Unless you picked the sword in episode four, Jesse abandons his/her previous enchanted tool. What a tool!
Jesse only takes on zombies in pairs of three during this intro sequence.
Why did those skeletons wait for their fellow monsters to die before taking aim?
“Hey, Jesse!” Axel’s fishbowl helmet.
“Check this out! Three… two… one… pop! Pretty cool, right? You can try it too if you-” “Duck!” Axel can pop off the heads of two zombies, but is a goner if snuck up on from behind by another zombie.
“Dude… you’re getting pretty good at this!” (Raises hand for a high-five). No option to leave Axel hanging exists in this scene.
“You guys are working way too hard!” How did Olivia prepare that without anyone noticing?
“You’re always looking to one-up us, aren’t you?” (Stabs a zombie without turning). Speak for yourself.
“That is one seriously cool temple.” Creators of MCSM patting themselves on the back for architectural design.
“Yeah, points for Ivor, I guess. This was a good tip.” You haven’t gone inside yet. All you can tell at best is that it looks promising, which is no indication as to whether or not this was a good tip.
No option to change your team name exists in this scene, even though now would be the perfect time to allow the player to do so. There could be a mini back story as to how it got changed established in the following puzzle scene, making good use of narrative time.
“So much for treasure. This cupboard is bare.” “Come on, you know how these places work. The treasure’s never just out in the open.” Unless you’re like me, and just leave the good stuff in a chest next to the front door.
This is the only puzzle in this episode, and it’s not even all that interesting to solve.
“Hi, Petra.” “Who’s ‘Petra?’ …Kidding.” I honestly wouldn’t have been mad if Petra’s amnesia returned. This wrong is for getting my hopes up.
“How do you think Ivor knew about this place?” “Who knows? That guy’s read, like, a million books and traveled all over the world.” Yet he never bothered to look into this particular temple until just now.
“You probably start to learn a thing or two about a thing or two.” Given our past experiences with The Order of the Stone, I’m a little skeptical of any knowledgeability accredited to them.
No one here gives good advice on this puzzle, because there’s no reason to, what with the puzzle being overly simple as is. That being said, why does the option to ask everyone about this puzzle exist if they’re all going to give the same response?
“This kinda reminds me of when we first found the Order’s Temple. We were such a scared bunch of noobs back then.” Um, excuse me? You were never with us when we first discovered the Order’s Temple. There’s a timeline where you never so much as visited.
“Hey. I wasn’t scared.” “No? Then who was it that was yelling, ‘Help me help me the dispensers are trying to kill me!’” No one ever yelled that, Petra. I think you need to get your amnesia checked out again.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Neither do I.
“And to think, that was just the beginning…” Rather than use a “previously on MCSM” sequence in the introduction, the creators decided to have the gang reminisce about the olden days. This works about as well as it sounds.
“All right, let’s see what we’ve got.” It doesn’t matter what chest you pick in this scene. I’m adding a wrong for each chest, since every one that doesn’t have alternative content is a missed opportunity for this and future episodes.
“Okay, flint and steel. Do your thing.” Jesse must awaken the nearby monsters by trying out the flint and steel, even though it’d be more logical to wait until everyone’s escaped the temple first.
“So, what’s the plan? If you ask me, it seems like a good time for a ‘secret handshake’!” What started out as handshakes turned into combat moves. Nothing ever came of the handshake that originated from not picking a handshake name, though. There’s not so much as an option for Jesse to say, “Forget the handshakes! Just charge em’!”
(Warrior whip with Petra). AND THE SHIPPING CONTINUES…
(Running up the stairs, a door holding back mobs suddenly opens). Why didn’t that zombie door open earlier- or, more to the point- why does it open at all? No pressure plates or tripwire were triggered. All we did was strike some flint and steel.
“Ha! The lava took them out!” “Aaaaand there go the stairs.” Why is lava just now pouring into the passageway?
Suddenly cave spiders.
“Cave spiders… why did it have to be cave spiders?” Suddenly Indiana Jones reference.
Also, how are those spiders climbing on the vines? Can they do that in vanilla Minecraft? Until proven they can, I’m going to wrong it.
“I can’t believe I just saw that! That was amazing! Why is no one freaking out?!” Because it’s impossible to do that in a regular session of Minecraft, which makes it seem like nothing more than convenient.
“I tell you guys, doing that never gets old. Woo!” “Yeah, not too bad. Killing a bunch of monsters, getting sweet treasure…” Previous treasure-hunting adventures took place before now. Adventures we will never witness.
“Like that flint and steel thing! You gotta try it again!” The flint and steel must be used again to draw Aiden’s attention, even though it’d be more logical to bring it to a safer place before seeing what it does.
Also, suddenly Aiden.
“Well, well. Where’d you get the new toy? Looks a little sophisticated for you, Jesse.” “Order of the Losers.” “Yeah. Losers.” Order of the Losers is not an optional team name. Yeah, I just went there.
“Ugh. Who let you guys out of your cave?” “Joke’s on you, we don’t live in a cave.” You know what? I like Aiden, Gill, and Maya in this episode. Minus one wrong for them.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Aiden and the Pussycats.” Hypocrisy… I think.
“The Ocelots were Lukas’ gang. We ditched that name just like we ditched him!” Why?
“Yeah, we rebranded! We’re the Blaze Rods now!” Why?
“Wow … That’s a dumb name.” “Sez the ‘heroes’ who just called their group the ‘NEW Order of the Stone’.” There’s a lot of shorthand used throughout this series, but I feel like “sez” is pushing it.
Also, Aiden makes a very good point.
“Where’s Lukas, huh? The minute the Order decided you were cool,” “(For whatever reason),” “He wouldn’t stop sniffing around you like a tamed dog.” Some falling out was had between Lukas and the former Ocelots that we will never see nor understand.
“You probably think that thing makes you so special. Classic Jesse.” What thing, specifically? The armor set, the flint and steel, or something else?
“You take all the best stuff and never give anyone else a chance!” Game builds a reputation against Jesse with no regard to the player.
“That should’ve been ours!” Why?
“There’s no shame in being second-rate, Aiden. Not everyone can do what the Order of the Stone can.” That’s true, Jesse… not everyone can fake their way to glory. Some of us would even prefer not to.
“Hand over the flint and steel, Jesse. Don’t make me ask again.” No option to just hand over the flint and steel exists in this scene… not that anyone would actually do that, but it would be an interesting choice to see play out.
(Almost everyone draws a sword. Olivia draws a bow and arrow. Maya slightly panics). Olivia brought a bow and arrow to a sword fight.
Total Wrongs: 51
Sentence: Cave Spiders ("Why did it have to be cave spiders?")
Episode Five (Part One):
Narra- hey… (Minus one wrong!)
Ocelot symbolism.
Unless you picked the sword in episode four, Jesse abando… morens his/her previous enchanted tool. What a tool!
Jesse only takes on zombies in pairs of three during this intro sequence.
Why did those skeletons wait for their fellow monsters to die before taking aim?
“Hey, Jesse!” Axel’s fishbowl helmet.
“Check this out! Three… two… one… pop! Pretty cool, right? You can try it too if you-” “Duck!” Axel can pop off the heads of two zombies, but is a goner if snuck up on from behind by another zombie.
“Dude… you’re getting pretty good at this!” (Raises hand for a high-five). No option to leave Axel hanging exists in this scene.
“You guys are working way too hard!” How did Olivia prepare that without anyone noticing?
“You’re always looking to one-up us, aren’t you?” (Stabs a zombie without turning). Speak for yourself.
“That is one seriously cool … [view original content]
Episode Five (Part One):
Narra- hey… (Minus one wrong!)
