The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Im so happy! Tf2 kept crashing but I just deleted my hud and it worked!

  • Shit, well at least it's out in the open now. Speaking from experience, languishing in quiet self-destruction is highly overrated.

    I guess this is either the start of something good, or a closing chapter. Only time will tell.

    Sincerely hope it's the former. I wish you the best.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Well, that was awkward. Finally got the courage to tell my mom I've been having suicidal thoughts and suspect I'm bipolar. I guess this is either the start of something good, or a closing chapter. Only time will tell.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    In case ya'll didn't know there's recently been a pretty huge leak of classified info from a certain law firm. The leak implicates a significant portion of the global elite in a web of tax evasion, fraud and other seedy shit.

    Good article on 'The Panama Papers' and why they're important to us.

    For a long time, I've thought of capitalism as something that's broken. I thought that with enough reform and enough compassion, it could be turned into a system that empowers all of us. But it's becoming more and more obvious that this system is not broken. Rather it's serving its intended function perfectly: to enrich the elites at the expense of everyone else. We can't "fix" a system that was never meant to help us in the first place.

    Unfortunately, I'm expecting more apathy than anger to come of this.

  • Hope for the best. I was misdiagnosed and medicated for depression for about 10 years. Oops. Well, I was depressed and suicidal(For the first portion of that). I ended up having a much more complicated psychological issue(not getting into that now. This isn't about me). What I'm getting at is that I believe you should really fight through it as hard as you can. I know how rough it is, but it is rarely ever long term. You can do it. Get some help and beat this.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Well, that was awkward. Finally got the courage to tell my mom I've been having suicidal thoughts and suspect I'm bipolar. I guess this is either the start of something good, or a closing chapter. Only time will tell.

  • If I'm being honest I think my situation may be more complicated than bipolar disorder, but I really hope it's not. It's been a fairly constant thing for 5 years, give or take, but it's only recently that I found myself in a position that it was actually almost over. I had a moment of clarity and made myself promise to talk to my mom before going through with anything final. If it works, awesome, if not then I'm no worse off than I was on that night, lol.

    And thanks. It might seem weird talking to me about this over a video game forum, but seeing as my mom is the only person that I know that knows, and the only person I know that I want to know, this is really the only place I can talk about it. My life is about to be thrown for a loop.

    Johro posted: »

    Hope for the best. I was misdiagnosed and medicated for depression for about 10 years. Oops. Well, I was depressed and suicidal(For the f

  • Placation is the name of the game. The truth is if you give most people an inch and tell them it's a mile, they're happy with their mile. My father is placated stuggling to make ends meet, because he doesn't live on the street.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    In case ya'll didn't know there's recently been a pretty huge leak of classified info from a certain law firm. The leak implicates a signif

  • The anonymity of the internet can be an amazing thing. Here, if you do something you wish you could take back, you can always start over. Having that security makes things much easier I find. I've been on various forums for a very long time and I think you'd be surprised how often people discuss serious and personal matters on entertainment sites. It's just easier here.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    If I'm being honest I think my situation may be more complicated than bipolar disorder, but I really hope it's not. It's been a fairly const

  • Did you ever get help for the cause of your languishing?

    Sincerely hope it's the former. I wish you the best.

    As do I! But, just in case, I better go finish this last Witcher book lol.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Shit, well at least it's out in the open now. Speaking from experience, languishing in quiet self-destruction is highly overrated. I

  • Bob Lord is joining IBM as Chief Digital Officer. Not something you normally see posted here, but the reason it's on my mind is that I was reading a business news digest today, and I first misread it as "The Lord." So it became:

    THE LORD, who previously ran AOL, will hasten and expand all aspects of IBM's digital presence, operations, and ecosystem.

    I had a hard time reading the rest of the business news after that.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    Kind of, it's complicated. You know how I have vision problems, right? My languishing stemmed from issues related to that baggage and the social/learning problems it caused. There's a social stigma attached to having a disability and I didn't like calling attention to it. I got trapped in a loop of being too stubborn to ever show weakness/ask for help ~> to failing at things. -> to despairing, quietly seething and sabotaging myself to the point of seriously fucking up my life. I put on a good front, like I didn't care about anything, but the littlest failures ate away at me. Really affected my mindset and quality of life.

