'The Red Woman' Episode Discussion
I'm not currently watching this cause I forgot among other stuff and was already watching Fear, but here's an episode discussion for all your episode discussing needs. It's kind of late, so comment while or after you watch, yeah.
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No offense, InGen, but you're gonna spoil yourself.
To be honest I'm willing to take the heat, I probably wouldn't have time to watch it and get spoiled anyway.
All right then.
Brienne and Pod riding in to save the day was pretty awesome. Better late than never lol.
Uneventful. It gave quick installments of development after Season 5 but it just felt short
I wouldnt say it was uneventful. Its reestablishing things and place setting. But no Next On?
Solid premiere. 7/10 I'd say. A promising start to the season. The Martell stuff came as a real shock, and the ending was creepy as fuck. Other than that, it was just decent, although I like the fact Ed is going to see Tormund and the Wildlings. And I really enjoyed Jaime's brief scene. (It's still stupid how they didn't turn back the boat, though. It's also stupid how slow Jorah's greyscale is, and how they miraculously came upon Daenerys' ring in the middle of the giant, Dothraki Sea) I also didn't like how underwhelming and cut-short Tyrion and Varys' scene was.
Still, though, great stuff as always, they've set up the season well, and I can't wait for Episode 2.
/i thought it was good. 8/10. i still dont know what to think about that dorne shit. i thought last years was bad because it was just boring and offered nothing, well close to nothing. i mean it was interesting and kinda cool but i dont get it. cant wait for the book people to start bitchin, oh boy! i thought we were gonna see more of the wall stuff. i mean there is a lot of stuff to really talk about but the biggest one was probably Melissandre's end... holy shit... lol i meani knew she had magic and shit.. but... lol wow. now im MORE interested in Asshai and all the magic. i mean this glamour shit was cool. is there something like this in the books? also ok, nevermind i forgot was i was gonna say there..
anyways i thought it was cool and i liked it. i knew i was gonna have to lower my expectations for this one episode. its not walking dead were the just throw everything at its opening and finale, they will actually develop shit (calm down walking dead fanboys its a joke). but yeah i didnt expect a big-ass boom for the premier and maybe its not gonna be as explosive as the trailers.
you know what ill knock it down one score. itll be a 7/10, how the fuck did those sand snake get to Kings landing so fast? i mean that was kings landing right? i kinda wish they've shown more arya stuff and maybe explain what she was doing outside. i mean was that a task? it probably was since that girl/woman said she will meet her again.
At least they had Myrcella in a proper coffin. I dont know what turning around would really accomplish. I guess they could have warned Doran. That came as a completely shock. I actually like not knowing whats going to happen as a book reader.
An okay episode to get us started. There was not much new revelations. I was kinda shocked that Jaime did not turn the ship around to cause hell. Speaking of that, I have to assume that Jaime throw the prince out the boat, right? Before telling him about Myrcella. There's no way Doran wouldn't have known otherwise; surmise Obara or Nymeria got to him first. I was hoping there be more to Doran & Aero from what I've heard about their actors's prowess. I guess the massacre makes sense if Doran's plan political instead of militaristic. Every region will be raging war (I assume the Storm lands will be fighting for Tommen or High garden).
Idk how long the wall's plot would be, but how long can they not burn or resurrect Jon before becoming a wight? I forgot the time with the dude from season 1. And warging to ghost for me would be a copout as the show (from my understanding has not ventured there with anyone but Bran). Man, that Melisandra scene at the end was so sad. If she's the one to resurrect Jon, at least she has to ask forgiveness for all those she burned unjustly. And I really hope the elderly woman was CGI or costumed person cause man that was tougher to watch than the mercy walk.
I figured Cersei would show more angry toward Myrcella's death than sorrow. I feel like the Tyrion/Varys conversations won't be as good as season's past because their agendas are congruent. And finally it was good Brienne got to Sansa when she did. I don't really know how this will play out. Is it Sansa or Davis who rallies the North? Or does Brienne bring Sense to Riverrun? Can't wait.
P.S. I really hope D&D have better attempts at comedy than tonight. None of those jokes worked.
Not sure when I missed the memo, but I had no idea Melisandre was that old. Kind of makes her go from mysterious to being a little creepy.
They showed it on hbogo with the episode details.
All those Stannis scenes.......
Good premiere tbh. Loved Brienne's entrance. Hated the Sand Snakes again. Liked the creepy fucking ending.
But now I just hope that Edd succeeded in enlisting Tormund's help, because if they get Tormund and co. on their side...I think the tables have turned.
A solid start, gave a brief look to almost every storyline, typical premiere.
Castle Black, King's Landing and Sansa/Theon/Bri/Pod were the best parts of the episode. And Mel is legit creepy now. Jon truly dodged a bullet with her
I'm still not sure what to think of that Dorne twist. Well, I'm kinda disappointed, but I'll just have to see where they go with this.
And Dany's fleet got burned. Do you know what that means? I think Dany could need some Iron Fleet
Overall I'd rate the episode 7/10
Really liked this episode. Not too much going on but a great way to introduce everyone's storyline ... Except Brans.
