Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • edited April 2016

    By the way, guys - I don't think I wrote it this way on the poll, but you're voting who to speak to first. This means Talia will speak to them all, you're just voting the order she speaks to them in (after she speaks to the first, you'll be able to vote between the other two) :)

  • Part 2.31 (Kyra won that last poll pretty much by landslide)

    (Just so you know, this poll is also for which dialogue option comes first. You'll see both.)

  • Another great chapter. Keep at it m8. ;)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.31 (Kyra won that last poll pretty much by landslide) (Just so you know, this poll is also for which dialogue option comes first. You'll see both.)

  • What? No option to pick silence? :p

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.31 (Kyra won that last poll pretty much by landslide) (Just so you know, this poll is also for which dialogue option comes first. You'll see both.)

  • It'd be kind of a waste of time. Not sure anyone wants a days' worth of content where Talia and Kyra just exchange awkward glances.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What? No option to pick silence?

  • Thanks, pal. Should be continuing for another two weeks or so solid : D

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Another great chapter. Keep at it m8.

  • Yeah, I know. I was only kidding.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    It'd be kind of a waste of time. Not sure anyone wants a days' worth of content where Talia and Kyra just exchange awkward glances.

  • Haha, just making sure. Sarcasm doesn't translate too well through text lol

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Yeah, I know. I was only kidding.

  • Was it Boros Warrick who hit Kyra?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.31 (Kyra won that last poll pretty much by landslide) (Just so you know, this poll is also for which dialogue option comes first. You'll see both.)

  • So, here is the thing I admire about the au. As soon as Namond got to talk in the first pictures, I was like "Kay, I wish this one got flayed instead of Arthur." When he killed Grag I was ready to destroy him (I'm still freaking mad, and, btw, I've noticed that "the garrison trio" got killed by three main characters (Talia, Royland, Namond), but this was totally unintentional, I'm sure of it, haha). Yet, only a couple pics later, I was squeeing like a five year old when I saw him getting a hug from Kyra. Looks like the family has been treating him really cold lately (Serena's death glare sent shivers down my spine, what a woman). Yes, he has fucked up, he has shit to answer for, I sincerely hope Warrick's will get to know and won't just let this slide, but he seems to be coming back to his senses, rescuing Talia and Elaena and all. I don't like him, but with how lively the characters and their emotions are, I couldn't help but sympathize with him and be happy that at least Kyra can give him some affection.

    Also, the fact that we get to interact with Kyra more is awesome, she and Roslin are essentially the rays of sunshine of the au, there can't be too much of them. Torrhen... I don't want him dead just yet, but if someone doesn't fuck him up badly for letting his men hurt Kyra (and, you know, for everything else) I will be very sad. Not a fan of vengeance or karma, but there are people who just need someone to beat a little sense into them (it certainly helped Namond). Special thanks for expanding Boros's character too (I assume he's the man with the cut?). I've craved his character development since the moment you presented him to us. I'd really love to see his reaction to Grag's death, they are brothers, right? Wonder whether they were close or not. I really want someone to be at least upset about it, I loved Grag.

    There is one more thing that bothers me. Is there going to be any kind of explanation of the fact, that there are children at what is supposed to be be a search/rescue party? I get Lyarra being there, she is not the type to sit back and let others look for her best friend, but Kyra? Or Valeris - she's still a baby. Isn't this too risky for them?

  • Yep, and it was Brandon who beat Edmure up.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Was it Boros Warrick who hit Kyra?

  • Part 2.32 (The other dialogue option will come tomorrow)

    I feel like we really needed this. It's important to get to know the characters.

  • Special thanks for expanding Boros's character too (I assume he's the man with the cut?)

    Yep, Boros is the one with the cut on his face. If you go back to the point before Talia's knocked out at Rillwater, his face looks pretty clear, and when she wakes up he has a huge slit from the corner of his mouth that he obtained at some point while she was out. Also worth noting Kyra says the man who beat up her Uncle (Edmure, the guy we haven't seen anything of yet) didn't say anything - telling us it was most likely Brandon, who doesn't speak the common tongue/'English'.

    I'd really love to see his reaction to Grag's death, they are brothers, right? Wonder whether they were close or not. I really want someone to be at least upset about it, I loved Grag.

    Yep, Grag was his older brother. There's... something of a resemblance between them, I'd say - and the way House Warrick works means he won't exactly react positively to it. Rest assured I'm hoping to show his reaction fairly soon, as well as the reaction of his father - the mysterious Randyll.

    There is one more thing that bothers me. Is there going to be any kind of explanation of the fact, that there are children at what is supposed to be be a search/rescue party? I get Lyarra being there, she is not the type to sit back and let others look for her best friend, but Kyra? Or Valeris - she's still a baby. Isn't this too risky for them?

    I probably should've explained it better in the story, but the 'rescue Talia' thing was something Namond was doing on the side as a product of his own guilt. The reason he's even out here with the Glenmore daughters and Lord Glenmore's brother is for a different purpose, which we'll learn when we speak to him as part of this 'hub'.

