While I'm more or less on the same boat with you about Sam and her ambiguous morality and wiles, I'm not really feeling Randall myself as I'm not a big fan of 'love-to-hate' character archetypes myself. He does look cool, though, I'll give you that.
I'm still keen on how the grey vs. grey conflict will play out, and I hope to see more of it in the next episodes.
I like Sam as a character, or more specifically, I like how she's seated in the grey area at the moment. On one side, she does seem to be si… morencere and genuine, if not endearing to some degree, but on the other hand, some of her mannerisms and actions do seem slightly suspicious, making me second guess if she has some ulterior motives. Part of me feels sympathetic towards her since she's still a kid, and some facets of her come off as someone that doesn't seem entirely sure of herself or what she's doing, but another side of me feels like she has an endgame in mind with everything she's doing, that she's more confident and in control than you'd think at first glance. Hell, part of me thinks that maybe she's a bit of both; someone who isn't overly confident in themselves, naive, and a little bit in over their heads, but a good enough liar and manipulator with the right amount of charisma to attempt to get things to work in their favor, sort of l… [view original content]
The episode was rated like 2 weeks before episode 1 came out. I know this is dumb, but this is the Australian classification board. but I think it had to do with Zachary being gay, and Randall mentioning that Zachary's "too busy fucking Jonas". Bleh, that would be a shit reason why the rating is so high.
He wasn't pushed, nobody held his hand or told him to shoot, he willingly killed someone. Michonne told him: "Shouldn't keep your finger on … morethe trigger..." to which he replied: "DON'T TELL ME HOW TO HOLD A FUCKING GUN!" ...and look what happened. First, it wasn't an accident- go re-watch that scene where he shoots- he slowly pulls the trigger and fires. If he truly didn't want to hurt anyone, he shouldn't let Randall push him around. He's not 12. And what does it matter anyway if he didn't want to cause trouble, you think if you killed someone now, then said it was just "an accident" before the judge that you'd get a free pass for murder? An eye for an eye I say, at least in this case. If someone killed your mother or brother before you, what would you do? Zachary murdered Greg and I'm glad Telltale gave us the choice to let this shitbird die.
Episode 4 of Season 1 also mentioned sexual themes, but those were just vaguely alluded to. I would not count on Telltale showing anything o… morevert.
Keep in mind, their games also have to be eligible to be released on the iOS App Store which prohibits apps with sexual content.
I still think there's potential for an awesome character change though. If she is lying than she's more devious than I thought and she could use Michonne to get rid of Norma and Randall
If anything, I just hope that TellTale makes the episode a bit longer. If not, just make the episodes for Season 3 longer like how you guys did it with Season 1. Season 1 was a masterpiece, your choices actually mattered and it was just a very good game in general. Season 2... kind of went downhill with the decisions actually having an impact on your gameplay, but the game itself was pretty damn good.
If anything, I just hope that TellTale makes the episode a bit longer. If not, just make the episodes for Season 3 longer like how you guys… more did it with Season 1. Season 1 was a masterpiece, your choices actually mattered and it was just a very good game in general. Season 2... kind of went downhill with the decisions actually having an impact on your gameplay, but the game itself was pretty damn good.
she just seems like a lost puppy who's been led astray into behaving badly (even though it is just to survive - albeit not well) because of the horrible circumstances everyone has found themselves in. Probably just lucked out to make it as long as she has..
The episode was rated like 2 weeks before episode 1 came out. I know this is dumb, but this is the Australian classification board. but I th… moreink it had to do with Zachary being gay, and Randall mentioning that Zachary's "too busy fucking Jonas". Bleh, that would be a shit reason why the rating is so high.
Well from what I've seen, Pete doesn't really do much zombie killing and he doesn't appear as threatening as he could be with such a thing. Plus I wouldn't want to get so close to zombies using that knife, but meh whatever works
I think Sam is gonna die, and so we have the choice whether or not to take out our anger on Randall or not, as shown in the 'Next Time'. Something along those lines I'm assuming, since there was so much attention on the fact that Sam was wounded. Also Michonne was putting a shovel into the ground so yeah someone's obviously died.
