I actually expected telltale to bring it up immediately-ish after Michonne concluded, until they said news would come out later in the summer, so I'm kinda surprised about...any of this, really.
Okay, just to confirm, you're talking about the "questions" we could ask the VAs or staff but we never got? Or is this something else I completely forgot about?
Okay, just to confirm, you're talking about the "questions" we could ask the VAs or staff but we never got? Or is this something else I completely forgot about?
One thing I want to get clear is will telltale link michonne story to climentine story? Cos have not seen any correlation so far though can't say since episode 3 is yet to be out.
One thing I want to get clear is will telltale link michonne story to climentine story? Cos have not seen any correlation so far though can't say since episode 3 is yet to be out.
One thing I want to get clear is will telltale link michonne story to climentine story? Cos have not seen any correlation so far though can't say since episode 3 is yet to be out.
It's alright. I don't think I'll play 'Game Of Thrones' so it doesn't affect me, but some others here might look forward to doing it, or even be in the process. I'm glad it's taken care of.
Probably with Kirkman and whoever is interviewing him rolling around the entire interview set making sweet sweet love.
Then after 3 hours Kirkman will slowly turn his head towards the camera and says
"Comin' out this year guys, shhh.."
Can't wait for the interview to come out! It will be interesting to see Kirkman's commentary on the Telltale Walking Dead series, since I think he hasn't said too much about it for a while.
As TFTBL fans, we should know already that that this interview is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
I happen to feel sorry for people with big eyes.
Yeah it's the puppy dog effect.
Yeah they screwed us over with that one.
For tftb fans, season2 aint coming anytime soon
Gearbox decided to do BL3 instead
S3! O.MY.GOD! Didnt xpect s3 news SO quick 'as michonne concludes'
I actually expected telltale to bring it up immediately-ish after Michonne concluded, until they said news would come out later in the summer, so I'm kinda surprised about...any of this, really.
Uh BL3 was announced way before TFTB was mate.
Okay, just to confirm, you're talking about the "questions" we could ask the VAs or staff but we never got? Or is this something else I completely forgot about?
One thing I want to get clear is will telltale link michonne story to climentine story? Cos have not seen any correlation so far though can't say since episode 3 is yet to be out.
No, Michonne is completely separate from Clementine's story, bar a can of peaches.
Alright thanks. What platform do you play yours?
Xbox One. You?
In the news of S3 Waiting Thread it says that they were thinking how the story will tie with S2 and Michonne in an interview
That doesn't mean it's confirmed, though
God I wish, I could use that machete and cut off Randall's head and put it on a pike. Then Wave it to Norma.
I just got a flashback.
It hurts.
Pls Lee, I want to forget.
Spoiler tag it, Lily!
As a side note, I believe they were talking about something that happened in the comics, with the machete and the pike, and all…
Sorry, tagged now.
It's alright. I don't think I'll play 'Game Of Thrones' so it doesn't affect me, but some others here might look forward to doing it, or even be in the process. I'm glad it's taken care of.
Probably with Kirkman and whoever is interviewing him rolling around the entire interview set making sweet sweet love.
Then after 3 hours Kirkman will slowly turn his head towards the camera and says
"Comin' out this year guys, shhh.."
I play mine on pc. Though have a ps3 but don't usually play it cos its not mobile unlike system. Can I send you a private message?
Jesus, that picture never ceases to creep me out.
Well that went fast.
haahahahahahahah that was funny.....
When i first heard "why did love put a gun in my hand" i thought it was "riding love could have gone in my hand" rofl xD
Jesus Christ I didn't even know that could happen.
I heard "why did love put a gun in my HEAD
Can't wait for news! I'm the main source of the school for Telltale Games somehow, so I know it all first, eheh.
'why did love put a gun in my head'
Ugh, my heart... ;-;
I'm glad I took Ludd's head from his body. I wish there was an option to put his on a pike... That'd feel so good...
Ludd only does that when Rodrik lives, to demoralize him because Ludd still has to win the war.
Some youtubers already have the episode. They can't post anything about it yet because of the embargo obviously, but yeah.
any impression tweets. Give me the deets boyo!
Ooh. 2 more days! 2 more days!
Just finished the first episode of the 6th season of game of thrones, now I have the second episode AND this to look forward to!
I haven't seen any tweets or anything yet, I just saw some people mention that a few people have the episode
Can't wait for the interview to come out! It will be interesting to see Kirkman's commentary on the Telltale Walking Dead series, since I think he hasn't said too much about it for a while.