Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • I am still trying to justify it somehow. Maybe he was forced to, maybe Torrhen promised not to punish Gryff if he does that... But I'm probably wrong & it hurts. This hurts me more than the non-sentinel's betrayal in the game, no kidding. I'm scared to even imagine what Gryff can do if he finds out that the only person he could trust (given that au's Gwyn doesn't care about him) betrayed him. This will be a mess.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Harys... what a two faced weasel.

  • I wouldn't say Gwyn doesn't care about him.

    Krapinka posted: »

    I am still trying to justify it somehow. Maybe he was forced to, maybe Torrhen promised not to punish Gryff if he does that... But I'm proba

  • Jake has told me that she has turned a blind eye to Gryff's abuse by her brothers quite a while ago & that she might not even consider him a brother. Plus, I think, he has implied that au's Gwyn is growing on him & I doubt he would like a character that actively cares about or aids Gryff. From where I stand, the fouthborn is on his own now.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I wouldn't say Gwyn doesn't care about him.

  • I'm guessing Gryff didn't want that letter sent to his dear older brother.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.50 (I don't know why Torrhen puts up with the loser cadet branch) Back to Highpoint, but this scene is only a couple posts long. T

  • Gryff didn't know about it :]

    I'm guessing Gryff didn't want that letter sent to his dear older brother.

  • I don't remember properly, but Gwyn never seemed too attached to Gryff in Episode 3, and I think she'd likely discard whatever loyalty she had for him after he launched that ambush on Asher.

    It's harsh that Gryff doesn't have any allies, but he's not exactly making the effort to get any. Harys can see House Whitehill of Ironrath is going down because of his poor leadership, so he's putting himself first and cutting his losses.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Jake has told me that she has turned a blind eye to Gryff's abuse by her brothers quite a while ago & that she might not even consider h

  • As much as I dislike Torrhen, I can't deny that he's got great writing.

  • ^So, can I take this as an "official spolier", confirming Harys's reasons for doing it?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I don't remember properly, but Gwyn never seemed too attached to Gryff in Episode 3, and I think she'd likely discard whatever loyalty she h

  • It's not the full story in complete detail, because there's still at least one other reason I can think of, but if you want to take it as a spoiler then that's up to you.

    Krapinka posted: »

    ^So, can I take this as an "official spolier", confirming Harys's reasons for doing it?

  • Part 2.51 (Suddenly the joker of Torrhen's Elites has lost his sense of humour.)

    Well, I suppose this warrants something of an explanation of the Warricks. Not everyone reads the wiki after all XD

    enter image description here

    So there's the Warricks. Ormund Warrick is the current Lord, with Cregan being his heir (and only surviving son). Britt was, as we know all too well, killed by Gared at the Wall, and Rendall was executed on Glenmore land after a string of assaults, rapes and murders. Taena, Ormund's only daughter, is the barmaid Rodrik unintentionally saved from Whitehill men in the first part of the AU, as well as the mother of Torrhen Whitehill's bastard, Roslin Snow. Cregan Warrick killed his mother and his face was burned as punishment.

    Then you have Randyll's side of the family. He's Ormund Warrick's younger brother, and like his brother we still haven't seen his face. He has three sons - Grag, who Namond recently murdered, Boros - who's freaking out over Grag's death, and Colton, who's six years old and living back at Warrick Bastion with their mother. Randyll's wife was previously from House Crowl, distantly relating his sons to Derrock Crowl, who's like Bralla Warrick's third cousin or something.

  • I understand more & more about where Britt comes from, seems like violence is the thing of their family. What was the reason of Cregan killing Kanhild, if I may ask?

    Seeing Grag like this is pain (Namond, I may have chosen to forgive you for giving Talia to Torrhen, but this is something I will never forget). I liked him so much, he was probably one of the most valuable members of house Whitehill of Ironrath. Smart, executive, and he wasn't a monster, I know it, I've looked into details & I can tell it. He & Boros are my faves, I get emotional over this scene. Yeah, I love Boros as well, I want to see more of him, I pray that he won't die. It is so great how you make my heart hurt for characters who are supposed to be the antagonists of the story.

    I'm also getting a weird feeling, that Torrhen can use this to blame Gryff for what happened to Grag & set Warricks after him, killing two birds with one stone - giving them the justice they desire & punishing Gryff for his failure. Just my theory.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.51 (Suddenly the joker of Torrhen's Elites has lost his sense of humour.) Well, I suppose this warrants something of an explanatio

  • What crawled up your arsehole and died?

    Well, Grag didn't necessarily crawl up anywhere, but he most certainly did die. XP And that Randyll just ain't taking shit from anyone.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.51 (Suddenly the joker of Torrhen's Elites has lost his sense of humour.) Well, I suppose this warrants something of an explanatio

  • I understand more & more about where Britt comes from, seems like violence is the thing of their family.