    Over time I've gotten better at accepting my situation, started advocating for myself (still really fucking hard) and started seeing a psychologist to get to the bottom of my self-sabotage (it's a manifestation of anxiety) and come up with coping strategies.

    Very autobiographical, I know. The gist of is that I did get help, but it's still an ongoing struggle. Getting help gave me the tools to struggle more successfully. If I could make a suggestion, I'd suggest seeing a psychologist before, or in conjunction with, meds. An earnest, confidential discussion with a shrink can do wonders for getting weight off your shoulders and identifying the root of the problem.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Did you ever get help for the cause of your languishing? Sincerely hope it's the former. I wish you the best. As do I! But, just in case, I better go finish this last Witcher book lol.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    Placation is the name of the game. The truth is if you give most people an inch and tell them it's a mile, they're happy with their mile.

    Too true, especially in America. People are eager to accept a meager concession, because we are conditioned to believe we shouldn't demand anything more, You see it all the time in labor dispute. Striking workers who gain the upper hand will often settle for fairly token gestures, even in situations when the have their employer by the balls. I'm already seeing liberals in my college/on Reddit talking about how we need to "stop those responsible", "crack down on tax evasion" and "make the rich pay their fair share." Really guys, that's ALL we need?

    People need to realize that Keynesian reform is a merry go-round. No matter how much momentum you have, you're probably going to end up right where you started. Yet we are so afraid of "discord" that we can't fathom doing anything else.

    My father is placated stuggling to make ends meet, because he doesn't live on the street.

    Sad, but I can't blame him. Working/middle class people are conditioned to accept the exploitation and alienation of their daily lives, because "hey, at least you don't have it as bad as that guy!" The poor serve an important function in capitalist society, they're someone the proles can feel superior over and also serve as an implicit threat of what could happen to them if they step out of line. What I wouldn't give for people to be able to make the jump from "At least I'm not living in the streets!" to "What the fuck?! Nobody should suffer the indignity of living in the streets!"

    Capitalism is a criminal waste of our potential as a species.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Placation is the name of the game. The truth is if you give most people an inch and tell them it's a mile, they're happy with their mile. My father is placated stuggling to make ends meet, because he doesn't live on the street.

  • Walking dead comic/now show...

    What The Fuck??? I mean sure!

  • So can a society even function when there isn't a subjugated class? As far as I know this hasn't ever been successful. It's a nice thought, but when you have nothing to point to as a source of inspiration or confirmation that's it's possible (and in fact multiple cases where it went awry) how can you convince anyone that there is an alternative worth the trouble?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Placation is the name of the game. The truth is if you give most people an inch and tell them it's a mile, they're happy with their mile.

  • Is it weird that I want to go to America just to try their fast food? Australia's fast food is alright, but compared to the number of stuff in the states, it's pretty shit. The burger's at five guys, arby's, wendy's etc look amazing and I would love to try them sometime. Makes me pretty jealous because the only way I know to get burgers that size over here in AU is to go to a restaurant that specializes in burgers, rather than just a random fast food chain.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    Interesting question and one that I've been tossing around in my head for months now.

    I gotta get ready for class ATM, but I''ll happy share my input this afternoon once I've returned. Before anything else, it's worth noting that there are sources I can point to for inspiration, both past and present.

    Stay tuned!

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    So can a society even function when there isn't a subjugated class? As far as I know this hasn't ever been successful. It's a nice thought,

  • Haha, I'd certainly hope you'd want to do more as well, but there is no harm in wanting variety either. Yeah, you'd be surprised at some of the variety places can pull off. Still, though, I'm surprised that you would not have a lot of variety there.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Is it weird that I want to go to America just to try their fast food? Australia's fast food is alright, but compared to the number of stuff

  • That took a tremendous amount of bravery and courage to come out with that, so I'm glad to hear you tried to get help. Hopefully things work out for you and you get the help and support you need!

