Lily appearing or jane lasting the whole season 3



  • Too late. I (and I know many others are too) am already annoyed that Kenny's still alive when he should've died over and over and over again in the past, to the point that it's just plain stupid now that he's still alive.

    I'll get the violin

    sialark posted: »

    Oh please. Kenny fans have already been favored; Kenny already died in season 1 and was already brought back to life just to please his fans

  • You're not doing yourselves any favors by reacting this way either.

    sialark posted: »

    Lol you'd be incredibly wrong there. Assumptions, assumptions everywhere!

  • She's also safe and sound at Howe's, because

    there are no canon endings.

    Sanders12 posted: »

    But Jane's dead.

  • edited February 2016

    Lmao, its clearly said in the sentence.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Too late. I (and I know many others are too) am already annoyed that Kenny's still alive when he should've died over and over and over again in the past, to the point that it's just plain stupid now that he's still alive. I'll get the violin

  • edited February 2016

    Not trying to get into (another) argument with you, but why do you think that? @sialark has been talking about Kenny since the begining, he/she doesn't insult Kenny's fans even once...

  • Neither should Jane. She is the reason the main characters of Season 2 died.

    sialark posted: »

    Except Kenny doesn't deserve to be in the next game.

  • They got him for 9 episodes and Jane's only been in 2 -_-

    Clemenem posted: »

    Jane surviving the whole season would be unfair to gamers that want Kenny to live all season. Even though neither is likely

  • I wasn't saying he/she did or does insult the Kenny fans but it just comes across in sialark's posts that he/she really doesn't like them because their views are different to his/her's, it just seems he/she is more extreme than other Jane fans that's all but hey that's fine because obviously there are Kenny fans who feel the same way

    Not trying to get into (another) argument with you, but why do you think that? @sialark has been talking about Kenny since the begining, he/she doesn't insult Kenny's fans even once...

  • Please tell me how anyone's death was her fault? Don't bring up Sarah.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Neither should Jane. She is the reason the main characters of Season 2 died.

  • edited February 2016

    So? They're both determinant. I still can't believe people think determinant characters are meant to last all season

    remorse667 posted: »

    They got him for 9 episodes and Jane's only been in 2 -_-

  • I still can't believe people think determinant characters are meant to last all season

    I never said that. I wish she could last all season long though :(

    Clemenem posted: »

    So? They're both determinant. I still can't believe people think determinant characters are meant to last all season

  • Shes actually been in 3 eps lol but it's quality not quantity :)

    remorse667 posted: »

    They got him for 9 episodes and Jane's only been in 2 -_-

  • She got development out of nowhere in episode 4 and she made us forget about Luke, Nick, Sarah and Rebecca.

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    Please tell me how anyone's death was her fault? Don't bring up Sarah.

  • edited February 2016

    "She got development ou of nowhere" - Dude, what? I mean don't all the characters get development out of nowhere? It seems that you prefered that they had another underused character that was just there?

    "she made us forget about Luke, Nick, Sarah and Rebecca" - Well, I surely didn't forget about them, but even if that was the case I'm unable to see how that's Jane's fault and not the writers. For example, with your logic I can demonize Sarah for getting development in Ep3. "Why did Sarah got developed? They should be focusing on Carlos, Rebecca and Nick!!!" - would that make sense to you?

    You're trying really hard to make her "the ruin of Season 2".

    AronDracula posted: »

    She got development out of nowhere in episode 4 and she made us forget about Luke, Nick, Sarah and Rebecca.

  • You're right. She does stay in the background for most of episode 3. But Kenny has had heavy involvement in all 9 episodes. Not gonna lie, without him, season 1 wouldn't be the same.. But to say having Jane last all season long would be unfair to Kenny fans is just incorrect.

    But, I think the best method would be to throw both Jane, and Kenny out of the picture and start fresh

    dan290786 posted: »

    Shes actually been in 3 eps lol but it's quality not quantity

  • I disagree. I didn't forget about Rebecca, in fact she got a decent amount of development. I mean she DID give birth you know. I forgot about Nick in episode 3, considering he had like three lines. The only person I remotely agree with you is Sarah. She was basically just there to prove Jane's point. As for Luke, I found Jane way more interesting than him and she was just introduced an episode ago. Other than that, everything else should be blamed on the writers. I don't see how Jane getting development "out of nowhere" killed off the characters you listed.

    AronDracula posted: »

    She got development out of nowhere in episode 4 and she made us forget about Luke, Nick, Sarah and Rebecca.

