The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Not that I've seen. I just think of the worst and it can only go up from there. So with that in mind, I'm going to assume it's either whomever it deems you to like the most, gets promoted, or whomever you like the least, dies. Something to that effect. I'm hoping for something less cookie cutter, but not expecting it.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, I heard that the choices you make in the game will have an effect on the ending. That was actually a feature that was removed from 2 (

  • edited April 2016

    It’s bad because there is a huge age gap between both characters; Daryl being in his mid 30s to early 40s and Beth being 17 - when she was starting to be shipped with Daryl - and 18 when she died.

    So that drawing wasn't just beastilty but also pedophila.

    Also, I see people try and justify the ship itself because Beth was 18 when she died, but that doesn’t take away the fact a.) Daryl is a lot older than her b.) It was shipped when Beth was at an age where she wasn’t considered legal. And a lot of Bethylers have a go at those who want Daryl to be gay and/or want him to be romantically involved with a man who is referred to as Jesus, say that his heart belongs to Beth even if he is gay (which is homophobic and makes no sense) and try and make out as if shipping a woman of colour (Rostia) with him makes no sense.

    So to conclude the ship is bad and the fandom is kinda bad too.

    Edit: There was a lot of mistakes in here, sorry.

    I don't watch the TWD TV series so I have no idea what you're talking about. What is it? Why is it so bad?

  • his heart belongs to Beth even if he is gay

    Seems like people are acting as if it's canon, even though one of the characters in the ship is dead, also that is one of the most ignorant things I've heard. I find shipping and shipping wars dumb in general, which might sound a bit hypocritical.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    It’s bad because there is a huge age gap between both characters; Daryl being in his mid 30s to early 40s and Beth being 17 - when she was s

  • They do, but yet these are the same people who try and make out if Beth is going to come back, whether that's being the one to take Carl's storyline in season 7 (a character who get's treat pretty shitty by the writers as it is) or taking a POC role as a leader (which is a forum of lowkey racism) so I'm not suprised really.

    his heart belongs to Beth even if he is gay Seems like people are acting as if it's canon, even though one of the characters in the

  • [removed]

  • Did you know he was a vegetarian

  • Hey ttg, I'm one of your GREATEST fans and have been with you since wd1, 2013 April :) and have played every single release since then, wau to michonne and mscm
    So just one request, we, or at least I, wish you made a seriously emotional and gripping episodic series (last of us for xample) which just... brings tears to our eyes and awakens a deep longlasting sense of sadness, trust me that is the biggest achievement a developer can achieve. Please do think about it and...lookin forward to ur future releases! :)

  • Yes! He also had one nut ;)

    Did you know he was a vegetarian

  • I think I'm the only one that didn't find the last of us emotional at all, it was a well told story but iz didn't feehlz anythingz'z :(

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    Hey ttg, I'm one of your GREATEST fans and have been with you since wd1, 2013 April and have played every single release since then, wau to

  • Trivia is fun!!

    Danaliza posted: »

    Yes! He also had one nut

  • edited April 2016

    I'd say TWD was pretty emotional for a lot of people, and if you're going to tell them to make an "emotional" game then at least give some examples or suggestions, "like the last of us" isn't a very good example really. Also I don't understand why you posted this here, seeing you've already posted it on the suggestion thread.

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    Hey ttg, I'm one of your GREATEST fans and have been with you since wd1, 2013 April and have played every single release since then, wau to

  • Bless you Boson, thank you for putting me in a better place <3

  • I'll be celebrating April 30th.

  • Damn, ice cold. XD


    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'll be celebrating April 30th.

  • You don't seem too enthusiastic about it man. :(


  • I just hope they learned from their drastic mistakes from Mafia 2. Holy shit, if that game were different...

    Johro posted: »

    It looks really good. One thing worries me. I watched the 12min gameplay video and noticed something that's back. The speedometer. Sigh.

  • I just wanna know what happened to Joe! :'(

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Looks pretty good and an interesting take on the Mafia story. October 7th can't come soon enough. Curious to see how much Vito is involved in the story.

  • 17 is not pedo age

    lottii-lu posted: »

    It’s bad because there is a huge age gap between both characters; Daryl being in his mid 30s to early 40s and Beth being 17 - when she was s

  • That's how I found the forums. One of my friends from school who I talk with about The Walking Dead showed me these forums. So I lurked a bit and decided to make an account. I'm glad because you guys seem cool and know a lot about these games. Hopefully your friend likes it too.

    So my friend is joining the forums

  • edited April 2016

    I was watching Games Radar's hands-on impression of what they got to play, and apparently the devs and cutscenes they watched hinted at Lincoln being betrayed by the one he gives the least ammount of resources (if any).

    Johro posted: »

    Not that I've seen. I just think of the worst and it can only go up from there. So with that in mind, I'm going to assume it's either whom

  • Apparently in a demo members of the gaming pressgot to play, in this case Games Radar, Vito compared Lincoln to Joe. He's dead isn't he? :'(

    I just wanna know what happened to Joe!

  • edited April 2016

    17 isn't considered legal.

    17 is not pedo age


    I found this story kind of interesting. This guy would probably be dead if he was in America. I think @BigBlindMax may get the most enjoyment from it.

  • Pedophiles are attracted to children not fully developed women. I you have sex with someone below the age of consent it is considered statutory rape because consent is a verbal contract and someone below the legal age cant enter a contract it isnt pedophilia, however parents can give their kids permission to get married after a certain age, usually 16 but in some states 14 I think.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    17 isn't considered legal.


    You don't seem too enthusiastic about it man.

  • Bloody.Hell.

    This makes me very glad I don't live in Norway.

  • I shall grant that they can afford to strip some of the luxuries (PlayStation? Are you pulling at my leg?), but overall, I see no problem.

