I am not complaining about those games because telltale will be a 600 employee business by then and I am hoping they will have a balance of good writers for something like marvel
We were just joking because your post made it sound like you had already played those games, as opposed to you predicting certain future games would be good or bad. I can't speak for others, but I personally wasn't saying you were criticizing the Marvel game - again, it was just a joke.
I am not complaining about those games because telltale will be a 600 employee business by then and I am hoping they will have a balance of good writers for something like marvel
I think it was Season 2's finale that did it in for me. Despite things kind of being up and down after Episode 2, I think if the finale had been stronger and with more characters surviving without determinant or unknown statuses, it might've saved the season for me.
Coming from a BIG FAN of season 1, season 2 was very disappointing. The characters are their just to die near the end, why not save them for… more season 3? Carver died way too early and the whole Kenny vs Luke thing is soooo boring it's literally Kenny vs Lilly all over again! also recycled Molly really? the episodes slides made so hopeful for a great finale but of course episode 4 turned out to be the worst of both seasons, and episode 5 was ugly lol.
It's a bit weak in the knees with the story in some of the episodes.
Dialogue choices could get you a different response, but didn't really effect how character feel about you. (Seriously, I treated Luke like shit and he was acting like my best bro. I didn't even cover him in episode five.)
Choices didn't really come to effect the story that much. For example, (The best example) was Nick. He didn't have jackshit to say despite surviving a episode (Only to die in a different episode.)
The season has a lot of mistakes IMO, and they could've saved it by making a great last episode, but they continued to kill off characters and having a Kenny vs insert character name thing. I still have hope for season 3 though.
I think it was Season 2's finale that did it in for me. Despite things kind of being up and down after Episode 2, I think if the finale had … morebeen stronger and with more characters surviving without determinant or unknown statuses, it might've saved the season for me.
Season 1: Better Story, choices matter for not though... literally for not.. Just illusion of choice on everything.
Season 2: Choices have more of an impact, barely.... game play is more exciting and even more interactive than the first game slightly. Illusion of choice still exist, but at least you get some unique character deaths counting on your choices.
Well it's literally true. If it wasn't for the VAs and if it wasn't TWD, we would recognize it, and literally telltale for the mediocre fanfiction developers that they are.
I didn't hate season 2, but it lacked a strong bond between characters I truly cared about. Bringing Kenny back could have been successful imho, but doing so just to rehash his S1 story fell flat.
Season 2 honestly wasn't bad, it just didn't have as good of a story line as season 1 and the episode length was shorter, or at least it felt like it was, but other than that i still enjoyed season 2 and am looking forward to season 3
To me it was okay that they made her more mature than s1. It's been almost two years since Lee died and she was alone with (Omid only for a few months) Christa. With Christa disorientated for her boyfriend/husband's death i assume she had to do things by herself, which toughened her up.
Still the problem was that she was still a child and seemed to be the only one in the group who wasn't stupid.
Despite Season 2's major faults, playing as Clementine, a child survivor was actually very enjoyable for me, I just wish Telltale would reme… morember she was an 11 year old girl and therefore kept her character more consistent, but they didn't (when an 11 year old girl is the only competent member of a group comprised of adult survivors you know something is seriously wrong).
like threating Rebecca on telling Alvin about the baby issue. Rebecca becomes nice to you in further episodes either way.
I think that it's because it's a child, althrough the fact that they left her to her luck while she was bleeding out from the bite, so they might feel a little guilty about it too and maybe they felted that they had nothing to complaing about.
With Kenny...well, Clementine might the only think he has from the past by now, and its a child, so i don't think he would being as harash with her like he could (determinant) have with Lee.
I think that the only one that is affected by your decisions is Bonnie, she gets mad at you if you dont choose to save luke, choosing to kill walkers instead.
Anyway...there is too many problems with the characters in this season.
Something that has been mentioned a few times is that your choices don't feel like they matter although another gripe I have that I don't kn… moreow if people haven't mentioned is that your dialogue choices don't affect how the characters react to you.
