'Oathbreaker' Episode Discussion
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Here you go, discuss your hearts away. Comment before (for like 8 minutes), while, and after you watch.
Blah.... Odds are we are getting back to Dorne this episode....yay
Episode is up on the xfinity app to anyone that has it.
Oh sh** recap is teasing R+L=J :O
Ahh game of Thrones you and your penis jokes lol
What ado about a penis?
R+L=J ........... I just saw someone use that exact word on IMDB....whats it about? what? speak to me!!
I googled it, its about Snows bastardy lol
Beast mode Arthur Dayne.
Oh come the f**k on. Stop doing that to the dire wolf's
doing what?
So.... I'm gonna guess Arya put something in the water.
Wow, Jon Snow just peaced out.
I kind of figured he would, but I thought something else would cause him to leave like a certain letter. Anyways my guess is Jon comes back to help rescue the watch from Ramsay.
I'm sure Jon Snow will come back to Castle black. He just needs some time to realize what the Fuck the just happened. Meanwhile, I'm glad those traitors are dead. Fucking shits. I'm just sad they didn't suffer more.
No Baelish this time either
I thought he might forgive Olly. Its not often you see a child being hanged. But he was still so damn defiant. As was Alliser. No remorse whatsoever, not that I expected that of him, but still trying to justify what he did. He still doesnt get it. Well, he wont have to anymore.
I think he had Stannis mentality: Do your duty.
He will be back once he wipes his own sht off his little fingers lol
Confirmed for next week in the preview.
Am I talking to the guy who got in FIRST with the Lee Everette username? good job mang, you were quick!...
can I hang wid u sometime? maybe do your laundry and such?
Who, Jon or Thorne?
A nice little break from him.
Thorne. He really felt no remorse after all.
Thought i can see how Jon also encompases the mentality.
I don't see how Jon could forgive him, he was the one who stabbed the deepest and the Starks are even more fucked. Bran is crippled, Sansa is wherever and Rickon is as good as dead
I was so sadistically satisfied with seeing Alliser Thorne, Olly, Bowen Marsh, and Othell Yarwyk's white faces at the end. The Night's Watch is better off without them.
I found it hard to look at.
I know Jon Snow was the most betrayed by Olly. You could see in his eyes how much it hurt him. Still, I thought he might take into account Olly's history with the Wildlings and him being manipulated by older men. I think if Olly showed any kind of remorse, he might have spared him. But then, this whole thing has probably hardened Jon and he's taking the Rick Grimes "I dont take chances anymore" tactic.
The Sword of the Morning taking on four men at once and winning! Too bad this show is such a tease, lol. We might not get to see Lyanna at all.
I cant believe The Greatjon would allow this. He must be dead.
The Smalljon mentioned his father "dying on his own". The Greatjon is his father. The reason he was never back on the show after Season 1 is because the actor got busy with other roles and they didn't want to recast him I guess. But yeah, The Greatjon is dead.
I did say "Holy shit" when it showed all four of them at once, but those were not good men (and a teen). They thought they could betray their Lord Commander and get away with it. Like Alliser said, they fought and they lost.
I am sick of the Starks always getting fucked over. If Greatjon were alive, he would never allow that asshole son of his to do that
I think we will at some point, but it may just be a nod to book readers.
I can't be the only one that thought Jon would wuss out. Glad to see him go through with it
I was satisfied too