He's a coward. He's allowed fanatics to run King's Landing and the Lannister name. Joffrey and Tywin would have started burning the Faith's … morehideouts and hanging it's members from the moment Cersei was imprisoned. Tommen's the biggest puss in the series
Children ruling in Westeros as a whole is a mistake. In the show he's way older and has numerous, armored Lannister soldiers by his side. It's hard to understand why he's so scared
If you were that age and had all that power wouldn't you be a bit scared? Your worried about making the right call and being good. Hes a third born he hasn't been raised for thus
Children ruling in Westeros as a whole is a mistake. In the show he's way older and has numerous, armored Lannister soldiers by his side. It's hard to understand why he's so scared
High Septon has the common folks with him. Good luck taking him prisoner, he won't give a shit and your queen, mother, will be dead. Burn the faith hideout and the many will fall on the lannisters.. Until they get an army.
Children ruling in Westeros as a whole is a mistake. In the show he's way older and has numerous, armored Lannister soldiers by his side. It's hard to understand why he's so scared
Did you see the part where he told the faith militant to leave his side? All Tommen would have had to do was say "Seize him" and if any of them tried anything just put a knife to the septons throat. I'll give him credit he's no fool to have preyed on the Lannisters after the two top players died but he'd not been breathing if either of them were still alive
High Septon has the common folks with him. Good luck taking him prisoner, he won't give a shit and your queen, mother, will be dead. Burn the faith hideout and the many will fall on the lannisters.. Until they get an army.
The entire point of the sparrows is that they are all low and equal, if they killed him there would be another. Not to mention it would turn all the smallfolk on them as the sparrow is popular.
the sparrow even said to jamie he could kill him last episode and it would do nothing.
Did you see the part where he told the faith militant to leave his side? All Tommen would have had to do was say "Seize him" and if any of t… morehem tried anything just put a knife to the septons throat. I'll give him credit he's no fool to have preyed on the Lannisters after the two top players died but he'd not been breathing if either of them were still alive
Can I just say that Davos continues to become one of my favorite character? He have a more noteworthy presence in this current Season. And h… moree continues to be a good person who gives his allies goodnatured advice.
Also when Tormund gives Jon a man hug. You really get that they have become friends after so much they have been through.
Wha? Nah, I never liked him. He's jealous and self serving. I did feel bad for Olly because I still think he's a mixed up kid. Its funny to me how people give Olly no quarter but Thorne, who orchestrated the whole thing doesnt get half as much hate.
I love Davos so much!
And Tormunds hug! Love it. Also, am I the only one that actually felt bad for Alliser? I felt, YES OLLYS DOWN, but Alliser, i Don't know. Always liked him!
Wha? Nah, I never liked him. He's jealous and self serving. I did feel bad for Olly because I still think he's a mixed up kid. Its funny to me how people give Olly no quarter but Thorne, who orchestrated the whole thing doesnt get half as much hate.
Olly's the bitch. He basically did 3 things throughout the series. Cough killing of fan favourites cough
Killed Ygritte
Mutiny against the lurd cummandah
Delievered the final blow to Jon Snow.
He's just a messed-fucking-up kid who gets manipulated and does everything the smart men tells 'im.
Alliser followed orders, he did mutiny against Jon, yes., but he was a respected arsehole of the Night's Watch. And no matter what anyone says, I respect his last speech. It was very well-said. He fought, he lost and now he may rest.
Wha? Nah, I never liked him. He's jealous and self serving. I did feel bad for Olly because I still think he's a mixed up kid. Its funny to me how people give Olly no quarter but Thorne, who orchestrated the whole thing doesnt get half as much hate.
Can I just say that Davos continues to become one of my favorite character? He have a more noteworthy presence in this current Season. And h… moree continues to be a good person who gives his allies goodnatured advice.
Also when Tormund gives Jon a man hug. You really get that they have become friends after so much they have been through.
Olly's the bitch. He basically did 3 things throughout the series. Cough killing of fan favourites cough
* Killed Ygritte
* Mutiny aga… moreinst the lurd cummandah
* Delievered the final blow to Jon Snow.
He's just a messed-fucking-up kid who gets manipulated and does everything the smart men tells 'im.
Alliser followed orders, he did mutiny against Jon, yes., but he was a respected arsehole of the Night's Watch. And no matter what anyone says, I respect his last speech. It was very well-said. He fought, he lost and now he may rest.
R.I.P. Alliser Thorne 2011 - 2016
I know, that moment was so much worse in the books. But books are more brutal by far and they did it a bit too graphic for milder TV adaptation, also it was Sansa, while it was supposed to be another girl we didn't grow fond of. And D&D did, I recall, make a stupid and douchey excuse for it, like it was all about Theon growing his balls back, that fueled the burn.
I know, that moment was so much worse in the books. But books are more brutal by far and they did it a bit too graphic for milder TV adaptat… moreion, also it was Sansa, while it was supposed to be another girl we didn't grow fond of. And D&D did, I recall, make a stupid and douchey excuse for it, like it was all about Theon growing his balls back, that fueled the burn.
i just dont like because its HBO and its actually understandable for her to be nude. its not like they just ask her to be naked just to be naked, its something that is relevant to the story, although that scene wasnt really that meaningful, but it makes sense to see her naked. i thought they were gonna try to shame her more though..
basically what im saying is i dont like it, not because i just want to see her naked (honestly i rather see her smile and moving her eye brows tbh), but because its hbo, it doesnt need to be censored. you know what i mean? i mean i respect what Emilia Clarke wants and to be honest i really dont care much, but like i said you shouldn't have to censor oneself. well those are my thoughts. if i wrote like shit tell me, but i think i made my point kinda clear..
