Well that depends on what your looking for really; any pairings? Aus? Major character death? You can check the Ao3 tag to see if whatever your looking for pops up.
Well actually if you guys could give me your recommended fanfics to read, like a list, I would very much appreciate it. I am up for any story except ship stories invovling Clem.
Well that depends on what your looking for really; any pairings? Aus? Major character death? You can check the Ao3 tag to see if whatever your looking for pops up.
Okay I got a few recommendations. There's the Into The Fray series by Thunderslate. He's written 3 stories about the 400 Days group. I haven't read them myself but it's pretty popular and people seem to enjoy it, so possibly worth a read especially if you like those characters.
We have Leafs Nation who's done some impressive fics. One of those I would suggest is Loner that's a prequel to Jane's past with her sister. But I would definitely suggest having a look through the others since he's done a few on Season 1 as well. But yeah this is writer with a high recommendation.
J. Gray Dingler has done some stories called Young and Young at Heart and the sequel Three Orphan Pilgrimage that features Clementine and Sarah on their own. Again these are ones I haven't read, but the author really puts her all into them so I can't help adding her.
ZombieGuy96 has written a butt ton of TWDG fics all linked into a series about time travel, the very first one starting with No Going Back. Writes like a bullet. Could try Reasons for Living by Michael7123 which is just a run through of Season 2 with some changes, and Just Keep Smilin' by RegularCasanova that is a prequel to Luke and the cabin group I think as well. I'm still reading it.
Lost our Way by PabloOftheDead set after Carver's camp, and that has an epic fight break out between Kenny and Luke at the start from what I remember, so if you were itching for more on that conflict then it's the one for you.
Something worth fighting for by TWDGamerKenny'sBro, features Molly meeting the group in Season 2. I enjoyed. He really did a good job in going into the mind of the character and bringing her to life so even though it's not very long I would give it a go definitely.
Sialark has done two stories, the most recent being Hard Rime based over what happened when Luke and Jane were alone on the observation deck, nothing M-rated but some decent character building that you may like. She also wrote Rag Dolls which is set after the shoot out where only Kenny, Luke and Clementine survive with the baby.
I've written some stories too called Growing Pains and the sequel Skin-Deep the first is a buddy-style adventure focusing on the brother sister dynamic between Clementine and Luke and with them trying to get to Wellington alive [the last patch of revision will be up on that soon hopefully]. The second is set within Wellington itself over a long period of time, showing the world change and Clementine growing up.
There's one other story that was on Lee in Season 1 someone recommended to me some time ago now, but I can't remember the name of it unfortunately if I do I'll post it here too. But yeah I hope these are of some help.
Edit: Yeah that fic about Lee it's called A New Day by SummertimeSadness1. o0HeaDShoT0o just mentioned it below! =D
Well actually if you guys could give me your recommended fanfics to read, like a list, I would very much appreciate it. I am up for any story except ship stories invovling Clem.
Last year I read a very good one, called The Walking Dead Season Three. Although it is set in the Kenny ending, you very easily can enjoy it even if you weren't his fan all that much. It has interesting and dynamic characters, which I think is what people who read fan-fiction value the most.
@Lilacsbloom mentioned Into The Fray, which I would also recommend if you wanted to know more about the 400 Days characters and the people from Howe's Hardware store. It begins with the "prisoners from the pen" playing music in the PA system.
Okay I got a few recommendations. There's the Into The Fray series by Thunderslate. He's written 3 stories about the 400 Days group. I haven… more't read them myself but it's pretty popular and people seem to enjoy it, so possibly worth a read especially if you like those characters.
We have Leafs Nation who's done some impressive fics. One of those I would suggest is Loner that's a prequel to Jane's past with her sister. But I would definitely suggest having a look through the others since he's done a few on Season 1 as well. But yeah this is writer with a high recommendation.
J. Gray Dingler has done some stories called Young and Young at Heart and the sequel Three Orphan Pilgrimage that features Clementine and Sarah on their own. Again these are ones I haven't read, but the author really puts her all into them so I can't help adding her.