Ocelot symbolism.
Unless you picked the sword in episode four, Jesse abando… morens his/her previous enchanted tool. What a tool!
Jesse only takes on zombies in pairs of three during this intro sequence.
Why did those skeletons wait for their fellow monsters to die before taking aim?
“Hey, Jesse!” Axel’s fishbowl helmet.
“Check this out! Three… two… one… pop! Pretty cool, right? You can try it too if you-” “Duck!” Axel can pop off the heads of two zombies, but is a goner if snuck up on from behind by another zombie.
“Dude… you’re getting pretty good at this!” (Raises hand for a high-five). No option to leave Axel hanging exists in this scene.
“You guys are working way too hard!” How did Olivia prepare that without anyone noticing?
“You’re always looking to one-up us, aren’t you?” (Stabs a zombie without turning). Speak for yourself.
“That is one seriously cool … [view original content]
“What hope do we have when ‘heroes’ like you are throwing your weight around?” You’re not exactly a basket of fruit yourself, Aiden. All we’ve seen you do is try to take the flint and steel after all the dirty work’s been done to get it. You’re just as bad as Jesse, if not worse.
“Blaze Rods!” “I told you to shut up!” Aiden pushes Gill around for showing team spirit.
“I just can’t shake what Aiden was saying about us back there. We DO get a lot of treasure. And I guess we sometimes throw our weight around…” “Well, I guess we always DO try to get all the best treasure.” (”Olivia will remember that.”) This is about as far as Jesse’s character development goes in regards to previous treasure-hunting.
Also, I’m guessing that it doesn’t matter whether Olivia remembers that or not, so why bother to point it out? This is an issue that occurs in most of TellTale’s works- unfulfilled “will remember that” promises.
“Run! Tell everyone that our heroes have returrrrned!” What is up with her haircut?
(Fangirl is shown in audience, then suddenly appears in front of Jesse).Teleporting.
“AAAAAH!” “…That wasn’t a ‘happy to see us’ scream.” Then what was that scream for? Did they find the lava house that hideous?
“Not my fault!” What’s not your fault?
“Look out!” For what?
“Help!” With what?
“Oh, stop your whining! What are your pathetic injuries in comparison to my majestic tower?!” I don’t see anyone injured, so… what’s the deal here?
“Ivor?” “Oh! Jesse! You’re back! Don’t listen to a word these fools tell you!” Why not?
“So what’s this weird structure?” “It’s my new house… and, uh, my gift to the community! If anyone’s short on lava, this is the place to get more!” That’s actually a fair bargain, I’d say. Just put up some glass or something.
“Ivor, I know you mean well, but your house wants to kill people!” It does? No one is on fire, so you have no witness to your claims.
“Well? We have to tear it down! We can’t let that monstrosity stand!” Who is this woman and what does she have against lava?
“It’s my house, Jesse! I have just as much a right to build as all these people, don’t I?” Ivor protests that he should have the right to build a house with lava pouring out of it. I am okay with that, and I am not okay with that.
“Ivor obviously put a lot of work into his house. We need to show it the same respect we would show to a house… not dripping with lava.” “BOO!” Who are these people and what do they have against lava?
“We found something outside the jungle-“ “What?? You did? Yes! Great to see you again! Let’s have lunch! I’ll bring the carrots… there’s no telling who’s listening. Meet me in the treasure room in ten minutes… and bring the thing you found!” Ivor tries to be inconspicuous by behaving as conspicuously as possible.
(Petra pats Jesse on the back). AND THE SHIPPING CONTINUES…
“Well, if we’re going to keep that thing up, we might as well encase it in some glass, to make it safer.” Axel and Olivia find a convenient excuse to not show up for presumably the next few episodes.
(In the treasure room). Who showcases two sponges in the same room?
Also, look at all this stuff that we will never use in this series.
“Whoa! Lukas! I don’t believe it!” You don’t? Why not?
“It’s been ages! Where were you?” “Oh, you know, helping to rebuild and stuff. Wither Storm left a big mess out there.” How convenient then, for you to show up right when we’re about to have a big adventure.
“That’s really good of you to help out like that.” I would claim that the shipping continues here, but… no. Pukas is the forbidden ship that we never speak of.
“Oh. You framed it… erm… him.” #FrameYourBacon
“I actually came back because I needed to tell you something. It’s about this weird run-in I had… with Aiden. … He’s been jealous of you, and the rest of the Order, ever since you saved the world from the Wither Storm. Convinced that HE was supposed to be a hero.” Technically he was a hero, if you let Lukas look for him in episode four. He helped distract the Wither Storm with Maya and Gill. The more I think about it, the more I feel for Aiden- I’d probably be a little miffed too if the only people who got credit for the Wither Storm’s defeat spent their time raiding temples for loot. Obviously that’s no justification for his actions, but then I’m going off on a tangent.
“Aiden’s a stupid bully. He doesn’t scare me.” “Yeah, that’s what I used to say, too…” Those exact words? No wonder he ditched you.
“Yeah, I’m supposed to show it to-“ “YOU FOUND IT! … That glow… that enchantment is the work of a very old group of builders, a group so old that they existed even before the Order of the Stone!” I could be wrong, but I don’t think that’s saying much.
“Wow, sound like you guys have a lot to get to. I guess I’ll take off?” “Nope! You’re coming with!” Just as a nitpick, I personally would’ve liked to see Petra and Jesse hoist Lukas up from either side while dragging him into their adventure.
Total Wrongs: 83
Sentence: Magnus’ Portrait (“Oh. You framed it… erm… him.”)
Episode Five (Part One):
Narra- hey… (Minus one wrong!)
Ocelot symbolism.
Unless you picked the sword in episode four, Jesse abando… morens his/her previous enchanted tool. What a tool!
Jesse only takes on zombies in pairs of three during this intro sequence.
Why did those skeletons wait for their fellow monsters to die before taking aim?
“Hey, Jesse!” Axel’s fishbowl helmet.
“Check this out! Three… two… one… pop! Pretty cool, right? You can try it too if you-” “Duck!” Axel can pop off the heads of two zombies, but is a goner if snuck up on from behind by another zombie.
“Dude… you’re getting pretty good at this!” (Raises hand for a high-five). No option to leave Axel hanging exists in this scene.
“You guys are working way too hard!” How did Olivia prepare that without anyone noticing?
“You’re always looking to one-up us, aren’t you?” (Stabs a zombie without turning). Speak for yourself.
“That is one seriously cool … [view original content]
Episode Five (Part Two):
“Some hero you are, Jesse.” I don’t follow.
“What hope do we have when ‘heroes’ like you are throwing your we… moreight around?” You’re not exactly a basket of fruit yourself, Aiden. All we’ve seen you do is try to take the flint and steel after all the dirty work’s been done to get it. You’re just as bad as Jesse, if not worse.
“Blaze Rods!” “I told you to shut up!” Aiden pushes Gill around for showing team spirit.
“I just can’t shake what Aiden was saying about us back there. We DO get a lot of treasure. And I guess we sometimes throw our weight around…” “Well, I guess we always DO try to get all the best treasure.” (”Olivia will remember that.”) This is about as far as Jesse’s character development goes in regards to previous treasure-hunting.
Also, I’m guessing that it doesn’t matter whether Olivia remembers that or not, so why bother to point it out? This is an issue that occurs in most of TellTale’s wor… [view original content]
Episode Five (Part Two):
“Some hero you are, Jesse.” I don’t follow.