  • edited February 2016

    Even though we knew NOTHING about her in episode 3.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Shes actually been in 3 eps lol but it's quality not quantity

  • First of all, Jane was introduced in mid-season, not in premiere. She got development for no reason when we still had Luke, Nick, Sarah and Rebecca. Off, you think I thought Jane was NOT coming from the writers? J.T. Petty, main writer of episode 4, deserves no money.

    "She got development ou of nowhere" - Dude, what? I mean don't all the characters get development out of nowhere? It seems that you prefered

  • edited February 2016

    She got development out of nowhere in episode 4 and she made us forget about Luke, Nick, Sarah and Rebecca

    It's the writers that are at fault, not the character.

    AronDracula posted: »

    She got development out of nowhere in episode 4 and she made us forget about Luke, Nick, Sarah and Rebecca.

  • I ditched this forum for a while, hoping the Kenny-haters would migrate somewhere else over time, or find another character/situation to nitpick for years on end. I'm sorry to see I was mistaken.

    sialark posted: »

    Oh please. Kenny fans have already been favored; Kenny already died in season 1 and was already brought back to life just to please his fans

  • Here's the only way I want Lilly back. We stumble on to an RV, Inside we find a female Walker with a W carved in its head. We cut off its arms and lower jaw, then name our cow catcher Lilly! Or we can just find her corpse. Ethier way, Jane is too big a plot hole to just leave open. So I vote her,(if your Kenny did'nt destroy her);)

  • Just a friendly reminder, I'd like to ask that discussion please be kept civil. Thanks!

  • They did stop for a while, but I guess Season 3 hype sparked discussion back up.

    I ditched this forum for a while, hoping the Kenny-haters would migrate somewhere else over time, or find another character/situation to nitpick for years on end. I'm sorry to see I was mistaken.

  • edited February 2016

    Migrate where exactly?

    I ditched this forum for a while, hoping the Kenny-haters would migrate somewhere else over time, or find another character/situation to nitpick for years on end. I'm sorry to see I was mistaken.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited February 2016

    Actually, it's not the same place

    The gunshot in S2 went through his chest/upper abdomen (you can see a big bloody spot on his chest/abdomen after you shoot him), while the shot in Starved For Help clipped him in his flank/side

    sialark posted: »

    Oh please. Kenny fans have already been favored; Kenny already died in season 1 and was already brought back to life just to please his fans

  • Unfortunately, its gonna happen and people are going to be pissed and not realize it was there own pipe dream and just blame Telltale.

    Clemenem posted: »

    ^Agreed, honestly I just don't want people getting their hopes up and being disappointed with the end result. We've already seen determinant

  • I don't really blame the writers entirely, either. If you forget about a character, it is also your fault. I've come across people who don't remember half of the names on Season 2.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    She got development out of nowhere in episode 4 and she made us forget about Luke, Nick, Sarah and Rebecca It's the writers that are at fault, not the character.

  • i believe jane is cooming for season 3 she is not as stubborn as lili

  • But then that would still bring the writers to fault wouldn't it? Because they failed to make the characters memorable to the audience. I keep forgetting Reggie even existed! T_T

    I don't really blame the writers entirely, either. If you forget about a character, it is also your fault. I've come across people who don't remember half of the names on Season 2.

  • The writers are at fault, too. It's really a matter of opinion whether a character is memorable. Most of us seem to agree that Reggie is easy to forget, LOL.

    All the minor characters at Howe's stuck to me for some reason.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    But then that would still bring the writers to fault wouldn't it? Because they failed to make the characters memorable to the audience. I keep forgetting Reggie even existed! T_T

  • edited March 2016

    You remember at the time they did a Reggie video where they talked about him and the voice actor? XD he didn't even make it through HALF the episode!

    You mean the 400 Days characters? I miss those guys. At least, I'd like to know what happened to them. They didn't contribute much of anything other than cameos :(

    The writers are at fault, too. It's really a matter of opinion whether a character is memorable. Most of us seem to agree that Reggie is easy to forget, LOL. All the minor characters at Howe's stuck to me for some reason.

  • The footage they uploaded of Reggie was more or less half of his total screentime, which was barely around 5 or 10 minutes in total to begin with.

