Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



    1. Clementine's name comes from a clementine
    2. Lee killed the state senator
    3. Kenny likes boats
    4. St. Johns are so cannibalistics
    5. Lilly loses her dad in a meat locker
    6. Lee protected Clementine
    7. Kenny came back in Season 2
    8. Luke dies in a lake
    9. Arvo is Russian
    10. Lee is black
  • Saltlicks taste gross.

  • Did you lick it?

    Saltlicks taste gross.

  • I don't know.

    Did you lick it?

  • Why not both?

    DoubleJump posted: »

    What's worse shovel to the head or Randall punching the shit of your head?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited April 2016

    Its probably different if you choose the left guy instead but I haven't seen that with Pete.

    You might have already seen it by now, but if you chose the guy on the left, the flare gun death happens as usual, and the hunting shotgun guy runs over and looks all surprised like "oh god what the christ", then Pete stabs him in the back of the neck.

    AGentlman posted: »

    Pete being present changes a lot of things. 2 things I found are how the two guys from Randalls group are handled. Without him michonne kill

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited April 2016

    I started doing a Michonne run to see game overs and stuff in episode 2, and there's some interesting stuff that can happen.

    • You don't have to attack Jonas if you killed Zachary. If you do nothing, Sam just knocks him to the ground herself.

    • At the end of episode 1, if you stop Sam from killing Zachary, but then fail the QTE, she'll push you off and shoot him anyways. And Telltale actually made the scene change for that. It shows it in the recap, and depending on dialogue choices, Michonne will say that she tried to stop her.

    • If you choose to attack Norma instead of Randall, she'll try to swing a knife at you. If you fail the prompt, she'll manage to cut your arm. What's also interesting is it slightly changes her dialogue. After she attacks you, you punch her to the floor. If she managed to injure you, she'll say "Oh Jesus! Randall, stop her! she'll kill me!", but if you didn't get injured by her, she'll just say "Randall!"

    • Similarly, if you attacked Randall, and don't avoid him when he swings the machete at you, he manages to cut your side.

    • If you stop Pete, you have to attack some of the people at Monroe. However, you only have to hurt one of them. There's a woman that attacks you with a knife that you have to hit with the machete and kick into the water, but the second guy with the axe that attacks Pete? If you do nothing, Pete just knocks him into the water.

    • When you're walking through the herd and miss the downward prompt, a zombie will bump into Michonne and notice her, making you have to kill it.

    • At the tower sequence when Randall's shooting at you, if you do nothing, Michonne will fall and be impaled. Her other deaths at that part just have her fall all the way down and smash into the beams.

    • If you stay silent the first time when Paige has you at gun point, she will actually shoot you.

    • If you do nothing when you have to choose which guy to attack, you actually don't die, despite the red screen, which sort of ends up breaking the scene. Eventually, the two guys reach the end of their animations, and stand still doing nothing.

    • If you choose the guy on the right (the one with the shotgun), and don't hide when he turns around, he'll actually spot you, which causes the scene to play out a bit differently. He tries to shoot you, but you dive behind cover and narrowly avoid the shot. He shoots the second round and misses, and tries to reload. From there, the scene plays out as normal, with you approaching him and cutting his throat.

    • If you have Pete with you, and don't grab the shovel when Randall's punching you, he'll beat you to death (as you'd probably expect).

    • If you don't do anything when Randall grabs you from behind, he'll snap your neck.

    • If you don't smash Randall's face into the table, he'll break free and smash your head into a sharp edge of the vice, killing you.

    • If you smash him into the table at least once, however, the scene will continue as normal, with him falling over and locking him into the vice.

    • If you let Randall keep talking to Norma, and then do nothing in the following scene, it will legitimately break the game, and you have to go back to the menu and restart from the last save.

    • Also, letting Randall fully speak to Norma can lead to this great little exchange: Michonne: You stupid fuck! I was trusting you! Randall: So who's the stupid fuck now? ...That's one of them rhetorical questions, by the way.

    • And it doesn't stop there for great Randall lines, either: "Norma's stormin' now!"

    • For whatever reason, if you choose "I couldn't stop it" when Sam asks about her father, it'll say Randall will remember that. Hm.

