Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • Odd, the one eared man listens to reason better.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    He feels pretty shitty about it. I think Torrhen unknowingly knocked some sense into him.

  • That's a really cool way of putting it : D

    Odd, the one eared man listens to reason better.

  • Don't know if it was already designed, but if not, awesome work for the Glenmore sigil ! Can't wait for the rest :)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.28 This is gonna be the last post for a little while. I've almost caught up on my backlog of posts so I need to get to a suitable

  • Seriously, Namond is my favourite character that's exclusive to this AU.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.28 This is gonna be the last post for a little while. I've almost caught up on my backlog of posts so I need to get to a suitable

  • You've got a lot of characterisation for him to look forward to - though that goes for all of the au-exclusive Glenmores, to be honest : )

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Seriously, Namond is my favourite character that's exclusive to this AU.

  • I've had it for a long while - I think it's appeared in the au before but that would've been a long time ago now, and I don't think it was too prominent back then.

    MOBZIKK posted: »

    Don't know if it was already designed, but if not, awesome work for the Glenmore sigil ! Can't wait for the rest

  • edited March 2016

    Quick status update - still working on the next few posts or so but nothing's ready to come out just yet.

    While you wait you can always watch this video series:


    I'm working on at the same time. I kinda want to get it done before doing too much with the au - finish one project before starting another (and technically this video series was started back in March 2015 so it's been a long time coming). Also got IRL stuff going on that I'm not too keen on talking about.

    But yeah, sorry for the delays... should be back soon.

  • Ok I'm gonna let you folks participate a little more;

    Ideas for historical Lords & Ladies of House Glenmore?

  • You mean, like names for Elaena and Arthur's grandparent's?

    If so, then, how about Lady Lyndsey Glenmore and Lord Baxter Glenmore?

  • enter image description here

    I’ve had this lying around unfinished for ages now because I wasn’t 100% happy with it but I thought I’d post it to tide people over while they wait for the S2AU to carry on. Basically it was going to be Gared & Josera fighting undead Night’s Watch (Wight’s Watch) guys like Frostfinger. It takes place before my previous Gared S2AU picture.

  • edited March 2016

    Gared and Josera, YEAH!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I’ve had this lying around unfinished for ages now because I wasn’t 100% happy with it but I thought I’d post it to tide people over while t

  • I swear that this picture looks soo good that I thought that this is screenshot from season 2 from telltale for a second. Great job!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I’ve had this lying around unfinished for ages now because I wasn’t 100% happy with it but I thought I’d post it to tide people over while t

  • Lord Tytus the Pure.

    Tytus was a large muscular man with a short beard. Tytus was one of the more controversial Lords of House Glenmore. He made a vow to himself that he'd never take a human life. Tytus held a belief that all life was precious. He trained himself to defend himself and his House by wounding but not killing his enemies. Tytus even resorted to refusing to execute traitors to the House, which led to many heated debates among his council. Though Tytus didn't kill, he was a stern and strict man, and had a strong sense for justice. He refused to tolerate disobedience and his punishments were harsh. He took men's fingers, sentenced them to the wall, and so on. The lightest punishment he ever gave was exile, but that particular sentence was a rarity.

    I might've overdone it, but the second I started thinking I couldn't stop. ^_^ I'm not sure how far back he'd descend though.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Ok I'm gonna let you folks participate a little more; Ideas for historical Lords & Ladies of House Glenmore?

  • Tytus is Morgan from The Walking Dead.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Lord Tytus the Pure. Tytus was a large muscular man with a short beard. Tytus was one of the more controversial Lords of House Glenmore.

  • Because he doesn't kill?

    MOBZIKK posted: »

    Tytus is Morgan from The Walking Dead.

  • Pretty much, but mainly by the way it is said: "Tytus held a belief that all life was precious". With that much walking dead around the corner, I'm obsessed ! Apologies :)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Because he doesn't kill?

  • Well that line is something I've been believing long before the Walking Dead. But I see how it looked like I borrowed it from Eastman.

    MOBZIKK posted: »

    Pretty much, but mainly by the way it is said: "Tytus held a belief that all life was precious". With that much walking dead around the corner, I'm obsessed ! Apologies

  • If you're talking about names: childrens are often named after their liege lord's family; for example Mormonts chose to call one of her daughter Lyanna, as the sister of Eddard Stark.
    So you can take examples of the names of old lords (mainly stark, but you can seek the names of old Ryswell lords since they are their lords too.)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Ok I'm gonna let you folks participate a little more; Ideas for historical Lords & Ladies of House Glenmore?

  • Definitive proof that practically every noble is related in this fanon:

    enter image description here

  • Could Ludd's mother have been from House Manderly? It makes sense cos a) the Manderlies and the Whitehills both follow the faith of the seven so a marriage would make sense, and b) most living Manderlies are known for being grossly overweight, which would explain Ludd's physical build.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Definitive proof that practically every noble is related in this fanon:

  • It's entirely possible. The Whitehills being kind of small in relation to other houses, she probably wouldn't be part of the main line of Manderlys, but possibly a cousin or something.

    ranger563 posted: »

    Could Ludd's mother have been from House Manderly? It makes sense cos a) the Manderlies and the Whitehills both follow the faith of the seve

  • Wait so is Ludd's wife descended from a Forrester?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Definitive proof that practically every noble is related in this fanon:

  • edited March 2016

    They're just close on the tree because that's how it turned out while it's trying to get the whole thing compact instead of being ridiculously spread out.