“What hope do we have when ‘heroes’ like you are throwing your we… moreight around?” You’re not exactly a basket of fruit yourself, Aiden. All we’ve seen you do is try to take the flint and steel after all the dirty work’s been done to get it. You’re just as bad as Jesse, if not worse.
“Blaze Rods!” “I told you to shut up!” Aiden pushes Gill around for showing team spirit.
“I just can’t shake what Aiden was saying about us back there. We DO get a lot of treasure. And I guess we sometimes throw our weight around…” “Well, I guess we always DO try to get all the best treasure.” (”Olivia will remember that.”) This is about as far as Jesse’s character development goes in regards to previous treasure-hunting.
Also, I’m guessing that it doesn’t matter whether Olivia remembers that or not, so why bother to point it out? This is an issue that occurs in most of TellTale’s wor… [view original content]
Episode Five (Part Two):
“Some hero you are, Jesse.” I don’t follow.
“What hope do we have when ‘heroes’ like you are throwing your we… moreight around?” You’re not exactly a basket of fruit yourself, Aiden. All we’ve seen you do is try to take the flint and steel after all the dirty work’s been done to get it. You’re just as bad as Jesse, if not worse.
“Blaze Rods!” “I told you to shut up!” Aiden pushes Gill around for showing team spirit.
“I just can’t shake what Aiden was saying about us back there. We DO get a lot of treasure. And I guess we sometimes throw our weight around…” “Well, I guess we always DO try to get all the best treasure.” (”Olivia will remember that.”) This is about as far as Jesse’s character development goes in regards to previous treasure-hunting.
Also, I’m guessing that it doesn’t matter whether Olivia remembers that or not, so why bother to point it out? This is an issue that occurs in most of TellTale’s wor… [view original content]
“I can’t believe we’re bringing Ivor with us.” “Hey, he’s not so bad. Why are you being so hard on him?” “Uh, maybe you forgot the whole ‘Wither Storm’ thing? He kinda has a history of being a world-scale pain in the butt.” Something you two have in common, then. I mean, what?
“THESE TREES ARE ENORMOUS! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!” Ivor wasn’t nearly this wired in the previous episode. What kind of potions has he been drinking lately?
“Remarkable! Look at that architecture!” “Hey, let’s not get all enamored with the architecture, now.” Hypocrisy.
“Okay, but be careful what you touch. There could be traps everywhere.” You already know that we’ve been here before, Ivor, so why give us this warning now?
“Jesse! What do you see?” “Some kind of… portal?” Suddenly portal.
The option to discover this portal the previous night and receive some optional foreshadowing to this moment does not exist.
Lighting a portal made by “ancient builders” forces everyone back for reasons of drama and moving the plot forward.
“Thanks for bringing this back to me, Jesse. I knew you were good for something.” No option to ditch the New Order in favor of the Blaze Rods exists in this scene.
“Aiden, you’re done. This is where it ends!” Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
(Going through the portal and bumping into Ivor). There is no alternate timeline available if you drop Ivor in this scene.
“Hey, do you guys see that?” “What?” “That- right there- that big floating island on the horizon?” “Oh wow. I’m really surprised I didn’t notice that sooner.” Yeah, it’s almost as if you were looking in a different direction or something.
“A city in the clouds… it almost sounds impossible.” Petra considers a floating city to be “almost impossible”. After seeing things like the Wither Storm, Soren’s lab in the End (or Ivor's lab in the Far Lands), and after spending a great deal of time in the Nether, you’d think a city in the clouds wouldn’t be so surprising.
“I don’t know. Seems like a long way. Do we have enough blocks?” Lukas expresses worry about having enough blocks to build a bridge to Sky City, yet soon after he and the rest of the group show that they care not for efficiency.
“You’re building!” “Hey, yeah, we’re building… is something wrong?” “I, uh… you don’t know?” How could they? They’re clearly not from around here.
“Oh, this is making me terribly nervous. First those other outsiders, now you…” Why mention “those other outsiders”, if they’re proving to be law-abiding citizens on The Founder’s good side?
Also, how did the Blaze Rods get on The Founder’s good side?
“Wait! Wait! Come back!” “I’m just really super busy, sorry!” Citizen claims to be super busy, yet later turns out to have “chatty NPC” as his only identifiable occupation.
(Witnessing the sky city’s architecture). Sky City is awesome. Minus one wrong!
“Captain Reginald, at your service!” Reginald is awesome. Minus another wrong!
“And where should I put them?” “Yes, just give them here! I’ll deal with them! Now get out of here- go, go!” Nobody knows the meaning of the word “inconspicuous” in this game, do they?
“I’m sorry, but I’m actually quite busy.” Nobody seems to know the meaning of the word “busy” either.
“Hey, this our guy?” “He tell you where to find the Blaze Rods?” “How many of you are there?! I told you, I don’t know anything!” “He hasn’t told you anything yet?!” “Is he hiding them somewhere?!” No option to tell everyone to calm down and back off exists in this scene.
“You sure keep saying ‘I don’t know anything’ a lot. Don’t lie to me, Milo. That’s how bad things happen.” There’s the possibility of never learning Milo’s name beforehand, yet somehow Jesse will magically know it for this conversation.
“People of Sky City!” Minus yet another wrong for the Founder’s character design.
“Earlier today, outsiders built a bridge into our fair city from a distant island!” They didn’t waste any of your materials in doing so, and their arrival should be a good sign if they can make a portal back to their world. What exactly is the problem?
“Jesse, wherever you are, step forward now!” The Founder can’t distinguish Jesse’s fancy armor from the clothes of the rest of her people. For whatever reason, Aiden can’t point Jesse out, either.
(Choosing between getting arrested and running off). This choice is well constructed, but the lack of a time limit slightly damages the pacing.
“This is Build Club!”
“I was once a citizen, like everybody else. I wanted to build a community garden, so I sent a petition for a dirt block, and the Founder approved it… but in my excitement and haste, I accidently dropped my precious dirt block and it fell… over the edge. For my crime, I was tossed into the Founder’s dungeons.” How you managed to drop a dirt block over the edge from sheer nervousness is beyond me. I’d sooner believe that you threw it over just so you could have this origin story of winding up in prison.
Also, there was a baker back in the main plaza who was in waiting in line to make some bread at the community crafting table. If there’s no community garden from which one can obtain wheat, then how did he come by such materials?
“See, in Sky City, when something falls over the edge, it is gone forever!” Then why not just extend the perimeter of the city? It’s risky, sure, but the benefits would clearly outweigh any losses.
“But when I was in that prison, I realized something; just because building is risky, it doesn’t mean that no one should do it!” By that thread of logic, you could almost argue that Ivor building the Wither Storm was justified. Just because it’s risky doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it!
“If only I had known you were builders sooner. I would have helped you ALL escape when I first met you, rather than let your friends be taken… but at least you are here, yes?” “I would like to save Lukas.”
“Bringing in outsiders? Seriously?” “Kind of hard to keep this a secret club if you keep bringing people in!” “Everyone, everyone, please! I assure you- they aren’t just normal outsiders! They’re the ones who built that magnificent bridge into town today!” “Are you kidding me? The most wanted criminals in the whole city?!” Aren’t you all technically criminals too? Unnecessary antagonism is unnecessary.
“If Milo says you’re amazing builders, prove it!” “Just point out a crafting table, and Jesse will give you a show- you’ll see! … You’re gonna be just fine, Jesse!” AND THE SHIPPING CONTINUES…
Total Wrongs: 113
Sentence: The Jungle (“THESE TREES ARE ENORMOUS!”)
Episode Five (Part Two):
“Some hero you are, Jesse.” I don’t follow.