    Furthermore, the conversation with John outside can change. His responses to you just before he dies are different depending on what you told him when he asks if you have kids. If you told him about your kids, he asks how you'd feel if you found out they were dead, and you get 3 different options of what to say to him. If you didn't tell him, he starts getting a bit angry, saying that Michonne has no idea what it's like to lose a son, and goes on to say that he gave everything for Greg, only to lose him. You get three unique dialogue options if you chose this path, one where you can straight up tell him to go fuck himself. There might be even more if you told him to mind his own business. Seriously, there's a crazy amount of stuff that can change in this episode, especially in regards to dialogue. Serious props to Telltale. The epsiode might be short, but damn, this is some of their most intricate work in a while.

    And even more also, the stats for the episode have started to change as of my most recent playthrough:

    Stopped Pete? - 82.3% stopped him, 17.7% let him go.

    Phone or hallway? - 25.2% went into the hallway, 74.8% picked up the phone.

    What'd you say to Paige? - Not sure about all the stats on this one, but 21.1% expressed sympathy for the kids.

    How'd you handle the radio call? - Again, not sure of all of them, but as of now, 57.4% made Randall talk to Norma.

    What did you do to Randall? - 47% spared him, 53% killed him. (This one barely changed)

    Well shit, this post ended up a lot longer than I thought it would. I'm going to have to do even more playthroughs of this episode later, and maybe make a few videos of some of these scenes.

  • If you stay silent the first time when Paige has you at gun point, she will actually shoot you.


    Deltino posted: »

    I started doing a Michonne run to see game overs and stuff in episode 2, and there's some interesting stuff that can happen. * You don'

  • It's pretty cool the amount of things that can change during your playthrough T.T pretty damn cool indeed.

    Deltino posted: »

    I started doing a Michonne run to see game overs and stuff in episode 2, and there's some interesting stuff that can happen. * You don'

  • It wasn't an empty threat, after all.

    Pipas posted: »

    If you stay silent the first time when Paige has you at gun point, she will actually shoot you. Daamn...

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Also, one more final thing. For real this time

    This is an unused line from Michonne, from episode 1

  • I need to know the context of that line would be said.

    But at least they were almost mentioned.

    Deltino posted: »

    Also, one more final thing. For real this time This is an unused line from Michonne, from episode 1

  • Yeah seriously doesnt improve my already low opinion of her

    Pipas posted: »

    If you stay silent the first time when Paige has you at gun point, she will actually shoot you. Daamn...

  • Minor thing but Sam instantly becomes clean of gregs blood and the mark on her face if you fight randall also vanishes the moment you leave zac and jonas' cabin.

  • God damn it, why would they cut it out? ;-;

    Oh well...Maybe we'll get some references like this in the third episode.

    Deltino posted: »

    Also, one more final thing. For real this time This is an unused line from Michonne, from episode 1

  • No Andrea? What?

    Deltino posted: »

    Also, one more final thing. For real this time This is an unused line from Michonne, from episode 1

  • I'm upset she didn't even mention Negan.

    In all seriousness, Tellltale in the details for the game only mentioned Rick, Carl, and Ezekiel. So I guess why?

    It is kind of weird she didn't mention Andrea.

    No Andrea? What?

  • You may know that, when asked by Michonne what she cares about, Paige mentions her parents, but states that they never seemed to want her around. This bridges with the Randall torture scene, when Randall heavily implies that his father used to hit him with a belt, and the screen focuses on Paige reminicising.


    What's interesting is that apart from Paige's parents, she didn't mention anyone else besides Sam, possibly meaning that there isn't anyone else important to her that is dead. Despite this, if Michonne says that she was thinking about someone that she once knew—her daughters—Paige will say the following, hinting at her parents.


  • Ah, alright.

    Deltino posted: »

    Its probably different if you choose the left guy instead but I haven't seen that with Pete. You might have already seen it by now,

  • She said she was a bad shot but clearly not.

    Pipas posted: »

    If you stay silent the first time when Paige has you at gun point, she will actually shoot you. Daamn...

  • Going for the guy on the left without Pete is even more badass.

    The flaregun kill happens as usual, after the other guy sees you and takes aim. You then use the flare gun guy's body to take cover, carrying it over to the other dude, who runs out of ammo and, just as he tries to reload, is viciously stabbed in the eye.

    I don't even know if these two deserved such brutal deaths tbh, especially the flare gun guy.

    Deltino posted: »

    Its probably different if you choose the left guy instead but I haven't seen that with Pete. You might have already seen it by now,

  • Can you share a screenshot? I'm interested to see what the mother looked like

    There is a photo in Sam's house of the whole family celebrating either the mothers birthday or another holiday. Sam is holding Alex on the l

  • edited April 2016
    • The guard that Michonne determinantly suffocates is called Joe, and he seems to be of mixed African-American and Caucasian-American races.

