Didn't they just release Episode 2 earlier this month? Could this be the shortest wait between episodes in Telltale history?!?! I am excited yet at the same time extremely discouraged. If it's coming out this soon, I really hope a ton of effort was put into it and it wasn't just rushed and shitty.
It's pretty fast, but the quickest release would actually be MC:SM episode 2, which came out 2 weeks on the mark after the first episode.
And I think that the Michonne series was being worked on much more extensively than their other series. They were probably working on all three episodes before the first one even came out, seeing as there was quite a bit of episode 2 stuff floating around in the episode 1 files, and practically everything in the episode 2 teaser was used/finished, unlike the usual placeholder assets that show up in those. What I'm trying to say is, I wouldn't worry much. Episode 2 came out around 4-5 weeks after episode 1, and it's arguably one of the best produced episodes Telltale's done in quite a while.
Didn't they just release Episode 2 earlier this month? Could this be the shortest wait between episodes in Telltale history?!?! I am excited… more yet at the same time extremely discouraged. If it's coming out this soon, I really hope a ton of effort was put into it and it wasn't just rushed and shitty.
They've been going for monthly releases with Michonne and Episode 2 was released on the 29th last month. Pretty sure the shortest wait time between episodes was Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 1 and 2 which was two weeks.
Didn't they just release Episode 2 earlier this month? Could this be the shortest wait between episodes in Telltale history?!?! I am excited… more yet at the same time extremely discouraged. If it's coming out this soon, I really hope a ton of effort was put into it and it wasn't just rushed and shitty.
The quickest release between episode was the time between Minecraft Story Mode episodes 1&2 which was two weeks.
The reason they are able to release episodes of Michonne faster is because they intentionally held back episode 1 so they could have chance to work on episodes 2&3 while episode 1 was in development, they did this so they could release episodes faster so i don't think you shouldn't be discouraged by the faster release time as they still spent a long period of time working on the episode.
Didn't they just release Episode 2 earlier this month? Could this be the shortest wait between episodes in Telltale history?!?! I am excited… more yet at the same time extremely discouraged. If it's coming out this soon, I really hope a ton of effort was put into it and it wasn't just rushed and shitty.
In modern Telltale history (outside of Minecraft Ep 1/2), it's pretty quick. However, older Telltale series also had genuinely monthly releases.
With modern Telltale series, they previously held back episodes to extensively revise them from fan feedback, but at this point starting with Minecraft/Michonne/etc, they seem to be going back to monthly releases which is a great thing in my book.
Didn't they just release Episode 2 earlier this month? Could this be the shortest wait between episodes in Telltale history?!?! I am excited… more yet at the same time extremely discouraged. If it's coming out this soon, I really hope a ton of effort was put into it and it wasn't just rushed and shitty.
In modern Telltale history (outside of Minecraft Ep 1/2), it's pretty quick. However, older Telltale series also had genuinely monthly relea… moreses.
With modern Telltale series, they previously held back episodes to extensively revise them from fan feedback, but at this point starting with Minecraft/Michonne/etc, they seem to be going back to monthly releases which is a great thing in my book.
I think that the episode previews being different from final episodes is not a symptom of Telltale showing a work in progress during the episode previews, but rather them showing content that was later revised during live production. Wolf Episode 4 came out pretty quick after Episode 3, and a lot of the things from the Episode 4 preview turned out to be accurate.
It's pretty fast, but the quickest release would actually be MC:SM episode 2, which came out 2 weeks on the mark after the first episode.
… more And I think that the Michonne series was being worked on much more extensively than their other series. They were probably working on all three episodes before the first one even came out, seeing as there was quite a bit of episode 2 stuff floating around in the episode 1 files, and practically everything in the episode 2 teaser was used/finished, unlike the usual placeholder assets that show up in those. What I'm trying to say is, I wouldn't worry much. Episode 2 came out around 4-5 weeks after episode 1, and it's arguably one of the best produced episodes Telltale's done in quite a while.
But, nah, I just chipped in because I don't think the others clarified episodes were released monthly before Walking Dead encouraged Telltale to hold back episodes and revise them during live production.
What can I say? It's what I do.
But, nah, I just chipped in because I don't think the others clarified episodes were released monthly before Walking Dead encouraged Telltale to hold back episodes and revise them during live production.