    Makes you wonder why the writers bothered with advertising his character and the voice actor if Reggie was pretty much irrelevant to the story in the first place.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    You remember at the time they did a Reggie video where they talked about him and the voice actor? XD he didn't even make it through HALF the

  • Yeah, it was IGN's. Kumail Nanjiani barely said anything about Reggie during the interview; we should've known to expect him not to be a big character. And I was actually thinking about those who we saw once during the episode—Tyler, Lowell, Vera, Hank and Tisha.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    You remember at the time they did a Reggie video where they talked about him and the voice actor? XD he didn't even make it through HALF the

  • just have to ask is your name a mix of Eminem and Clementine, if so we need to be friends now.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Now that they're both determinant and pretty much expendable I'd agree as they don't even have to be there at this point

  • they might make different paths depending on which ending you had

    She's also safe and sound at Howe's, because there are no canon endings.

  • so out of the girl who shot Omid and Arno you hate Lily and Jane?

    I'd rather neither appear because I hate them both. Like my two least favorite characters.

  • Jane. I Need so much more of Jane.

  • I ditched this forum for a while, hoping the Kenny-haters would migrate somewhere else

    Sorry to break it to you, but there's always going to be people who disagree with you about things, no matter where you go in the world and no matter what you do. Better get used to it.

    I ditched this forum for a while, hoping the Kenny-haters would migrate somewhere else over time, or find another character/situation to nitpick for years on end. I'm sorry to see I was mistaken.

  • you REALLY Dont like anyone who likes other people then Jane, especially Kenny, dont you?

    As I've said before, this is a big fat assumption and you're basically making things up about me that I frankly do not appreciate in the slightest.

    you REALLY Dont like anyone who likes other people then Jane

    I don't have any problems with people who like characters other than Jane, such as Bonnie, Luke, Arvo, Lee, hell any character. That includes Kenny too. I like some people here who like Kenny, such as @Deltino and @prink34320 . What I do have a problem with is when people are rude enough to me that they deserve to get banned or their comments have to be deleted for their attitude towards me personally, and when they make unfair assumptions about me to the point that it derails an entire thread. I've never attacked you or anyone else on these forums personally (I've never been banned once for my 1 1/2 years here thank you very much and I've never even gotten a warning, so put that in your pipe and smoke it.) I'd be lying if I said there was no one on these forums who annoyed me, but it's also an absolute lie to claim that I hate all people who like Kenny just because I say I don't want Kenny in the game.

    And as I've stated before, I don't think Kenny really deserves to be in the entirety of season 3, as he was basically forced back into the grand majority of season 2, whether the player wanted him there or not. In season 2, his overbearing presence didn't allow for the other characters to evolve as much; he went through the same exact character arc in losing Sarita, a Katjaa-like figure again and then dealing with the aftermath of that; he should've died a thousand times over due to his own idiotic mistakes and yet the writers kept him in the game (though if there was any logic applied to his situations whatsoever he would've died time and time again.) The final Season 2 decision basically boiled down to pushing the player over and over and over and over again to the point that you literally have to shoot Kenny when he's finally pushed the player too far. That was Telltale's exact strategy: annoy the player with Kenny until the player says, "That's it! I can't take it anymore! You're done!" and you can shoot him. Finally, Kenny's received about 7 different good-byes from both season 1 and season 2 (1. getting Christa out of the building, 2. staying with Ben, 3. shoot Kenny in his side and he has an "emotional" death speech, 4. leave Kenny at the car and go alone, 5. shoot Kenny in the head, 6. leave Kenny and enter Wellington after another "emotional" speech, 7. leave Wellington and go with Kenny after that "emotional" speech) and frankly I don't see how Kenny fans can't be satisfied with that. You can leave Kenny in any way you wish; he gets (albeit ridiculously corny) "emotional" speeches and the longest endings of season 2; and many Kenny fans agree that the Wellington endings seem to be the most conclusive endings, a perfect place to end a story. So why not end it there?

    over obsessed fans

    This is just the best, really. You respond to my post, which I've backed up with things that have actually happened in the game, with no facts from the actual game, but by insulting me instead? Very nice, kid.

    NorthStars posted: »

    you REALLY Dont like anyone who likes other people then Jane, especially Kenny, dont you? Jeez relax, this is the reason why most people do

  • I don't understand how I was being rude to you. I was just trying to explain that determinant characters have always died and will likely continue to. No matter what some fans will likely be upset with the end result of this choice no matter what. All I'm saying is to try to lower expectations

    sialark posted: »

    you REALLY Dont like anyone who likes other people then Jane, especially Kenny, dont you? As I've said before, this is a big fat ass

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