    This makes me very glad I don't live in Norway.

    Mate, I live in Australia and I would take the option of living in Norway in a heartbeat.

    Bloody.Hell. This makes me very glad I don't live in Norway.

  • No..... NOOOOO!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Apparently in a demo members of the gaming pressgot to play, in this case Games Radar, Vito compared Lincoln to Joe. He's dead isn't he?

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    Well, I grant that the luxuries are pretty ridiculous, but Norways lowest reoffending rate in Europe speaks for itself. The prison's could probably do with fewer luxuries (or preferably a system where they are earned), but it's also worth considering how much good it's really going to do, beyond vindictive satisfaction.

    As for the solitary, I believe that all solitary confinement is abhorrent and should only be used if an inmate poses an immediately danger to others. It has been proven time and time again that solitary confinement is terrible for prisoners mental wellbeing and not conducive to productive activity or rehabilitation. Don't get me wrong; Brevik is mass-murdering, Fascist scum and words cannot describe how loathsome I find him. Still, I don't see the purpose in keeping him isolated. He can maybe do some work, and possibly find a scrap of decency within himself if allowed to interact with the rest of the prison. The luxurious conditions being what they are, I can't imagine releasing him would risk a riot or anything.

    Generally, I approve of the Scandinavian model for prisons. Like I said, the recidivism rates speak for themselves. Whether or not it's a viable system for America is a different story. We seem more interested in using prisoners for slave labor than making them fit to re-enter society.

  • How do you feel of a maximum penalty of 21 years, unless he's deemed a threat to society?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, I grant that the luxuries are pretty ridiculous, but Norways lowest reoffending rate in Europe speaks for itself. The prison's could

  • edited April 2016

    There are some people who are never going to be fit to enter society.

    EDIT: Oh , and by the way , @BigBlindMax , did you know that by American federal law , prisoners CAN'T be forced to work , and that they're paid for whatever work they do perform?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, I grant that the luxuries are pretty ridiculous, but Norways lowest reoffending rate in Europe speaks for itself. The prison's could

  • Come, amico mio. We all knew it, deep down inside of us - no matter how hard we all tried to avoid the truth.

    No..... NOOOOO!

  • edited April 2016

    Is that the one where you find out at the end that it's an imposter Rick. Then it ends on a cliffhanger that gets completely ignored in the next issue? :D

    I got some pretty cool storage boxes for my walking dead issues. I got 3 boxes 113-126 / 127-144 / 145-153 Volumes 1-25 Also just ordered B&W A New Beginning Rick Grimes Figure

  • Can I come? Anything's gotta be better than 30-degree + heat.

    I shall grant that they can afford to strip some of the luxuries (PlayStation? Are you pulling at my leg?), but overall, I see no problem.

  • Anyone played the gears 4 beta?

  • am really hyped for this game not only because mafia isa great series but its also set in the sixties which could be interesting

    Anybody excited for the release of Mafia 3? Their new trailer got me hyped.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited April 2016

    a seriously emotional and gripping episodic series which just brings tears to our eyes

    TWD already accomplished that, at least for me. In all honesty, I found TWD more emotionally potent than TLoU. I mean, both games definitely got to me, and TLoU is one fan-goddamn-tastic game, but TWD just hit me harder than TLoU was able to, and has just overall stuck with me much more.

    Regardless though, I think the fact that a game like TWD is able to stand tall next to a game like TLoU, which is practically a giant in comparison (in terms of production value and all that), is an accomplishment in itself. I mean hell, TWD managed to rake in over 90 game of the year awards. It's an episodic adventure game made by a relatively small studio (at the time), and it was managing to beat out AAA juggernauts that had more than twice the resources they did in just about everything. That has to count for something, right?

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    Hey ttg, I'm one of your GREATEST fans and have been with you since wd1, 2013 April and have played every single release since then, wau to

  • im still figuring how deception 4 the nightmare princess works because some of the new quest requirements are ridiculous like gain 1000 ark points and even when you copy the example video exactly i get 0 ark

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    There are some people who are never going to be fit to enter society.

    Sure, but in the modern day, the doctrine of prison is supposed to be both punishment and rehabilitation. In other, more civilized countries, the endgame is reforming the prisoner into a productive member of society, while realizing that's not always possible.

    Not sure where you read that, but I'm pretty sure it's wrong. Able-bodied prisoners are generally required to work (with some exceptions) and aren't constitutionally entitled to compensation. Any compensation granted is by "the grace of the state".

    And even if you're right, that's just federal prison, which houses a small minority of prisoners. The situations is much worse in the states. For example, in Arizona, ALL able-bodied prisoners are required to work without exception. Actually, right now the IWW is helping prisoners in Texas conduct a massive strike because they are being required to work, have compensation withheld and are forced to pay a $100 copay to have proper medical treatment outside the prison (basically impossible if you make $0.00 an hour).

    Prison is big-business that forces involuntary labor. Slavery. The 13th Amendment even admits as much.

    There are some people who are never going to be fit to enter society. EDIT: Oh , and by the way , @BigBlindMax , did you know that by Ame

  • I dont say that ttg didnt accomplish it, they sure did with scenes like wd1 end and one of the bro's death in GoT. But i just... need something different because ttg has a lot of potential and they can do a lot more, I feel it. So a horror game may be what m lookin for by ttg, a family or a friend trapped somewhere and they just plan something to escape or condemn the evil/spirit and all that. someone dies in the process and just...

    I dont know what i want but in a sentence, I WANT MORE OF TELLTALE! ;) we all do!

    Deltino posted: »

    a seriously emotional and gripping episodic series which just brings tears to our eyes TWD already accomplished that, at least for m

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