    • Kenny's injured eye's tear ducts appear to be unharmed, given that he is seen crying when he tells Clementine to take AJ and go into Wellington.

    • Michonne mentioned in the comics that her ex-husband Dominic was an artist. Telltale didn't forget that and placed painting supplies on his room, along with some artsy pictures on the bathroom. He might've been the one who taught Elodie and Colette how to paint, too. Dominic the artist

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited April 2016

    You gotta give it to that guy for deciding to attack Michonne, though. He runs run over to his buddy, sees him choking and burning to death on a flare with a machete sticking out of his back, and still decides to attack.

    If I was that guy, I would have just turned around and ran

    very, very far away

    whilst screaming like a girl

    Going for the guy on the left without Pete is even more badass. The flaregun kill happens as usual, after the other guy sees you and take

  • That last one is so cool, though.

    * The guard that Michonne determinantly suffocates is called Joe, and he seems to be of mixed African-American and Caucasian-American races.

  • I'm pretty sure the Joe guy lives either way. He wasn't strangled to death like the wiki says, he was choked out, which would leave him unconcious for a few minutes, but not kill him. If you want to strangle someone, it takes longer than a few seconds, you probably would have to keep strangling them for a minute or two after they become unconcious.

    * The guard that Michonne determinantly suffocates is called Joe, and he seems to be of mixed African-American and Caucasian-American races.

  • Wait how dont you choke him to death? Because ive played through both ways and Michonne always killed him, Also are we sure michonne kills him when she does that? Or does she just choke him unconscious?

    * The guard that Michonne determinantly suffocates is called Joe, and he seems to be of mixed African-American and Caucasian-American races.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Have Zachary and Jonas be alive and they distract Joe for you.

    Wait how dont you choke him to death? Because ive played through both ways and Michonne always killed him, Also are we sure michonne kills him when she does that? Or does she just choke him unconscious?

  • They were alive on my first play-through. I guess you have to tell them to help you in the first dialogue option?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Have Zachary and Jonas be alive and they distract Joe for you.

  • Yep. You need to tell them to help.

    They were alive on my first play-through. I guess you have to tell them to help you in the first dialogue option?

  • I think so too, to be honest. I'd edit the article right away, but I have no idea how to and it would probably create a mess when someone else writes it back this way.

    I'm pretty sure the Joe guy lives either way. He wasn't strangled to death like the wiki says, he was choked out, which would leave him unco

  • He's also one of the people hunting you in the woods

    I'm pretty sure the Joe guy lives either way. He wasn't strangled to death like the wiki says, he was choked out, which would leave him unco

  • Did Cam get back up after the tower fell? Just replayed and saw a guy who looks like him run off with Randall

  • It's called Nick's misinformed trait syndrome. It's stated that they're a bad shot but their actions say otherwise.

    She said she was a bad shot but clearly not.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I can't help but disagree with this.

    • He can shoot at Clementine and miss completely if you try to run when you first meet the group

    • When walkers first show up at the stream, he shoots at a walker in front of him and somehow only manages to graze its forehead

    • When you go with Pete, you can hear and see him missing multiple shots, mostly at close range

    • He takes about 4-5 shots to take out two walkers attacking Pete if you went to him

    • He misses more shots during the lodge attack, at least one at relatively close range

    And then there's him shooting Matthew. The one time he actually manages to hit what he's aiming for in one go. Tyreese is a bad shot in the comics, yet there's instances where he still manages to hit stuff. Is Nick really all that different?

    It's called Nick's misinformed trait syndrome. It's stated that they're a bad shot but their actions say otherwise.

  • edited April 2016

    I forgot to mention this after I first played and someone might have already mentioned it, but somehow that old Civil War Museum Rum is in Michonne's apartment.

  • Microphone's apartment

    That guy has such a nice apartment.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I forgot to mention this after I first played and someone might have already mentioned it, but somehow that old Civil War Museum Rum is in Michonne's apartment.

  • He deserves it, after all, Microphone just saw his best friend, Camera, die at the hands of Negan last night.

    Microphone's apartment That guy has such a nice apartment.

  • Jeez, what is wrong with me. Did I seriously write Microphone instead of Michonne?

    enter image description here

    Microphone's apartment That guy has such a nice apartment.

  • Yes, yes you did

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Jeez, what is wrong with me. Did I seriously write Microphone instead of Michonne?

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