

  • i'm sorry but all i paid attention to in this video was Lukas i'm sorry i'm so sorry

    I have proof that Jesse doesn't care about Reuben AT ALL. (Video)

  • Same. :3

    QueenMaddy posted: »

    i'm sorry but all i paid attention to in this video was Lukas i'm sorry i'm so sorry

  • Jesse's like "Get the f**k off my face you homosexual" and Lukas is like "I am not homo I will prove you" Then Jesse beats the $#!T outta Lukas... I ruined this pic I'm sorry

    QueenMaddy posted: »

    i'm kind of in love with this

  • I somehow able to get the 1.1.1 of the game and Lukas was actually Jesse's enemy instead of Aiden. And Jesse and Lukas declared each other as nemesis. And as you get to the portal Aiden goes with you and you kick Lukas out and he was grabbed by the wither storm. I don't wanna risk getting sued or something by TTG by showing you how to get 1.11v I might regret the words I say. I won't upload a video or show pictures of the Not Released version. This game actually had swearing.

  • No offense but without proof, I don't believe any of this. Sorry ._.

  • I made another one :3

    enter image description here

  • Wow, this is very well done and cute!

    I made another one

  • Thank you ^^

    PyroLife posted: »

    Wow, this is very well done and cute!

  • I understand.... I am a 14 year old girl.... I SHIP JETRA!!!!!

    Hana-san posted: »

    maybe Lukas x Jesse have more popularity but by alot of 10-14 years old girls . The good lukesse fandom exist too very far . But jetra have better fanarts and a good popularity :v don't offense plz :'v. I ship the two ~~

  • Further validateing my point.....

    _BEARZZ_ posted: »

    I understand.... I am a 14 year old girl.... I SHIP JETRA!!!!!

  • edited April 2016

    this comment was a mistake but here have some lukesse enter image description here


    I made another one

  • Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok (I LOVE this ;u;)

    QueenMaddy posted: »

    this comment was a mistake but here have some lukesse

  • 2kawaii4me

    QueenMaddy posted: »

    this comment was a mistake but here have some lukesse

  • SU cuuuuteee. <3 Lukas ish bae.

    I made another one

  • pretrodactyl screaming in the background

    -20 minutes later-

    Ahem, excuse me...


    QueenMaddy posted: »

    this comment was a mistake but here have some lukesse

  • I just realized blocks are cute.. :T

    WHATEVER! opens deviantart and searches 'lukesse'

  • I am not risking to get sued.

    No offense but without proof, I don't believe any of this. Sorry ._.

  • You mean blocks to human?

    I just realized blocks are cute.. :T WHATEVER! opens deviantart and searches 'lukesse'

  • edited April 2016

    Everyone is posting fan things so here you go! >w<
    (Contains spoilers for episode 1, 3, 4 & 5)

  • You: There is spoiler of every episode Everyone: I DON'T CARE

    Everyone is posting fan things so here you go! >w< (Contains spoilers for episode 1, 3, 4 & 5) ...

  • edited April 2016

    From the very first episode was hoping for the romance option with him. Three episodes left, pls Telltale make this happen!

  • omg you have a gradeaundera profile picture im fucking dying xD
    That youtube channel is halarious lol

  • Not every episode, 2 is missing babe x3

    You: There is spoiler of every episode Everyone: I DON'T CARE

  • O.M.G
    Don't you even dare bringing my secret fondness for these types of cute scenes QueenMaddy.
    Telltale ? You have some great material to work with right here ! Why won't you pay attention ?!

    QueenMaddy posted: »

    this comment was a mistake but here have some lukesse

  • I've felt it since the very beginning. I knew Petra was going to get in the way of Jesse and Lukas undying love... If a rivalry has to be build, then I'll fight her. Highkicks and punchs will fly and that's on the floor she'll lie.

    ( RIP Jesse to be honest... oops )

    Seeing Lukas holding back Petra in the thumbnail for episode 6 pisses me off so much.. ._.

  • edited April 2016

    I really like this thread, but there's the world's worst shipping EVER! Here's the link, no, you don't need to watch the video, read the title, part of it!

    YOU THINK THATS FUNNY? WHY DID YOU DO THIS! I want Lukesse and Jetra, but not this! I HATE THAT TYPE OF SHIPPING! I want Lukesse and Jetra for life! BUT NOT THIS! WHY DID THIS PERSON THINK OF THIS? NO MORE!

    Do you agree with me guys, that the link I gave you leads to the worst shipping?

    Jesse and Aiden? NO! Jesse and Petra? YES! Jessie and Lukas? YES!


    I actually thought about it while playing and I like it. :)
    People find interesting what they find interesting right ?

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I really like this thread, but there's the world's worst shipping EVER! Here's the link, no, you don't need to watch the video, read the tit

  • people who say rhack is shit should honestly look at this

    its rhack but with minecraft

  • oh no...not the rhack hate all over again please. People should be free to ship whatever they want, it's none of our business. Can't we just appreciate our ship ( here Lukesse ) without dragging another that has no link whatsoever with any of the characters involved...or the game itself for that matter ?
    You know what's good ? diversity. Some like dark ships, some prefer sweeter ones, and they are still people that like both depending on the situation... Life would be boring without diversity.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    people who say rhack is shit should honestly look at this its rhack but with minecraft

  • Thank you for saying this. As a Rhack shipper, I'm so tired of all the hate on the forums. I'm glad Tumblr exists haha. I think most people on the forums didn't like Rhys x Vaughn either even though it's technically a cute ship (I don't ship it though)
    Anyway. As you said, let's just appreciate our Lukesse ship because, well, that's the Lukesse thread xD

    Mellorine posted: »

    oh no...not the rhack hate all over again please. People should be free to ship whatever they want, it's none of our business. Can't we just

  • AMEN!

    Thank you for saying this. As a Rhack shipper, I'm so tired of all the hate on the forums. I'm glad Tumblr exists haha. I think most people

  • enter image description here

    Uploaded another Reuben video. Oh right you don't care because you hate me. For bullsh!ting the Lukesse ship because i- Sarcasm.Err.404 Please restart your computer

  • Fucking Hell this thread is fucking awesome mate!

  • Read the warning :) .

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I really like this thread, but there's the world's worst shipping EVER! Here's the link, no, you don't need to watch the video, read the tit


    Thank you for saying this. As a Rhack shipper, I'm so tired of all the hate on the forums. I'm glad Tumblr exists haha. I think most people

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