“What hope do we have when ‘heroes’ like you are throwing your we… moreight around?” You’re not exactly a basket of fruit yourself, Aiden. All we’ve seen you do is try to take the flint and steel after all the dirty work’s been done to get it. You’re just as bad as Jesse, if not worse.
“Blaze Rods!” “I told you to shut up!” Aiden pushes Gill around for showing team spirit.
“I just can’t shake what Aiden was saying about us back there. We DO get a lot of treasure. And I guess we sometimes throw our weight around…” “Well, I guess we always DO try to get all the best treasure.” (”Olivia will remember that.”) This is about as far as Jesse’s character development goes in regards to previous treasure-hunting.
Also, I’m guessing that it doesn’t matter whether Olivia remembers that or not, so why bother to point it out? This is an issue that occurs in most of TellTale’s wor… [view original content]
Episode Five (Part Three) (Milo and Petra):
Ocelot Symbolism.
“I can’t believe we’re bringing Ivor with us.” “Hey, he’s not so bad. Wh… morey are you being so hard on him?” “Uh, maybe you forgot the whole ‘Wither Storm’ thing? He kinda has a history of being a world-scale pain in the butt.” Something you two have in common, then. I mean, what?
“THESE TREES ARE ENORMOUS! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!” Ivor wasn’t nearly this wired in the previous episode. What kind of potions has he been drinking lately?
“Remarkable! Look at that architecture!” “Hey, let’s not get all enamored with the architecture, now.” Hypocrisy.
“Okay, but be careful what you touch. There could be traps everywhere.” You already know that we’ve been here before, Ivor, so why give us this warning now?
“Jesse! What do you see?” “Some kind of… portal?” Suddenly portal.
The option to discover this portal the previous night and receive some optional foreshadowing to this mom… [view original content]
Episode Five (Part Three) (Milo and Petra):
Ocelot Symbolism.
“I can’t believe we’re bringing Ivor with us.” “Hey, he’s not so bad. Wh… morey are you being so hard on him?” “Uh, maybe you forgot the whole ‘Wither Storm’ thing? He kinda has a history of being a world-scale pain in the butt.” Something you two have in common, then. I mean, what?
“THESE TREES ARE ENORMOUS! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!” Ivor wasn’t nearly this wired in the previous episode. What kind of potions has he been drinking lately?
“Remarkable! Look at that architecture!” “Hey, let’s not get all enamored with the architecture, now.” Hypocrisy.
“Okay, but be careful what you touch. There could be traps everywhere.” You already know that we’ve been here before, Ivor, so why give us this warning now?
“Jesse! What do you see?” “Some kind of… portal?” Suddenly portal.
The option to discover this portal the previous night and receive some optional foreshadowing to this mom… [view original content]
Episode Five (Part Three) (Milo and Petra):
Ocelot Symbolism.
“I can’t believe we’re bringing Ivor with us.” “Hey, he’s not so bad. Wh… morey are you being so hard on him?” “Uh, maybe you forgot the whole ‘Wither Storm’ thing? He kinda has a history of being a world-scale pain in the butt.” Something you two have in common, then. I mean, what?
“THESE TREES ARE ENORMOUS! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!” Ivor wasn’t nearly this wired in the previous episode. What kind of potions has he been drinking lately?
“Remarkable! Look at that architecture!” “Hey, let’s not get all enamored with the architecture, now.” Hypocrisy.
“Okay, but be careful what you touch. There could be traps everywhere.” You already know that we’ve been here before, Ivor, so why give us this warning now?
“Jesse! What do you see?” “Some kind of… portal?” Suddenly portal.
The option to discover this portal the previous night and receive some optional foreshadowing to this mom… [view original content]
...even before the Order of the Stone!” I could be wrong, but I don’t think that’s saying much.
Right? That's not saying much at all. I don't know why Petra found it 'dramatic'.
That reminds me, how the heck did Aiden manage to get to Sky City from that tiny island without breaking any blocks, AND get to the Founders palace to tell her Jesse was evil in the time it took Jesse and the other to get there! It was like, 19 seconds! Did he Ender Pearl because stupid plot hole is stupid. (Line from Cinemasins)
Episode Five (Part Three) (Milo and Petra):
Ocelot Symbolism.
“I can’t believe we’re bringing Ivor with us.” “Hey, he’s not so bad. Wh… morey are you being so hard on him?” “Uh, maybe you forgot the whole ‘Wither Storm’ thing? He kinda has a history of being a world-scale pain in the butt.” Something you two have in common, then. I mean, what?
“THESE TREES ARE ENORMOUS! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!” Ivor wasn’t nearly this wired in the previous episode. What kind of potions has he been drinking lately?
“Remarkable! Look at that architecture!” “Hey, let’s not get all enamored with the architecture, now.” Hypocrisy.
“Okay, but be careful what you touch. There could be traps everywhere.” You already know that we’ve been here before, Ivor, so why give us this warning now?
“Jesse! What do you see?” “Some kind of… portal?” Suddenly portal.
The option to discover this portal the previous night and receive some optional foreshadowing to this mom… [view original content]
That reminds me, how the heck did Aiden manage to get to Sky City from that tiny island without breaking any blocks, AND get to the Founders… more palace to tell her Jesse was evil in the time it took Jesse and the other to get there! It was like, 19 seconds! Did he Ender Pearl because stupid plot hole is stupid. (Line from Cinemasins)
My thought was that the portal spawns them in at a random area, and the Blaze Rods got lucky. Though with their crazy gear, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a few ender pearls.
That reminds me, how the heck did Aiden manage to get to Sky City from that tiny island without breaking any blocks, AND get to the Founders… more palace to tell her Jesse was evil in the time it took Jesse and the other to get there! It was like, 19 seconds! Did he Ender Pearl because stupid plot hole is stupid. (Line from Cinemasins)
My thought was that the portal spawns them in at a random area, and the Blaze Rods got lucky. Though with their crazy gear, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a few ender pearls.
An elytra would let them glide over, but considering none of the other 1.9 features are in the episode, I doubt they would have used them. One can only get them in End Cities anyways, and there was not one in the End in MCSM.
“IT IS NICE TO MEET YOU!” This is the guy who managed to be inconspicuous enough to unleash an entire Wither Storm upon the world without anyone finding out and stopping him from doing so.
“How’s it going, Lukas?” “I’m okay- just watching these guards. They really mean business.” Especially that smiling one with the mustache.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mess with them if I were you.” Mustaches mean business.
“Oh, slime blocks!” Minus one wrong for slime blocks.
“I wonder what this is all about.” “Yes- I’m nervous being surrounded by so many people!” I relate to Ivor on a spiritual level.
“Hey! Hands off the robes!” Ivor is very sensitive about his robes.
“Jesse, I… I’ll find a way to help you, I promise.” Petra decides to follow Milo instead of joining her friends and getting arrested. Her level of loyalty is why I sometimes question the Jetra shipping.
Also, why are no guards following after her and Milo?
“There, see? That mine cart she summoned. It must lead to the Eversource!” “Really? That’s what you’re focusing on? I’d say we have bigger problems on our hands. Like Aiden. Look at him, all friendly with the Founder. That’s bad news.” Aiden being friendly is bad news.
“Good luck, Jesse. Hope you like being doomed.” “Totally doomed!” “Blaze Rods!” I don't know whether to add a wrong because of the Blaze Rods, or to take a wrong off because of the Blaze Rods, so... half a wrong.
“So, Jesse, accomplices. You have committed acts of wanton and illegal building, something specifically forbidden by our laws. Explain yourself.” “This could still turn out okay…” “Are you kidding? She does NOT sound friendly!” (And the shipping begins.) (Between Isa and Lukas.) (Likely no one will ship this.)