ZombieGuy96 has written a butt ton of TWDG fics all linked into a series about time travel, the very… [view original content]
Last year I read a very good one, called The Walking Dead Season Three. Although it is set in the Kenny ending, you very easily can enjoy it… more even if you weren't his fan all that much. It has interesting and dynamic characters, which I think is what people who read fan-fiction value the most.
@Lilacsbloom mentioned Into The Fray, which I would also recommend if you wanted to know more about the 400 Days characters and the people from Howe's Hardware store. It begins with the "prisoners from the pen" playing music in the PA system.
Well, you'll certainly like it then! I was just clarifying that for those who don't exactly like him, like me. Nonetheless, I was on the edge of my seat most of the time.
waits patiently for someone to mention my story although I don't deserve it at all because my story is shit.
I personally liked @sialark's (I think it was theirs, I don't remember) short AU story they wrote when InfiniteDawn said they'd pay to see a story where Luke survived and the season ended happily or something like that. I don't remember the details as it's been about 2 weeks since I saw the comments, but I remember reading it and really liking it a lot.
And do you mean Rag Dolls with the whole thing after the shootout? It was Sialark's very first attempt writing a fanfic, I thought she did a really good job ^^
waits patiently for someone to mention my story although I don't deserve it at all because my story is shit.
I personally liked @sialark'… mores (I think it was theirs, I don't remember) short AU story they wrote when InfiniteDawn said they'd pay to see a story where Luke survived and the season ended happily or something like that. I don't remember the details as it's been about 2 weeks since I saw the comments, but I remember reading it and really liking it a lot.
I'm writing another story alongside the next chapter for Skin-Deep [which I've missed working on it so much!] It's going to have the theme of a conflict, you know, the one we all thought was going to happen, but didn't? Yeah, that one. So I'll be writing characters I wasn't unable to much before, because I'd accidentally killed them off, not knowing how far I'd be going with Growing Pains for it to be even getting a sequel at that...whoops.
Although this won't be my version of what I wanted to see in the game because that's never what I aim for when writing these, all I'll say is this new story is going to get dark, something that other my TWDG fics have gotten nowhere near as close to. I'm also attempting something I've never seen done in a TWDG fic before, so this is either going to work really, really well, and have readers be drawn into the story and what's happening...or, people are going to kill me. Either way, I'm excited!
Oh, and I'm hoping to do trailers for all three of the stories in time. Growing Pain's trailer is almost put together after I started work on it again recently. It might seem impossible to do that for something that's only visual through words, but it's amazing what you can do when it comes to manipulating clips and audio ^_^ I'm a super ass nerd when it comes to that stuff, bwahaha!
Come oooon, have more faith in yourself and link your story here! >.< there's no shame in recommending yourself. I did it with my mine… more.
Just do it! Make yours dreams come true!
And do you mean Rag Dolls with the whole thing after the shootout? It was Sialark's very first attempt writing a fanfic, I thought she did a really good job ^^
I'm writing another story alongside the next chapter for Skin-Deep [which I've missed working on it so much!] It's going to have the theme o… moref a conflict, you know, the one we all thought was going to happen, but didn't? Yeah, that one. So I'll be writing characters I wasn't unable to much before, because I'd accidentally killed them off, not knowing how far I'd be going with Growing Pains for it to be even getting a sequel at that...whoops.
Although this won't be my version of what I wanted to see in the game because that's never what I aim for when writing these, all I'll say is this new story is going to get dark, something that other my TWDG fics have gotten nowhere near as close to. I'm also attempting something I've never seen done in a TWDG fic before, so this is either going to work really, really well, and have readers be drawn into the story and what's happening...or, people are going to kill me. Either way, I'm excited!
I've … [view original content]
We both know what each of us are like anyway. The difference is, i don't go around slating Jane or any other character I dislike saying things like "i would hate Jane being in season 3, or if Lilly came back" or discussed a character I dislike not wanting to see fanfiction of him or her. I don go post to post being negative about characters I don't like but yeah I defend Kenny in a lot of posts but that's understandable
I wouldn't care if you did slate Jane or any other character you don't like. Cause it's an opinion. I disliked most everyone in season 2, from Kenny (although I never liked him after Starved for Help anyway) to Sarah to Luke. I thought the characters were either too rudimentary and drab or just did things that make them suspiciously mentally defective.
