“We’re in the Nether! Watch out for monsters, OK?” We already know that the Nether is dangerous, Jesse.
"If we don't get the Order back together, the wither storm is going to eat EVERYTHING. We're going to get Elleguard, get her to help us, and we're going to save the world!" Summary of about half the episode covered in two sentences.
A lot of people hate this episode because it's so short, yet the variety alone allows for more "tailoring" in this episode than in some of TellTale's other works. For this, I will subtract one wrong.
None of the choices made in this episode affect future episodes, as far as I can tell. For this, I will add back one wrong.
The introductory credits and title sequence are awesome... fine. I'll take that wrong off again. Last time I do this, though. Trust me.
“Ah, crap.” Crap.
“I mean, I’m no Elleguard… but I’m still pretty cool.” I'm sure you'd like to think that, Calvin, but after seeing you carelessly entrust the McGuffin to the "complicated" transport system, I find it hard to believe.
The glitch where Olivia's mouth doesn't move the way it's supposed to. There are a lot of glitches in this episode, so for time's sake I'll tack on seven more wrongs and say I'm being generous.
“Because somewhere, deep inside of everyone, is the urge to see a cow go flyin’. Admit it!” Aw, c'mon, Jesse! You know it's true! No? Okay.
“Okay, Reuben! Let’s play a new game- it’s called Super Pig!” Jesse is a jerk to Reuben.
“I do make the occasional cookie.” “Yeah, you do! I love cookies…” If Jesse loves cookies so much, then why did we have the option to give the one we had to...? (Lukesse comes to mind) Ack! Moving on!
No one bothers to interrupt Jesse's plan of breaking into Elleguard's place.
Getting into Elleguard's prism is super easy, considering how much she seems to value privacy.
“What’s this thing even for?” “I don’t know. Breaking things down, keeping intruders out… there’s a lot of possibilities.” Well, it's already failed at keeping intruders out, since you were able to walk through it before it activated. Guess we'll never know the true purpose of this thing.
Also, if it was designed to keep intruders out, then why include the lever to deactivate it on the side intruders would be coming in from?
“Oh, hey! Didn’t see you sneaking up on me. Guess that’s kind of the point.” Had you been paying better attention, you probably could've heard Olivia talking about her hopes and dreams. So, did we sneak up on you, or did you allow yourself to be snuck up on?
“Don’t touch anything, okay? It’s all very fragile and genius.” I'm pretty sure any true-blooded Redstonian would be careful of your work... except for Mabel, maybe.
“Did Calvin send you? Are you my new assistants?” Were you expecting assistants? You were going to personally pick out a protégé, so what need have you for assistants?
“Elleguard-“ “No time for specifics, I’m afraid.” We were- I was- it just-
“Great. Now I need an assistant to help with my assistant.” Assistants assisting assistants. Assistaception!
Elleguard will not remember that you went to help your friend after she (the friend in question) fainted, because Elleguard doesn't care. Olivia won't remember, either.
“You seem like very pleasant people, who are prone to fainting,” What a jerk!
“I’m in the middle of my greatest project to date- a powerful block capable of altering reality itself!” Why are you trying to build a command block again?
“What are you talking about? Who sent you? Was it Calvin?” You asked that earlier. The answer is no.
“Wait- waitwaitwaitwaitwait- how do you know what a command block is?” Jesse never said that he/she knew what it was. He/She only said that you were trying to build one, which is what you announced earlier.
“Not to seem belittling,” Lady, we're way past belittling.
“The world needs the Order of the Stone! That’s why we’re here!” “Ohhhh … You’re the ones who brought this! It came up here, no note or anything,” See, Calvin? This is why you're not cool.
The choice between helping Elleguard or leaving in a hurry isn't really much of a choice, since either way you escape Redstonia with no command block and with an angry wither storm chasing after you.
“And it’s really good to see you, Jesse.” Wow. Petra's being very friendly to Jesse considering she used to be...? (Jetra comes to mind) Ack! Moving on!
“Um, what’s he doing here?” You heard us say earlier that we were reuniting the Order of the Stone. This really shouldn't come as a surprise.
“So, who are you, then? And why did you bring the queen of the nerds with you?” Good question.
“That’s my friend, Jesse. He’s/She’s totally cool.” “I’ll be the judge of that, huh?” What a jerk!
“Hey, Elleguard is cool and she’s going to help us stop this wither storm.” “Ellie? ‘Cool’? Baaaahahahahaaha!” IKR?? XD
“Long story, you had to be there. Short version? Epic battle of explosions and mayhem… death-defying action shenanigans and pyrotechnics… badabing, badaboom.” I think you have your long story confused with your short story... but then, that may be the point. Either way.
Also, badabing badaboom.
“Holy crap, you’re all acting like crazy people!” By the holiest of excrement, thy behaviors seemeth as lunacy!
“We would need a mountain of TNT to kill that thing!” How would you know for certain? You haven't seen the wither storm yet. Unless it showed up at your place, then somehow teleported to Redstonia afterwards.
“Soren claimed that the F-Bomb could destroy anything.” HA. ...Seriously though, that's the only laugh you're getting out of me for that one.
“How could you have lost contact with him?” (Elleguard: [nods and walks away]) Um... were you going to answer that, or...?
Even if you leave immediately, the wither storm catches up with you.
“That’s it! I’m leaving!” “See? I’m walking away too now! Super TNT, here I come!” And that's all we'll see of Magnus and Elleguard for the rest of this episode.
I like the camera angle that shows all four statues at once from an overhead perspective. Too bad it has to cut back down to the normal view so that gameplay can happen.
Even if you talk to Petra before talking to Olivia, Olivia recommends you talk to Petra.
“I’m sorry. I don’t want to worry you. I’ve just got something I want to discuss with you in private.” Subtle, Petra. Very subtle.
“You can’t tell anyone about this.” Why not?
Suddenly creeper.
Jesse probably could’ve climbed back up without her “help”, but… okay. Whatever moves the plot forward, I guess.
Can you feel the tension build as Jesse awkwardly wanders around in the dark?
Wow! Cool library! Too bad we’ll only use a small part of it in this series.
Suddenly Ivor… seriously, what are you doing here?
You know what, Ivor? Considering most of this mess got started because you couldn’t take Jesse and his/her friends seriously, maybe you should try being less antagonistic for once, and talk this one out.
I said I wouldn’t be taking off more wrongs, so I’ll just state that some of the shock value of this fight comes straight out of The Matrix, but add that the fight is cool enough for this point to not count. What’s that? It’s still the same thing as taking off a wrong? Eh, whatever.
It’s a good thing you saved that splash potion of slowness until the whole group showed up. Otherwise, you might have had difficulty getting past them on your way out.
So, from what I gather based on this outro sequence: Petra is a discount Gabriel, Axel is a discount Magnus, Olivia is a discount Elleguard, and Jesse is a discount Soren. Is that why they’re called the New Order of the Stone two episodes later?
In some scenes the sound is cutted, for example, when Jesse doing some jump with the horse in ep4 (the scenes before jesse said: "There, we need to ride over that..... Bridge"), listen carefully when you play the episode and you will know what i mean
Episode Two (Redstonia, Petra):
Narration! ...Again!
“We’re in the Nether! Watch out for monsters, OK?” We already know that the Nethe… morer is dangerous, Jesse.
