Who Would You Want To Romance?
If the option was there who would you want to be able to potentially develop some kind of relationship with?
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If the option was there who would you want to be able to potentially develop some kind of relationship with?
Batman. I want batman to own me.
Seriously what's with all these horrible threads in the batman subforum, what kind of answers do you think you'll get?
After finished Batman Arkham games, I bet Batman will still loyal to his one true love: Joker
It is clear what everyone wants: An AO Batman game with a graphic Joker/Batman love scene.
I would like to romance it up with justice
Justice is hot.
Robin, duh.
Lois Lane.
Reason why Batman always has full supply of explosive gel.
Harley Quinn.
No, seriously, I want an option where we get to romance Harley Quinn. I'd love to see the Joker's face when he finds out...
Talia al Ghul
Dr. Chase from Batman Forever.
enter link description here
I dont want any romance.
I hate it in games where they have these romance options its usually just to distract you from all the areas the game is lacking.
I could see it being used as a easy choice simulator for telltale to exploit. No thank you.
As the maker from the official Batman x Robin thread I'd say Robin.
My heart will go on, rest in peace that thread
Batman only has time for justice!
Poison Ivy, have always had a thing for redheads and strong women.
The Joker... I have a hard time understanding how it's not everyone else's answer.
Batman x Justice
True OTP
Joker of course, there has to be reason why he's not dead after everything he's done.
But seriously, Catwoman.
Wonder Woman would be cool and different.
He can do both.
Why? Because he's Batman.
Catwoman's done. But I'd be up for Batman forming a similar relationship with another anti-hero/villain. I recall maybe ONE story in the comics which suggested a possible love affair between Batman and Poison Ivy (as in they genuinely had affection for each other, as opposed to Batman simply falling under Poison Ivy's spell), but it never evolved from there.
Why can't I romace all of the waifus ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I want Zatanna. I demand a romance Zatanna option for Batman
Catwoman? Perhaps even Harley Quinn?
They definitely will at least reference catwoman if not show her.
I would like Bats to develop a smexy relationship with catwoman.
Catwoman, no argument.
Many of the ones already mentioned I agree with but I hope it's not limited to the notion of Batman having just one clear love interest. Hopefully the game indicates that many of the females are seductive and that is the truth - they just do it in their own way.
catwoman..imma get that pussy one day
Batman x Catwoman all the way
Harley Quinn is that a question??
Don't get sassy with me!
S'gotta be Catwoman. Harley-Quinn is a murderous sociopath. I think anybody who got into a relationship with her would last about a day.
Harley Quinn, no hecks are going to be given to Catwoman.
Either Harley Quinn or Talia Al Ghul.