So, I don't really care either way if you dislike someone or if you're vocal about it. Plus, making fun of him is too damn fun anyways.
I know, I wasn't saying it wasn't
We both know what each of us are like anyway. The difference is, i don't go around slating Jane or any… more other character I dislike saying things like "i would hate Jane being in season 3, or if Lilly came back" or discussed a character I dislike not wanting to see fanfiction of him or her. I don go post to post being negative about characters I don't like but yeah I defend Kenny in a lot of posts but that's understandable
You have really low standards for your fiction, pal! I could show you a piece of crap with bad grammar, restricted vocabulary, boring characters and shallow settings, but you'd consider it good as long as there's nobody named Kenny.
Any fanfiction that has doesn't feature Kenny
You have really low standards for your fiction, pal! I could show you a piece of crap … morewith bad grammar, restricted vocabulary, boring characters and shallow settings, but you'd consider it good as long as there's nobody named Kenny.
I don't know how you even do it Deltino, but my ribs ache from laughter after reading half of your posts. I'd legitimately read this just to see how long it can go. Let me collaborate!
lea kick someone who is died with hurted leg from the polis car
and lea bash the head on dead polis car, of the died man!!
lea run away with polises man shotgun
little girl call clemtimne see lea and lea follow her
wander who it's right?
lea attacked bye clemtimne baby sit inside little girl house (be in susempt tho lol)
little girl camed and pass lea a hammer and lea bet babys sit head in okay i am tired of writing this is to much word for me
Once upon time ther were man
name Lea
he was in the polis car heading to the polis place... i think
the polis man driving him was t… morealkin to him
after talk man walk on th road
car crash BASH boom
the polis man is all "NOOO!!!"
and lea is all "OOF!"
car goes down off they road
lea wokes up, but all died
the polis car is dead
the polis man is died
lea is grabed by someone who is died
lee died
the end... ?
to be contined
I don't know how you even do it Deltino, but my ribs ache from laughter after reading half of your posts. I'd legitimately read this just to… more see how long it can go. Let me collaborate!
lea kick someone who is died with hurted leg from the polis car
and lea bash the head on dead polis car, of the died man!!
lea run away with polises man shotgun
little girl call clemtimne see lea and lea follow her
wander who it's right?
lea attacked bye clemtimne baby sit inside little girl house (be in susempt tho lol)
little girl camed and pass lea a hammer and lea bet babys sit head in okay i am tired of writing this is to much word for me
too many work 4 today okay peace out
I don't know how you even do it Deltino, but my ribs ache from laughter after reading half of your posts. I'd legitimately read this just to… more see how long it can go. Let me collaborate!
lea kick someone who is died with hurted leg from the polis car
and lea bash the head on dead polis car, of the died man!!
lea run away with polises man shotgun
little girl call clemtimne see lea and lea follow her
wander who it's right?
lea attacked bye clemtimne baby sit inside little girl house (be in susempt tho lol)
little girl camed and pass lea a hammer and lea bet babys sit head in okay i am tired of writing this is to much word for me
too many work 4 today okay peace out
Well, I wrote a short ficlet thing on the forums that InfiniteDawn had requested,on Sarah surviving. It was over here. So maybe that's what you were talking about.
Also, just checked out your story,and wow are you dedicated to that! I'll have to give it a proper read when I have the chance.
waits patiently for someone to mention my story although I don't deserve it at all because my story is shit.
I personally liked @sialark'… mores (I think it was theirs, I don't remember) short AU story they wrote when InfiniteDawn said they'd pay to see a story where Luke survived and the season ended happily or something like that. I don't remember the details as it's been about 2 weeks since I saw the comments, but I remember reading it and really liking it a lot.
Well, I wrote a short ficlet thing on the forums that InfiniteDawn had requested,on Sarah surviving. It was over here. So maybe that's what you were talking about.
Yep, that's the one. XD
Also, just checked out your story,and wow are you dedicated to that!
I haven't posted a new chapter in 3 months. XD I think dedication is a strong word. I am trying really hard to write a slew of content so I can post on a good schedule. But thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it. I do other stories too, but none that I'd feel like sharing on the forums.
Well, I wrote a short ficlet thing on the forums that InfiniteDawn had requested,on Sarah surviving. It was over here. So maybe that's what … moreyou were talking about.