"If we don't get the Order back together, the wither storm is going to eat EVERYTHING. We're going to get Elleguard, get her to help us, and we're going to save the world!" Summary of about half the episode covered in two sentences.
A lot of people hate this episode because it's so short, yet the variety alone allows for more "tailoring" in this episode than in some of TellTale's other works. For this, I will subtract one wrong.
None of the choices made in this episode affect future episodes, as far as I can tell. For this, I will add back one wrong.
The introductory credits and title sequence are awesome... fine. I'll take that wrong off again. Last time I do this, though. Trust me.
“Ah, crap.” Crap.
“I mean, I’m no Elleguard… but I’m still pretty cool.” I'm sure … [view original content]
I’ll try not to repeat wrongs or rights that were covered in the last run, unless any of them prove particularly pertinent. With that out of the way…
Episode Two (Boom Town, Gabriel):
Jesse can use a fishing rod, but only just before killing the ghast with a sword.
All ghasts in the Nether die with remarkable ease, and apart from them this place seems devoid of monsters.
“You were awesome, Jesse! With that ghast, and chasing the minecart…! That is, like, the perfect warmup for when we get to Boom Town!” How was that a good warmup for Boom Town? Boom Town is a place of explosions and chaos, not minecarts and ghasts.
I like the “Welcome to Boom Town” theme music. Minus one wrong!
“Wow- a cactus! You never see these back home!” “I’d take one as a souvenir, but I don’t wanna stick it in my pants.” And yet you would stuff feathers, cookies, blocks of wood, and other such oddities in your pants. Why worry about discomfort if your inventory has no effect on your outward condition?
These griefers.
You know what, Nohr? Considering how much you want to find Magnus, perhaps you should consider being less of a jerk and settling for a temporary truce.
“Oh, mighty Magnus! I have for you this offering-“ (amulet is snatched by another griefer) “Noooooo!” No.
“Hey! Did Nohr come this way?” How do you know her name?
“Augh! These bricks will take forever to punch through!” These bricks- the ones that you punch through with ease in the third episode- would take forever to punch through now for plot-related reasons.
“Ha! Nice. What did I tell you about teamwork!” “What? But I’m the one who said we should work together!” He didn’t say otherwise, so… what’s the problem?
Also, that griefer’s voice was used for an old man in Redstonia.
“No you didn’t. Give me that!” What did you say about teamwork?
“Quick! Flush him out!” Yes, throw some TNT up there and hope Jesse doesn’t jump away. Bunch of noobs.
(Finds eggs) “I love a good table-turning…” Ah yes, how we all love a good unexplained table turning. We’ll call it “Deus-Eggs-Machina”.
(Minus one wrong for every greifer splattered in the face with an egg) (Minus five wrongs)
The only way out of Boom Town is to out-grief the griefers. I can see why, but imagine if Jesse could somehow show Boom Town’s inhabitants alternative means to achieve their goals.
Axel took an arrow to the knee.
Jesse can only knock on Magnus’ door- as opposed to kicking it, or cracking it open by a hair to peer inside.
How does this trap even work?
“Did you really think you could sneak up on me? Ha! You’re two of the worst griefers I’ve ever met.” And yet you’ve been found, which is more than can be said for most griefers, apparently.
“And a pig? Really? Hardly stealthy.” Agreed. Just look at the Temple of the Order scene from the last episode.
(one of the dialogue options reads “The used that amulet”). The used that amulet.
“Give me one good reason why, for even a second, I should come with you. I am the ruler of this place.” Yeah, this place that will soon be destroyed, if what Jesse is saying is true.
“Are you that paranoid? Do you really not trust anyone?” “That’s how I’ve survived this long.” This makes me ask myself, why did the Order of the Stone separate? This is never explained in the fourth episode; all they cover is what they did with the Ender Dragon.
“Magnus! Craft a cannon!” “Yeah, finish him with a cannon!” Griefer shouts that Magnus should finish “him” with a cannon, even if you play as “her”.
The Death Bowl goes in a scripted sequence of events, making Jesse’s victory feel inevitable.
“STOP EATING MY KINGDOM-“ “Magnus! Come on!” There’s no point in grabbing Magnus in a hurry. You can just let him finish what he was saying, and it will be fine. It goes back to my issue with Reuben- there’s no way to kill any characters off sooner than their deaths were scheduled.
“Wow. Someone really went bonkers with the defenses, huh?” Says the guy who had Jesse and Axel “surrounded by hundreds of death traps”.
“It makes me glad that, even in these terrible times, this temple can stand as a stronghold. A symbol.” I wish we could get to see the wither storm destroy the temple later on, allowing Gabriel’s statement to become something of an irony.
“Come along- everyone else is still inside.” Gabriel claims everyone is still inside when they are, in fact, on the roof.
“I forgot to mention- Olivia went on a little… expedition of her own, while you were gone.” Axel does the same thing if you go after Ellegard, proving that Jesse is overall unnecessary in going after either member of the Order of the Stone.
“You two are going to have to get along, okay? We didn’t even know you were gonna be here.” We didn’t? Didn’t you say earlier that you were trying to reunite the Order of the Stone? You know, in its entirety?
“He wasn’t on the map.” (Gabriel: [nods and walks away]). Um… were you going to respond to that, or…?
If you fall down the pit, the Endermen hesitate to attack and instead gather slowly to gang up on Jesse, prompting him/her to go for a swim.
“Soren the builder; Magnus the rogue; Ellegard the engineer; Gabriel the warrior.” …Yes.
“Do you know what ‘wither’ is?” “The wither? Of course, we’ve been trying to-“ “No, Jesse, just ‘wither’… or ‘wither sickness’, to be more descriptive.” How does one get wither sickness, you may ask? Well, a group of writers get together, agree that they need some plot device to build tension, and decide to “infect” a main character.
Also, milk is never used as an attempt to cure Gabriel’s wither sickness. Gabriel himself only says that every such illness he’s contracted in the past wore off- not that he ever used a medical means to cure it. Even if milk doesn’t work, at least bring up the possibility.
“Time to be a hero again.” Because you couldn’t have been one when the wither storm began its rampage.
“They cannot help you… but me? I choose not to.” Why?
“Out of my way.” “Sorry, Ivor. I’m-“ Sorry, Ivor, but I have to step out of the way before you can walk past me.
“Don’t make yourselves the villains in my story.” Irony.
“This could have all been avoided.” Yes. It could have. Thank you for noticing.
“I’m like the wind!” Ivor is like the wind.
“Don’t tempt your fate.” Don’t tempt your fate.
Even if you want to let Ivor leave, he still blames you for Gabriel’s attempts to keep him there.
Even if you fail to dodge all of Ivor’s potions, he still acts as if he were hit by his own potion.
Total Wrongs: 90
Sentence: Magnus (“See? I’m walking away too now!”) Oh.
Episode Two (Redstonia, Petra):
Narration! ...Again!
“We’re in the Nether! Watch out for monsters, OK?” We already know that the Nethe… morer is dangerous, Jesse.
"If we don't get the Order back together, the wither storm is going to eat EVERYTHING. We're going to get Elleguard, get her to help us, and we're going to save the world!" Summary of about half the episode covered in two sentences.
A lot of people hate this episode because it's so short, yet the variety alone allows for more "tailoring" in this episode than in some of TellTale's other works. For this, I will subtract one wrong.
None of the choices made in this episode affect future episodes, as far as I can tell. For this, I will add back one wrong.
