The Vent/Help Thread



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    I just want to say thank you all for the nice responses I'm honored to have found this place with all you amazing people

    I just needed a break and sort of few things that are stressing me out atm

    During that break I realized not a place like this full of so many talented, funny and intelligent people together with similar interests to discuss various topics so priceless here for me.

    So many awesome people here can't be replaced in my life and still an amazing place

    I'm feeling a lot happier and content now so can contribute here again in positive way

    Plus reading all these responses really inspired me to stay and come back I was not expecting that response so thank you all so much

    enter image description here

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I've logged in on this forum everyday for over 2 years. I met many amazing people and had some wonderful experiences This forum was very

  • I prepared for my job interview at Six Flags for weeks, got all dressed up and went in. I'm really good at math, I have A's across the board, and the second I walk in they give me a math test to take. No biggy, right? I have been practicing giving change for weeks and have practiced every answer they could possibly ask me. I go in, take the test which was hard to do while Hayden Chrisstensen's annoying voice from Revenge of the Sith is blasting on the TV next to me), and turn it in. I wait about 10 minutes and they call me over. Finally, the moment I've been waiting for. And than they tell me I didn't pass the math test so they can't hire me. I don't know why. I'm a straight A student. I honestly don't know how I failed it. It felt like easy math and had no problems while I was taking it.

  • They probably put Hayden Christensen on while you took the test on purpose. You have to think amidst all the distractions (and there are a lot of them) at a theme park. Oh well, better luck next time!

    I prepared for my job interview at Six Flags for weeks, got all dressed up and went in. I'm really good at math, I have A's across the board

  • edited December 2021


  • Welcome back. :)

    I'm eating chili rn, let's chow on chili together. (hands you a bowl of chili)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just want to say thank you all for the nice responses I'm honored to have found this place with all you amazing people I just needed a

  • Yay! :D

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just want to say thank you all for the nice responses I'm honored to have found this place with all you amazing people I just needed a

  • I understand, a lot of people make threads just to start dumb fights ;_; anyways if you stop checking here for good just know that you were one of the nicest people on these forums :)


  • I get ya. Granted, I do get into arguments myself. Sorry if I'm one of the people that bothered ya. I keep to myself mostly though since there is a lot of the same taxing arguments.

    Just know, it really depends on where you look that something'll happen whether good or bad. You can still have fun since you have friends around. Just create your own personal bubble to block out the negativity. Easier said than done, but it will help.

    You belong wherever you want to be. You found yourself staying here a while after all.


  • Peace then. May you come back in better times and better spirits! :)


  • No problem, the forums are here to have fun, and if you're not having fun, then there's no reason to keep participating.

    What I do personally is skip almost all of the argument threads. The chance you have of changing somebody's mind by arguing on here is pretty small, and you can't correct every piece of bigoted information on the Internet (just let the moderators take care of that on here). Focus on the fun stuff. It's out there, or I wouldn't keep logging in myself.


  • There are certain people who does nothing but post threads that bait arguments.

    Have fun within the shadows.


  • I'm sorry to hear this

    Might just need a break I did and came back feeling better

    I hope it improves and you come back soon


  • It'd be best to just ignroe those argumens and threads like that. At the end of the day it's all up to you, the way you see the world and everything, you have the power to change it.

    I hope you come back soon and decide to talk to your friends here while you still have a chance. But yeah, the forums in general have been pretty boring at least to me. But I've felt that way about a lot of things so that doesn't say much,

    tl;dr : too much negativity is bs


  • I invited my best friends hours ago, it was chill until the topic went from life events to fucking porn. I don't know why, but I happened plus my boyfriend showed up without texting me.

    I jog to the door and open it to find my boyfriend smiling like the cute motherfucker he is with flowers (i liked it,) in one hand then suddenly one of my bitches yelled "YO THIS DADDY GOT A BIG C0CK!"

    do you know how awkward that was. i literally face-palmed and made gestures for them to shut up.

    i love my hoes until the very end <333

    moral of the story: don't let the bed bugs bite.

  • Oh, sad to hear. Yeah, I agree that there are people who do post some stupid stuff just for arguments, and it gets on my nerves, I stay away from all those arguments. I'm sorry that this happens to you, but if it helps, go do it. And I do agree that you were a welcome addition to these forums. Thank you.