Great to see them start right off with Jon and Davos at the Wall. Really liked the Melissandre reveal, and I know I'll see tormund soon. It's gonna be great to see the Boltons try and come after Sansa at the wall, just making davos' revenge much easier later on in the season. So proud to see Pod the Pimp come through slayin fools! Sansa and Brienne lookin like Cat and Brienne.
Kinda wish they had more Mereen and much more dorne. Dorne felt really rushed although it turned out pretty good regardless. It's good cause it doesn't seem like they'll come for the Lannisters until at least the season finale. Kinda wanted to see Bronn but oh well. Just wanted to see more Bran. Though the episode worked for its purpose.
All in all a good premiere episode. 8/10
Wait that didn't happen in the books? Thought that was an obvious outcome?
I mean the big black guy not wearing armor? He asked for it....
I blame the povs style. It used to mesh together where they switched from person to person but now they just do each povs individual story and then switch. Makes the story feel faster cause of the pacing.
Idk about uneventful. Danys fleet got burned. Davos and Ed are setting up to defend Jons dead body. Pod the pimp killed some bozos. And Danys getting her army face on. Not like it's world war three. But it's still a great jntro to the season. Hopefully things move by fast.
Lol seeing the shit storm frim book readers in the internet. its funny. people calling the season shit and how its ALL ruined. i think people should have known that dorne was already changed, therefore ruined (to some), so they should have known that no matter what they did they would still hate it. i mean from what i know from the books, i still havent read them all, they should have known if they didnt introduced Aegon or Arienne or the other martelle by then that most of the Dorne story line was gonna be completely different from the books. i didnt like dorne last season, it was boring and really didnt add shit in my eyes to the story except that they probably wanted war. now this season add something new and could, COULD, potentially be improved. i mean season is still not over, we should see till the end of the season to really judge.
i still think it was kinda weak, i mean how does that lil girl kill that big ass motherfucker that fast from that lil stab? i mean yeah sand snakes, probably like their dad use venom on their blades and probably she used some harder kind of poison.. like i said i dont like how the other snakes got there so fast and their dialog is kinda wack. but overall i thought it was interesting what was built, besides the big ass guy everyone didnt give a shit about doran so who knows dorne now has potential.
anyways this isnt like a rant post for people here its mostly just for people that just like to bitch and to get my thoughts out on dorne out since it was the most questionable thing that happened in the episode.
i think that the tyrion "wants" to eat baby joke was funny ._. but then again idk what other jokes youre talking about since that was the only time i laughed.
I don't think anyone saw that coming
Ehh I'd give it a 8.5/10. Nothing bad, but nothing mind blowing either except that Dorne scene.(waste of a g0od actor and character in Doran though.).
Anyways overall a Pretty good episode to set up some things. I guess we got confirmation that Stannis is dead.
I thought the Sand Snakes were ok, but god the Dorne plot stinks. They wasted the only good character over there in Doran.
It WAS short, under 50 minutes.
Pretty good premiere. I give it 8/10
I can't stand them. Do the writers think I'm supposed to like them? How was I supposed to react to their comic relief after they killed Trystane, a character I had no reason to dislike at all? 'Woo, you go girl!' or something? It's like they can't decide if they're supposed to be characters the audience will root for or completely unsympathetic morons, and they end up being the latter every single time.
But difference between Fear and Thrones is that Thrones is consistently good and rarely pisses me off. While Fear is..... yeah not good.
When you realise you sacrificed your daughter for a centuries old lady and you even fucked her.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I like them. I'm just saying I've learned to tune them out basically and heck maybe I'm just being easy on them because I think Tyene is cute.
Cute or not, I still hope zombie Mountain gets sent to singlehandedly 'wrap up' the entire Dorne plotline so I don't have to turn my brain off anymore.
And by wrap up, I mean killing all three of them with his pinky.
Good episode
-"It is known"
Tyrion and Varys was nice to see
Jorah and ....uh sellsword are okay, I'm not that interested in their little quest really
I got a bit treary eye the zoom in to castle black grounds with ghost howling to jon snow dead body. it was a ok ep, I still don't see the point with the sand snakes.
I like most of the episode. The most interesting part is the Northern storyline with the Wall and Sansa.
What i didn't like was how the Dorne plot was handed. I mean really...? I felt it was such a waste to kill off Doran and Aero. I didn't have such a dislike to the Sand Sankes and Ellaria, but now I am joining the hate train.
The ending was damn creepy. Seeing that Melisandre was really an old woman. But they could have spared us and showed us some mercy by not giving us a full view of the naked old woman.
But overall I like the episode, setting up the storyline for Season 6.
where can I even watch the episode?
There were already theories about it for a while since her necklace is similar to the bracelet Mance Rayder is wearing in books.
Can someone explain me how the fuck Obara and Nymeria got on the the same ship as Trystane when the last time we saw them they stayed at Dorne as Trystane sailed for King's Landing? Teleport?
I imagine they followed with another ship. Could have been explained better though.
At a guess if you pop a blade between the spinal column's joints they're going down and not getting back up.
One of the things that felt kinda rush/glazed over was the Dorne scene. I mean fridge Doran and Quinten are dead! That means Dorne's headed to inevitable war with the Lanisters and going to be leaded by.... um... the sand snakes? Ew....
The Dorne plot is completely different in the books.