Am I the only one who thinks there should be no conflict in this mini series?
Why would I ever side with Sam and her stupid brother? Idk about you guys but this mini series could really be 1 episode in reality. We could easily bring Randall and Norma into trading with Alexandria so that they'd be less desperate and we would have more allies. Instead of trying to help solitary thieves, we'd be strengthening the community.
Which is what the theme of TWD comics were at this point and time. It wasn't that not everyone deserves saving, but the opposite
Am I the only one who thinks there should be no conflict in this mini series?
Why would I ever side with Sam and her stupid brother? Idk … moreabout you guys but this mini series could really be 1 episode in reality. We could easily bring Randall and Norma into trading with Alexandria so that they'd be less desperate and we would have more allies. Instead of trying to help solitary thieves, we'd be strengthening the community.
Which is what the theme of TWD comics were at this point and time. It wasn't that not everyone deserves saving, but the opposite
If you are wordly and have proper grammar, enjoy writing non-fiction, want an activity to pass time, and would like to help the Walking Dead Wikia, there are several character articles that need editing, starting with Michonne's. Give No Shelter is just around the corner, and it would be better to have these webpages ready before it comes out, so that all that work doesn't accumulate.
What do you guys think about Minecraft and Walking dead Michonne being released at the same time? Do you think this was a good or bad idea for telltale?
Well, the only worrie I have about it is from the PlayStore. A lot of people (including me) couldn't download it for a long time for a reason we don't know yet. So if Episode 2 gets out at the same time as another TellTaleGame, it's probably going to happen again...
What do you guys think about Minecraft and Walking dead Michonne being released at the same time? Do you think this was a good or bad idea for telltale?
Episode 2 and 3 have got to be pretty long to fit into 11 comic issues. IMO episode 1 felt like 2-3 comic issues. But I wouldn't know, I don't read comics.
You had low expectations then haha
They already confirmed it would be March, and then they release it on the last possible date. And tha… moret's still earlier than you expected?
On a related note, I'm pretty sure at this point that Episode 3 will come out on April 26.
Ah, got it. I agree, the wait felt really short, probably because Tales has hardened me for life and I had a lot of other stuff to do. And I think they'll keep their promise of monthly Episodes. I think it's safe to say that it will be April 26.
No I meant that it would feel like a month when I commented 2 weeks ago. It went faster than I expected is what I referred to.
Maybe it could be early May. lol
I appreciate your input.
While I'm more or less on the same boat with you about Sam and her ambiguous morality and wiles, I'm not really feeling Randall myself as I'm not a big fan of 'love-to-hate' character archetypes myself. He does look cool, though, I'll give you that.
I'm still keen on how the grey vs. grey conflict will play out, and I hope to see more of it in the next episodes.
I believe the reveal trailer included that rating, but the rating for the episode didn't, and the episode itself didn't have any sex.
The episode was rated like 2 weeks before episode 1 came out. I know this is dumb, but this is the Australian classification board. but I think it had to do with Zachary being gay, and Randall mentioning that Zachary's "too busy fucking Jonas". Bleh, that would be a shit reason why the rating is so high.
Not this, again…
Episode 4 of Season 1 also mentioned sexual themes, but those were just vaguely alluded to. I would not count on Telltale showing anything overt.
Keep in mind, their games also have to be eligible to be released on the iOS App Store which prohibits apps with sexual content.
I guess the Wolf Among Us Episode 2 didn't have the kind of sexual content they were looking for then. Kind of weird.
They shoulda called her Norma Reedus.
She'll totally become fan favourite! #Normadiesweriot
I so cannot wait to play episode 2!