  • They sound like good friends :D

    I invited my best friends hours ago, it was chill until the topic went from life events to fucking porn. I don't know why, but I happened pl

  • enter image description here

    Ur BF knocks on the door and they shout ur Dad has a massive D

    Were you or him not creeped out they said this XD

    American slang confuses me

    I invited my best friends hours ago, it was chill until the topic went from life events to fucking porn. I don't know why, but I happened pl

  • I only have 16 days left of school. I'm not excited and I am excited. I need to get a job after school ends, I also need to start driving, both of which frighten me. I also want to see all my friends over the summer and I don't know if I can. Though, at the same time, I'm glad to get out of school for a while.

    People at school have been pissing me off and ultimately making me more depressed. Throughout this year my personality has changed quite a bit. I used to talk to my friends about my depression, what is going on, and making sure they understand why I do that. They, however, seemed to get pissed at it all. After my recent break up where my now ex girlfriend cheated on me, she got with the guy who she cheated on me with (They're still together) and I was going into a depression state and partial mental overload. Of course, they took this time to take advantage of this. They instead decided to get pissed off at me for texting a lot of people at one time, they insulted me, argued with me, and ignorantly told me that my ex never cheated on me.

    It made me colder, and I am still upset over it all. I decided to apologize, which is stupid but I knew they weren't going to do it, and move on. I have stopped telling them what's happening in my life, when I'm depressed, and everything else and they make no moves to see if I am. This has made me think that they don't care, and to that, I have decided to become cold and brutal. It's been heading to this for a while. I say exactly what I want to, when I want to, and as honest as I can.

    People don't appreciate this. When I'm fun, joking, and silly I'm seen as a weirdo, stupid, unserious, and strange. When I'm cold and honest, I'm seen as an asshole, rude, and a terrible friend. There's literally no winning with people. I have tried to be in the middle and that's what I do now, but people still think I'm now both an asshole, rude, a terrible friend and person, and unserious, strange, etc.

    No winning.

  • Defiantly can't say I blame you, I see a lot of threads now-a-days which just end up in pointless arguments or trolls.

    Hopefully you'll come back feeling much better and don't say you never belonged here, you've made a big impact to this forum than a lot of people.


  • OK, it sounds like you need to do some people categorization.

    Ex and the guy she's with should no longer be important. Don't attempt to contact them. Don't accept any contacts from them, unless they're being genuinely apologetic and you think it isn't a trap, which is unlikely. In 16 days, you'll never have to see them again.

    For friends you have in common, you can keep them as friends if there isn't any complicated "picking sides" stuff. You can hang out with them over the summer as long as you won't bump into ex and guy in the process. Ask them not to talk about ex and guy to you, even if it's to tell you that they're having problems or broke up.

    Friends you've shared your depression thoughts with, you can continue to share things with, unless you sense they are pushing you away.

    When you get a job, be professional and upbeat. That just means being friendly and a little silly but not too silly.

    Anybody else, you can be whatever you feel like at the moment. Most people will respond best to positive energy, if you can muster that.

    You're close to a transition. You just have to see where it leads.

    I only have 16 days left of school. I'm not excited and I am excited. I need to get a job after school ends, I also need to start driving, b

  • Nooooo! I thought you were cool, for all it's worth. Profile pictures of Boba Fett and Tracer let you belong in my book!

    But I hope the negativity here will die down, then. It should get better eventually, regardless.


  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited May 2016

    I'm pretty fuckin' mad today, so obviously I'm going to vent that frustration here.

    Back when I was about 4 years old, I met this kid, his name was Jake. He was about a year older than me, but we became good friends, to the point where he even saved my life once. (I almost drowned, long story). After a while, we became inseparable, I even thought of him as my own brother. We were the best of friends. Then a few years ago, around 2011, he cut all contact with me, blocked me on all social media, unfriended me on xbox live, psn, steam, etc. Any attempts to contact him were ignored, and he even flat out avoided me, I never even seen him again at all since he cut contact, it's like he was kidnapped or something.

    Naturally, I was devastated. I fell into a deep depression that took me years to get out of. It got so bad to the point where I would flat out refuse to make friends with anyone because I lost complete trust in anyone aside from my family members. Just a few hours ago, I saw him at a shopping centre. I was willing to forgive him, (stupid, I know), so when he saw me, I waved, and walked over. When he saw me, he looked visibly shocked, and then stared at me for a while. When he saw that I was walking over, he turned around, and walked away, almost jogging, even. When I saw this, I knew, that the person I cared about, obviously doesn't care about me back. Just goes to show that some people are just fucking scumbags.

    edit: spelling and grammar errors

  • That seems terrible... It's horrible when a friend ghosts you ;-; Do your best to forget about him I know it's hard but it gets better :)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm pretty fuckin' mad today, so obviously I'm going to vent that frustration here. Back when I was about 4 years old, I met this kid, hi

  • edited May 2016

    I am tired of my parents calling me just about everyday asking me if I am dating again. They are always comparing me with my older sister whos been married to her wife for 2 years and is now in the process of adopting a child. It is getting annoying. I just don't care for women (no I am not gay) they are annoying when it comes to being more then friends. I don't know maybe I'm just weird or afraid of commitment as they would say.