The introductory credits and title sequence are awesome... fine. I'll take that wrong off again. Last time I do this, though. Trust me.
“Ah, crap.” Crap.
“I mean, I’m no Elleguard… but I’m still pretty cool.” I'm sure … [view original content]
Narration! Again! Seriously! As much as I appreciate the voice acting, these introductions are unnecessary!
“Noooooo!” No.
Also, that audio filter.
“That was weird.” “Everythingfeelsreallyfastnow! …I said that really fast, didn’t I?” Telltale doesn’t find a fitting sense of humor for Story Mode until a few episodes in. Considering the entire wither storm arch of this series is only four episodes long, I consider this a serious travesty.
Lukas is the only one who notices that a member of their group isn’t feeling well. This either makes him hyper observant, or the rest of the group seriously shortsighted.
“Look, they’re not coming back.” Not until the end of this episode, anyway.
“So long as we have… this!” “Flint and steel? I don’t get it.” “That’s not… that’s not what I meant to pull out.” This joke.
(Amulet lights up). “Soren!” How convenient!
The spot you need to locate is only a few chunks away from where Jesse’s standing.
This quick-time-event.
Also, how are you digging through so quickly without a pickaxe?
“We have to get out of here!” “What?” She spoke loud enough for you to hear, Lukas.
“What’s a grinder doing down here?” “Not just any grinder; this is the craziest one I’ve ever seen! It must be Soren’s.” That doesn’t exactly answer Jesse’s question.
This grinder, this credits sequence, and some of these quick-time-events… are awesome. Minus one wrong!
Many of these QTEs are for Jesse to duck backwards.
One of the creepers flashes for a long time, yet never explodes.
(Falling into the grinder, forcing the creeper to blow up the grinder, etc.) Convenient… but also… epic…!
What allows the underwater plumbing to suck Jesse and his friends in?
“Oh crap!” Crap.
“See? Things are finally starting to turn around!” (Shoves Jesse aside). What a jerk!
Petra praises Jesse for choosing friends above amulet, and Gabriel praises Jesse for choosing amulet above friends. Even if Petra’s background doesn’t quite fit this differentiation between her and Gabriel, I still like how this difference in philosophy can encourage different ideals for Jesse to uphold. Minus one wrong!
“I’ll just hold onto it for a little bit… keep it safe…” My precious…
(Water and monsters pour down). Lukas suffers from delayed reaction times due to sudden fear spasms. Only slightly less pathetic than myself whenever I play dodgeball.
All these monsters and no one is so much as injured by the time this scene has ended.
“I have had enough of- …!” I have had enough of.
These spiders only grab onto people, for seemingly no reason. It’s as if they’re so devoid of friendship that they’ll dispense with the fact that they’re supposed to do damage like regular mobs. Now I feel guilty when these spiders die in a puff of monster dust.
“If there’s two things I hate, it’s running and monsters!” Two out of the three main issues you’ll face in a regular session of Minecraft. The third one is getting lost.
“Holy crap. An End portal?” How convenient! (x2)
“See? I told you I’d pay you back!” How was that paying Jesse/Lukas back?
Where are all the endermen? …Ah! There they are.
“What do we call that- a herd of endermen? A flock?” “It’s a haunting of endermen.” Minecraft grammar lessons.
“So we go from a death machine that almost drowns us, and we land here- in the End. Which is the right name for it, because now- incredibly- we don’t even know where we’re going!” “Are you saying we should have stayed?!” “No, I’m saying we should have known where we were headed before we left!” “We do know where we’re headed… towards Soren!” “That’s enough!” Tension building.
“Face it, Jesse… we might never find this guy.” “There he is.” How convenient! (x3)
“Did… that just happen? I can’t believe that just happened! Am I the only one that’s surprised?” Unfortunately, yes.
Total Wrongs: 32
Sentence: English (“You might want to hold off on the grammar lessons until later.”) Aww…
Beleive me, I don't play Minecraft either but the biggest reason why I play the Story Mode is because I'm a Telltale fan. It's not that bad. I'm more interested in stories than the gameplays themselves tbh.
Beleive me, I don't play Minecraft either but the biggest reason why I play the Story Mode is because I'm a Telltale fan. It's not that bad. I'm more interested in stories than the gameplays themselves tbh.
Episode Three (Part One):
Narration! Again! Seriously! As much as I appreciate the voice acting, these introductions are unnecessary!
… more“Noooooo!” No.
Also, that audio filter.
“That was weird.” “Everythingfeelsreallyfastnow! …I said that really fast, didn’t I?” Telltale doesn’t find a fitting sense of humor for Story Mode until a few episodes in. Considering the entire wither storm arch of this series is only four episodes long, I consider this a serious travesty.
Lukas is the only one who notices that a member of their group isn’t feeling well. This either makes him hyper observant, or the rest of the group seriously shortsighted.
“Look, they’re not coming back.” Not until the end of this episode, anyway.
“So long as we have… this!” “Flint and steel? I don’t get it.” “That’s not… that’s not what I meant to pull out.” This joke.
(Amulet lights up). “Soren!” How convenient!
The spot you need to locate is only a few chu… [view original content]
Episode Three (Part One):
Narration! Again! Seriously! As much as I appreciate the voice acting, these introductions are unnecessary!
… more“Noooooo!” No.
Also, that audio filter.
“That was weird.” “Everythingfeelsreallyfastnow! …I said that really fast, didn’t I?” Telltale doesn’t find a fitting sense of humor for Story Mode until a few episodes in. Considering the entire wither storm arch of this series is only four episodes long, I consider this a serious travesty.
Lukas is the only one who notices that a member of their group isn’t feeling well. This either makes him hyper observant, or the rest of the group seriously shortsighted.
“Look, they’re not coming back.” Not until the end of this episode, anyway.
“So long as we have… this!” “Flint and steel? I don’t get it.” “That’s not… that’s not what I meant to pull out.” This joke.
(Amulet lights up). “Soren!” How convenient!
The spot you need to locate is only a few chu… [view original content]
Very little. Episode 4 was terrible for me, like the other episodes. I'm waiting till I've played the whole game to give my verdict but so far its one of the worst games ive ever played.
How big is the difference between E1 and E4?
Very little. Episode 4 was terrible for me, like the other episodes. I'm waiting till I've played the whole game to give my verdict but so far its one of the worst games ive ever played.
“Actually, you know what? I’ll just go. …Give me a chance. Just say the word…” There’s literally no point in deciding who will “lead” the group to the staircase that everyone can plainly see. This choice only exists as a “trust building exercise” with Lukas.
Can you feel the tension build in this action-packed sequence of climbing up stairs?
“I hope that someday, I love something as much as Soren seems to love stairs.” “So many stairs…” “There’s a ladder!” “Better not be a long one.” Now I’m starting to get hiking flashbacks.
“Jesse… I believe this honor belongs to you.” Why? ...Oh! Right. Because Jesse's the main protagonist.
“I think I must be seeing things… it’s like another world up here! A brand new, totally unspoiled world!” Come with me... and you’ll be... in a world of pure imagination…
There is no point in looking at this fake wool tree.
“You’re telling me that we’ve been resting all our hopes on this guy, and the whole time he’s been building some… totally artificial happy-land?!” That’s actually a fair point.
“Isn’t it pretty impressive that he built an exact replica with this stuff?” “Impressively bananapants.” See, Telltale? Just think about how many wacky expressions you could come up with if you stopped resorting to “crap” all the time.
