The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited April 2016

    enter image description here
    I hope never hear of this again on this thread someone posted her talking about it here. I never watched I was to sickened to even think of it

    You could get so many diseases off a dog

    The parents WTF letting that happen I find the parents doing nothing just as disturbing.

    And people call guys thirsty I never heard of a guy do that so weird.

    No guy would want any girl like that ever she is disgusting and should not talk or contribute on internet anymore

    Report her for animal abuse and the parents too

    There's this chick on Youtube that fucks dogs for pleasure.

  • I hope u had fun why did you chose London tho? So cold

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I'm reunited with Lauren Cohan <333 Also, hello, I have returned

  • Awesome I cant wait for next part

    joshua007 posted: »

    @Markd4547 @Euron enter link description here Fellow Unity haters

  • I'm sorry you had to hear this again. I suppose I just heard of her now.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I hope never hear of this again on this thread someone posted her talking about it here. I never watched I was to sickened to even think of

  • It was a school trip actually, for both art and drama students. Luckily I picked both to study :P

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I hope u had fun why did you chose London tho? So cold

  • edited April 2016

    On drama alert she got asked if her parents know. She said no and they'd kill her if they was to find out. So neither of her mom and dad know about what she is doing to animals. And it's rather confusing since she is getting bigger and known - in a bad way - so I'd would of figured they would of found out by now.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I hope never hear of this again on this thread someone posted her talking about it here. I never watched I was to sickened to even think of

  • Her parents will find the video or she will get doxxed eventually

    She is sick and needs therapy

    lottii-lu posted: »

    On drama alert she got asked if her parents know. She said no and they'd kill her if they was to find out. So neither of her mom and dad kno

  • I rather go to america where you live then London anyday

    Or hot country like Spain

    London freezing and bit rough

    But hope you had fun and many awesome adventures

    lottii-lu posted: »

    It was a school trip actually, for both art and drama students. Luckily I picked both to study :P

  • Agreed! Seriously... Just ewww the disease you could get and the poor animal!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Her parents will find the video or she will get doxxed eventually She is sick and needs therapy

  • I agree.

    And honestly, we don't know what sick shit goes inside her head.

    Leafyishere - a CSGO commentator who pokes fun at others, tells small life stories and overall get's into a shit ton of drama - made fun of her '10 reason why girls should have sex with their own dogs' video. Whitney must of found out about it and what he said and looked him up on Twitter.

    Long story short, she became obsessed with him, full on obsessed. She tweeted him photos of herself in lingering, ate a cricket for him and said on drama alert - for thousands of people to see - that she'd up hamsters in her for him. The only reasons she's now stopped fucking dogs is because she forced him to say he loves her. I think it was obvious on that show - and Leafy's previous videos on the topic, that he was seriously uncomfortable with these things. And her recent "roast" on him, is equally as creepy.

    If someone - with an extremely toxic fanbase - was to roast you like that, then you wouldn't do that. In fact those things wouldn't remotely think of those things. So there is something super wrong with her. And honestly, I hope she gets checked out and stops using the internet as a whole.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Her parents will find the video or she will get doxxed eventually She is sick and needs therapy

  • enter image description here

    I always try to encourage girls to do fitness and get a bit of muscle so talking to my bro gf

    Me: Do you play sport?

    Girl: I'm a defender for a girls football team

    Me: Do you workout in gym to get muscle?

    Girl: Ew no muscles are manly

    Me: Nope hottest women in Ireland Katie Taylor is a pro boxer and has muscle.

    Girl: But she is gay

    Me: She not gay she my waifu

    Girl: She is as gay as a peach

    Girls like this wreck my head what's wrong with strong women and why do girls keep saying the gay argument what does that even mean?

  • Oohh yeah your definitely correct there! ¡Si!

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I agree. And honestly, we don't know what sick shit goes inside her head. Leafyishere - a CSGO commentator who pokes fun at others, te

  • Welcome back bro

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm unbanned. No more personal beefs. X_X

  • I am a girl I got badass calf cuz of track. Weird they bring up the gay argument. Katie Taylor is aweeesooommeee

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I always try to encourage girls to do fitness and get a bit of muscle so talking to my bro gf Me: Do you play sport? Girl: I'm a defen

  • I did, thanks :D

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I rather go to america where you live then London anyday Or hot country like Spain London freezing and bit rough But hope you had fun and many awesome adventures

  • Unfortunately, I have a friend like that and to no surprise, it was the one who didn't take me coming out as a lesbian seriously.

    I honestly don't know what it's supposed to means but it's like, you think she's badass, not that you want to be romantically/sexuailly involved with her??? Lmao.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I always try to encourage girls to do fitness and get a bit of muscle so talking to my bro gf Me: Do you play sport? Girl: I'm a defen

  • Ur badass to then and Katie is awesome

    Have u heard of her?