If you are rude to Kenny or nice to Kenny he'll still react the same.
Same goes for Luke, Rebecca, etc.. Just beacuse that's how the story pans out.
I suppose it's forgivable as Clem is a child and people are always going to react a certain way to a child regardless of their attitude but it still annoyed me. With a game that was devoid of any downtime sections and exploration and mostly dialogue, the dialogue you chose didn't change a thing.
I liked Season 2. It could've a better development of the characters, more lenght of the episodes, decisions that affected more your relation with other characters, more playtrough, but i still dont think it was bad.
In my opinion it's because Season 2 wasn't good with a lot of things and that's putting it mildly,choices not mattering for fuck's sake like remember S1 when you had a shitload of determinant dialogues based on your relationship with certain characters? You can threaten Rebecca and piss off Carlos and it's all good, and what the fuck was the point of Sarah anyway? The story wasn't building up to anything, well except for Carver but then he got killed off and you still have two episodes left, Oh I know let's kill everyone and get mad ruskies and call it a day!
The story wasn't building up to anything, well except for Carver but then he got killed off and you still have two episodes left, Oh I know let's kill everyone and get mad ruskies and call it a day!
In my opinion it's because Season 2 wasn't good with a lot of things and that's putting it mildly,choices not mattering for fuck's sake like… more remember S1 when you had a shitload of determinant dialogues based on your relationship with certain characters? You can threaten Rebecca and piss off Carlos and it's all good, and what the fuck was the point of Sarah anyway? The story wasn't building up to anything, well except for Carver but then he got killed off and you still have two episodes left, Oh I know let's kill everyone and get mad ruskies and call it a day!
because it sucks in every aspect, it has sooo many mistakes in everything, its not even the shadow of season 1, the first season won so many awards and had a lot of nominations, it was game of the year 2012!!! best adapted videogame, best downloadable game, best perfomance by human female, best character design, best narrative, best writting, etc, etc, etc....... well deserved!!! its a masterpiece!!! and what about season 2??? how many awards it won??? let me answer you..... fucking ZERO!!! there's a reason why..... because it sucks.
i don't hate it.. it just i didn't like how they just like ran out of ideas and start butchering the cabin groups and no character development... i just sigh i know they should've written a better plot than that.. just don't like it and disappointing..
Season 2 is not as good as season 1 and Kenny coming back....all in all there were a lot of issues and questions...like Russians in the Midwest? Where did they come from? No matter how you treated Arvo you got the same outcome.
i don't think so ... Awards never determine if the game is good or not. Sometimes good games do not get Awards, that wants to support newer games. Season 2 was a great game, an interesting, special - because the hero was a little girl, I loved season 2. If you do not like the season 2 because Clementine, that I think is not justified.
because it sucks in every aspect, it has sooo many mistakes in everything, its not even the shadow of season 1, the first season won so many… more awards and had a lot of nominations, it was game of the year 2012!!! best adapted videogame, best downloadable game, best perfomance by human female, best character design, best narrative, best writting, etc, etc, etc....... well deserved!!! its a masterpiece!!! and what about season 2??? how many awards it won??? let me answer you..... fucking ZERO!!! there's a reason why..... because it sucks.
Season 2 is not as good as season 1 and Kenny coming back....all in all there were a lot of issues and questions...like Russians in the Midwest? Where did they come from? No matter how you treated Arvo you got the same outcome.
It might have been Deltino, but I'm not sure, so I'm not going to tag them. Somebody on the forum explained that there are quite a lot of Russian neighborhoods on that area.
Also, they were not in the Midwest, they were in the Tennessee-Kentucky border area.