Player will be called out later for not high-fiving Reuben in this scene.
Even though there are no puzzles in this sequence (an issue not rectified until episode four, and even then there are some problems), I still like the different scenarios that can play out based on what you tell different characters. There’s no punishment for being open about Petra/Gabriel’s wither sickness, however, which is why I’m adding one wrong to the counter. Good try, though.
“I just hope we don’t discover Soren as he’s getting ready for bed. He always wore the most revealing bathrobes!” And how do you know this?
Clay hunting. It’s boring, and shouldn’t be necessary since Soren is clearly standing right outside the window.
The opportunity of having an extensive chat with Reuben is one of those things I wish Telltale would try more often; hiding secrets into their games.
Soren’s records are another good example of hiding optional content. Minus one wrong!
This tiny enderman disguise somehow works.
“One block down, five to go. I just hope that Soren’s watching, wherever he is.” Jesse interrupts the player with pointless dialogue after placing a single clay block on Soren’s building grid.
The enderman will not yield his clay block unless Jesse forcefully takes it from him.
“I don’t think it’ll bruise. You’re face, I mean. These suits were built with durability in mind.” Still, that hit was enough to knock Jesse unconscious. That should hurt.
“Whatever your issue is- whatever your problem- it has occurred before and has been solved before.” All except for the problem of you being a total fraud and a jerk, as it so happens.
“…” “…It’s about the command block, isn’t it?” “…” “Ah, I see. You misspoke. You don’t need me; you need my stuff.” Even if you don’t say anything, Soren claims that you misspoke.
What’s with the endermen freaking out outside the window? Do they just not like Jesse’s fashion sense? They have no reason to believe that Jesse is the same fake enderman that they took issue with earlier.
“I find that when you give people what they want, they turn on you. They become resentful.” When you cheat to give them what they want, yeah, it’s kind of hard not to be.
“Who turned on you?” “All of them!” Seriously, what happened after the ender-dragon incident?
“What about you? Are you my friend?” This choice- at least, for this and the next episode- holds no consequence whatsoever.
”Gary may seem scary, but he’s a swell guy…” This song… is awesome. Minus one wrong!
The endermen decide to get mad and cause damage to move the plot forward.
“And the hits keep on coming…” What many of Telltale’s fans seemed to be thinking after the announcement of this series.
None of the endermen in this sequence see through Jesse’s disguise.
"We said you needed to break the fountain, so... break it!" Soren grows impatient right when Jesse arrives at the fountain.
Jesse punches through stone blocks as if they were made out of sand… at two different fountains, no less.
No option to do the conga exists in this bridge scene.
“When I constructed this place, I was worried about how flammable my material was, so I built a fire-suppression system to prevent the whole thing from going up in flames!” How convenient! (x4)
Episode Three (Part One):
Narration! Again! Seriously! As much as I appreciate the voice acting, these introductions are unnecessary!
… more“Noooooo!” No.
Also, that audio filter.
“That was weird.” “Everythingfeelsreallyfastnow! …I said that really fast, didn’t I?” Telltale doesn’t find a fitting sense of humor for Story Mode until a few episodes in. Considering the entire wither storm arch of this series is only four episodes long, I consider this a serious travesty.
Lukas is the only one who notices that a member of their group isn’t feeling well. This either makes him hyper observant, or the rest of the group seriously shortsighted.
“Look, they’re not coming back.” Not until the end of this episode, anyway.
“So long as we have… this!” “Flint and steel? I don’t get it.” “That’s not… that’s not what I meant to pull out.” This joke.
(Amulet lights up). “Soren!” How convenient!
The spot you need to locate is only a few chu… [view original content]
Great point! I thought about including that as a wrong, but figured this episode had enough going against it without conning this lack of creativity. Although... considering this series is based on Minecraft, not counting a lack of creativity might be a bit ironic... I dunno. :P
“I’ll just hold onto it for a little bit… keep it safe…” My precious…
They do fight over it like its the most important thing in the Minecraft world.
Episode Three (Part Two):
“Actually, you know what? I’ll just go. …Give me a chance. Just say the word…” There’s literally no point in de… moreciding who will “lead” the group to the staircase that everyone can plainly see. This choice only exists as a “trust building exercise” with Lukas.
Can you feel the tension build in this action-packed sequence of climbing up stairs?
“I hope that someday, I love something as much as Soren seems to love stairs.” “So many stairs…” “There’s a ladder!” “Better not be a long one.” Now I’m starting to get hiking flashbacks.
“Jesse… I believe this honor belongs to you.” Why? ...Oh! Right. Because Jesse's the main protagonist.
“I think I must be seeing things… it’s like another world up here! A brand new, totally unspoiled world!” Come with me... and you’ll be... in a world of pure imagination…
There is no point in looking at this fake wool tree.
“You’re telling me that we’ve been resting all our… [view original content]
People get hungry in this world, but do they need to poop? o.o where's the Minecraft toilet? Do the ladies get periods? Do men need to shave… more? Where are all the Minecraft children? Do people woo hoo and the expecting mother pops out a baby in 9 months, or do they just pop out of the ground like daisies fully grown and mentally matured without the need for a woo hoo? Are there even families? Do people fall in love? Do people get into relationships or get married or is everybody asexual?
Do they need planning permission first before building a structure, or do they need to pass a builder exam to get a builder's licence first before even applying for that? Do they need to study? Are there schools or colleges? What's stopping somebody from building a 1000 foot high giant block of dirt? Is it against the law? Will they go to prison for destroying the countryside by removing all the dirt and building it on a town because they thought 'hey, i'm wa… [view original content]
There’s almost no point in worrying about Jesse’s oxygen level in the underwater sequence, since once Gabriel/Petra is under arm all it takes is a QTE to get them to safety.
“You seem like a person who appreciates cool stuff that’s cool for no reason.” Hipsters in a nutshell.
(Golems play baseball with other mobs) Golems cannot do this in a regular session of Minecraft.
“Oh, and feel free to help yourselves!” Yet all Jesse ever takes is gunpowder.
Axel doesn’t take anything in this scene, even though it would’ve been cool to see him grab some materials and build his own armor set in the fourth episode, since all he’s ever given alternatively is a fishbowl-helmet.
“Wait… but I thought super TNT was the Formidi-Bomb…” “Of course not! They’re two completely different words, aren’t they?” Super TNT and Formidi-Bomb are two different things in this episode, even though they were described as the same thing in the previous one.
“The ingredients are highly unstable- even putting them in close proximity to each other is a risk!” Yet Jesse keeps all this in his/her inventory. You know. In close proximity.
Suddenly endermen.
(Crashing into a creeper on a minecart) That creeper should’ve exploded the moment it noticed a probable collision.
“There you are!” “So glad you could make it!” Suddenly Ellegard and Magnus.
“We’ve been fighting this entire time!” Really? How did you even get out here?
“…I feel like that got bigger.” “…It did.” Suddenly wither storm.
“We only get one shot at this. Remember, once the Formidi-Bomb is crafted it’ll explode in a matter of seconds. It means whoever is doing the crafting… will be in great danger. I was hoping… well… perhaps we could draw straws?” “Don’t look at me.” “I think I may have tweaked an ankle earlier, so…” Ladies and gentlemen, the Order of the Stone in all its glory. Clap… clap… okay, we’re done.