Also, just checked out your story,and wow are you dedicated to that! I'll have to give it a proper read when I have the chance.
I guess it all depends on what you're looking for.
I personally wrote this particular story in a fan fiction thread that I'm particularly proud of.
Title: Reasons. Setting: Las Vegas NV, San Jose California. Timeline: 12, 15 & 17 years since season 2. Main characters: Kenny, Clementine. Subject: Hope and perseverance.
( I hope you enjoy it).
As the sun sets over the great city, once known as one the entertainment captals of the world, now little more than a ghost town, two lone figures, an elderly man and a young woman, walk it's deserted streets. Kenny and Clementine, walking with weapons in hand, begin to look for a secure place to bed down for the night.
Aside from gathering supplies, their main goal, while here, is to possibly find a car that's operational, allowing to drive the rest of the way, as opposed to going on foot, as they have been doing since their sojourn began.
Since their reunion, 12 years earlier, the two have been traveling together. They have traveled across many states, and passed through many towns and cities, on their way towards California, in search for a place of safety. Having been on their journey for over 5 years, ever since Wellington turned out to be a dead end, the two have seen much hardship and suffering. They have encountered many people, both good and bad. And have killed walkers in the thousands.
Kenny, now at 57 years old, stands atop the intersecting freeways once known as the spaghetti bowl, and peers out over the horizon. Clementine now 23 yrs old, has grown into a beautiful woman. She joins Kenny at his side, and the two watch as the sun begins to set, watching it's orange raise shine across the abandoned cars and decaying buildings.
A gentle breeze begins to blow, refulling their hair. Walkers, can be seen in the distance, searching for anything they can find. Ordinarily, the two would never stand out in the open like this. But sight of the sun, setting over mount Charleston and Red Rock Canyon, has brought them a moment of peace.
Kenny turns to Clementine and says: " Soon Clem, we'll be in California, where hopefully we can find a place we can stay permanently. A place where we can not only survive, but also live and thrive." Clementine looks at Kenny, with a look of doubt and says: "Do you really believe that Kenny? After all the shit we've been through over the past 12 years, and all the people we've known who have died, Lee, Luke, Nick, Alvin, and all the things we've had to do to survive, what's the point in believing there's still hope?''
" I've lost people too Clem. Katja, Duck, Sarita, as you are well aware. People I loved! I understand the guilt you are feeling, that you have lived while they died," Kenny replies. " One thing I've learned in my 57 years, is that you cannot give up. No matter how bad things get, you continually find a reason to go on. Things eventually do work out."
Having found an old abandoned big rig truck to sleep in, Kenny crawls into it, ready to hunker down for the night. Clementine, still staring out over the overpass, reflects on Kenny's words. Her mind begins to drift back to days of long ago.
Kenny, standing by the truck, watches Clementine looking out over the horizon. Having in effect raised her as his own, not a day has gone by where he hasn't been concerned for her and her wellbeing. Nor anything He wouldn't do to protect her. And now, having made such a grueling trek across the country, with many miles still left to go, Kenny begins stroking his long grey beard, nervously awaiting her response, as to whether she will go on or not.
After a long wait, Clementine turns, looks at Kenny and smiles, letting him know that she has rediscovered her reason for living. Kenny returns the smile and the two crawl into the truck, shutting the doors, as the sound of walkers approach.
6 months later, Kenny and Clementine, have made their way to San Jose California. Having taken refuge on the grounds of the San Jose university college, the two, along with 10 other survivors, have begun forting up the place, building walls to secure the place. Using Spartan Stadium , they begin to plant crops and vegetables. Along with building water towers to catch the rain. While places like the Dr. MLK library continue to serve as a place of education. Though having to contend with walkers, and violent gangs in the area, the group manages to stand firm, and build a life for themselves.
Over time, under Kenny and Clemintine's leadership, the group grows to over 20, including women and children. Not only does the group survive, but also thrive, not only constructing aquiducts, but also learning how to harness wind and solar energy from blue prints found in the library.