Season 2 is not as good as season 1 and Kenny coming back....all in all there were a lot of issues and questions...like Russians in the Midwest? Where did they come from? No matter how you treated Arvo you got the same outcome.
i don't think so ... Awards never determine if the game is good or not. Sometimes good games do not get Awards, that wants to support newer … moregames. Season 2 was a great game, an interesting, special - because the hero was a little girl, I loved season 2. If you do not like the season 2 because Clementine, that I think is not justified.
i don't think so ... Awards never determine if the game is good or not
Sometimes good games do not get Awards
I mean no offense when I say this, but for once I am in full agreement with you
i don't think so ... Awards never determine if the game is good or not
Sometimes good games do not get Awards
I mean no offense when I say this, but for once I am in full agreement with you
Less interesting and investing characters than Season 1.
Shorter episodes than Season 1.
Less exploration of environments (hardly any of the 'point-and-click' gameplay from the first season after a certain point.
Player choice meant squat later in the story.
Huge leaps of logic in some sections (why are they leaving everything to an eleven year old??)
Bad writing
The plot gives you bad event after bad event that eventually when a character dies or something gloomy happens it has no impact anymore.
None of the character building and interactions that made the downtime in Season 1 interesting.
Overall, having played through the season several times, it is very disappointing compared to Season 1, and only moderately good when looked at on its own.
Sorry to sound harsh, but I loved the first season and found myself so invested. Season 2 came as a shock, and not the good kind.
Old thread. Lol the main reason for me is Telltale teased good characters then killed them off due to their new writers' ineptitude. Literally everyone dies. or abandons Clem or is a nut job.
People say season 3 would be an amazing game with clem as the protagonist but people didn't like season 2 even though clem was the protagonist. But this forum is normally the minority anyway, if you check the ratings in the ps store, the App Store and the Xbox store it will be rated 4 1/2 stars out of 5 so I wouldn't exactly call it a bad game if the players are giving it good ratings.
I am not complaining about those games because telltale will be a 600 employee business by then and I am hoping they will have a balance of good writers for something like marvel
We were just joking because your post made it sound like you had already played those games, as opposed to you predicting certain future games would be good or bad. I can't speak for others, but I personally wasn't saying you were criticizing the Marvel game - again, it was just a joke.
I think it was Season 2's finale that did it in for me. Despite things kind of being up and down after Episode 2, I think if the finale had been stronger and with more characters surviving without determinant or unknown statuses, it might've saved the season for me.
It's a bit weak in the knees with the story in some of the episodes.
Dialogue choices could get you a different response, but didn't really effect how character feel about you. (Seriously, I treated Luke like shit and he was acting like my best bro. I didn't even cover him in episode five.)
Choices didn't really come to effect the story that much. For example, (The best example) was Nick. He didn't have jackshit to say despite surviving a episode (Only to die in a different episode.)
I liked the game though.
The season has a lot of mistakes IMO, and they could've saved it by making a great last episode, but they continued to kill off characters and having a Kenny vs insert character name thing. I still have hope for season 3 though.
I really liked season 2. Sometimes I like it a little more than the first season.
Season 1: Better Story, choices matter for not though... literally for not.. Just illusion of choice on everything.
Season 2: Choices have more of an impact, barely.... game play is more exciting and even more interactive than the first game slightly. Illusion of choice still exist, but at least you get some unique character deaths counting on your choices.
Season 2 was just awful. Perhaps if I never played season 1 then season 2 would have been okay but well... It just stunk.
Well it's literally true. If it wasn't for the VAs and if it wasn't TWD, we would recognize it, and literally telltale for the mediocre fanfiction developers that they are.
I didn't hate season 2, but it lacked a strong bond between characters I truly cared about. Bringing Kenny back could have been successful imho, but doing so just to rehash his S1 story fell flat.
i love season 2 the most ... because BADASS clem
Please comeback
To be fair the episode lengh on S01 was bigger, but season one had a lot more puzzles, which made it seem bigger!
"killing off people for drama."
you act like the whole wd series never does that.
To me it was okay that they made her more mature than s1. It's been almost two years since Lee died and she was alone with (Omid only for a few months) Christa. With Christa disorientated for her boyfriend/husband's death i assume she had to do things by herself, which toughened her up.