  • I'll miss u <3


  • Whoa, what a shitty situation.

    There must be a reason why he just suddenly flat out ignored you, I think you deserve to know that but with his behaviour being like's not so great.

    It's tough, really, and I am really sorry that you had to go through depression because of him. But do NOT give up on everyone. You have to try first. You wouldn't know he'd be like that if you had never been friends. Ignorance may be a bliss to some people but it's better knowing what is exactly going on, otherwise you are living in the dark, you don't know a thing and nothing is real then.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm pretty fuckin' mad today, so obviously I'm going to vent that frustration here. Back when I was about 4 years old, I met this kid, hi

  • Not every woman is the same though. Are you attracted to them?

    MosesARose posted: »

    I am tired of my parents calling me just about everyday asking me if I am dating again. They are always comparing me with my older sister wh

  • edited May 2016

    Yes, I'm attracted to women. It's when I get into serious relationships issues arise. Within a month it's as if they morph into a different person and I have to break it off. Don't know, maybe it's just me.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Not every woman is the same though. Are you attracted to them?

  • What @WarpSpeed said.

    And sometimes, during times of depression I would look for comedy videos. I find myself cheer up a lot from just a few videos (I watch the stuff everyday even if I feel fine).

    Your sense of humor may be different from mine but these might help, I recommend watching guys like Markiplier, VanossGaming, H20 Delirious, Daithi De Nogla, Mini Ladd, and Terroriser. These guys, off the top of my head, often makes me laugh so badly (depends on video) that my throat gets dry afterwards.

    I only have 16 days left of school. I'm not excited and I am excited. I need to get a job after school ends, I also need to start driving, b

  • WTF? That's horrible.

    What a fucking spineless little shit. Can't even explain to you why he did all that.

    As Dragon dude said, don't give up on others. Everyone's different after all. Some will treat you horribly, but there be others even if they aren't family that will treat you right. Giving up on everyone will only make it harder. It can be scary, but giving people a chance to be a friend is a necessary gamble, cuz you never know if you meet someone who might feel close too.

    I also had a best friend, from public school. We started out great, but then he started hang out folks that I didn't always get along with, eventually in middle school he and friends would play a game called "Ditch Daniel". I would look for them all the time. It was abusive. The reason I clinged on so much was I was afraid of being alone and I really cared for my best friend deep down. But gradually I got fed up and it got to a breaking point in the first week of high school. They wouldn't want me to sit with them anymore, so all I just said was "Fine" and I left and was on my own. For a while I was alone and depressed even if I hid it, I just stayed focus on school. But then, I met an old friend who split from me and my former best friend (the two hated each other and I didn't say anything... I was a bit spineless myself.), I was hesitant on hanging out with others, but I made a leap of faith. I hanged out with my old friend, met others and he became my best friend. MY REAL BEST FRIEND. For the rest of high school, I felt the happiest I've ever been. He and our friends made me stronger and happier. It had a huge effect on my life, and it's one of the reasons I'm still here.

    Sometimes you gotta make a leap of faith to know if you'll crash into the ground or continuously fly in the clouds in grace.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm pretty fuckin' mad today, so obviously I'm going to vent that frustration here. Back when I was about 4 years old, I met this kid, hi

  • edited May 2016

    My sister got hurt yesterday.

    I had to stay home and wait for my aunt to drop off something so my two siblings were uptown with friends. My sister never made a full recovery from her injuries from a surgery nearly a year ago, still uses a cane and takes pain killers. Anyway, she had to go to the bathroom of Tim Horton's in the mall. And when she was in there, the lights turned off (the switch to let the customer know that another needs to go in is the light switch too... Seriously.) and she fell. Hurt her leg and some guy was knocking in a rush manner. She got up and finally the lights came back on. When she was finished, she opened the door to leave however this asshole just shoved his way in and didn't give a damn if she was crippled. He pressed on her shoulder, pushing her in the bathroom with him against the door, hurting her shoulder and back, and not letting her out until he got all the way in. Then as she was finally able to walk out, the fucker pushed her in the back and slammed the bathroom door. My sister reported it but the guy was already gone.