I think it's a bit of column A and column B. Some assets that show up are definitely placeholder assets, namely re-used textures, models, or otherwise under detailed things. Then sometimes it's just a case of things getting refined like you said; environments and character models tend to fall into that category. Character models barely change, and most of the environments only have a few textures and props switched around.
I think that the episode previews being different from final episodes is not a symptom of Telltale showing a work in progress during the epi… moresode previews, but rather them showing content that was later revised during live production. Wolf Episode 4 came out pretty quick after Episode 3, and a lot of the things from the Episode 4 preview turned out to be accurate.
I dont know where to post this cmmt but, i just wanna ask ttg that NEVER STOP DEVELOPING/PORTING YOUR CONSOLE GAMES FOR ANDROID
I dont have no console or a gud pc, so... just wanna be sure that ttg keeps releasin all their future games on Android
ive away from the forulms for a week and I come back notice the r18 rating. wow ok this is new. so what dose this mean dose have something to do with the family you are protecting or something to the with michonne missing daughters
I'm fairly confident the R18+ rating is for on-screen child deaths, so possibly something to do with the boys or even Michonne having morbid hallucinations of her daughters.
ive away from the forulms for a week and I come back notice the r18 rating. wow ok this is new. so what dose this mean dose have something to do with the family you are protecting or something to the with michonne missing daughters
I'm fairly confident the R18+ rating is for on-screen child deaths, so possibly something to do with the boys or even Michonne having morbid hallucinations of her daughters.
Please no, i'm glad Oak and the others are going to appear, but not this way ;-; I REGRET KILLING RANDALL!!!
To the people who killed Randall : we better kick Norma's ass because she will no hesitase to kill our people I want to protect everyone but it seems imposible
I didn't want to kill Monroe's people neither but like Sam said : "Them or us" If they can kill two kids (hopefully they won'), then I can kill Norma and Randa--
Oh wait. I already did (Evil laugh)
W-what the... Zachary and Jonas still being by Norma's side? I though they were to escape too! I hope they'll become allies
PD.: I never enjoyed more with a Telltale TWD game since S1
I'm hoping that both Zachary and Jonas betray Norma since I didn't kill Zachary and we encouraged them to escape with us. I think I can see that happening
Please no, i'm glad Oak and the others are going to appear, but not this way ;-; I REGRET KILLING RANDALL!!!
To the people who killed R… moreandall : we better kick Norma's ass because she will no hesitase to kill our people I want to protect everyone but it seems imposible
I didn't want to kill Monroe's people neither but like Sam said : "Them or us" If they can kill two kids (hopefully they won'), then I can kill Norma and Randa--
Oh wait. I already did (Evil laugh)
W-what the... Zachary and Jonas still being by Norma's side? I though they were to escape too! I hope they'll become allies
PD.: I never enjoyed more with a Telltale TWD game since S1
Didn't they just release Episode 2 earlier this month? Could this be the shortest wait between episodes in Telltale history?!?! I am excited yet at the same time extremely discouraged. If it's coming out this soon, I really hope a ton of effort was put into it and it wasn't just rushed and shitty.
It's pretty fast, but the quickest release would actually be MC:SM episode 2, which came out 2 weeks on the mark after the first episode.
And I think that the Michonne series was being worked on much more extensively than their other series. They were probably working on all three episodes before the first one even came out, seeing as there was quite a bit of episode 2 stuff floating around in the episode 1 files, and practically everything in the episode 2 teaser was used/finished, unlike the usual placeholder assets that show up in those. What I'm trying to say is, I wouldn't worry much. Episode 2 came out around 4-5 weeks after episode 1, and it's arguably one of the best produced episodes Telltale's done in quite a while.
They've been going for monthly releases with Michonne and Episode 2 was released on the 29th last month. Pretty sure the shortest wait time between episodes was Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 1 and 2 which was two weeks.
The quickest release between episode was the time between Minecraft Story Mode episodes 1&2 which was two weeks.
The reason they are able to release episodes of Michonne faster is because they intentionally held back episode 1 so they could have chance to work on episodes 2&3 while episode 1 was in development, they did this so they could release episodes faster so i don't think you shouldn't be discouraged by the faster release time as they still spent a long period of time working on the episode.
In modern Telltale history (outside of Minecraft Ep 1/2), it's pretty quick. However, older Telltale series also had genuinely monthly releases.