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Well, that was awkward. Finally got the courage to tell my mom I've been having suicidal thoughts and suspect I'm bipolar. I guess this is either the start of something good, or a closing chapter. Only time will tell.

  • Well, I would like to do more, sure. I have some friends over in the US, would love to meet 'em. I'm just curious to try all these fast foods I see people raving about online.

    Haha, I'd certainly hope you'd want to do more as well, but there is no harm in wanting variety either. Yeah, you'd be surprised at some of the variety places can pull off. Still, though, I'm surprised that you would not have a lot of variety there.

  • The novelty of fast food would probably wear off eventually as the (major) chain restaurants are limited to a few different types of food, but when you get to actual restaurants, that is when you would start seeing a good amount of variety. Although, I will say that fast food restaurants are more willing to try fun and gimmicky ideas though, even if they aren't the best for you. Like, for example, some places will sell something crazy like KFC's Double Down in an attempt to go viral.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Well, I would like to do more, sure. I have some friends over in the US, would love to meet 'em. I'm just curious to try all these fast foods I see people raving about online.

  • THE LORD, who previously ran AOL,

    Guess even the Lord can't always bring the dead back to life. :P

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Bob Lord is joining IBM as Chief Digital Officer. Not something you normally see posted here, but the reason it's on my mind is that I was

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited April 2016

    I wasn't really following VR that much beforehand, but as of late, I started seeing game footage of various VR games people were sharing and I have to say they look kind of fun, even if it's the fleeting type of fun from a small tech demo.

    I'm also surprised to see VR coming along quick enough to where headsets will soon be sold as a mainstream product. It should produce some interesting videos to watch, even if you normally aren't into Let's Plays.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I have been following the VR development on and off since i first found out about the Oculus rift around the time the kickstarter finished but have been following it more closely since around E3 last year and i have to say i am really excited about it's future, i do eventually want to get a VR headset as i think playing games in VR will be really fun and even basic things like using your computer could be fun experience in VR if you use virtual desktops which could enable you to use your computer in the middle of a field at sunrise :P

    enter link description here

    This video also gives a good demonstration of what multilayer shooting games in VR will be like.

    enter link description here

    I wasn't really following VR that much beforehand, but as of late, I started seeing game footage of various VR games people were sharing and

  • edited April 2016

    The virtual desktop one is like the glasses that Norman Jayden used in Heavy Rain... I wonder if prolonged exposure to the headsets can have the same effect.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I have been following the VR development on and off since i first found out about the Oculus rift around the time the kickstarter finished b

  • so has anyone else noticed how boring gta 5 has got the game is pretty good online but everything that is added in new updates is so damn expensive like new lowriders to upgrade costs $45,000 for the car and another $750,000for the upgrades then even more for the customisation items so basically you have to pay real money or grind through missions i only have one lowrider from grinding missions

  • i hope not especially the bleeding eyes

    papai46 posted: »

    The virtual desktop one is like the glasses that Norman Jayden used in Heavy Rain... I wonder if prolonged exposure to the headsets can have the same effect.

  • I was ghosting this group in Facebook, it was fine when KPOP fans and One Direction fans were insulting each other.

    Only until someone called MCR, P!ATD and FOB trash, I jumped into the conversation so fast I sassed them off to the next galaxy.

  • Come over to the west coast and get a Number 1 on the In 'N' Out Burger menu. Your life will be complete.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Is it weird that I want to go to America just to try their fast food? Australia's fast food is alright, but compared to the number of stuff

  • enter image description here

    joshua007 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • edited April 2016

    Bad break up

    EDIT: Maybe it's about addiction and that he doesn't want it anymore but can't resist I kinda understand that

    enter link description here

  • @Saltlick123

    enter link description here

    They had both the current and the old epic voices do this one, and the old one shits on the movie.

  • Mr Plinkett!

    enter link description here

    That was great but seriously I hope the next one isn't like the The Empire Strikes Back

    @Saltlick123 enter link description here They had both the current and the old epic voices do this one, and the old one shits on the movie.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    Here you go. Bear in mind I'm something of a hack when it comes to anarchist arguments, but I'll try to do the subject justice. I like agitating. so I'm willing to answer questions/recommend further reading if you want.

