void, with only a doorframe in front of him. Wolfius then realized in was back at the Cryogamer home screen. He quickly turned around, hoping to see the exit door, but was only greeted with the white abyss. He turned his attention back to the door in front and then realized it had some strange writing on it. Usually, there would be the poster of Magicblade Chronicles in the doorway, but instead there was jumbled-up mess of numbers and letters. He sighed, realizing that he would have to enter this doorway and reluctantly stepped forward into it.
Wolfius could hear the sound of rain thumping against the ground. He could feel the rain beating against his armour. The odour of petrichor burnt through his nostrils. He slowly opened his eyes, hoping that no enemies were nearby. He was wrong.
Several Nocturnal soldiers loomed over him. The expression of hatred masked their faces. Their swords were pointed at his throat. The wound that had pained Wolfius for the past few hours had now suddenly vanished from his torso. His greatsword rested in the palm of his hands. He was at full health.
Fuck it.
Within seconds the Nocturnals had been launched backwards into the air, the sheer power of Wolfius’ backflip over the group of killers accomplishing this feat. They quickly stumbled back onto their feet, ready for a battle with the high-level. They let out a bloodlust roar, charging forward. Soon the noise of the clashing of blades drowned out the hissing of the rain. As Wolfius swung his greatsword at his attackers, he suddenly heard a sound that Wolfius could only compare to the chopping of raw meat. A loud, pained scream rang out. One of the Nocturnals fell to the wet, muddy ground, clutching at a slit on his arm as scarlet red blood escaped through the gaps of his fingers. The other Nocturnal squealed in shock and fear, quickly onto their horses and riding into the distance, leaving their wounded comrade with the infuriated, vengeful warrior. Wolfius turned to the injured enemy, aiming his sword at his chest.
“Please don’t kill me!” the Nocturnal wept. “I have a family on the outside”.
[Kill him]
[Leave him]
[Heal him]
“We will find him, won’t we?” asked Spymaster Grimwood, her voice seemingly in a worried, anxious tone.
“I promise we will find your brother, but we need to find some sort of safe shelter first” Darko Titanblood assured the fretting girl. “But remember your duties as the guild spymaster first”.
Darko Titanblood was a tall warrior, dressed in white and red heavy armour, with a face that donned a combination of youthfulness and leader-like maturity. His complexion was smooth and of pale skin, with bright blonde hair that went down to the bottom of his neck and a short beard of the same colour. His spymaster was a short teenage girl, who wore light armour of the same red and white colour, albeit with a hood that cast a shadow of the top-half of her face, leaving only her nose and mouth visible.
The leader of the Union Jack Knights, which he had now renamed the Resistance after the recent disaster, had now become the Nocturnals’ most wanted man, with his guild now being at second place on the leaderboard, just below the Nocturnals after the fall of the Legion of the White Wolf and the Bloodbanes.
After several more minutes of walking the guildmaster and the spymaster had soon reached the end of the forest, with the Resistance headquarters, known as Skyborn coming into their view.
“How is the wall construction coming along Phobos?” Darko questioned.
“Excellently my lord, the Nocturnals are sure to never break through if they even manage to find us first” the advisor replied.
Phobos was a tall man, who mostly wore blue mage robes and donned the think grey beard. He was a very intellectual man who always gave Darko the best advice in leading the Resistance.
Suddenly, the whirring of helicopter blades erupted through the air. A spaceship was approaching.
“What the-?!” Phobos cried.
The spaceship gently landed in front of the gigantic fortress and dozens of armoured to the teeth soldiers leap out.
The leader of the squad seemed to be an average-height, horrendously scarred man with a brown buzz cut who looked like he belonged in Pandora’s Box rather than Magicblade Chronicles.
“Cadets, I need you to search the area and-” the man began before noticing the medieval knights and their castle.
“Care to explain what is happening here?” Darko questioned.
Before the squad leader had time to answer a horde of decaying, walking corpses dragged themselves out of the forest shadows.
The Anonymous Man furiously tossed the table across the room as if it weighed nothing.
“My lord, please, we have no idea what caused this game fusion and us Nocturnals suddenly being able to die like the others” whimpered the Nocturnal in front of him.
The Anonymous Man didn’t have a normal players form, he instead was a seven-foot tall demonic creature that strongly resembled a classic fantasy villain. He also lived in a huge, ominous-looking fortress with perfectly complimented the mass-murderer’s godless appearance.