With modern Telltale series, they previously held back episodes to extensively revise them from fan feedback, but at this point starting with Minecraft/Michonne/etc, they seem to be going back to monthly releases which is a great thing in my book.
Thank you for joining the other 3 and correcting me for the 4th time, Blind Sniper. Can always count on you. XD
I think that the episode previews being different from final episodes is not a symptom of Telltale showing a work in progress during the episode previews, but rather them showing content that was later revised during live production. Wolf Episode 4 came out pretty quick after Episode 3, and a lot of the things from the Episode 4 preview turned out to be accurate.
What can I say? It's what I do.
But, nah, I just chipped in because I don't think the others clarified episodes were released monthly before Walking Dead encouraged Telltale to hold back episodes and revise them during live production.
Well thank you. I appreciate it although I acted a bit sarcastic about it.
This looks familiar....welp, Now Randall is absolutely fucked.
I think it's a bit of column A and column B. Some assets that show up are definitely placeholder assets, namely re-used textures, models, or otherwise under detailed things. Then sometimes it's just a case of things getting refined like you said; environments and character models tend to fall into that category. Character models barely change, and most of the environments only have a few textures and props switched around.
I hope PS3 users in Europe actually get to play it next tuesday.
I guess the girls were burned or showed originally as walkers, idk.
M present in the community and all waitin threads! Will stay updated for sure
Cant wait for more of ttg
I dont know where to post this cmmt but, i just wanna ask ttg that NEVER STOP DEVELOPING/PORTING YOUR CONSOLE GAMES FOR ANDROID
I dont have no console or a gud pc, so... just wanna be sure that ttg keeps releasin all their future games on Android
We are sick sick people.
ive away from the forulms for a week and I come back notice the r18 rating. wow ok this is new. so what dose this mean dose have something to do with the family you are protecting or something to the with michonne missing daughters
I'm fairly confident the R18+ rating is for on-screen child deaths, so possibly something to do with the boys or even Michonne having morbid hallucinations of her daughters.
oh geez... thanks for the info
Somebody can tell me what's the name of the song used in "Your choices Trailer" from Episode 2? It'a amazing!
Please be on time please be on time please be on time please be on time x 100000000 ( Let's pray )
New trailer
enter link description here
...fucking hell, wow. Great trailer even if the music was a tad over the top at some times haha.
All I can say is I'm glad as hell I didn't kill Randall.
Also, Zachary and Jonas helping Norma?? They better betray her..
Holy shit, well, yeah, this is definitely an epic trailer.
Siddiq! Norma! Randall! Colette and Elodie! But mostly Siddiq!
I believe it's gonna be a great finale.
Well, I hope the only major thing that matters from episode 1 was shooting Zach or not cuz my ep 1 save was deleted ;-;
Why not replay it? Doesn't take too long
Back in my day, I had to replay three episodes of TFTB because I lost a save file...and they were so long XD
Well, that was unexpected.
What do you think is going to happen you Piage??
Oh no they have those people I cant even remember oh well....
Also I really hope people dont die due to her hallucinating about her kids, thats the one thing that would annoy me.
This trailer looks amazing! I didn't think that they could find the crew and oh my god, this is going to be epic!
Please no, i'm glad Oak and the others are going to appear, but not this way ;-; I REGRET KILLING RANDALL!!!
To the people who killed Randall : we better kick Norma's ass because she will no hesitase to kill our people
I want to protect everyone but it seems imposible
I didn't want to kill Monroe's people neither but like Sam said : "Them or us" If they can kill two kids (hopefully they won'), then I can kill Norma and Randa--
Oh wait. I already did (Evil laugh)
W-what the... Zachary and Jonas still being by Norma's side? I though they were to escape too! I hope they'll become allies
PD.: I never enjoyed more with a Telltale TWD game since S1
I'm hoping that both Zachary and Jonas betray Norma since I didn't kill Zachary and we encouraged them to escape with us. I think I can see that happening
I love Niorma, easily the best character. So memorable.
'Back in your day' meaning like a year ago? :P
Oh boyo, great trailer! I wonder how will the episode go if you killed Randall.
Can someone tell me what did Michonne said after her daughter said "Mommy,dont go"?.
I dont need help with the rest of the lines this time.
I'm happy I didn't kill Randall. And siddiq gunna be fineeee
"I'm sorry, i'm so sorry."
Yeah pretty heartbreaking. : (