After 3 years of their dwelling there, Kenny finds a new girlfriend, a 29 year old stunning blonde woman named Kelly, who had gone to this university during her college days. The next year, they have a little boy whom they name Lee, in honor of Kenny's old pal. Clementine assists with taking care of the boy, whenever Kenny is away directing different projects around the school.
After 5 years, the community has grown up to thirty-five strong. During the summer harvest, crops are plentiful, water has proven to be adequate, and everyone is enjoying the quality of life they have. While life is not perfect, the group has learned how to cope. With new solid 20 ft high/ 2 ft thick concrete walls the group have managed to construct, under Kenny's direction, the threat of walkers is nearly a thing of the past.
Kenny, Clementine, her new 45 year old husband Jim, and his 70 year old father Dave, have formed a group counsel. The counsel operates well, and with Jim's background as a policeman, Jim takes the lead in training the others in the group how to operate firearms. And with Dave's background as a doctor, helping in child births, plus giving the group sound medical advice on how to stay healthy, the group's health does well.
One summer afternoon, a 6 month pregnant Clementine from atop the library, looks out over the community. She watches a 62 year old Kenny, working on one of the new cars the community has managed to salvage. While her husband, along with others, are harvesting apples from the apple orchard the group had planted the year before. Remembering Kenny's words, over the spaghetti bowl in Vegas about how everything would work out, Clementine at 28 years old, looks out over the community and smiles.
Hmm let me see..
1) AJ nowhere to be found
2) Clem has father complex
3) Kenny is the leader of a huge group and everything works out well 4) Happy ending.
You know what I liked it!
I guess it all depends on what you're looking for.
I personally wrote this particular story in a fan fiction thread that I'm particularly p… moreroud of.
Title: Reasons. Setting: Las Vegas NV, San Jose California. Timeline: 12, 15 & 17 years since season 2. Main characters: Kenny, Clementine. Subject: Hope and perseverance.
( I hope you enjoy it).
As the sun sets over the great city, once known as one the entertainment captals of the world, now little more than a ghost town, two lone figures, an elderly man and a young woman, walk it's deserted streets. Kenny and Clementine, walking with weapons in hand, begin to look for a secure place to bed down for the night.
Aside from gathering supplies, their main goal, while here, is to possibly find a car that's operational, allowing to drive the rest of the way, as opposed to going on foot, as they have been doing since their sojourn began.
Since their reunion, 12 years earlier, the tw… [view original content]
Hmm let me see..
1) AJ nowhere to be found
2) Clem has father complex
3) Kenny is the leader of a huge group and everything works out well 4) Happy ending.
You know what I liked it!
Depends what you're looking for in terms of a story since there's a wide range out there. Do you have anything specific?
Well that depends on what your looking for really; any pairings? Aus? Major character death? You can check the Ao3 tag to see if whatever your looking for pops up.
Well actually if you guys could give me your recommended fanfics to read, like a list, I would very much appreciate it. I am up for any story except ship stories invovling Clem.
Okay I got a few recommendations. There's the Into The Fray series by Thunderslate. He's written 3 stories about the 400 Days group. I haven't read them myself but it's pretty popular and people seem to enjoy it, so possibly worth a read especially if you like those characters.
We have Leafs Nation who's done some impressive fics. One of those I would suggest is Loner that's a prequel to Jane's past with her sister. But I would definitely suggest having a look through the others since he's done a few on Season 1 as well. But yeah this is writer with a high recommendation.
J. Gray Dingler has done some stories called Young and Young at Heart and the sequel Three Orphan Pilgrimage that features Clementine and Sarah on their own. Again these are ones I haven't read, but the author really puts her all into them so I can't help adding her.
ZombieGuy96 has written a butt ton of TWDG fics all linked into a series about time travel, the very first one starting with No Going Back. Writes like a bullet. Could try Reasons for Living by Michael7123 which is just a run through of Season 2 with some changes, and Just Keep Smilin' by RegularCasanova that is a prequel to Luke and the cabin group I think as well. I'm still reading it.
Lost our Way by PabloOftheDead set after Carver's camp, and that has an epic fight break out between Kenny and Luke at the start from what I remember, so if you were itching for more on that conflict then it's the one for you.
Something worth fighting for by TWDGamerKenny'sBro, features Molly meeting the group in Season 2. I enjoyed. He really did a good job in going into the mind of the character and bringing her to life so even though it's not very long I would give it a go definitely.
