The Walking Dead: Michonne Episode Length Debate



  • edited March 2016

    The length isn't my only problem. I also didn't like any choice we are given in the episode. My friend played the episode and picked different stuff for the majority, yet I was basically watching the exact same thing. A few dialogue changes that's about it.. Besides the choices shown at the end of the episode just seem for the most part random.

    "In a way, it's a good thing the episodes are not long" How? I paid the same I would have for 1 of the seasons of TWD. I expect something as

  • That doesn't sit well with me. I clearly need to wait for ratings and hear people's opinions before purchasing anymore Telltale. I don't want them to rush because I spend what I would have on any other episode by Telltale; I expect the same amount of effort in each title. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion I guess..

    Kenny111 posted: »

    Mainly I was saying the faster Michonne finishes, the faster even more work can be put into S3. Which I REALLY want.

  • Default to they as its gender neutral :P

    megamike15 posted: »

    i normally default to he but was not sure this time.

  • You make a good point, they should have made less episodes if they are going to be this short. Only reason it would be 3 is to charge us more imo.

    PHub07 posted: »

    Why would anyone expect or not mind a short episode just because its a mini series. "over charge us please!" is the translation for those of

  • Wrong. I didn't blame anybody - -

    megamike15 posted: »

    she is blaming you for the shorter episodes.

  • edited March 2016

    He doesn't know what he is talking, i didn't blame you at all. I mean i didn't tried, i just gave an example, lmao.

    KCohere posted: »

    And why? I didnt make them. I was saying I dont recall any episode averaging three hours. They dont go longer than two.

  • The whole episodes combined are more longer than fallout 4 gameplay, it's more better than nothing.

    Kenny111 posted: »

    ClementineTheGirl, are you referring to Fallout 4's roleplay scheme in which there's hundreds of ways to do things or are you talking about

  • Okay, now it's more understandable. You had only said that the episode was "short" and "rushed" numerous times, and, if you ask me, that isn't the only aspect that defines how good an episode is.

    Mr-Soybean posted: »

    The length isn't my only problem. I also didn't like any choice we are given in the episode. My friend played the episode and picked differe

  • I like the length from Walking Dead Season 1, seemed like you had so much time to learn the back story, history and get a good feel for the characters... Now it's like, once scene to the next, barely any interaction with the characters, two or three QTE's, then it's over..

    I loved the hubbed way WD 1 worked, you'd stop at each hub, have numerous dialog choices with every person in your group at that time, then choose when you moved onto the next sequence. Missed that with WD season 2. Obviously they had a good formula since WD season 1 earned tons of awards and was widely praised. Now the games are great and all but are always so short... I'm not sure why they cut out the hub talking between your characters, but meh, still put out some good games, just wish they were more fleshed out like WD season 1..

  • Um....I think Fallout 4 is a liiiittle longer...

    The whole episodes combined are more longer than fallout 4 gameplay, it's more better than nothing.

  • Wasn't sure if that was a dream or a flashback...or both.

    AChicken posted: »

    Well, we do know how Mich. and Pete met. It's at the beginning when Michonne was going to shoot herself, that is when Pete first sees her. "

  • This! Hubs Are probably the most Important things to develop characters. Especially in TWD, where there isn't really a Overall Plot to follow. If S3 doesn't have Hubs. It Will Be very dissapointing. TWD lives through their characters. If the characters a Bad or underdeveloped, Then so is the Game. Michonne shows it perfectly. I didn't care about anyone there, so it felt pretty boring At times.

    orgelambart posted: »

    I like the length from Walking Dead Season 1, seemed like you had so much time to learn the back story, history and get a good feel for the

  • haven't started on Michonne yet, will probably play a little after I finish up these other games I'm playing. I don't mind though as 1 hour of gameplay will leave me disappointed.

    The only characters in the second game I cared about was Kenny, because he had all that awesome character development in the first season.. All the other ones were like.. ugg.. am I supposed to care this person got eaten, I don't know anything about them, I don't know enough to care about their well being.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    This! Hubs Are probably the most Important things to develop characters. Especially in TWD, where there isn't really a Overall Plot to follo

  • No, I think that was him... I'm sure of it (It could have been both, though.) He had green subtitles, and (from her perspective) was walking through a door. He was probably coming to thank her after she slaughtered all the zombies and (unknowingly) saved him. It seems like the perfect way to meet someone in the apocalypse. He probably even took her to his ship so he could calm her down, get her away from other, dangerous people in civilization. (Ok, now I'm just theorizing, but I think you get my reasoning...)

    Kenny111 posted: »

    Wasn't sure if that was a dream or a flashback...or both.

  • edited March 2016

    can't wait to ditch samantha... i honestly don't like her


    nah jk

  • edited March 2016

    Maybe the writers for current TT games just don't know how to write anything proper for HUB areas. They're not bad writers, just staff members that don't want to put in the extra effort that only a group of people would see or care about. Telltale continues to put the HUB areas in to keep the point and click adventure thing going, but if it dissappeared from Michonne I don't think anyone would notice compared to the episode we got.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    This! Hubs Are probably the most Important things to develop characters. Especially in TWD, where there isn't really a Overall Plot to follo

  • I don't think it's a Writers Problem. I think it's a Time Problem. It may be pretty time consuming, to write/program/record all this stuff. I Hope, Now that the episodes will come out faster, that Telltale releases the premiere on a later date, so they have more Time for Things like optimising And hubs.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Maybe the writers for current TT games just don't know how to write anything proper for HUB areas. They're not bad writers, just staff membe

  • 84 minutes ain't that bad but they need to step it up a little. One hour is pretty short for me in my opinion. I'm grateful the game is out so I'm not complaining but a man does want a 2 hour episode. XD

  • I hope so.

    I'm sure time does play a factor into all of this. Feels like nobody is winning in this case. Faster the episodes out, less character development for HUB areas or we all have to wait and get annoyed for the episode to come out. Then hope that Telltale put some effort into these kind of things, sometimes we still get the bare minimum.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I don't think it's a Writers Problem. I think it's a Time Problem. It may be pretty time consuming, to write/program/record all this stuff.

  • It was pretty short, and to make it worse it wasn't really good. None of the choices I had to make were really hard, and all the major events were things that had already happened in season 1 and 2. I'd be ok with a short episode once in a while, but not when the quality is lacking as well.

  • After re-reading what I have posted I don't agree with what your saying. I did say it was short a few times but I also mentioned there being no real decisions from start to finish. And because I said it was "rushed" didn't mean I was just saying it was short, but the plot didn't grab my attention, and I also didn't feel invested in any characters. I can also say that at the end I wasn't really eager to see what happens next. I know I wasn't the only person saying "That was it!?" at the end of the 1st episode.

    Okay, now it's more understandable. You had only said that the episode was "short" and "rushed" numerous times, and, if you ask me, that isn't the only aspect that defines how good an episode is.

  • edited March 2016

    Oh and I also stated that I expect the same effort put into all titles. Besides I wouldn't like a long episode if the choices still suck.. I like to make my own story, not illusionary choices to make me think I am.

    Mr-Soybean posted: »

    After re-reading what I have posted I don't agree with what your saying. I did say it was short a few times but I also mentioned there being

  • Yeah the guy that was going to shoot himself we really don't give a crap about. Not a good cliffhanger there.

    Mr-Soybean posted: »

    After re-reading what I have posted I don't agree with what your saying. I did say it was short a few times but I also mentioned there being

  • Episode 2 is even shorter than 1... not cool. It has a lot more action, which is great, but 1 hour?...

    Mich19 posted: »

    can't wait to ditch samantha... i honestly don't like her edit nah jk

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