If you had to survive in a world like TWD, who would you want at your side?
Here's who'd I want at my side.
- Rick - because of his leadership capabilities.
- Daryl - because of his hunting and tracking abilities , and his keen intuition of knowing who's trustworthy and who isn't.
- Lee - because of his ability to keep calm in tense situations.
- Kenny - because of his abilities as a sharp shooter, as well as his mechanical and general maintenance skills.
- Hershel, (TV Hershel) - because of his skills as a diplomat, his medical knowledge, and his farming knowledge.
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Lee (Intelligent, Pragmatic and keeps a cool head)
Negan (Just a guy who can plain get shit done)
Abraham (Guy is a tank and a very good fighter)
Hershel (His experience in farming would make him a valuable asset as far as food goes)
Molly (One of the best scavengers in the series)
Doug (His ingenuity and cleverness makes him an intelligent survivor)
i would want almost any/ all of them by my side
i would exclude
the gov, negan, shane, jenner, jackie,anyone else in the cdc that stayed behind on the show, amys sister, jim because he hid his bite.the backpack guy. Larry from TTTWD S1 , all of the st johns and darlene. along with the bandits. anyone from crawford except molly. and bonnie screw bonnie and arvo
I don't know. I feel like I've gotten way to used to my life as it is, and if something catastrophic as a zombie apocalypse happens, I know I would probably be one of the first ones to fall.
Michonne and Daryl for sure and any other fucker that could kill countless amount of walkers without breaking sweat. Kenny and Lee of course to come up with a plan and what not.
Rick, Abraham, Negan, or Jesus.
Literally and figuratively.
Nate ofcourse.
Same as you Kenny/Lee. But I would also want Carol bacause of badassness and Dale for his faces, RV and just being an honorable guy in a shit time like that.
And also Abe.
Clementine because she is a badass and way more capable than the adults.
Molly from TWDG S1 definitely. She is so badass and she knows how to handle herself.
God dammit. That Took me by surprise. XD
Kenny Kenny Kenny a million times Kenny
Negan. WHAT he is horrible as an enemy but get him on your side and you will live longer.
I woudn't mind being under ricktatorship.
As much as I would love Rick watching my back, people around him keep freakin dying. Although you can say that about pretty much everyone lol. I would pick Lee. Dude can win his fights, especially with me cheering him on. And he will literally tear through a zombie horde to save the ones he loves.
Pills - because why would I want to be surviving in a ZA when humans are the worst? I wouldn't make it, and if I did I'd probably suffer a mental breakdown and go insane under the stress.
Lee always brings trouble with him and that's because of plot. I'll stick with Nate then go solo. I won't have to be killed off over convenience
A pile of assorted supplies, covered by a blanket. I'll put a bucket upside-down over and draw a smily face on it.
-Molly ( badass )
-Lee ( best problem-solver )
-Clementine ( badass2 )
-Omid ( Funny :P )
-Jane ( badass3 )
-Dale ( he's cool )
You'd be surprised what people can do when they have too.
Clementine, so I have a way to make sure I keep my sense of right and wrong no matter what happens.
This is my whole essential crew.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Carley, she risked her own life so many times in season 1 and saved so many people, she is brave, calm and unselfish and really good with weapons.
Ah yes, Carol. I must say she's made quite a journey since the show's beginning. From timid and abused housewife - to warrior Queen of the apocalypse.
Carol is definitely a force to be reckoned with. She can adapt to whatever situation presents itself, which makes her even more deadly than the other group members - including their fearless leader Rick, and - the lone wolf Daryl.
Shane obviously,( he is my fav...and forever will be. He'd teach me how to shoot, do what has to be done without the majority of us to keep bringing him down or telling him he was wrong when he wasn't. He would genuinelly care for the group and protect those who can't...like me...because I am lame )
Kenny ( I just love the guy okay ? And he wouldn't protest when Shane would do what has to be done for us...he'll even help him )
Luke ( the guy has to be brought back somewhere, poor guy would try to complain about Shane and Kenny's behaviour I can't help him with that. )
Nick ( same thing...I'll bring him happiness and protect him myself...or at least I'll try to...after Shane teach him how )
and Abraham
I would have loved to take Lilly, Merle and Andrea as well but Lilly doesn't agree with Kenny... it would be fine if she hadn't the character she has, Andrea likes to protect everyone it's not something Shane or Kenny can give her a chance to do, and Merle didn't get along with Shane if I remember. In fact, Shane didn't seem fan of any of the Dixon, still he did agree with Daryl and cared for him just like he did for the rest of the group in the end...so maybe Merle ?
We'll be fine, except if the Shane,Kenny and Abe start to fight each other... It could start with Abe saying something he shouldn't in front of Kenny.
You would want Alpha from the comics?
...I did not expect that...
Granted, I've only read up to "Life and Death", but from what I saw in there I would never choose her.
Because Shane, Rick and Abraham fighting side by side is everything. Can you potray Shane and Rick's relationship now that they share the same mindset, they wouldn't let anyone touch the other. Shane would agree with Rick's decisions since they don't go too far from what he thinks is right.
Under the assumption that these characters would get along despite the circumstances:
Tyreese, and
Comic Andrea
1 Molly
2 Carly
3 Nate
4 Vince
5 Lee
6 Kenny
7 Katja (for sanity reasons)
Okay fun time is over.
Carol and Michonne all the way.