“You should be ashamed of yourselves!” Petra has a point.
“Jesse… take my armor. It’ll help.” “Nah… you can take mine. It’s gotten me out of a lotta jams.” Time to pick out a tragic death scene!
“Uhhh... by the power vested in me... yadda yadda yadda... the Order of the Stone!” “What?!” What he said was, “Uhhh... by the power vested in me... yadda yadda yadda... the Order of the Stone!” Pay attention, Jesse.
“Watch out! No! Magnus!” Oh no, he got killed by a… tree.
The wither storm yells at the Formidi-Bomb, which somehow activates it.
“Thanks, buddy.” Oh, Reuben… (you’re next you little piece of underdone bacon).
“My armor… really suits you, Jesse. I want you to keep it, okay?” Yay! Murder a member of a famous guild, get their armor. That’s how it works, right?
“Please don’t die, Ellegard. Please, just- hang on a little longer!” “I’m trying, Jesse, but… ‘a little’ is all I’ve got left…” Was that a short joke?
“Well, Soren… at least I… finally got to be a real hero… right?” Indeed. It shall be written upon your epitaph- “died bravely by being hit in the back by a tree in such a manner as to somehow completely dislocate the spine… elsewise because the plot demanded it.”
There is no consequence for not rescuing any survivors.
All the survivors Jesse can rescue seem to have the same haircut.
(Petra/Gabriel grabs onto Jesse). How convenient! (x5)
Episode Three (Part One):
Narration! Again! Seriously! As much as I appreciate the voice acting, these introductions are unnecessary!
… more“Noooooo!” No.
Also, that audio filter.
“That was weird.” “Everythingfeelsreallyfastnow! …I said that really fast, didn’t I?” Telltale doesn’t find a fitting sense of humor for Story Mode until a few episodes in. Considering the entire wither storm arch of this series is only four episodes long, I consider this a serious travesty.
Lukas is the only one who notices that a member of their group isn’t feeling well. This either makes him hyper observant, or the rest of the group seriously shortsighted.
“Look, they’re not coming back.” Not until the end of this episode, anyway.
“So long as we have… this!” “Flint and steel? I don’t get it.” “That’s not… that’s not what I meant to pull out.” This joke.
(Amulet lights up). “Soren!” How convenient!
The spot you need to locate is only a few chu… [view original content]
Episode Three (Part One):
Narration! Again! Seriously! As much as I appreciate the voice acting, these introductions are unnecessary!
… more“Noooooo!” No.
Also, that audio filter.
“That was weird.” “Everythingfeelsreallyfastnow! …I said that really fast, didn’t I?” Telltale doesn’t find a fitting sense of humor for Story Mode until a few episodes in. Considering the entire wither storm arch of this series is only four episodes long, I consider this a serious travesty.
Lukas is the only one who notices that a member of their group isn’t feeling well. This either makes him hyper observant, or the rest of the group seriously shortsighted.
“Look, they’re not coming back.” Not until the end of this episode, anyway.
“So long as we have… this!” “Flint and steel? I don’t get it.” “That’s not… that’s not what I meant to pull out.” This joke.
(Amulet lights up). “Soren!” How convenient!
The spot you need to locate is only a few chu… [view original content]
Just the extremes of heck and darn.
Episode Two (Redstonia, Petra):
Narration! ...Again!
“We’re in the Nether! Watch out for monsters, OK?” We already know that the Nether is dangerous, Jesse.
"If we don't get the Order back together, the wither storm is going to eat EVERYTHING. We're going to get Elleguard, get her to help us, and we're going to save the world!" Summary of about half the episode covered in two sentences.
A lot of people hate this episode because it's so short, yet the variety alone allows for more "tailoring" in this episode than in some of TellTale's other works. For this, I will subtract one wrong.
None of the choices made in this episode affect future episodes, as far as I can tell. For this, I will add back one wrong.
The introductory credits and title sequence are awesome... fine. I'll take that wrong off again. Last time I do this, though. Trust me.
“Ah, crap.” Crap.
“I mean, I’m no Elleguard… but I’m still pretty cool.” I'm sure you'd like to think that, Calvin, but after seeing you carelessly entrust the McGuffin to the "complicated" transport system, I find it hard to believe.
The glitch where Olivia's mouth doesn't move the way it's supposed to. There are a lot of glitches in this episode, so for time's sake I'll tack on seven more wrongs and say I'm being generous.
“Because somewhere, deep inside of everyone, is the urge to see a cow go flyin’. Admit it!” Aw, c'mon, Jesse! You know it's true! No? Okay.
“Okay, Reuben! Let’s play a new game- it’s called Super Pig!” Jesse is a jerk to Reuben.
“I do make the occasional cookie.” “Yeah, you do! I love cookies…” If Jesse loves cookies so much, then why did we have the option to give the one we had to...? (Lukesse comes to mind) Ack! Moving on!
No one bothers to interrupt Jesse's plan of breaking into Elleguard's place.
Getting into Elleguard's prism is super easy, considering how much she seems to value privacy.
“What’s this thing even for?” “I don’t know. Breaking things down, keeping intruders out… there’s a lot of possibilities.” Well, it's already failed at keeping intruders out, since you were able to walk through it before it activated. Guess we'll never know the true purpose of this thing.
Also, if it was designed to keep intruders out, then why include the lever to deactivate it on the side intruders would be coming in from?
“Oh, hey! Didn’t see you sneaking up on me. Guess that’s kind of the point.” Had you been paying better attention, you probably could've heard Olivia talking about her hopes and dreams. So, did we sneak up on you, or did you allow yourself to be snuck up on?
“Don’t touch anything, okay? It’s all very fragile and genius.” I'm pretty sure any true-blooded Redstonian would be careful of your work... except for Mabel, maybe.
“Did Calvin send you? Are you my new assistants?” Were you expecting assistants? You were going to personally pick out a protégé, so what need have you for assistants?
“Elleguard-“ “No time for specifics, I’m afraid.” We were- I was- it just-
“Great. Now I need an assistant to help with my assistant.” Assistants assisting assistants. Assistaception!
Elleguard will not remember that you went to help your friend after she (the friend in question) fainted, because Elleguard doesn't care. Olivia won't remember, either.
“You seem like very pleasant people, who are prone to fainting,” What a jerk!
“I’m in the middle of my greatest project to date- a powerful block capable of altering reality itself!” Why are you trying to build a command block again?
“What are you talking about? Who sent you? Was it Calvin?” You asked that earlier. The answer is no.
“Wait- waitwaitwaitwaitwait- how do you know what a command block is?” Jesse never said that he/she knew what it was. He/She only said that you were trying to build one, which is what you announced earlier.
“Not to seem belittling,” Lady, we're way past belittling.
“The world needs the Order of the Stone! That’s why we’re here!” “Ohhhh … You’re the ones who brought this! It came up here, no note or anything,” See, Calvin? This is why you're not cool.
The choice between helping Elleguard or leaving in a hurry isn't really much of a choice, since either way you escape Redstonia with no command block and with an angry wither storm chasing after you.
“And it’s really good to see you, Jesse.” Wow. Petra's being very friendly to Jesse considering she used to be...? (Jetra comes to mind) Ack! Moving on!
“Um, what’s he doing here?” You heard us say earlier that we were reuniting the Order of the Stone. This really shouldn't come as a surprise.