“You imbecile!” the terrorist roared. “You people on the outside are supposed to prevent shit like this!”
“My lord, we believe that there is some sort of hacker on the outside world that has allied itself with Resistance” the Nocturnal replied. “This hacker may be the reason for the fusion and the deaths of our loyal soldiers”.
“Then find them and kill them!” the beast roared back.
“But my lord, we can’t log out!” the Nocturnal protested.
The Anonymous Man furiously picked his henchman of the ground by the neck and crushed his skull into a gooey, bloody mess with his large, boney, clawed hands.
“I guess Nocturnals really can die then” the Anonymous Man growled, marching back to seat himself on his dragon-bone throne.
End of part 2
[Leave him]
I'm not going to kill you. But that doesn't mean I have to help you either.
Great part! The story is advancing interestingly. I like the characters a lot. But the Anonymous Man, he kinda freaks me out a little. He seems to have no value for life in general and I'd like to avoid him at all costs.
[Kill him]
That guy belongs to a terroristic group of hackers who already killed hundreds of completely innocent people who also had a family on the outside, a large percentage of them likely not more than kids or teens. Oscar and Freddy are already dead because of his group, a group which he is likely to rejoin if we just let him go. He was absolutely willing to kill Wolfius just seconds ago, and now he has the audacity to beg for mercy? Sorry, but no way. That guy proved himself to be dangerous, he is the enemy and it is always better to kill an enemy than to give them a chance to continue the fight.
[Leave him] We don't want our protagonist to become like them, killing without hesitation. Let's just leave him.
[Leave him]
Just started watching this story and I'm already hooked! I really like the protagonist too.
I also submitted a character, hope you like her. ^_^
[Leave him] They are the enemy so we shouldn't help them but we should try to retain our humanity with the hope that we make it back to the real world someday.
The voting is closed!
Winning choice: [Leave him]
Next part release date: Tomorrow
Also I have a question: Where would you draw the line on how dark the themes of this story will go? I have some pretty horrific things planned for the Nocturnals to do.
Is there a line? I wasn't aware.
The line should be wherever you want it to be. If you're comfortable with writing about these horrific things that are planned, then by all means, include them. If you're okay with writing about it, I'm most likely okay with reading about it.
I don't think I would draw the line. If it horrifies me it's a good thing. It's always good to have some dark themes.
I totally agree with boys in all matters - I like it dark as well and I believe I will be good with whenever you place the line.
Hi TheFurryOne, your story seems pretty awesome, I'll definitely add a few characters but before I add one can you answer one of my question, it's possible to add one real life character that have 2 avatars not necessary in the same game world but something like multiple avatar on one character?
It is possible for the users to have multiple avatars, although they are stuck in the one they used when the Nocturnals hacked in. What happened to the avatars that weren't used at the time will be revealed later in the story.
btw when new part?
Holy shit, if that is real then I can die happy (hopefully not in the game though).
I've been having troubles with my PC recently, but now it's fixed I can release the part either today or tomorrow if I can get all my work done.
It's amazing how far we can go if we use our imagination, the possibilities are infinite but isn't a wonder that one day we'll be able to create our own worlds.
“The knowledge of all things is possible” ― Leonardo da Vinci
Even as a glitter of idea it amazing to experience a virtual world because one day you may not know where is the reality anymore :P
Yeah, some people already don't recognize reality and virtuality - imagine what would it be with vrmmo :-D
Too bad I am not from Japan :-(
Fusion Part 3
Wolfius’ eyes cracked open and the Cryogamer lid flipped open. It was then that he realized he was no longer Wolfius, he was Casper Grimm and he was in his bedroom as had left it all those months ago. The boy let out a sigh of relief and swung open his bedroom door and raced down the stairs ready to surprise his worried family with his appearance. When he went into the living room he immediately screamed at the sight of his mother and step-father’s bloody, mutilated corpses, in which Gizmo the family cat had been licking away at the blood pool leaking out of them. Lingering over their corpses were Nocturnal soldiers, their blade wet with blood. One of them ran towards him, pulling at the nape of his neck and pressing the tip of their blade at the chest of the small boy, who paled in comparison of size against the tall brute.
“NO! PLEASE!” Casper screamed.