“Yeah, I’ve heard about this little ‘law’ of yours, and I gotta tell ya… it’s really stupid.” “Hm. I knew you were a criminal, but I didn’t realize you were also naïve.” About what? Limited resources? The only blocks Jesse used were the ones he/she brought with him/her to get here.
“Aiden told me all about you, Jesse.” And for whatever reason, I always believe the first thing I’m told by the first outsiders that come from some unknown world. I am not very smart.
“Look, Aiden’s a master manipulator- he would say anything to get his hands on the Eversource!” “Much like you would seem to be doing right now.” Jesse has never expressed a desire to take the Eversource.
“As you can see, nothing exists below us- only the void.” You don’t know that, because you’ve never bothered to check.
“Resources- every kind- are incredibly precious.” Which is why I’m going to drop a stone block over the edge. I am still not very smart.
“People act as though I want things to be this way… allocating the limited resources… risking my life every day…” How are you risking your life? I thought the Eversource just makes eggs that allow you to spawn creatures that grant you new materials. If you never hatch those eggs, how is your life dangerous? Are you just really clumsy, or something?
“I’ll have you know that before I found the Eversource, this world was nothing more than a cluster of pathetic islands in the sky.” How you found the Eversource is a mystery that will never be solved.
Also, the only island we've seen apart from Sky city itself is the tiny island we used to get here.
“But you don’t need to do it alone. We could help you. We could work together.” “Being the leader of this city… it is a tiring burden… but no. This is my city. These are my people. And it is my responsibility.” You must understand… the ring is my burden.
No matter what you do in the following conversation with Reginald, he decides to let you escape.
“Hello again, Jesse.” Milo recognizes Jesse, but not Lukas. At least, not until after punching him in the back.
“This is all very nice and very sweet… but who the heck are you?!” I relate to Ivor on a spiritual level.
“You trust this guy, Petra?” “Yeah. He really helped me. He’s cool.” (And the shipping begins.)
“Hey, if Petra says you’re cool, that’s all I need to hear.” (”Petra will remember that.”) AND THE SHIPPING… CONTINUES…
“There was a door here before. With a mine cart.” “Yeah… what happened to it?” The door closed, Lukas. That’s what happens to doors when they’re not open.
“Eggs? The sign said ‘sheep’, not eggs…” “Might as well throw it and give it a shot?” Because that’s what you do with eggs under the label “sheep”.
“Is… is that a monster? That is not so bad. It is fluffy.” Milo does not get his own pet sheep in this episode.
“The Eversource… it’s just a chicken!” Minus one wrong for canonical nonsense. Well played, TellTale.
“Ivor, Lukas is right… we can’t just steal, er, kidnap-“ “Chicken-nap? ” “We can’t just chicken-nap the Eversource. It’s the only way these people survive.” “Aiden warned me that you were a pack of thieves, and here you are, prepared to make off with the one thing our city depends on to survive!” Either you are hard of hearing, or are very foolish. I am still debating on which one.
Total Wrongs: 140.5
Sentence: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (“That is not so bad. It is fluffy.”)
Episode Five (Part Three) (Milo and Petra):
Ocelot Symbolism.
“I can’t believe we’re bringing Ivor with us.” “Hey, he’s not so bad. Wh… morey are you being so hard on him?” “Uh, maybe you forgot the whole ‘Wither Storm’ thing? He kinda has a history of being a world-scale pain in the butt.” Something you two have in common, then. I mean, what?
“THESE TREES ARE ENORMOUS! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!” Ivor wasn’t nearly this wired in the previous episode. What kind of potions has he been drinking lately?
“Remarkable! Look at that architecture!” “Hey, let’s not get all enamored with the architecture, now.” Hypocrisy.
“Okay, but be careful what you touch. There could be traps everywhere.” You already know that we’ve been here before, Ivor, so why give us this warning now?
“Jesse! What do you see?” “Some kind of… portal?” Suddenly portal.
The option to discover this portal the previous night and receive some optional foreshadowing to this mom… [view original content]
Episode Five (Part Four) (Isa and Everyone Else):
“IT IS NICE TO MEET YOU!” This is the guy who managed to be inconspicuous enough to unl… moreeash an entire Wither Storm upon the world without anyone finding out and stopping him from doing so.
“How’s it going, Lukas?” “I’m okay- just watching these guards. They really mean business.” Especially that smiling one with the mustache.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mess with them if I were you.” Mustaches mean business.
“Oh, slime blocks!” Minus one wrong for slime blocks.
“I wonder what this is all about.” “Yes- I’m nervous being surrounded by so many people!” I relate to Ivor on a spiritual level.
“Hey! Hands off the robes!” Ivor is very sensitive about his robes.
“Jesse, I… I’ll find a way to help you, I promise.” Petra decides to follow Milo instead of joining her friends and getting arrested. Her level of loyalty is why I sometimes question the Jetra shipping.
Also, why are no guards fo… [view original content]
Sky City is a big place. The pool below Sky City is small. Everything that flows below always reaches the pond. Even the lava and the water at the back. How is this? Sky City is big while the pond is small and everything that falls in far places always reaches that pond!
The Blaze Rods get thrown into a prison far from home, for destroying a city.
Ivor nearly destroys the world and gets away scot-free.
Fair? I don't think so.
Ivor just wanted revenge on a group, while the Blaze Rods wanted revenge on a large city.
The Witherstorm did most of the damage, not Ivor. And the punishment was better than the Blaze Rods. The Witherstorm got killed while the Blaze Rods were arrested.
Episode Five (Part One):
Narra- hey… (Minus one wrong!)
Ocelot symbolism.
Unless you picked the sword in episode four, Jesse abandons his/her previous enchanted tool. What a tool!
Jesse only takes on zombies in pairs of three during this intro sequence.
Why did those skeletons wait for their fellow monsters to die before taking aim?
“Hey, Jesse!” Axel’s fishbowl helmet.
“Check this out! Three… two… one… pop! Pretty cool, right? You can try it too if you-” “Duck!” Axel can pop off the heads of two zombies, but is a goner if snuck up on from behind by another zombie.
“Dude… you’re getting pretty good at this!” (Raises hand for a high-five). No option to leave Axel hanging exists in this scene.
“You guys are working way too hard!” How did Olivia prepare that without anyone noticing?
“You’re always looking to one-up us, aren’t you?” (Stabs a zombie without turning). Speak for yourself.
“That is one seriously cool temple.” Creators of MCSM patting themselves on the back for architectural design.
“Yeah, points for Ivor, I guess. This was a good tip.” You haven’t gone inside yet. All you can tell at best is that it looks promising, which is no indication as to whether or not this was a good tip.
No option to change your team name exists in this scene, even though now would be the perfect time to allow the player to do so. There could be a mini back story as to how it got changed established in the following puzzle scene, making good use of narrative time.
“So much for treasure. This cupboard is bare.” “Come on, you know how these places work. The treasure’s never just out in the open.” Unless you’re like me, and just leave the good stuff in a chest next to the front door.
This is the only puzzle in this episode, and it’s not even all that interesting to solve.
“Hi, Petra.” “Who’s ‘Petra?’ …Kidding.” I honestly wouldn’t have been mad if Petra’s amnesia returned. This wrong is for getting my hopes up.
“How do you think Ivor knew about this place?” “Who knows? That guy’s read, like, a million books and traveled all over the world.” Yet he never bothered to look into this particular temple until just now.
“You probably start to learn a thing or two about a thing or two.” Given our past experiences with The Order of the Stone, I’m a little skeptical of any knowledgeability accredited to them.