Sialark has done two stories, the most recent being Hard Rime based over what happened when Luke and Jane were alone on the observation deck, nothing M-rated but some decent character building that you may like. She also wrote Rag Dolls which is set after the shoot out where only Kenny, Luke and Clementine survive with the baby.
I've written some stories too called Growing Pains and the sequel Skin-Deep the first is a buddy-style adventure focusing on the brother sister dynamic between Clementine and Luke and with them trying to get to Wellington alive [the last patch of revision will be up on that soon hopefully]. The second is set within Wellington itself over a long period of time, showing the world change and Clementine growing up.
There's one other story that was on Lee in Season 1 someone recommended to me some time ago now, but I can't remember the name of it unfortunately
if I do I'll post it here too. But yeah I hope these are of some help.
Edit: Yeah that fic about Lee it's called A New Day by SummertimeSadness1. o0HeaDShoT0o just mentioned it below! =D
Last year I read a very good one, called The Walking Dead Season Three. Although it is set in the Kenny ending, you very easily can enjoy it even if you weren't his fan all that much. It has interesting and dynamic characters, which I think is what people who read fan-fiction value the most.
@Lilacsbloom mentioned Into The Fray, which I would also recommend if you wanted to know more about the 400 Days characters and the people from Howe's Hardware store. It begins with the "prisoners from the pen" playing music in the PA system.
Thanks, imma gonna read all of 'em!
Are you kidding, Kenny's my all time fav!
Well, you'll certainly like it then! I was just clarifying that for those who don't exactly like him, like me. Nonetheless, I was on the edge of my seat most of the time.
waits patiently for someone to mention my story although I don't deserve it at all because my story is shit.
I personally liked @sialark's (I think it was theirs, I don't remember) short AU story they wrote when InfiniteDawn said they'd pay to see a story where Luke survived and the season ended happily or something like that. I don't remember the details as it's been about 2 weeks since I saw the comments, but I remember reading it and really liking it a lot.
Anything written by @Lilacsbloom.
Growing Pains.
Skin-Deep, the masterpiece of a sequel.
Come oooon, have more faith in yourself and link your story here! >.< there's no shame in recommending yourself. I did it with my mine.
Just do it! Make yours dreams come true!
And do you mean Rag Dolls with the whole thing after the shootout? It was Sialark's very first attempt writing a fanfic, I thought she did a really good job ^^
Lol....Telltale Games. Basically a bunch of a legal fan-fiction....
I'm writing another story alongside the next chapter for Skin-Deep [which I've missed working on it so much!] It's going to have the theme of a conflict, you know, the one we all thought was going to happen, but didn't? Yeah, that one. So I'll be writing characters I wasn't unable to much before, because I'd accidentally killed them off, not knowing how far I'd be going with Growing Pains for it to be even getting a sequel at that...whoops.
Although this won't be my version of what I wanted to see in the game because that's never what I aim for when writing these, all I'll say is this new story is going to get dark, something that other my TWDG fics have gotten nowhere near as close to. I'm also attempting something I've never seen done in a TWDG fic before, so this is either going to work really, really well, and have readers be drawn into the story and what's happening...or, people are going to kill me. Either way, I'm excited!
I've lost track of how many hours I've had this song on loop while writing it. I was listening to this when I first wrote the opening scenes. The track is featured in 28 Days Later.
Oh, and I'm hoping to do trailers for all three of the stories in time. Growing Pain's trailer is almost put together after I started work on it again recently. It might seem impossible to do that for something that's only visual through words, but it's amazing what you can do when it comes to manipulating clips and audio ^_^ I'm a super ass nerd when it comes to that stuff, bwahaha!
Even though it's still incomplete, there is one Walking Dead fanfic that will always be my all-time favorite. It's called A New Day.
Ah, alright. My writing used to be pretty shitty though. It's okay now though, but not through the first 6 acts.
I'm really excited! I don't know how many times I've read Growing Pains. I love it so much!
(?)You made Lilacsbloom feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Thanks, I'm so happy you do.
Any fanfiction that has doesn't feature Kenny is good fanfiction in my opinion.