If anything, I just hope that TellTale makes the episode a bit longer. If not, just make the episodes for Season 3 longer like how you guys did it with Season 1. Season 1 was a masterpiece, your choices actually mattered and it was just a very good game in general. Season 2... kind of went downhill with the decisions actually having an impact on your gameplay, but the game itself was pretty damn good.
Your choices actually mattered in Season 1? Did you not bother to play anything after season 1 that wasn't the walking dead?
Those people have genwunner syndrome, I swear.
from what i've seen on the show, a knife is pretty efficient though.
well, usually small. there are all of the different S2 endings (even though we all know once S3 picks up it'll all start near the same point)
it would be near impossible to do a game of this depth and allow a huge degree of outcomes while keeping a strong story.
she just seems like a lost puppy who's been led astray into behaving badly (even though it is just to survive - albeit not well) because of the horrible circumstances everyone has found themselves in. Probably just lucked out to make it as long as she has..
that does seem absurd. i'd say "very mild" at most imho.
I'm going on holiday so I won't be able to play this until I get back 10 whole days after the release ( ;-;)
Only a week to go left before the second episode of the Michonne series.
Anyone predicting what to expect next?
Well from what I've seen, Pete doesn't really do much zombie killing and he doesn't appear as threatening as he could be with such a thing. Plus I wouldn't want to get so close to zombies using that knife, but meh whatever works
Sam gonna die. I hope.
I know that feeling.
I think Sam is gonna die, and so we have the choice whether or not to take out our anger on Randall or not, as shown in the 'Next Time'. Something along those lines I'm assuming, since there was so much attention on the fact that Sam was wounded. Also Michonne was putting a shovel into the ground so yeah someone's obviously died.
Only 5 more days. Time to start updating PlayStation.
Am I the only one who thinks there should be no conflict in this mini series?
Why would I ever side with Sam and her stupid brother? Idk about you guys but this mini series could really be 1 episode in reality. We could easily bring Randall and Norma into trading with Alexandria so that they'd be less desperate and we would have more allies. Instead of trying to help solitary thieves, we'd be strengthening the community.
Which is what the theme of TWD comics were at this point and time. It wasn't that not everyone deserves saving, but the opposite
This game is likely forcing me to but it didn't work. I'm waiting for Sam to die.
I told the truth, I never went after the bag, and I still gotta pretend that I care about these people. It's stupid really
If you are wordly and have proper grammar, enjoy writing non-fiction, want an activity to pass time, and would like to help the Walking Dead Wikia, there are several character articles that need editing, starting with Michonne's. Give No Shelter is just around the corner, and it would be better to have these webpages ready before it comes out, so that all that work doesn't accumulate.
What do you guys think about Minecraft and Walking dead Michonne being released at the same time? Do you think this was a good or bad idea for telltale?
Well, the only worrie I have about it is from the PlayStore. A lot of people (including me) couldn't download it for a long time for a reason we don't know yet. So if Episode 2 gets out at the same time as another TellTaleGame, it's probably going to happen again...
Episode 2 and 3 have got to be pretty long to fit into 11 comic issues. IMO episode 1 felt like 2-3 comic issues. But I wouldn't know, I don't read comics.
No trailer yet?
Nope. My bet's on Monday.
Faster than I expected. Now we're 3 days left!
You had low expectations then haha
They already confirmed it would be March, and then they release it on the last possible date. And that's still earlier than you expected?
On a related note, I'm pretty sure at this point that Episode 3 will come out on April 26.
No I meant that it would feel like a month when I commented 2 weeks ago. It went faster than I expected is what I referred to.
Maybe it could be early May. lol
Ah, got it. I agree, the wait felt really short, probably because Tales has hardened me for life and I had a lot of other stuff to do. And I think they'll keep their promise of monthly Episodes. I think it's safe to say that it will be April 26.
Still waiting for the trailer.
Not watching trailer makes the episode much much better.
For you. I enjoy it a lot.
Seriously, I don't get how people enjoy playing an episode after they've seen it all already.