No one here gives good advice on this puzzle, because there’s no reason to, what with the puzzle being overly simple as is. That being said, why does the option to ask everyone about this puzzle exist if they’re all going to give the same response?
“This kinda reminds me of when we first found the Order’s Temple. We were such a scared bunch of noobs back then.” Um, excuse me? You were never with us when we first discovered the Order’s Temple. There’s a timeline where you never so much as visited.
“Hey. I wasn’t scared.” “No? Then who was it that was yelling, ‘Help me help me the dispensers are trying to kill me!’” No one ever yelled that, Petra. I think you need to get your amnesia checked out again.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Neither do I.
“And to think, that was just the beginning…” Rather than use a “previously on MCSM” sequence in the introduction, the creators decided to have the gang reminisce about the olden days. This works about as well as it sounds.
“All right, let’s see what we’ve got.” It doesn’t matter what chest you pick in this scene. I’m adding a wrong for each chest, since every one that doesn’t have alternative content is a missed opportunity for this and future episodes.
“Okay, flint and steel. Do your thing.” Jesse must awaken the nearby monsters by trying out the flint and steel, even though it’d be more logical to wait until everyone’s escaped the temple first.
“So, what’s the plan? If you ask me, it seems like a good time for a ‘secret handshake’!” What started out as handshakes turned into combat moves. Nothing ever came of the handshake that originated from not picking a handshake name, though. There’s not so much as an option for Jesse to say, “Forget the handshakes! Just charge em’!”
(Warrior whip with Petra). AND THE SHIPPING CONTINUES…
(Running up the stairs, a door holding back mobs suddenly opens). Why didn’t that zombie door open earlier- or, more to the point- why does it open at all? No pressure plates or tripwire were triggered. All we did was strike some flint and steel.
“Ha! The lava took them out!” “Aaaaand there go the stairs.” Why is lava just now pouring into the passageway?
Suddenly cave spiders.
“Cave spiders… why did it have to be cave spiders?” Suddenly Indiana Jones reference.
Also, how are those spiders climbing on the vines? Can they do that in vanilla Minecraft? Until proven they can, I’m going to wrong it.
“I can’t believe I just saw that! That was amazing! Why is no one freaking out?!” Because it’s impossible to do that in a regular session of Minecraft, which makes it seem like nothing more than convenient.
“I tell you guys, doing that never gets old. Woo!” “Yeah, not too bad. Killing a bunch of monsters, getting sweet treasure…” Previous treasure-hunting adventures took place before now. Adventures we will never witness.
“Like that flint and steel thing! You gotta try it again!” The flint and steel must be used again to draw Aiden’s attention, even though it’d be more logical to bring it to a safer place before seeing what it does.
Also, suddenly Aiden.
“Well, well. Where’d you get the new toy? Looks a little sophisticated for you, Jesse.” “Order of the Losers.” “Yeah. Losers.” Order of the Losers is not an optional team name. Yeah, I just went there.
“Ugh. Who let you guys out of your cave?” “Joke’s on you, we don’t live in a cave.” You know what? I like Aiden, Gill, and Maya in this episode. Minus one wrong for them.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Aiden and the Pussycats.” Hypocrisy… I think.
“The Ocelots were Lukas’ gang. We ditched that name just like we ditched him!” Why?
“Yeah, we rebranded! We’re the Blaze Rods now!” Why?
“Wow … That’s a dumb name.” “Sez the ‘heroes’ who just called their group the ‘NEW Order of the Stone’.” There’s a lot of shorthand used throughout this series, but I feel like “sez” is pushing it.
Also, Aiden makes a very good point.
“Where’s Lukas, huh? The minute the Order decided you were cool,” “(For whatever reason),” “He wouldn’t stop sniffing around you like a tamed dog.” Some falling out was had between Lukas and the former Ocelots that we will never see nor understand.
“You probably think that thing makes you so special. Classic Jesse.” What thing, specifically? The armor set, the flint and steel, or something else?
“You take all the best stuff and never give anyone else a chance!” Game builds a reputation against Jesse with no regard to the player.
“That should’ve been ours!” Why?
“There’s no shame in being second-rate, Aiden. Not everyone can do what the Order of the Stone can.” That’s true, Jesse… not everyone can fake their way to glory. Some of us would even prefer not to.
“Hand over the flint and steel, Jesse. Don’t make me ask again.” No option to just hand over the flint and steel exists in this scene… not that anyone would actually do that, but it would be an interesting choice to see play out.
(Almost everyone draws a sword. Olivia draws a bow and arrow. Maya slightly panics). Olivia brought a bow and arrow to a sword fight.
Total Wrongs: 51
Sentence: Cave Spiders ("Why did it have to be cave spiders?")
Me too! I preferred them to the New Order of the Stone XD
Episode Five (Part Two):
“Some hero you are, Jesse.” I don’t follow.
“What hope do we have when ‘heroes’ like you are throwing your weight around?” You’re not exactly a basket of fruit yourself, Aiden. All we’ve seen you do is try to take the flint and steel after all the dirty work’s been done to get it. You’re just as bad as Jesse, if not worse.
“Blaze Rods!” “I told you to shut up!” Aiden pushes Gill around for showing team spirit.
“I just can’t shake what Aiden was saying about us back there. We DO get a lot of treasure. And I guess we sometimes throw our weight around…” “Well, I guess we always DO try to get all the best treasure.” (”Olivia will remember that.”) This is about as far as Jesse’s character development goes in regards to previous treasure-hunting.
Also, I’m guessing that it doesn’t matter whether Olivia remembers that or not, so why bother to point it out? This is an issue that occurs in most of TellTale’s works- unfulfilled “will remember that” promises.
“Run! Tell everyone that our heroes have returrrrned!” What is up with her haircut?
(Fangirl is shown in audience, then suddenly appears in front of Jesse).Teleporting.
“AAAAAH!” “…That wasn’t a ‘happy to see us’ scream.” Then what was that scream for? Did they find the lava house that hideous?
“Not my fault!” What’s not your fault?
“Look out!” For what?
“Help!” With what?
“Oh, stop your whining! What are your pathetic injuries in comparison to my majestic tower?!” I don’t see anyone injured, so… what’s the deal here?
“Ivor?” “Oh! Jesse! You’re back! Don’t listen to a word these fools tell you!” Why not?
“So what’s this weird structure?” “It’s my new house… and, uh, my gift to the community! If anyone’s short on lava, this is the place to get more!” That’s actually a fair bargain, I’d say. Just put up some glass or something.
“Ivor, I know you mean well, but your house wants to kill people!” It does? No one is on fire, so you have no witness to your claims.
“Well? We have to tear it down! We can’t let that monstrosity stand!” Who is this woman and what does she have against lava?
“It’s my house, Jesse! I have just as much a right to build as all these people, don’t I?” Ivor protests that he should have the right to build a house with lava pouring out of it. I am okay with that, and I am not okay with that.
“Ivor obviously put a lot of work into his house. We need to show it the same respect we would show to a house… not dripping with lava.” “BOO!” Who are these people and what do they have against lava?
“We found something outside the jungle-“ “What?? You did? Yes! Great to see you again! Let’s have lunch! I’ll bring the carrots… there’s no telling who’s listening. Meet me in the treasure room in ten minutes… and bring the thing you found!” Ivor tries to be inconspicuous by behaving as conspicuously as possible.
(Petra pats Jesse on the back). AND THE SHIPPING CONTINUES…
“Well, if we’re going to keep that thing up, we might as well encase it in some glass, to make it safer.” Axel and Olivia find a convenient excuse to not show up for presumably the next few episodes.