Any fanfiction that doesn't involve Kenny "still" gets a reaction by the anti fans who can't stop talking about him lol
And any comment made against Kenny garners a very similar reaction by you.
I know, I wasn't saying it wasn't
We both know what each of us are like anyway. The difference is, i don't go around slating Jane or any other character I dislike saying things like "i would hate Jane being in season 3, or if Lilly came back" or discussed a character I dislike not wanting to see fanfiction of him or her. I don go post to post being negative about characters I don't like but yeah I defend Kenny in a lot of posts but that's understandable
I wouldn't care if you did slate Jane or any other character you don't like. Cause it's an opinion. I disliked most everyone in season 2, from Kenny (although I never liked him after Starved for Help anyway) to Sarah to Luke. I thought the characters were either too rudimentary and drab or just did things that make them suspiciously mentally defective.
So, I don't really care either way if you dislike someone or if you're vocal about it. Plus, making fun of him is too damn fun anyways.
I made one where it satisfies people's hate towards Bonnie and Rebecca at Episode 1.
You have really low standards for your fiction, pal! I could show you a piece of crap with bad grammar, restricted vocabulary, boring characters and shallow settings, but you'd consider it good as long as there's nobody named Kenny.
Once upon time ther were man
name Lea
he was in the polis car heading to the polis place... i think
the polis man driving him was talkin to him
after talk man walk on th road
car crash BASH boom
the polis man is all "NOOO!!!"
and lea is all "OOF!"
car goes down off they road
lea wokes up, but all died
the polis car is dead
the polis man is died
lea is grabed by someone who is died
lee died
the end... ?
to be contined
I don't know how you even do it Deltino, but my ribs ache from laughter after reading half of your posts. I'd legitimately read this just to see how long it can go. Let me collaborate!
lea kick someone who is died with hurted leg from the polis car
and lea bash the head on dead polis car, of the died man!!
lea run away with polises man shotgun
little girl call clemtimne see lea and lea follow her
wander who it's right?
lea attacked bye clemtimne baby sit inside little girl house (be in susempt tho lol)
little girl camed and pass lea a hammer and lea bet babys sit head in okay i am tired of writing this is to much word for me
too many work 4 today okay peace out
the walking dead: full life consequences
I found one about Christa and Omid finding out about Christa's pregnancy : https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10962061/1/Fatherhood
You forgot the author's note:
A/N: PS , haterz arnt wlcome , don't leik , don't red!
Well, I wrote a short ficlet thing on the forums that InfiniteDawn had requested,on Sarah surviving. It was over here. So maybe that's what you were talking about.
Also, just checked out your story,and wow are you dedicated to that!
I'll have to give it a proper read when I have the chance. 
Yep, that's the one. XD
I haven't posted a new chapter in 3 months. XD I think dedication is a strong word. I am trying really hard to write a slew of content so I can post on a good schedule. But thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it. I do other stories too, but none that I'd feel like sharing on the forums.
I guess it all depends on what you're looking for.
I personally wrote this particular story in a fan fiction thread that I'm particularly proud of.
Title: Reasons. Setting: Las Vegas NV, San Jose California. Timeline: 12, 15 & 17 years since season 2. Main characters: Kenny, Clementine. Subject: Hope and perseverance.
( I hope you enjoy it).
As the sun sets over the great city, once known as one the entertainment captals of the world, now little more than a ghost town, two lone figures, an elderly man and a young woman, walk it's deserted streets. Kenny and Clementine, walking with weapons in hand, begin to look for a secure place to bed down for the night.
Aside from gathering supplies, their main goal, while here, is to possibly find a car that's operational, allowing to drive the rest of the way, as opposed to going on foot, as they have been doing since their sojourn began.
Since their reunion, 12 years earlier, the two have been traveling together. They have traveled across many states, and passed through many towns and cities, on their way towards California, in search for a place of safety. Having been on their journey for over 5 years, ever since Wellington turned out to be a dead end, the two have seen much hardship and suffering. They have encountered many people, both good and bad. And have killed walkers in the thousands.
Kenny, now at 57 years old, stands atop the intersecting freeways once known as the spaghetti bowl, and peers out over the horizon. Clementine now 23 yrs old, has grown into a beautiful woman. She joins Kenny at his side, and the two watch as the sun begins to set, watching it's orange raise shine across the abandoned cars and decaying buildings.