    Unless you're talking about the text colours - characters with no given house are in black, the Forresters are in a very dark blue-grey.

    OR if you're talking about the dashed line between her and Gorden Forrester, that was a betrothal that didn't go through. The Forresters called it off and the Pikes allied with the Whitehills out of spite.

    Wait so is Ludd's wife descended from a Forrester?

  • Part 2.29 (Glenmores Reunited)

    Just so you know, the next part isn't going to be tomorrow - I just felt like it's been too long without posting a part and I could get away with this one because it's relatively standalone.

  • edited March 2016

    That was a sweet reunion between the Glenmores and Talia. But, Lyarra... Damn. Her black-eye looks worse than Talia's did. Along with the survivor's guilt she's feeling, I think they could both use a little TLC right now.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.29 (Glenmores Reunited) Just so you know, the next part isn't going to be tomorrow - I just felt like it's been too long without posting a part and I could get away with this one because it's relatively standalone.

  • :O Seeing Lyarra's face got me pretty emotional. And that hug with Talia! So many feels.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.29 (Glenmores Reunited) Just so you know, the next part isn't going to be tomorrow - I just felt like it's been too long without posting a part and I could get away with this one because it's relatively standalone.

  • edited March 2016

    Fun fact, that hug is a direct parallel to the one they had at Rillwater Crossing way back when. Check it out: (here and here.)

    And while I'm at it, check out these two: 1, 2 (I just really dig the parallels and the colour differences (how the glenmore one has a lot of red & warm light, while the Whitehill one has blue & cold light)).

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    :O Seeing Lyarra's face got me pretty emotional. And that hug with Talia! So many feels.

  • I love how many parallel's you use.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Fun fact, that hug is a direct parallel to the one they had at Rillwater Crossing way back when. Check it out: (here and here.) And while

  • Ludd married a bastard?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Definitive proof that practically every noble is related in this fanon:

  • Minor Riverlands house that unfortunately shares the surname of bastard Iron Islanders.

    Euron posted: »

    Ludd married a bastard?

  • I guess Ludd's brother managed to wed a Mallister (who're probably the most martially powerful Tully bannermen) so maybe the Manderly connection gave them that sorta leg-up in terms of status?

    (...sorry, I spend an unhealthy amount of time headcanoning Forrester/Whitehill ancestry :L )

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    It's entirely possible. The Whitehills being kind of small in relation to other houses, she probably wouldn't be part of the main line of Manderlys, but possibly a cousin or something.

  • edited March 2016

    You're preaching to the choir haha.

    Funnily enough, the Mallister thing wasn't actually decided by me - the family trees are, for the most part, connected headcanons of multiple people. Because I also RP as multiple characters from the AU on tumblr, I often come across new OCs who end up becoming part of the AU themselves. So like, this family tree is like the product of at least five or six peoples' headcanons.

    Speaking of which, I decided to take up your suggestion of Ludd's mother being a Manderly and it'll likely be included in the next revision I do of the family tree.

    ranger563 posted: »

    I guess Ludd's brother managed to wed a Mallister (who're probably the most martially powerful Tully bannermen) so maybe the Manderly connec

  • edited March 2016

    I've got a decent amount ready, so posts resume tomorrow!

  • Noice!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I've got a decent amount ready, so posts resume tomorrow!

  • Yes we are gonna see some more awesome stories. Even Gared will be seen. I wonder what you have in mind with him.

  • I've seen bits of the wider community on tumblr and suspected it might work like that. The level of mythology that's sprang up on tumblr is pretty impressive for a series that's only about a year old.

    Thanks for incorporating the idea btw. I'm always trying to think of ways to tie the TT world more closely into the wider GoT/ASOIAF mythos that isn't necessarily just cameos from the show characters.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    You're preaching to the choir haha. Funnily enough, the Mallister thing wasn't actually decided by me - the family trees are, for the mos

  • Part 2.30 (behold, the au's first ever hub!)

    This hub was a bitch to make which is why the wait was so long. Ideally I would've had the option to look at, say, the Glenmore banners or talk to guards and stuff, but it would've taken way too much time to get through and I feel like people would've got bored with it.

  • That was pretty cool. I liked the idea of the hub. :)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.30 (behold, the au's first ever hub!) This hub was a bitch to make which is why the wait was so long. Ideally I would've had the o

  • That's really cool how you implemented hubs. I think it's really well done.

    I could never not vote for Namond. :) Though I'm really excited for some Lyarra. I missed her.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.30 (behold, the au's first ever hub!) This hub was a bitch to make which is why the wait was so long. Ideally I would've had the o

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