    So can a society even function when there isn't a subjugated class? As far as I know this hasn't ever been successful. It's a nice thought, but when you have nothing to point to as a source of inspiration or confirmation that's it's possible (and in fact multiple cases where it went awry) how can you convince anyone that there is an alternative worth the trouble?

    Not quite sure what you mean by subjugated class. Most socialists believe all workers are subjugated.

    As for the poor, many “class-struggle” socialists and anarchists would say yes. I tend to think it’s a bit more complicated. I think that current material conditions have made so that there must alway be economic winners and losers, I think the winners have done a good job of justifying their success as being due to hard work and the failure of losers as a result of some moral failing . I think it will take some time to work away from this mindset and I doubt it will happen everywhere, all at once. An anarchist society operates on mutual aid, but I can't see that being applied on a level higher than the community. At the very least, our societies have the capacity to ensure that nobody ever has to go hungry, sleep in the streets or work multiple jobs just to support their family.

    There’s also a precedent that the misery and strict hierarchies of working life (which is terrible for our mental & emotional well-being) can be abolished (for lack of a better word), without destroying a society’s ability to produce goods or provide services. During the Spanish Civil War, the Anarcho-Syndicalist CNT-FAI controlled large swathes of land in Catalonia and Aragon. Despite the Republic’s refusal to give them money/arms and the fact that they outright abolished wage labor, the anarchists managed to sustain a successful war econony and take on much of the fighting against the fascists. The factories kepy running and the hospitals in the anarchist region (dozens of them) remained some of the best in Spain. It’s just that democratic control replaced hierarchy and resources were distributed in a completely different way. The CNT-FAI is still around (though without territory) by the way, despite their betrayal by the Republicans/Communist Party, mass-executions at the hands of the fascists and 35 years of Franquist rule.

    Getting back on track, I don’t think that having an subjugated class is an inevitability, but class division is very entrenched and toxic in modern society. Even in a socialist system, I don’t think this mentality will change until we have a basic standard of living for everyone and reverse the atrophy of the community in our daily lives.

    There are several good (if a bit obscure) examples of libertarian socialism in action, both past and present. The examples that come to mind are The Ukranian Free Territory, The Shinjin Autonomous Region, Anarchist Catalonia/Aragon. the EZLN(Zapatistas) and Rojava. None of them are utopia, but all have established themselves in times of immense strife and managed to not only survive longer than expected, but sometimes even flourish, despite the madness and violence going on around them. When people participate in relationships of equality and solidarity, we thrive. I’m not deluded enough to think America will go red & black in my lifetime, but I can imagine groups of people banding together, squatting or creating new communities, growing their own food, sharing resources on the principle of mutual aid, and fiercely defending the life they have built for themselves. Hell, it already happens, just on a smaller scale. Agitation, direct action and other such melodrama have their place of course, people are more hostile toward the state and capitalism than they have been for decades. Worldwide revolution is a fantasy IMO and the anti-authoritarian left has some glaring issues (pronouns anyone?), but I think that small, regional victories are possible. Perhaps these victories could encourage a positive cultural shift, who knows? I consider it an idea worth striving for.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    So can a society even function when there isn't a subjugated class? As far as I know this hasn't ever been successful. It's a nice thought,

  • edited April 2016

    @Ingen_Nate_Kenny Please give me a tag after my name that says ''uber duper super cool man that deserves respect and upvotes from everyone even you @John_Smith13''


  • This takes me back to...

    enter link description here

    ...simpler times.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Mr Plinkett! enter link description here That was great but seriously I hope the next one isn't like the The Empire Strikes Back

  • Those were the days I remember we got so old

    This takes me back to... enter link description here ...simpler times.

  • Umm, what?

    @Ingen_Nate_Kenny Please give me a tag after my name that says ''uber duper super cool man that deserves respect and upvotes from everyone even you @John_Smith13'' Thanks.

  • He's asking some dirty favours.

    Umm, what?

  • Second one reminds me of when I cook drunk.

    I wasn't really following VR that much beforehand, but as of late, I started seeing game footage of various VR games people were sharing and

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