“So, who are you, then? And why did you bring the queen of the nerds with you?” Good question.
“That’s my friend, Jesse. He’s/She’s totally cool.” “I’ll be the judge of that, huh?” What a jerk!
“Hey, Elleguard is cool and she’s going to help us stop this wither storm.” “Ellie? ‘Cool’? Baaaahahahahaaha!” IKR?? XD
“Long story, you had to be there. Short version? Epic battle of explosions and mayhem… death-defying action shenanigans and pyrotechnics… badabing, badaboom.” I think you have your long story confused with your short story... but then, that may be the point. Either way.
Also, badabing badaboom.
“Holy crap, you’re all acting like crazy people!” By the holiest of excrement, thy behaviors seemeth as lunacy!
“We would need a mountain of TNT to kill that thing!” How would you know for certain? You haven't seen the wither storm yet. Unless it showed up at your place, then somehow teleported to Redstonia afterwards.
“Soren claimed that the F-Bomb could destroy anything.” HA. ...Seriously though, that's the only laugh you're getting out of me for that one.
“How could you have lost contact with him?” (Elleguard: [nods and walks away]) Um... were you going to answer that, or...?
Even if you leave immediately, the wither storm catches up with you.
“That’s it! I’m leaving!” “See? I’m walking away too now! Super TNT, here I come!” And that's all we'll see of Magnus and Elleguard for the rest of this episode.
I like the camera angle that shows all four statues at once from an overhead perspective. Too bad it has to cut back down to the normal view so that gameplay can happen.
Even if you talk to Petra before talking to Olivia, Olivia recommends you talk to Petra.
“I’m sorry. I don’t want to worry you. I’ve just got something I want to discuss with you in private.” Subtle, Petra. Very subtle.
“You can’t tell anyone about this.” Why not?
Suddenly creeper.
Jesse probably could’ve climbed back up without her “help”, but… okay. Whatever moves the plot forward, I guess.
Can you feel the tension build as Jesse awkwardly wanders around in the dark?
Wow! Cool library! Too bad we’ll only use a small part of it in this series.
Suddenly Ivor… seriously, what are you doing here?
You know what, Ivor? Considering most of this mess got started because you couldn’t take Jesse and his/her friends seriously, maybe you should try being less antagonistic for once, and talk this one out.
I said I wouldn’t be taking off more wrongs, so I’ll just state that some of the shock value of this fight comes straight out of The Matrix, but add that the fight is cool enough for this point to not count. What’s that? It’s still the same thing as taking off a wrong? Eh, whatever.
It’s a good thing you saved that splash potion of slowness until the whole group showed up. Otherwise, you might have had difficulty getting past them on your way out.
So, from what I gather based on this outro sequence: Petra is a discount Gabriel, Axel is a discount Magnus, Olivia is a discount Elleguard, and Jesse is a discount Soren. Is that why they’re called the New Order of the Stone two episodes later?
Total Wrongs: 57
Sentence: Elleguard ("That's it! I'm leaving!") Oh.
In some scenes the sound is cutted, for example, when Jesse doing some jump with the horse in ep4 (the scenes before jesse said: "There, we need to ride over that..... Bridge"), listen carefully when you play the episode and you will know what i mean
Thanks! This is pretty fun to do until the last episode comes out.
I’ll try not to repeat wrongs or rights that were covered in the last run, unless any of them prove particularly pertinent. With that out of the way…
Episode Two (Boom Town, Gabriel):
Jesse can use a fishing rod, but only just before killing the ghast with a sword.
All ghasts in the Nether die with remarkable ease, and apart from them this place seems devoid of monsters.
“You were awesome, Jesse! With that ghast, and chasing the minecart…! That is, like, the perfect warmup for when we get to Boom Town!” How was that a good warmup for Boom Town? Boom Town is a place of explosions and chaos, not minecarts and ghasts.
I like the “Welcome to Boom Town” theme music. Minus one wrong!
“Wow- a cactus! You never see these back home!” “I’d take one as a souvenir, but I don’t wanna stick it in my pants.” And yet you would stuff feathers, cookies, blocks of wood, and other such oddities in your pants. Why worry about discomfort if your inventory has no effect on your outward condition?
These griefers.
You know what, Nohr? Considering how much you want to find Magnus, perhaps you should consider being less of a jerk and settling for a temporary truce.
“Oh, mighty Magnus! I have for you this offering-“ (amulet is snatched by another griefer) “Noooooo!” No.
“Hey! Did Nohr come this way?” How do you know her name?
“Augh! These bricks will take forever to punch through!” These bricks- the ones that you punch through with ease in the third episode- would take forever to punch through now for plot-related reasons.
“Ha! Nice. What did I tell you about teamwork!” “What? But I’m the one who said we should work together!” He didn’t say otherwise, so… what’s the problem?
Also, that griefer’s voice was used for an old man in Redstonia.
“No you didn’t. Give me that!” What did you say about teamwork?
“Quick! Flush him out!” Yes, throw some TNT up there and hope Jesse doesn’t jump away. Bunch of noobs.
(Finds eggs) “I love a good table-turning…” Ah yes, how we all love a good unexplained table turning. We’ll call it “Deus-Eggs-Machina”.
(Minus one wrong for every greifer splattered in the face with an egg) (Minus five wrongs)
The only way out of Boom Town is to out-grief the griefers. I can see why, but imagine if Jesse could somehow show Boom Town’s inhabitants alternative means to achieve their goals.
Axel took an arrow to the knee.
Jesse can only knock on Magnus’ door- as opposed to kicking it, or cracking it open by a hair to peer inside.
How does this trap even work?
“Did you really think you could sneak up on me? Ha! You’re two of the worst griefers I’ve ever met.” And yet you’ve been found, which is more than can be said for most griefers, apparently.
“And a pig? Really? Hardly stealthy.” Agreed. Just look at the Temple of the Order scene from the last episode.
(one of the dialogue options reads “The used that amulet”). The used that amulet.
“Give me one good reason why, for even a second, I should come with you. I am the ruler of this place.” Yeah, this place that will soon be destroyed, if what Jesse is saying is true.
“Are you that paranoid? Do you really not trust anyone?” “That’s how I’ve survived this long.” This makes me ask myself, why did the Order of the Stone separate? This is never explained in the fourth episode; all they cover is what they did with the Ender Dragon.
“Magnus! Craft a cannon!” “Yeah, finish him with a cannon!” Griefer shouts that Magnus should finish “him” with a cannon, even if you play as “her”.
The Death Bowl goes in a scripted sequence of events, making Jesse’s victory feel inevitable.
“STOP EATING MY KINGDOM-“ “Magnus! Come on!” There’s no point in grabbing Magnus in a hurry. You can just let him finish what he was saying, and it will be fine. It goes back to my issue with Reuben- there’s no way to kill any characters off sooner than their deaths were scheduled.
“Wow. Someone really went bonkers with the defenses, huh?” Says the guy who had Jesse and Axel “surrounded by hundreds of death traps”.
“It makes me glad that, even in these terrible times, this temple can stand as a stronghold. A symbol.” I wish we could get to see the wither storm destroy the temple later on, allowing Gabriel’s statement to become something of an irony.
“Come along- everyone else is still inside.” Gabriel claims everyone is still inside when they are, in fact, on the roof.
“I forgot to mention- Olivia went on a little… expedition of her own, while you were gone.” Axel does the same thing if you go after Ellegard, proving that Jesse is overall unnecessary in going after either member of the Order of the Stone.