    _BEARZZ_ posted: »

    I am a girl I got badass calf cuz of track. Weird they bring up the gay argument. Katie Taylor is aweeesooommeee

  • Oh look that woman has muscles. Gay.

    Oh look that guy doesn't have muscles. Gay.

    People are ignorant idiots sometimes. Gender stereotypes can bugger off.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I always try to encourage girls to do fitness and get a bit of muscle so talking to my bro gf Me: Do you play sport? Girl: I'm a defen

  • edited April 2016

    enter image description here

    No id bang Katie and ronda over weak chicken wing girls anyday. Fit girls are my.fetish

    Think just an.excuse

    Guys love fit women

    My current.crush started just because she is only girl who plays football with my college she is badass

    Girls in my country say gay as in it's not normal behaviour and they are above homosexuals like they are a different breed its stupid

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Unfortunately, I have a friend like that and to no surprise, it was the one who didn't take me coming out as a lesbian seriously. I hones

  • Apparently gay is an insult these days. Like where I live is apparently one of the most homophobic countries in Europe, if you're gay you'd have to be bloody crazy to live here.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    No id bang Katie and ronda over weak chicken wing girls anyday. Fit girls are my.fetish Think just an.excuse Guys love fit

  • A lot of people made out as if one small ship hate post was a big deal along with (a new phrase I've heard) called "freedom of shipping."

    The next thing I knew I made this

    enter image description here


  • enter image description here

    I know the feel

    Even walking my niece home from her school. I can hear little school children shouting gay at each other

    Apparently gay is an insult these days. Like where I live is apparently one of the most homophobic countries in Europe, if you're gay you'd have to be bloody crazy to live here.

  • Always cry at 0:11.

    Funny video mate, I will gladly wait for the part 2

    joshua007 posted: »

    @Markd4547 @Euron enter link description here Fellow Unity haters

  • I live in a sort of homophobic country and they use gay as an insult it gets on my nerves

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I know the feel Even walking my niece home from her school. I can hear little school children shouting gay at each other

  • Rightfully so.

    I live in a sort of homophobic country and they use gay as an insult it gets on my nerves

  • How does something escalate from shipping to a giant robot eagle blowing up a ship with the American flag in the background?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    A lot of people made out as if one small ship hate post was a big deal along with (a new phrase I've heard) called "freedom of shipping." The next thing I knew I made this AMERICA FUCK YEAH!

  • I honestly don't know.

    How does something escalate from shipping to a giant robot eagle blowing up a ship with the American flag in the background?

  • enter image description here

    U ignored my response rood :p

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Unfortunately, I have a friend like that and to no surprise, it was the one who didn't take me coming out as a lesbian seriously. I hones

  • Sorry buddo <\3 :c

    Markd4547 posted: »

    U ignored my response rood

  • It ok senorita <3

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Sorry buddo <\3 :c

  • "but muh celebrity and money"..

    Urgh, it's so pathetic when people are only driven by this, moreover to go this far to get it.

    I don't even want to check if it's real or a troll for obvious reasons.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    She'd also said she'd stick hamsters up her cOUGH for him too on drama alert. Also that she'd stop dog fucking if he says he loves her.

  • What ship was it?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I honestly don't know.

  • Rhack.

    Shitcourse in 3... 2... 1...

    What ship was it?

  • I'm writing a research paper for my English class, I'm already on Page 5, at 1,400+ words, and I haven't even gotten into the body of my argument, this thing is going to be long as fuck.

  • Godspeed, Metallica. Godspeed.

    I'm writing a research paper for my English class, I'm already on Page 5, at 1,400+ words, and I haven't even gotten into the body of my argument, this thing is going to be long as fuck.

  • Thank you. What makes it somewhat fun though is that it is, partially, about Metallica. The actual paper is about metal music, common stereotypes associated with the genre, its history, and the effects of listening to it, and I do get to talk about Metallica a lot. It may not be the most interesting topic my teacher will read, but I'll be damned if it doesn't have the most heart, emotion, and passion about the subject matter.

    Godspeed, Metallica. Godspeed.

  • When's it due?

    I'm writing a research paper for my English class, I'm already on Page 5, at 1,400+ words, and I haven't even gotten into the body of my argument, this thing is going to be long as fuck.

  • edited April 2016

    The first draft is due on Friday, the final draft is due the following Friday. Reason why I started this early was because I already have a shitton of other projects to work on during the week along with preparing for final exams.

    When's it due?

  • Uuuuuuuhhhh nnnooooooo!

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Unfortunately, I have a friend like that and to no surprise, it was the one who didn't take me coming out as a lesbian seriously. I hones

  • I am gonna sit here awkwardly because of lottiis comment...

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Unfortunately, I have a friend like that and to no surprise, it was the one who didn't take me coming out as a lesbian seriously. I hones

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