Still the problem was that she was still a child and seemed to be the only one in the group who wasn't stupid.
like threating Rebecca on telling Alvin about the baby issue. Rebecca becomes nice to you in further episodes either way.
I think that it's because it's a child, althrough the fact that they left her to her luck while she was bleeding out from the bite, so they might feel a little guilty about it too and maybe they felted that they had nothing to complaing about.
With Kenny...well, Clementine might the only think he has from the past by now, and its a child, so i don't think he would being as harash with her like he could (determinant) have with Lee.
I think that the only one that is affected by your decisions is Bonnie, she gets mad at you if you dont choose to save luke, choosing to kill walkers instead.
Anyway...there is too many problems with the characters in this season.
I liked Season 2. It could've a better development of the characters, more lenght of the episodes, decisions that affected more your relation with other characters, more playtrough, but i still dont think it was bad.
Please come back.
In my opinion it's because Season 2 wasn't good with a lot of things and that's putting it mildly,choices not mattering for fuck's sake like remember S1 when you had a shitload of determinant dialogues based on your relationship with certain characters? You can threaten Rebecca and piss off Carlos and it's all good, and what the fuck was the point of Sarah anyway? The story wasn't building up to anything, well except for Carver but then he got killed off and you still have two episodes left, Oh I know let's kill everyone and get mad ruskies and call it a day!
Lmao. :P
because it sucks in every aspect, it has sooo many mistakes in everything, its not even the shadow of season 1, the first season won so many awards and had a lot of nominations, it was game of the year 2012!!! best adapted videogame, best downloadable game, best perfomance by human female, best character design, best narrative, best writting, etc, etc, etc....... well deserved!!! its a masterpiece!!! and what about season 2??? how many awards it won??? let me answer you..... fucking ZERO!!! there's a reason why..... because it sucks.
i don't hate it.. it just i didn't like how they just like ran out of ideas and start butchering the cabin groups and no character development... i just sigh i know they should've written a better plot than that.. just don't like it and disappointing..
Season 2 is not as good as season 1 and Kenny coming back....all in all there were a lot of issues and questions...like Russians in the Midwest? Where did they come from? No matter how you treated Arvo you got the same outcome.
i don't think so ... Awards never determine if the game is good or not. Sometimes good games do not get Awards, that wants to support newer games. Season 2 was a great game, an interesting, special - because the hero was a little girl, I loved season 2. If you do not like the season 2 because Clementine, that I think is not justified.
Well, the russians were certainly imigrants, they just came from their homes to the apocalypse...
Because of Luke and Rebecca?, (Shrugs).
It might have been Deltino, but I'm not sure, so I'm not going to tag them. Somebody on the forum explained that there are quite a lot of Russian neighborhoods on that area.
Also, they were not in the Midwest, they were in the Tennessee-Kentucky border area.
I mean no offense when I say this, but for once I am in full agreement with you
thank you
I love twd season 2 because clementine its stonger and badass i cant wait for season 3
I agree. Clementine is so badass in season 2 and easily the greatest character in video game history.
I oddly feel the same way.
I loved Clementine in S2 because of that too
Overall, having played through the season several times, it is very disappointing compared to Season 1, and only moderately good when looked at on its own.
Sorry to sound harsh, but I loved the first season and found myself so invested. Season 2 came as a shock, and not the good kind.
Old thread. Lol the main reason for me is Telltale teased good characters then killed them off due to their new writers' ineptitude. Literally everyone dies.
or abandons Clem or is a nut job. 
People say season 3 would be an amazing game with clem as the protagonist but people didn't like season 2 even though clem was the protagonist. But this forum is normally the minority anyway, if you check the ratings in the ps store, the App Store and the Xbox store it will be rated 4 1/2 stars out of 5 so I wouldn't exactly call it a bad game if the players are giving it good ratings.
I don't hate season 2. Sometimes, just sometimes, I like it more than season 1.