“You two are going to have to get along, okay? We didn’t even know you were gonna be here.” We didn’t? Didn’t you say earlier that you were trying to reunite the Order of the Stone? You know, in its entirety?
“He wasn’t on the map.” (Gabriel: [nods and walks away]). Um… were you going to respond to that, or…?
If you fall down the pit, the Endermen hesitate to attack and instead gather slowly to gang up on Jesse, prompting him/her to go for a swim.
“Soren the builder; Magnus the rogue; Ellegard the engineer; Gabriel the warrior.” …Yes.
“Do you know what ‘wither’ is?” “The wither? Of course, we’ve been trying to-“ “No, Jesse, just ‘wither’… or ‘wither sickness’, to be more descriptive.” How does one get wither sickness, you may ask? Well, a group of writers get together, agree that they need some plot device to build tension, and decide to “infect” a main character.
Also, milk is never used as an attempt to cure Gabriel’s wither sickness. Gabriel himself only says that every such illness he’s contracted in the past wore off- not that he ever used a medical means to cure it. Even if milk doesn’t work, at least bring up the possibility.
“Time to be a hero again.” Because you couldn’t have been one when the wither storm began its rampage.
“They cannot help you… but me? I choose not to.” Why?
“Out of my way.” “Sorry, Ivor. I’m-“ Sorry, Ivor, but I have to step out of the way before you can walk past me.
“Don’t make yourselves the villains in my story.” Irony.
“This could have all been avoided.” Yes. It could have. Thank you for noticing.
“I’m like the wind!” Ivor is like the wind.
“Don’t tempt your fate.” Don’t tempt your fate.
Even if you want to let Ivor leave, he still blames you for Gabriel’s attempts to keep him there.
Even if you fail to dodge all of Ivor’s potions, he still acts as if he were hit by his own potion.
Total Wrongs: 90
Sentence: Magnus (“See? I’m walking away too now!”) Oh.
...Ah! ...Okay. Thanks.
I'm sort of glad he is banned
Me too. He was such a doubting Thomas
I believe it's "sixth-grader," not "six-grader."
Episode Three (Part One):
Narration! Again! Seriously! As much as I appreciate the voice acting, these introductions are unnecessary!
“Noooooo!” No.
Also, that audio filter.
“That was weird.” “Everythingfeelsreallyfastnow! …I said that really fast, didn’t I?” Telltale doesn’t find a fitting sense of humor for Story Mode until a few episodes in. Considering the entire wither storm arch of this series is only four episodes long, I consider this a serious travesty.
Lukas is the only one who notices that a member of their group isn’t feeling well. This either makes him hyper observant, or the rest of the group seriously shortsighted.
“Look, they’re not coming back.” Not until the end of this episode, anyway.
“So long as we have… this!” “Flint and steel? I don’t get it.” “That’s not… that’s not what I meant to pull out.” This joke.
(Amulet lights up). “Soren!” How convenient!
The spot you need to locate is only a few chunks away from where Jesse’s standing.
This quick-time-event.
Also, how are you digging through so quickly without a pickaxe?
“We have to get out of here!” “What?” She spoke loud enough for you to hear, Lukas.
“What’s a grinder doing down here?” “Not just any grinder; this is the craziest one I’ve ever seen! It must be Soren’s.” That doesn’t exactly answer Jesse’s question.
This grinder, this credits sequence, and some of these quick-time-events… are awesome. Minus one wrong!
Many of these QTEs are for Jesse to duck backwards.
One of the creepers flashes for a long time, yet never explodes.
(Falling into the grinder, forcing the creeper to blow up the grinder, etc.) Convenient… but also… epic…!
What allows the underwater plumbing to suck Jesse and his friends in?
“Oh crap!” Crap.
“See? Things are finally starting to turn around!” (Shoves Jesse aside). What a jerk!
Petra praises Jesse for choosing friends above amulet, and Gabriel praises Jesse for choosing amulet above friends. Even if Petra’s background doesn’t quite fit this differentiation between her and Gabriel, I still like how this difference in philosophy can encourage different ideals for Jesse to uphold. Minus one wrong!
“I’ll just hold onto it for a little bit… keep it safe…” My precious…
(Water and monsters pour down). Lukas suffers from delayed reaction times due to sudden fear spasms. Only slightly less pathetic than myself whenever I play dodgeball.
All these monsters and no one is so much as injured by the time this scene has ended.
“I have had enough of- …!” I have had enough of.
These spiders only grab onto people, for seemingly no reason. It’s as if they’re so devoid of friendship that they’ll dispense with the fact that they’re supposed to do damage like regular mobs. Now I feel guilty when these spiders die in a puff of monster dust.
“If there’s two things I hate, it’s running and monsters!” Two out of the three main issues you’ll face in a regular session of Minecraft. The third one is getting lost.
“Holy crap. An End portal?” How convenient! (x2)
“See? I told you I’d pay you back!” How was that paying Jesse/Lukas back?
Where are all the endermen? …Ah! There they are.
“What do we call that- a herd of endermen? A flock?” “It’s a haunting of endermen.” Minecraft grammar lessons.
“So we go from a death machine that almost drowns us, and we land here- in the End. Which is the right name for it, because now- incredibly- we don’t even know where we’re going!” “Are you saying we should have stayed?!” “No, I’m saying we should have known where we were headed before we left!” “We do know where we’re headed… towards Soren!” “That’s enough!” Tension building.
“Face it, Jesse… we might never find this guy.” “There he is.” How convenient! (x3)
“Did… that just happen? I can’t believe that just happened! Am I the only one that’s surprised?” Unfortunately, yes.
Total Wrongs: 32
Sentence: English (“You might want to hold off on the grammar lessons until later.”) Aww…
It's shit
Jk I don't know, I only played the first episode and I was bored.
Episode 4 will convince you because it's best episode so far.
How big is the difference between E1 and E4?
Pretty big. It has a lot of enjoyable moments and an emotional one.
By "emotional" do you mean Rueben's death?
Yep, he affected a lot of players.
Then, no thanks. I don't want to play Minecraft
I cant thumbs up your comments enough
Create multiple accounts and like my comment again and again.
You may get perma banned but at least my comment is going to have 100000000 likes
Beleive me, I don't play Minecraft either but the biggest reason why I play the Story Mode is because I'm a Telltale fan. It's not that bad. I'm more interested in stories than the gameplays themselves tbh.
Well, the story is not good enough for me, so.... Mah.
They do fight over it like its the most important thing in the Minecraft world.
did anyone else notice that jesse had flint and steel he could have burned the bookshelf and escaped
Exactly! And he/she even pulls it out just to say that's not want they meant to do.
Very little. Episode 4 was terrible for me, like the other episodes. I'm waiting till I've played the whole game to give my verdict but so far its one of the worst games ive ever played.
Wtf yourself lol
Episode Three (Part Two):
“Actually, you know what? I’ll just go. …Give me a chance. Just say the word…” There’s literally no point in deciding who will “lead” the group to the staircase that everyone can plainly see. This choice only exists as a “trust building exercise” with Lukas.
Can you feel the tension build in this action-packed sequence of climbing up stairs?
“I hope that someday, I love something as much as Soren seems to love stairs.” “So many stairs…” “There’s a ladder!” “Better not be a long one.” Now I’m starting to get hiking flashbacks.