A gentle breeze begins to blow, refulling their hair. Walkers, can be seen in the distance, searching for anything they can find. Ordinarily, the two would never stand out in the open like this. But sight of the sun, setting over mount Charleston and Red Rock Canyon, has brought them a moment of peace.
Kenny turns to Clementine and says: " Soon Clem, we'll be in California, where hopefully we can find a place we can stay permanently. A place where we can not only survive, but also live and thrive." Clementine looks at Kenny, with a look of doubt and says: "Do you really believe that Kenny? After all the shit we've been through over the past 12 years, and all the people we've known who have died, Lee, Luke, Nick, Alvin, and all the things we've had to do to survive, what's the point in believing there's still hope?''
" I've lost people too Clem. Katja, Duck, Sarita, as you are well aware. People I loved! I understand the guilt you are feeling, that you have lived while they died," Kenny replies. " One thing I've learned in my 57 years, is that you cannot give up. No matter how bad things get, you continually find a reason to go on. Things eventually do work out."
Having found an old abandoned big rig truck to sleep in, Kenny crawls into it, ready to hunker down for the night. Clementine, still staring out over the overpass, reflects on Kenny's words. Her mind begins to drift back to days of long ago.
Kenny, standing by the truck, watches Clementine looking out over the horizon. Having in effect raised her as his own, not a day has gone by where he hasn't been concerned for her and her wellbeing. Nor anything He wouldn't do to protect her. And now, having made such a grueling trek across the country, with many miles still left to go, Kenny begins stroking his long grey beard, nervously awaiting her response, as to whether she will go on or not.
After a long wait, Clementine turns, looks at Kenny and smiles, letting him know that she has rediscovered her reason for living. Kenny returns the smile and the two crawl into the truck, shutting the doors, as the sound of walkers approach.
6 months later, Kenny and Clementine, have made their way to San Jose California. Having taken refuge on the grounds of the San Jose university college, the two, along with 10 other survivors, have begun forting up the place, building walls to secure the place. Using Spartan Stadium , they begin to plant crops and vegetables. Along with building water towers to catch the rain. While places like the Dr. MLK library continue to serve as a place of education. Though having to contend with walkers, and violent gangs in the area, the group manages to stand firm, and build a life for themselves.
Over time, under Kenny and Clemintine's leadership, the group grows to over 20, including women and children. Not only does the group survive, but also thrive, not only constructing aquiducts, but also learning how to harness wind and solar energy from blue prints found in the library.
After 3 years of their dwelling there, Kenny finds a new girlfriend, a 29 year old stunning blonde woman named Kelly, who had gone to this university during her college days. The next year, they have a little boy whom they name Lee, in honor of Kenny's old pal. Clementine assists with taking care of the boy, whenever Kenny is away directing different projects around the school.
After 5 years, the community has grown up to thirty-five strong. During the summer harvest, crops are plentiful, water has proven to be adequate, and everyone is enjoying the quality of life they have. While life is not perfect, the group has learned how to cope. With new solid 20 ft high/ 2 ft thick concrete walls the group have managed to construct, under Kenny's direction, the threat of walkers is nearly a thing of the past.
Kenny, Clementine, her new 45 year old husband Jim, and his 70 year old father Dave, have formed a group counsel. The counsel operates well, and with Jim's background as a policeman, Jim takes the lead in training the others in the group how to operate firearms. And with Dave's background as a doctor, helping in child births, plus giving the group sound medical advice on how to stay healthy, the group's health does well.
One summer afternoon, a 6 month pregnant Clementine from atop the library, looks out over the community. She watches a 62 year old Kenny, working on one of the new cars the community has managed to salvage. While her husband, along with others, are harvesting apples from the apple orchard the group had planted the year before. Remembering Kenny's words, over the spaghetti bowl in Vegas about how everything would work out, Clementine at 28 years old, looks out over the community and smiles.
The End.
Hmm let me see..
1) AJ nowhere to be found
2) Clem has father complex
3) Kenny is the leader of a huge group and everything works out well 4) Happy ending.
You know what I liked it!
I wrote it before AJ came along.