The Nocturnal ignored his cries for mercy and stabbed him in the heart, blood streaming out of the fatal wound. He then violently tore the blade out of his victim’s chest, before allowing his lifeless body to crumple to the floor along with his parents.
Then Wolfius woke up back in the game, panting gasping for breath, before thanking God that it was only a nightmare.
He’d been having horrific dreams like this ever since he allowed that spineless Nocturnal to continue on living…
The arrow immediately killed the wild rabbit on impact. Warm blood slowly oozed out of the wound.
“Sorry, old chap” Wolfius said as he tore the arrow of the wound, making a squelchy, gooey noise.
Wolfius would never have done this in real life, with him being both a vegetarian and an animal lover, but since the rabbit he had killed was just an AI which would soon respawn as another rabbit that would soon be killed by Wolfius once again. The reason why Wolfius had begun hunting the local wildlife was because he had grown tired of eating the berries and walnuts in the forest area in which he had taken shelter in.
Wolfius had been living here for about three months now, he was too afraid to venture out to look for civilization in case he got lost, encountered a boss or the Nocturnals found him. The forest area had a lake of clean, fresh water and a plentiful supply of berries safe for consumption.
Suddenly, the thundering sound of horse hooves against soil echoed throughout the forest, nearing closer and closer to Wolfius’ location.
“Shit” Wolfius breathed, as he rushed into the nearby bushes and shrubbery and carefully placed the rabbit carcass into his inventory before unsheathing his bow. The Nocturnals must have found him. They had been searching the entire map for high-level players to either recruit them into their ranks or kill them if they proved a threat to the terroristic hackers.
When the horde of warriors and steeds finally arrived at Wolfius’ hiding area he noticed that they weren’t Nocturnals at all; they were instead dressed in crimson and white armours whilst some wore white robes with a single, golden fist logo on the torso. Wolfius focused his eyes upon one of the soldiers until a pop-up appeared above his head stating the soldier’s name and guild name. It read “Union Jack Knights” and in brackets another name appeared under guild name “branch of the Resistance guild.” One of the white-robed soldiers had the guild name “Slayer’s Fist” and had the same “branch of the Resistance guild” below it. The soldiers scanned the area until their view rested upon the location of where Wolfius was hiding.
“There!” one of them yelled, signalling his guild-mates at the bush Wolfius had hid in.
Wolfius quickly sped out of the shrubbery and ran for his life. He heard a loud bang and a cold, icy pain ran up his back, causing him to fall to the ground, paralysed. Wolfius then realized that one of the guild mages had struck him with a paralysis spell. A tall, white-robed man with lore-defying hair styled into a pompadour, dark blue eyes and a very masculine face loomed over him, his staff aimed at Wolfius’ face.
“Did you get him?” questioned another man, who was dressed in Level 1 leather armour with the pauldrons and greaves being the only iron on him and had the face of someone who looked like they had been messing around with the sliders in the character creation.
“Yeah, he’s down” the mage answered, before turning his attention back to Wolfius.
“Don’t worry, we’re not Nocturnals and we’re not going to hurt you, we’re just trying to find high level players and keep them from the Nocturnals” he reassured. “My name is Slayer, leader of the Slayer’s Fist guild”.
Wolfius was about to ask the mage to take off the paralysis effect but before he could the mage cast a telekinetic levitation spell on him and placed him into the carriage near the horses and soldiers.
The blade cut deep on the prisoner’s flesh, causing to scream in agony as tears streamed down his face.
“FUCK! PLEASE STOP, I’M BEGGING YOU!” the torture victim begged.
The Anonymous Man (who was now in a more human for) let out a psychotic cackle, laughing at his human piñata.
“No” the terrorist stated, now in a serious tone. He normally had his own torturer doing this for him, but the crime lord felt like he needed to let off some steam.
The prisoner had been horrifically beaten beyond recognition, bruises patched on his face, a bloody, toothless set of gums and crimson trickling down his face. His captor had begun trying a technique called “flaying.”
“You fucking monster!” another captive roared, who had been locked in a metal cage, dangling from the ceiling by a chain, seemingly above a pile of logs and trash, like some sort of bonfire was about to take place.
“Hush now, little bird” the Anonymous Man growled, clicking his fingers together to conjure up a ball of roaring fire, which he then tossed into the wood pile, creating an even bigger parade of deathly flames.