(In the treasure room). Who showcases two sponges in the same room?
Also, look at all this stuff that we will never use in this series.
“Whoa! Lukas! I don’t believe it!” You don’t? Why not?
“It’s been ages! Where were you?” “Oh, you know, helping to rebuild and stuff. Wither Storm left a big mess out there.” How convenient then, for you to show up right when we’re about to have a big adventure.
“That’s really good of you to help out like that.” I would claim that the shipping continues here, but… no. Pukas is the forbidden ship that we never speak of.
“Oh. You framed it… erm… him.” #FrameYourBacon
“I actually came back because I needed to tell you something. It’s about this weird run-in I had… with Aiden. … He’s been jealous of you, and the rest of the Order, ever since you saved the world from the Wither Storm. Convinced that HE was supposed to be a hero.” Technically he was a hero, if you let Lukas look for him in episode four. He helped distract the Wither Storm with Maya and Gill. The more I think about it, the more I feel for Aiden- I’d probably be a little miffed too if the only people who got credit for the Wither Storm’s defeat spent their time raiding temples for loot. Obviously that’s no justification for his actions, but then I’m going off on a tangent.
“Aiden’s a stupid bully. He doesn’t scare me.” “Yeah, that’s what I used to say, too…” Those exact words? No wonder he ditched you.
“Yeah, I’m supposed to show it to-“ “YOU FOUND IT! … That glow… that enchantment is the work of a very old group of builders, a group so old that they existed even before the Order of the Stone!” I could be wrong, but I don’t think that’s saying much.
“Wow, sound like you guys have a lot to get to. I guess I’ll take off?” “Nope! You’re coming with!” Just as a nitpick, I personally would’ve liked to see Petra and Jesse hoist Lukas up from either side while dragging him into their adventure.
Total Wrongs: 83
Sentence: Magnus’ Portrait (“Oh. You framed it… erm… him.”)
XD Dat sentence tho
FrameYourBacon XD
Episode Five (Part Three) (Milo and Petra):
Ocelot Symbolism.
“I can’t believe we’re bringing Ivor with us.” “Hey, he’s not so bad. Why are you being so hard on him?” “Uh, maybe you forgot the whole ‘Wither Storm’ thing? He kinda has a history of being a world-scale pain in the butt.” Something you two have in common, then. I mean, what?
“THESE TREES ARE ENORMOUS! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!” Ivor wasn’t nearly this wired in the previous episode. What kind of potions has he been drinking lately?
“Remarkable! Look at that architecture!” “Hey, let’s not get all enamored with the architecture, now.” Hypocrisy.
“Okay, but be careful what you touch. There could be traps everywhere.” You already know that we’ve been here before, Ivor, so why give us this warning now?
“Jesse! What do you see?” “Some kind of… portal?” Suddenly portal.
The option to discover this portal the previous night and receive some optional foreshadowing to this moment does not exist.
Lighting a portal made by “ancient builders” forces everyone back for reasons of drama and moving the plot forward.
“Thanks for bringing this back to me, Jesse. I knew you were good for something.” No option to ditch the New Order in favor of the Blaze Rods exists in this scene.
“Aiden, you’re done. This is where it ends!” Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
(Going through the portal and bumping into Ivor). There is no alternate timeline available if you drop Ivor in this scene.
“Hey, do you guys see that?” “What?” “That- right there- that big floating island on the horizon?” “Oh wow. I’m really surprised I didn’t notice that sooner.” Yeah, it’s almost as if you were looking in a different direction or something.
“A city in the clouds… it almost sounds impossible.” Petra considers a floating city to be “almost impossible”. After seeing things like the Wither Storm, Soren’s lab in the End (or Ivor's lab in the Far Lands), and after spending a great deal of time in the Nether, you’d think a city in the clouds wouldn’t be so surprising.
“I don’t know. Seems like a long way. Do we have enough blocks?” Lukas expresses worry about having enough blocks to build a bridge to Sky City, yet soon after he and the rest of the group show that they care not for efficiency.
“You’re building!” “Hey, yeah, we’re building… is something wrong?” “I, uh… you don’t know?” How could they? They’re clearly not from around here.
“Oh, this is making me terribly nervous. First those other outsiders, now you…” Why mention “those other outsiders”, if they’re proving to be law-abiding citizens on The Founder’s good side?
Also, how did the Blaze Rods get on The Founder’s good side?
“Wait! Wait! Come back!” “I’m just really super busy, sorry!” Citizen claims to be super busy, yet later turns out to have “chatty NPC” as his only identifiable occupation.
(Witnessing the sky city’s architecture). Sky City is awesome. Minus one wrong!
“Captain Reginald, at your service!” Reginald is awesome. Minus another wrong!
“And where should I put them?” “Yes, just give them here! I’ll deal with them! Now get out of here- go, go!” Nobody knows the meaning of the word “inconspicuous” in this game, do they?
“I’m sorry, but I’m actually quite busy.” Nobody seems to know the meaning of the word “busy” either.
“Hey, this our guy?” “He tell you where to find the Blaze Rods?” “How many of you are there?! I told you, I don’t know anything!” “He hasn’t told you anything yet?!” “Is he hiding them somewhere?!” No option to tell everyone to calm down and back off exists in this scene.
“You sure keep saying ‘I don’t know anything’ a lot. Don’t lie to me, Milo. That’s how bad things happen.” There’s the possibility of never learning Milo’s name beforehand, yet somehow Jesse will magically know it for this conversation.
“People of Sky City!” Minus yet another wrong for the Founder’s character design.
“Earlier today, outsiders built a bridge into our fair city from a distant island!” They didn’t waste any of your materials in doing so, and their arrival should be a good sign if they can make a portal back to their world. What exactly is the problem?
“Jesse, wherever you are, step forward now!” The Founder can’t distinguish Jesse’s fancy armor from the clothes of the rest of her people. For whatever reason, Aiden can’t point Jesse out, either.
(Choosing between getting arrested and running off). This choice is well constructed, but the lack of a time limit slightly damages the pacing.
“This is Build Club!”
“I was once a citizen, like everybody else. I wanted to build a community garden, so I sent a petition for a dirt block, and the Founder approved it… but in my excitement and haste, I accidently dropped my precious dirt block and it fell… over the edge. For my crime, I was tossed into the Founder’s dungeons.” How you managed to drop a dirt block over the edge from sheer nervousness is beyond me. I’d sooner believe that you threw it over just so you could have this origin story of winding up in prison.
Also, there was a baker back in the main plaza who was in waiting in line to make some bread at the community crafting table. If there’s no community garden from which one can obtain wheat, then how did he come by such materials?
“See, in Sky City, when something falls over the edge, it is gone forever!” Then why not just extend the perimeter of the city? It’s risky, sure, but the benefits would clearly outweigh any losses.
“But when I was in that prison, I realized something; just because building is risky, it doesn’t mean that no one should do it!” By that thread of logic, you could almost argue that Ivor building the Wither Storm was justified. Just because it’s risky doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it!
“If only I had known you were builders sooner. I would have helped you ALL escape when I first met you, rather than let your friends be taken… but at least you are here, yes?” “I would like to save Lukas.”
“Bringing in outsiders? Seriously?” “Kind of hard to keep this a secret club if you keep bringing people in!” “Everyone, everyone, please! I assure you- they aren’t just normal outsiders! They’re the ones who built that magnificent bridge into town today!” “Are you kidding me? The most wanted criminals in the whole city?!” Aren’t you all technically criminals too? Unnecessary antagonism is unnecessary.