    As I heard about it when she arrived home, I was just having violent thoughts. I wanted to smash his head right into the fucking toilet. I was just so fucking pissed.

    So to cool off my temper, I decided to play some GTA for this time in months, kicking ass and defending a friend from 2 red players, then playing with just my friend. I'll leave that story for another day.

  • I'm sorry about your sister, man. I hope someone beats the shit out of that guy. (and I hope it's you who does it)

    My sister got hurt yesterday. I had to stay home and wait for my aunt to drop off something so my two siblings were uptown with friends.

  • Sounds like Jake was ashamed.

    Rightfully so.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm pretty fuckin' mad today, so obviously I'm going to vent that frustration here. Back when I was about 4 years old, I met this kid, hi

  • edited May 2016

    Thank you (my sister thanks you as well). She's doing better now, but I dunno how much.

    If he keeps acting like that he will get beaten down on. Things is that guy was never a customer there before, so my chances of seeing him are low. Unfortunately the mall's Tim Horton's seems to attract a lot of assholes, the other week some guy snapped an old lady who wanted to use a seat for temporary.

    I'm sorry about your sister, man. I hope someone beats the shit out of that guy. (and I hope it's you who does it)

  • My favorite cousin is a social worker and struggling to make ends meet, always on the brink of eviction. She sees some of the worst society has to offer on a daily basis, does her job in a professional, compassionate way and all she has to show for it is poverty wages and a shitty healthcare plan. She's totally committed to the job, despite the fact that she'll probably probably never get past the level of 'just scraping by'. She's a hero, in my opinion.

    Meanwhile bosses, bankers and landlords earn big bucks exploiting people for a living. What's more: these people are our childrens' role models! Meanwhile, Social Workers are treated as disposable fodder for cities (burnout is exceptionally high) and are generally looked down upon. When they bring up their deplorable working conditions they get it with "haw haw, Sociology degree!!! Should've been STEM or gotten an MBA!" Ignorant fucks. Social Workers keep society running. Them and their MBA middle-management job could be gone tomorrow and society would be none the worse for it. Hell, it would probably be better off.

    Fuck them, and fuck the broken values system that says accumulating wealth through usury and theft is more honorable than contributing to the public good.

  • edited May 2016

    Be yourself, and assume what you are and what you say. You say you're in the middle, trying to be the cool kid or be totally cold, meaning you're not yourself when with them.

    That's cheesy and certainly unuseful to say, but be yourself and don't live as others people would want you to. As long as it concerns your personnality (and not your behavior), you should stay true to what you are.

    Also there are several ways to say the "truth"; if you're harsh while saying it, people won't like it. Don't forget the form of saying it.

    I only have 16 days left of school. I'm not excited and I am excited. I need to get a job after school ends, I also need to start driving, b

  • God bless both of you. Stay safe out there.

    Thank you (my sister thanks you as well). She's doing better now, but I dunno how much. If he keeps acting like that he will get beaten d

  • Ex and the guy she's with should no longer be important. Don't attempt to contact them. Don't accept any contacts from them, unless they're being genuinely apologetic and you think it isn't a trap, which is unlikely. In 16 days, you'll never have to see them again.

    Yes definitely. It still stings when I see them around but I make no effort to ever talk to them or start any unneeded confrontation. Sadly, I will have to see them next year when school starts back up, still in high school sadly.

    Friends you've shared your depression thoughts with, you can continue to share things with, unless you sense they are pushing you away.

    I still talk to a few of them about it but over all not as many as before.

    When you get a job, be professional and upbeat. That just means being friendly and a little silly but not too silly.

    Yes, yes, definitely. I can be a very serious person when it requires it, not all the time. It'll be hard to be upbeat and friendly, not as much as it will be to be professional.

    Anybody else, you can be whatever you feel like at the moment. Most people will respond best to positive energy, if you can muster that.

    The hardest thing is mustering energy at all, I suffer from depression and everything happening makes all the energy drain from me.

    Thank you for the response, I appreciate it.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    OK, it sounds like you need to do some people categorization. Ex and the guy she's with should no longer be important. Don't attempt to

  • And sometimes, during times of depression I would look for comedy videos. I find myself cheer up a lot from just a few videos (I watch the stuff everyday even if I feel fine).

    I watch CowChop and The Creatures, mostly CowChop now because the Creatures have broken up, which hasn't really helped everything.

    What @WarpSpeed said. And sometimes, during times of depression I would look for comedy videos. I find myself cheer up a lot from just a

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