“Jesse… I believe this honor belongs to you.” Why? ...Oh! Right. Because Jesse's the main protagonist.
“I think I must be seeing things… it’s like another world up here! A brand new, totally unspoiled world!” Come with me... and you’ll be... in a world of pure imagination…
There is no point in looking at this fake wool tree.
“You’re telling me that we’ve been resting all our hopes on this guy, and the whole time he’s been building some… totally artificial happy-land?!” That’s actually a fair point.
“Isn’t it pretty impressive that he built an exact replica with this stuff?” “Impressively bananapants.” See, Telltale? Just think about how many wacky expressions you could come up with if you stopped resorting to “crap” all the time.
Player will be called out later for not high-fiving Reuben in this scene.
Even though there are no puzzles in this sequence (an issue not rectified until episode four, and even then there are some problems), I still like the different scenarios that can play out based on what you tell different characters. There’s no punishment for being open about Petra/Gabriel’s wither sickness, however, which is why I’m adding one wrong to the counter. Good try, though.
“I just hope we don’t discover Soren as he’s getting ready for bed. He always wore the most revealing bathrobes!” And how do you know this?
Clay hunting. It’s boring, and shouldn’t be necessary since Soren is clearly standing right outside the window.
The opportunity of having an extensive chat with Reuben is one of those things I wish Telltale would try more often; hiding secrets into their games.
Soren’s records are another good example of hiding optional content. Minus one wrong!
This tiny enderman disguise somehow works.
“One block down, five to go. I just hope that Soren’s watching, wherever he is.” Jesse interrupts the player with pointless dialogue after placing a single clay block on Soren’s building grid.
The enderman will not yield his clay block unless Jesse forcefully takes it from him.
“I don’t think it’ll bruise. You’re face, I mean. These suits were built with durability in mind.” Still, that hit was enough to knock Jesse unconscious. That should hurt.
Also, first-person-camera-angle-while-important-stuff-happens cliché.
“Whatever your issue is- whatever your problem- it has occurred before and has been solved before.” All except for the problem of you being a total fraud and a jerk, as it so happens.
“…” “…It’s about the command block, isn’t it?” “…” “Ah, I see. You misspoke. You don’t need me; you need my stuff.” Even if you don’t say anything, Soren claims that you misspoke.
What’s with the endermen freaking out outside the window? Do they just not like Jesse’s fashion sense? They have no reason to believe that Jesse is the same fake enderman that they took issue with earlier.
“I find that when you give people what they want, they turn on you. They become resentful.” When you cheat to give them what they want, yeah, it’s kind of hard not to be.
“Who turned on you?” “All of them!” Seriously, what happened after the ender-dragon incident?
“What about you? Are you my friend?” This choice- at least, for this and the next episode- holds no consequence whatsoever.
”Gary may seem scary, but he’s a swell guy…” This song… is awesome. Minus one wrong!
The endermen decide to get mad and cause damage to move the plot forward.
“And the hits keep on coming…” What many of Telltale’s fans seemed to be thinking after the announcement of this series.
None of the endermen in this sequence see through Jesse’s disguise.
"We said you needed to break the fountain, so... break it!" Soren grows impatient right when Jesse arrives at the fountain.
Jesse punches through stone blocks as if they were made out of sand… at two different fountains, no less.
No option to do the conga exists in this bridge scene.
“When I constructed this place, I was worried about how flammable my material was, so I built a fire-suppression system to prevent the whole thing from going up in flames!” How convenient! (x4)
Total Wrongs: 62
Sentence: An Enderman Love Song
Great point! I thought about including that as a wrong, but figured this episode had enough going against it without conning this lack of creativity. Although... considering this series is based on Minecraft, not counting a lack of creativity might be a bit ironic... I dunno. :P
Hey, you said it, not me.
Yeah... it makes some sense, but it definitely highlights how much the amulet is the McGuffin of the series.
I wish they'd explained this better too. But it doesn't look like Ep 5 is going to focus on the Order of the Stone. Oh well.
FuturisticHub perfectly explains in his "NEEDED IN MINECRAFT" video how babies are made
Episode Three (Part Three):
There’s almost no point in worrying about Jesse’s oxygen level in the underwater sequence, since once Gabriel/Petra is under arm all it takes is a QTE to get them to safety.
“You seem like a person who appreciates cool stuff that’s cool for no reason.” Hipsters in a nutshell.
(Golems play baseball with other mobs) Golems cannot do this in a regular session of Minecraft.
“Oh, and feel free to help yourselves!” Yet all Jesse ever takes is gunpowder.
Axel doesn’t take anything in this scene, even though it would’ve been cool to see him grab some materials and build his own armor set in the fourth episode, since all he’s ever given alternatively is a fishbowl-helmet.
“Wait… but I thought super TNT was the Formidi-Bomb…” “Of course not! They’re two completely different words, aren’t they?” Super TNT and Formidi-Bomb are two different things in this episode, even though they were described as the same thing in the previous one.
“The ingredients are highly unstable- even putting them in close proximity to each other is a risk!” Yet Jesse keeps all this in his/her inventory. You know. In close proximity.
Suddenly endermen.
(Crashing into a creeper on a minecart) That creeper should’ve exploded the moment it noticed a probable collision.
“There you are!” “So glad you could make it!” Suddenly Ellegard and Magnus.
“We’ve been fighting this entire time!” Really? How did you even get out here?
“…I feel like that got bigger.” “…It did.” Suddenly wither storm.
“We only get one shot at this. Remember, once the Formidi-Bomb is crafted it’ll explode in a matter of seconds. It means whoever is doing the crafting… will be in great danger. I was hoping… well… perhaps we could draw straws?” “Don’t look at me.” “I think I may have tweaked an ankle earlier, so…” Ladies and gentlemen, the Order of the Stone in all its glory. Clap… clap… okay, we’re done.
“You should be ashamed of yourselves!” Petra has a point.
“Jesse… take my armor. It’ll help.” “Nah… you can take mine. It’s gotten me out of a lotta jams.” Time to pick out a tragic death scene!
“Uhhh... by the power vested in me... yadda yadda yadda... the Order of the Stone!” “What?!” What he said was, “Uhhh... by the power vested in me... yadda yadda yadda... the Order of the Stone!” Pay attention, Jesse.
“Watch out! No! Magnus!” Oh no, he got killed by a… tree.
The wither storm yells at the Formidi-Bomb, which somehow activates it.
“Thanks, buddy.” Oh, Reuben… (you’re next you little piece of underdone bacon).
“My armor… really suits you, Jesse. I want you to keep it, okay?” Yay! Murder a member of a famous guild, get their armor. That’s how it works, right?
“Please don’t die, Ellegard. Please, just- hang on a little longer!” “I’m trying, Jesse, but… ‘a little’ is all I’ve got left…” Was that a short joke?
“Well, Soren… at least I… finally got to be a real hero… right?” Indeed. It shall be written upon your epitaph- “died bravely by being hit in the back by a tree in such a manner as to somehow completely dislocate the spine… elsewise because the plot demanded it.”
There is no consequence for not rescuing any survivors.
All the survivors Jesse can rescue seem to have the same haircut.
(Petra/Gabriel grabs onto Jesse). How convenient! (x5)
Total Wrongs: 91
Sentence: A Formidi-Bomb
In the begening of the episode there are gold swords why dosent jesse and his friends pick them up