“If Milo says you’re amazing builders, prove it!” “Just point out a crafting table, and Jesse will give you a show- you’ll see! … You’re gonna be just fine, Jesse!” AND THE SHIPPING CONTINUES…
Total Wrongs: 113
Sentence: The Jungle (“THESE TREES ARE ENORMOUS!”)
What is this?
He also just called himself old. #whocaresaboutbeingyoungwhenyouhavetheoldpeople'sorderofthestone
Sooo, Dartigan is going to make "Everything Wrong with Minecraft Story Mode", I watched him livestreaming his research on it. Keep in touch.
This should've been in the game :
Soren : Good god my friend, did you age 30 years in the time I was gone!?
Ivor : Soren I'm the exact same age as you!
Ellegaard : Not the exact same. Soren is a month older. And he's right you DO look old.
Ivor : (Thinks) Will someone hand me a bucket of lava...
That reminds me, how the heck did Aiden manage to get to Sky City from that tiny island without breaking any blocks, AND get to the Founders palace to tell her Jesse was evil in the time it took Jesse and the other to get there! It was like, 19 seconds! Did he Ender Pearl because stupid plot hole is stupid. (Line from Cinemasins)
maybe they had a elytra
My thought was that the portal spawns them in at a random area, and the Blaze Rods got lucky. Though with their crazy gear, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a few ender pearls.
That makes sense. Nether portals behave in a similar fashion, and these ones look like multicolored nether portals.
We are in Minecraft. Not Pixelmon. Besides if they had an Elektra it likely would have shocked Maya, Gill or Aiden to death by now.
Uh.... are you saying they flew?
An elytra would let them glide over, but considering none of the other 1.9 features are in the episode, I doubt they would have used them. One can only get them in End Cities anyways, and there was not one in the End in MCSM.
Sin: the original Lukas design originally had a fedora... 'Nuff said.
Reference to Markus Persson the Creator of Minecraft I think. He's famous for having a black fedora and black coat for his signature look.
They say "crap" a lot, but it's mostly Axel.
enter link description here
It's finally here. Enjoy watching.
Episode Five (Part Four) (Isa and Everyone Else):
“IT IS NICE TO MEET YOU!” This is the guy who managed to be inconspicuous enough to unleash an entire Wither Storm upon the world without anyone finding out and stopping him from doing so.
“How’s it going, Lukas?” “I’m okay- just watching these guards. They really mean business.” Especially that smiling one with the mustache.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mess with them if I were you.” Mustaches mean business.
“Oh, slime blocks!” Minus one wrong for slime blocks.
“I wonder what this is all about.” “Yes- I’m nervous being surrounded by so many people!” I relate to Ivor on a spiritual level.
“Hey! Hands off the robes!” Ivor is very sensitive about his robes.
“Jesse, I… I’ll find a way to help you, I promise.” Petra decides to follow Milo instead of joining her friends and getting arrested. Her level of loyalty is why I sometimes question the Jetra shipping.
Also, why are no guards following after her and Milo?
“There, see? That mine cart she summoned. It must lead to the Eversource!” “Really? That’s what you’re focusing on? I’d say we have bigger problems on our hands. Like Aiden. Look at him, all friendly with the Founder. That’s bad news.” Aiden being friendly is bad news.
“Good luck, Jesse. Hope you like being doomed.” “Totally doomed!” “Blaze Rods!” I don't know whether to add a wrong because of the Blaze Rods, or to take a wrong off because of the Blaze Rods, so... half a wrong.
“So, Jesse, accomplices. You have committed acts of wanton and illegal building, something specifically forbidden by our laws. Explain yourself.” “This could still turn out okay…” “Are you kidding? She does NOT sound friendly!” (And the shipping begins.) (Between Isa and Lukas.) (Likely no one will ship this.)
“Yeah, I’ve heard about this little ‘law’ of yours, and I gotta tell ya… it’s really stupid.” “Hm. I knew you were a criminal, but I didn’t realize you were also naïve.” About what? Limited resources? The only blocks Jesse used were the ones he/she brought with him/her to get here.
“Aiden told me all about you, Jesse.” And for whatever reason, I always believe the first thing I’m told by the first outsiders that come from some unknown world. I am not very smart.
“Look, Aiden’s a master manipulator- he would say anything to get his hands on the Eversource!” “Much like you would seem to be doing right now.” Jesse has never expressed a desire to take the Eversource.
“As you can see, nothing exists below us- only the void.” You don’t know that, because you’ve never bothered to check.
“Resources- every kind- are incredibly precious.” Which is why I’m going to drop a stone block over the edge. I am still not very smart.
“People act as though I want things to be this way… allocating the limited resources… risking my life every day…” How are you risking your life? I thought the Eversource just makes eggs that allow you to spawn creatures that grant you new materials. If you never hatch those eggs, how is your life dangerous? Are you just really clumsy, or something?
“I’ll have you know that before I found the Eversource, this world was nothing more than a cluster of pathetic islands in the sky.” How you found the Eversource is a mystery that will never be solved.
Also, the only island we've seen apart from Sky city itself is the tiny island we used to get here.
“But you don’t need to do it alone. We could help you. We could work together.” “Being the leader of this city… it is a tiring burden… but no. This is my city. These are my people. And it is my responsibility.” You must understand… the ring is my burden.
No matter what you do in the following conversation with Reginald, he decides to let you escape.
“Hello again, Jesse.” Milo recognizes Jesse, but not Lukas. At least, not until after punching him in the back.
“This is all very nice and very sweet… but who the heck are you?!” I relate to Ivor on a spiritual level.
“You trust this guy, Petra?” “Yeah. He really helped me. He’s cool.” (And the shipping begins.)
“Hey, if Petra says you’re cool, that’s all I need to hear.” (”Petra will remember that.”) AND THE SHIPPING… CONTINUES…
“There was a door here before. With a mine cart.” “Yeah… what happened to it?” The door closed, Lukas. That’s what happens to doors when they’re not open.
“Eggs? The sign said ‘sheep’, not eggs…” “Might as well throw it and give it a shot?” Because that’s what you do with eggs under the label “sheep”.
“Is… is that a monster? That is not so bad. It is fluffy.” Milo does not get his own pet sheep in this episode.
“The Eversource… it’s just a chicken!” Minus one wrong for canonical nonsense. Well played, TellTale.
“Ivor, Lukas is right… we can’t just steal, er, kidnap-“ “Chicken-nap?
” “We can’t just chicken-nap the Eversource. It’s the only way these people survive.” “Aiden warned me that you were a pack of thieves, and here you are, prepared to make off with the one thing our city depends on to survive!” Either you are hard of hearing, or are very foolish. I am still debating on which one.
Total Wrongs: 140.5
Sentence: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (“That is not so bad. It is fluffy.”)
I was waiting for this.
You've basically said the same thing twice.
Glad you're enjoying it! That makes me happy.
Oh yeah! Not to mention,
Milo knows what a chicken is, but not a sheep.
Seems I missed a thing or two about a thing or two. Ah, well! :P
Total Wrongs: 142.5
Sentence: Doom (“Hope you like being doomed.”) (“Totally doomed!”)
Sky City is a big place. The pool below Sky City is small. Everything that flows below always reaches the pond. Even the lava and the water at the back. How is this? Sky City is big while the pond is small and everything that falls in far places always reaches that pond!
Because not everyone knew its Ivor and also the Witherstorm did most of the damage not Ivor its the Witherstorm that's going to be punished.
But by that logic, the mobs can be blamed for what happened to Sky City. Not the Blaze Rods.
Here's what I mean:
Wow, I can't believe he thinks so highly of Jurassic Park!
Isa wears too much makeup. And, by that I mean WAY too much.