Lily appearing or jane lasting the whole season 3
which of these would you think would be a better thing to have in season 3 ???
(i personally think lily appearing since im not that big of a fan of Jane)
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Both please.
It should vary on the choices
If you are with Kenny or at Wellington, it will be looking lily
If you are with Jane or with the family, obviously, it wil, be Jane
If you are alone it will be Christa or none of the above
Lilly appearing. Fuck Jane
Although I like Lilly more than Jane, I'd rather have Jane stay, because Lilly also coming back would end with the realism of this entire game, whereas Jane is already here.
Leave Lilly be. After Kenny's controversial return in Season 2, I'd rather Lilly remains missing than to see her return and have her be portrayed just as how Kenny was since his reintroduction.
I don't mind either Kenny or Jane making more appearances in Season 3, but they should not take the spotlight from other characters, especially Clementine.
One character, however, who definitely needs to return in Season 3 is Christa. None of that 'some people just remain lost forever' nonsense regarding about her, Christa has potential to grow as a great character of her own and also help fill in the gaps of how Clementine came to be in Season 2.
Agree with most of your points. I dont need Lilly back, Kenny and Jane should make a graceful exit and be ended, and they should definitely address the Christa thing. Are we supposed to assume she is lying dead in the woods because that is extremely unsatisfactory to me.
Jane surviving the whole season would be unfair to gamers that want Kenny to live all season. Even though neither is likely
Are you kidding me? Kenny's been in the majority of 9 episodes of the game so far, and he's hogged quite a bit of the spotlight in parts of it. Jane's been in 3 episodes so far, and she barely had any lines in one of those eps. How is having Jane have the same number of episodes that Kenny had unfair? Kenny had his runthrough already, in season 1 AND season 2. Two seasons of him was already too much of him; an entire more season of him is just pushing past nauseating to outright projectile vomiting. It's time to let dead dogs lie.
Jane should not last longer. I want to know new characters in Season 3.
what i mean was Jane surviving and Kenny i dint include Kenny because then there would be very little lily appearing answers
You can easily get to know new characters with Jane AND Kenny still being there.
I think it's more likely that we'll be with Kenny/Jane/Alone for a small portion at the beginning of Episode 1 of Season 3. Certain events will lead Clementine and AJ to encounter a new character/group.
Lily may or may not make an appearance, but it would certainly be more interesting if she does.
I personally think Season 3 would be awesome if we control a new character that encounters Clementine and depending on the decisions Clem made in Season 2 (#MyClementine) will shape and effect her relationship with her new companion depending on the decision the new character makes.
The game lost it's realism when Kenny appeared in season 2.
With or without them, I don't care.
Because that's exactly what happened in Season 2 right.
I agree completely. My point is that bringing back Lilly would only make it worse, even if they do develop her successfully. They lost their chance as soon as we found Kenny.
But Jane's dead.
If you don't care then why are you saying you DON'T want Jane?
And who's fault was it?
Kenny and Jane fans both feel strongly on it. It would seem like writing favoritism to have a choice and give one character plot armor while the other dies seconds in and would upset a portion of the fan base.
Now that they're both determinant and pretty much expendable I'd agree as they don't even have to be there at this point
i like lilly, but i really doubt she'll ever come back. i don't want her to make an appearance anyways. i'd be afraid with what the writers will do to her based off how they did with kenny. as for jane, a determinant character won't last a whole season. unless you want her just standing around with little dialogue.
ideally, i'd want both of these. realistically, neither will happen, and i don't want either to happen.
I mean I don't want either Kenny or Jane to last longer. I want to know new characters, the cabin group could have been more useful but had a fail development.
The writers.
Oh please. Kenny fans have already been favored; Kenny already died in season 1 and was already brought back to life just to please his fans, and he already had plot armor to the point of it being ridiculous throughout all of season 2. He should've died at the end of season 1; he should've died when Carver bashed his head in; he should've fallen through the ice and died when he went to get Arvo out of the broken ice (and then seconds later Clem/Bonnie falls through the ice and can die when doing the same thing Kenny did to try to get Luke out of the water); if logic were actually followed, Kenny should've died along with Clem and AJ in his endings when trying to look for Wellington in the freezing cold when he has no idea what state Wellington is even in.
Hell even in season 1, he gets shot in the same place that he gets shot at the end of season 2 which proves to be a fatal shot--right in his stomach--and he survives that gut shot in season 1!
If Kenny can die from a gut shot in Season 2, why doesn't he die from a gut shot to the same exact place in "Starved for Help"? Kenny should've died ages ago. How on earth can you call that not having plot armor?
Too late. I (and I know many others are too) am already annoyed that Kenny's still alive when he should've died over and over and over again in the past, to the point that it's just plain stupid now that he's still alive.
I honestly don't care if Jane/Kenny will survive whole season, I just hope their deaths are going to be well written. About Lily, she can come back, if they are able to make it belivable.
Btw, nice avatar, @ash2ashes
oh wow
that tripped me out a bit lol
Yes. Jane and Lilly are good for the soul.
Your argument on how he has survived the impossible can be made about other characters just as well such as Clementine surviving all she did and the second season, Lee being able to kill multiple walkers and the stranger while being bitten or with one arm while shrugging off a gut shot within a second. However you won't here me defending Kenny, personally I'd prefer if neither of them are in Season 3. It's just that several of the fanbase who chose to save Kenny in NGB would likely be divided about how their choice would be irrelevant or catering to another ending over another.
you REALLY Dont like anyone who likes other people then Jane, especially Kenny, dont you? Jeez relax, this is the reason why most people do not like Jane, or Kenny for that matter, because of the over obsessed fans that either love one and hate the other, and say that the one doesn't deserve to be in the next game.
Except Kenny doesn't deserve to be in the next game.
Reads your comment Yeah, not bothering responding to that except for this, conversation ruined.
Sighs Regardless, something both Jane and Kenny fans should probably understand is that they can both be killed/left behind and if they do appear again they likely won't last forever no matter how much you'd like them to. That's the entire definition of what a "Determinant" character is
I'm wondering what happens to Kenny in S3, if Clem will be with him in wellignton since there will be a time skip where Kenny can now join, or if S3 starts off with Clem and Kenny surviving like with Christa and Clem, and something will happen that will get them separated, TT is going to have to work hard on that if they want it to make sense, and change the beginning to if you stay at wellignton and Kenny leaves or if you go with Kenny, if Clem is the main character again.
I'd rather neither appear because I hate them both. Like my two least favorite characters.
^Agreed, honestly I just don't want people getting their hopes up and being disappointed with the end result. We've already seen determinant characters be treated with less care than a box of animal fiescies. Don't be surprised if we get a Nick in a fence.
God that was the worst. He had such a good character arc and he could have redeemed himself somehow but nope.
Lol you'd be incredibly wrong there. Assumptions, assumptions everywhere!