The caged prisoner looked down and gasped, his heart skipping a beat.
“No, please, I’m sorry my lord!” he cried as the flames began to tickle the bottom of the metal cage.
The prisoner yelped and flinched at the hissing of heat-conducting metal, as he began to do agonizing dance-like jumps, more fast and rapid as the flames now hugged the entire base of the cage, causing it to almost glow. The soles of the prisoner’s feet were now an angry red and blistered, blood oozing out of hardened and cracked flesh. The panicked man began grasping at the cage bars, attempting to climb to the top of the cage near the roof, but little did he know that the entire cage had been swallowed up by immense heat, causing him to fall backwards, smoke slithering out of his wounded hands, onto the cage base, allowing his entire back to be enveloped by the hot metal. In agony and desperation he began rolling around, trying to get the pain off him, but all he accomplished was his flesh to grossly peel off, blood spitting out and bloody bone to be revealed. After a few moments, the man was disguised with smoke, the smell of burning meat to surround the area (much to the Anonymous Man’s delight). The man’s now gory, burnt to a crisp body finally gave in and he stopped moving and the screaming died down.
“Sweet dreams, princess” the Anonymous Man grinned, before continuing to strip his other prisoner of flesh.
Wolfius cracked his eyes open, the paralysis effect ad now worn off, but he was in immense discomfort which causing him to stretch out, his bones crackling back into position.
“You’re awake” the peculiar looking warrior said, a warm smile across his face.
“Where are we going?” Wolfius asked.
“To Skyborn, the main keep of the Union Jack Knights and Resistance guilds” he responded. “My name is Shinto and we need you to-”
Suddenly a loud bang echoed throughout the area, causing the carriage to be sent flying into the air. Both Wolfius and the other man were sent bashing into the ceiling. When the carriage finally stopped rolling along the soil, the sound of swords clashing together could be heard outside.
“Stay here” Wolfius told the man, before dragging himself out of the carriage door, which had now appeared upside down to him after the carriage’s crash. He immediately recognised the Nocturnal and Union Jack Knights and Slayer’s Fist uniforms and the Nocturnal uniforms.
“Well shit” Wolfius sighed, before unsheathing his greatsword and charging towards to one of the soldiers.
He slashed one along the arm, causing them to scream in agony and fall to the ground. He wanted to kill the bastards as much as anyone else, but he felt that he weren’t ready to lose a part of his humanity yet.
Wolfius wounded several of the Nocturnals and saw that their leader was the same mountain of meat that murdered Oscar and was also menacingly grinning at him. Rage filled the unstable warrior, but as he went to engage battle with his friend’s killer, he noticed that Slayer was on low health and surrounded by Nocturnals, whilst Shinto was at full health, but at the low level and cornered by a Nocturnal who slowly walked towards him, aiming his blade at his heart.
[Save Slayer]
[Save Shinto]
save Shinto because well... we're evil, evil, very evil, just joking [Save Slayer] the poor one which ironically will be slayed ( ̄m ̄)
[Save Shinto] If he's low level he'll probably be slaughtered unaided.
[Save Shinto] Because he is low level and have sword directed into his heart.
[Save Slayer]
Damn it, I wasn't expecting this kind of choice that early in the story
That one was extremely hard for me, especially considering that both of them are my characters and considering that I'd like to save both. In the end, I went with Slayer though it was a close decision. While I like him and Shinto equally, I feel like he is the more useful one for the rebellion, since he is the leader of a powerful guild and a high-level character. Shinto on the other hand has one thing that speaks in his favour, though I feel like Slayer is the more useful one overall. I also have the hopes that he'll somehow manage to keep the one Nocturnal at bay while Wolfius saves Slayer. Considering that he has full health and is not exactly the worst fighter despite his low level, he might just make it and I think his chances are better than Slayer's. Slayer on the other hand is surrounded and is most likely going to die, unless getting surrounded and beaten to near death is part of his strategy. Though, as hard as this choice was for me, there is one good thing coming out of it: No matter the outcome, one of my characters is getting saved 
[Save Slayer]
Like Liquid said, he can prove to be more useful in the long run.
I have strong words of dislike aimed towards this anonymous man. Horrible... Horrible... Horrible man.
Great part!
[Save Shinto] Because it's not cool to kill low levels , not at all !!