    Thanks for the feedback, man. I love getting long comments like these to respond to because they really make me think :)

    Krapinka posted: »

    So, here is the thing I admire about the au. As soon as Namond got to talk in the first pictures, I was like "Kay, I wish this one got flaye

  • Is the stammer due to recent shocking events or has it always been there ? Nice dialogue :)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.32 (The other dialogue option will come tomorrow) I feel like we really needed this. It's important to get to know the characters.

  • it was most likely Brandon, who doesn't speak the common tongue/'English'.

    Wait, so he can't speak the common tongue? I thought you said he just prefers to remain silent, but he can talk. Does he speak some other language then? Man, I'm more and more interested in this guy.

    You're always welcome. I really should leave those more often because there is just so much awesome details I can find out when I ask questions and so much stuff is always going on in my head after something happens in the au. You're hyping me more and more with each thing you say, I'll be looking forward to next pictures even more now.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Special thanks for expanding Boros's character too (I assume he's the man with the cut?) Yep, Boros is the one with the cut on his f

  • Kyra's had a stutter since she was born - I often worry that people will have trouble reading the dialogue, but I don't think it's tooooo much of a problem.

    MOBZIKK posted: »

    Is the stammer due to recent shocking events or has it always been there ? Nice dialogue

  • Wait, so he can't speak the common tongue? I thought you said he just prefers to remain silent, but he can talk. Does he speak some other language then? Man, I'm more and more interested in this guy.

    Yeah he's quiet and chooses not to speak, but it's mainly because no one would understand him. He speaks in the Old Tongue, and what little his allies can work out about his past seem to lead back to Skagos. Let's just say his father was an Old-Tongue-speaking wildling who stole away a Skagosi woman and Brandon was the product of the ordeal. Mother probably shortly after naming Brandon, father raised him for the rest of his time until Brandon wound up in Westeros.

    Krapinka posted: »

    it was most likely Brandon, who doesn't speak the common tongue/'English'. Wait, so he can't speak the common tongue? I thought you

  • Could be both, really.

    Jake said she had it since birth but I'm sure the recent events made it worse.

    MOBZIKK posted: »

    Is the stammer due to recent shocking events or has it always been there ? Nice dialogue

  • Yeah, I think I write it so that it gets worse with stress.

    Could be both, really. Jake said she had it since birth but I'm sure the recent events made it worse.

  • Is Lyara (sorry if I'm misspelling the name) a natural stutterer or is she very insecure around Talia?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.33 (And now you get to pick who to speak to next )

  • I answered a similar question the other day, but yeah - Kyra's stutter is just a thing she's had since she was born. It gets worse with stress, though, and better if she's relaxed.

    Is Lyara (sorry if I'm misspelling the name) a natural stutterer or is she very insecure around Talia?

  • edited April 2016

    Oh cute a baby. :3

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.34 (Edmure won the last poll - so we finally get to learn a little more about Lord Glenmore's brother.)

  • XD I loved that! It was good to see some humor.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.35 (I'm surprised so many people wanted to know about the baby.)

  • enter image description here

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.35 (I'm surprised so many people wanted to know about the baby.)

  • edited April 2016

    Rodrik: Talia get the fook out of me room. Cant ya see im fooking..em.. sleeping with me lady here?

  • I love putting that expression in wherever possible. I just find it hilarious, especially the extreme ones.

    enter image description here

    Think there's another one coming up soon too.

  • You don't mind right if I save this? Gonna wait for the elusive "right moment" to use one of Talia's faces. :P

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I love putting that expression in wherever possible. I just find it hilarious, especially the extreme ones. Think there's another one coming up soon too.

  • So I'm guessing that Edmure was the one that cut Boros and then some time later Boros hit Kyra?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.36 (This sort of goes with one of the things Kyra said. A+ to whoever works out what it is)

  • Not at all, go right ahead.

    You don't mind right if I save this? Gonna wait for the elusive "right moment" to use one of Talia's faces. :P

  • Yep. A+

    I'm trying to let people piece together what happened at Rillwater after Talia was knocked out, if that makes sense?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    So I'm guessing that Edmure was the one that cut Boros and then some time later Boros hit Kyra?

  • Yeah, I think it's cool. :)

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Yep. A+ I'm trying to let people piece together what happened at Rillwater after Talia was knocked out, if that makes sense?

  • Namond!

    Are you deaf now? What a blunt question. Though I imagine that's not exactly how Talia will say it.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    2.37 (And now it's time for the third conversation of the 'hub', this time with Namond)

  • Why? Because the other option seemed rude? :p

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.38 (I had no doubt people would go for this option first haha)

  • Because it's probably the more interesting answer. People probably already know Namond can hear because he's been listening to Talia's words.

    That option is just a bit of comedy relief and then angst : )

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Why? Because the other option seemed rude?

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