    Yeah, the Warricks are pretty barbaric. I don't want them to be outright evil, but their House is full of pretty shitty people besides Taena (though Ormund hasn't appeared yet and might be halfway decent). Also I just remembered I forgot to include an important piece of information in my description of the house; that anyone who isn't an heir or can't pull their weight gets cast out when they're grown up. Cregan is the only son who got to stick around as he's Ormund's heir, the other kids all have to support themselves these days:

    • Britt joined the Whitehills as a soldier.
    • Rendall turned into a vagrant.
    • Taena sought employment at a kingsroad tavern.
    • Grag, like Britt, joined the Whitehills.
    • Boros ended up as one of the Whitehill Elites.

    I liked him so much, he was probably one of the most valuable members of house Whitehill of Ironrath.

    Which isn't saying much judging by how the soldiers' fecklessness allowed Talia to escape XD

    He & Boros are my faves, I get emotional over this scene. Yeah, I love Boros as well, I want to see more of him, I pray that he won't die. It is so great how you make my heart hurt for characters who are supposed to be the antagonists of the story.

    Yep, it seems I'm doing a good job muddying the waters of morality with these houses.

    Krapinka posted: »

    I understand more & more about where Britt comes from, seems like violence is the thing of their family. What was the reason of Cregan k

  • I have only one question. Why is Torrhen so calm? There is a head lying literally under his nose!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.52 (The Warricks don't seem to think things through)

  • I loved the line about the magic corpse cart.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.52 (The Warricks don't seem to think things through)

  • He's seen severed heads before, and worse. He's kinda numb to it.

    I have only one question. Why is Torrhen so calm? There is a head lying literally under his nose!

  • edited April 2016

    Boros is sure asking a lot.

    And damn it, I was getting really into his character and now he's all... that.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.53 (Torrhen's deduction powers are strong and Boros is creepy)

  • Jake, I have a question. You locked your anonymous asks because of spoilers to season 6. What about other people who have questions?

  • I'll unlock them once I've watched the episode, then re-lock them before the next episode airs.

    Jake, I have a question. You locked your anonymous asks because of spoilers to season 6. What about other people who have questions?

  • You know, I have a feeling Rodrik's going to hurt one of Torrhen's family members.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.54 (Last time we saw her she was asleep, but now Torrhen's pride and joy actually gets a speaking role)

  • Rodrik should fuck those Whitehills up. They deserve it. >:)

    You know, I have a feeling Rodrik's going to hurt one of Torrhen's family members.

  • Yes! Rodrik looks so cool. Where's Tom? Hiding in the bushes maybe?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.55 (Ayo Rodders makes his return)

  • Wait, weren't they not supposed to kill him?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.55 (Ayo Rodders makes his return)

  • These Whitehills were already stationed at the logging site & didn't receive that order - it was only given to Randyll and he probably should have passed it on to the logging site but the Warricks are notoriously unreliable.

    Wait, weren't they not supposed to kill him?

  • That is a new low, even for the Whitehills.

    Who is Rodrik expecting to find inside that house? It can't be Randyll, so is it Harys? Gryff? Morgryn?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.56 (So it looks like some Forrester bannermen were held here and forced to cut down their own forests. Slave labour, bro) I don't even know who this tubby bugger is but he's smashing.

  • enter image description here

    That is a new low, even for the Whitehills. Who is Rodrik expecting to find inside that house? It can't be Randyll, so is it Harys? Gryff? Morgryn?

  • AH, that's right. ^_^' Thanks for refreshing my memory.

  • Ah I see.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    These Whitehills were already stationed at the logging site & didn't receive that order - it was only given to Randyll and he probably should have passed it on to the logging site but the Warricks are notoriously unreliable.

  • Are there any living Forresters that Rodrik thinks is dead? And Elaena, does he think she's dead?

  • He has a weak hope that Talia and/or Ryon made it, but Mira was the last one he truly believed was alive.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Are there any living Forresters that Rodrik thinks is dead? And Elaena, does he think she's dead?

  • What about Elaena?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    He has a weak hope that Talia and/or Ryon made it, but Mira was the last one he truly believed was alive.

  • The whole 'getting dragged away by whitehill soldiers' thing happened in the AU too so he probably thinks she's dead.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What about Elaena?

  • Rodrik and Morgryn finally meet face to face. This is gonna be good.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 2.57 (Oh man, here we go. Been waiting for this for a very long time.)

  • Being about half a month's worth of posts ahead of everyone else (thank the production cycle for that) I can definitely say it'll be good.

    Rodrik and Morgryn finally meet face to face. This is gonna be good.

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