Since we're talking about leaks, some suggest that Ramsay tells Rickon to run to his brother Jon while shooting arrows at him. Rickon reaches Jon but is fatally shot by Ramsay and dies in front of Jon's eyes.
I think i just found a leaked picture of kid (possibly rickon ) being on a cross and burned ..I dont know if it's legit but the decor look… mores exactly like the decor from that leaked photo of jon snow during the battle of winterfell .
Here it is if you want to see it : http://i.imgur.com/rjW0Au7.jpg
But i just can't accept that smalljon is willing to give off ned's son , Some book characters dont exist in the show , some have their journey altered , shortered or longered but deep down , the character's personality is the same as the books , Smalljon was one of the bodyguards of robb stark and died protecting him during the red wedding .
they may have mixed his plotline with Hother Umber ...but still ...
I hope it's just all part of the northern conspiracy, and that it isnt shaggy dog's head And that this scene was shot for us to think that the umbers are traitors .
I dont know i guess we'll have to wait and see
Well, I thought his last speech was just him still trying to justify what he did, and it made me mad quite frankly. Its like saying, "Im never going to admit I was wrong, not to you."
I dont know how people can be mad at Olly for killing Ygritte. Wasnt she the one who killed his father, she killed Pyp, and she almost killed Jon.
Olly's the bitch. He basically did 3 things throughout the series. Cough killing of fan favourites cough
* Killed Ygritte
* Mutiny aga… moreinst the lurd cummandah
* Delievered the final blow to Jon Snow.
He's just a messed-fucking-up kid who gets manipulated and does everything the smart men tells 'im.
Alliser followed orders, he did mutiny against Jon, yes., but he was a respected arsehole of the Night's Watch. And no matter what anyone says, I respect his last speech. It was very well-said. He fought, he lost and now he may rest.
R.I.P. Alliser Thorne 2011 - 2016
I really think Smalljon is faking it... Calling Roose a c*nt, making fun of the Karstarks, refusing to bow, these are all hints ... But it c… moreould also just be the famous Umber personality...
Probably just wishful thinking... Why would he hand over Rickon to the Boltons? ;_;
Hes what ...12? Give the kid a break he has no idea what hes doing
Children ruling in Westeros as a whole is a mistake. In the show he's way older and has numerous, armored Lannister soldiers by his side. It's hard to understand why he's so scared
If you were that age and had all that power wouldn't you be a bit scared? Your worried about making the right call and being good. Hes a third born he hasn't been raised for thus
High Septon has the common folks with him. Good luck taking him prisoner, he won't give a shit and your queen, mother, will be dead. Burn the faith hideout and the many will fall on the lannisters.. Until they get an army.
Tommen is a lost cause XD.
Jon Snow even if he comes back from the Death, knows nothing.
Jaime and Cersei burned by the small council XD.
Seeing Vaes Dothrak in the opening made me feel nostalgic about the first season :').
Did you see the part where he told the faith militant to leave his side? All Tommen would have had to do was say "Seize him" and if any of them tried anything just put a knife to the septons throat. I'll give him credit he's no fool to have preyed on the Lannisters after the two top players died but he'd not been breathing if either of them were still alive
The entire point of the sparrows is that they are all low and equal, if they killed him there would be another. Not to mention it would turn all the smallfolk on them as the sparrow is popular.
the sparrow even said to jamie he could kill him last episode and it would do nothing.
Davos has always been one of my favorites. Id follow him over Stannis any day.
Wha? Nah, I never liked him. He's jealous and self serving. I did feel bad for Olly because I still think he's a mixed up kid. Its funny to me how people give Olly no quarter but Thorne, who orchestrated the whole thing doesnt get half as much hate.
I think the olly hate is more a meme, any serious discussion admits that both him and thorne were both just doing what they thought was right.
Btw I am the only one who thinks Ceresi is still A milf? Even with short hair?
I've never had problem with short hairs, but I never really liked Cersei in the first place
I mean she is not ugly, but just not my type.
I wonder if we will see more Sam barf scenes. My favorite part in this episode. XD
Gilly: "You are the father of my child, Sam!"
Sam: (vomits)
I like that he puked immediately after he looked at his son.
Olly's the bitch. He basically did 3 things throughout the series. Cough killing of fan favourites cough
He's just a messed-fucking-up kid who gets manipulated and does everything the smart men tells 'im.
Alliser followed orders, he did mutiny against Jon, yes., but he was a respected arsehole of the Night's Watch. And no matter what anyone says, I respect his last speech. It was very well-said. He fought, he lost and now he may rest.
R.I.P. Alliser Thorne 2011 - 2016
I'd still impregnate her though, Cersei is pretty damn hot imo.
I agree, Davos has shot up my favourites list.
But... did he?
enter link description here
Oh dear, it seems like you made too much mistakes misspelling "my mom" and "being so fat".
(Just kidding, but seriously, why bring it up even?)
Well, they did show boobs in ep1, why so bitter?
I don't think there'll be much beloved gratitious nudity after the scandalous rape scene for a couple of seasons, we better get used to it, people.
Yeah, I'm also a pro Davos guy. His honor and loyalty is a rare thing in Westeros. More men like him and the seven kingdoms would be a better place
The best moment in the history of Sam thus far. Now Sam can only do better by puking at his father while calling him father.
Reekon Stark anyone?
I know, that moment was so much worse in the books. But books are more brutal by far and they did it a bit too graphic for milder TV adaptation, also it was Sansa, while it was supposed to be another girl we didn't grow fond of. And D&D did, I recall, make a stupid and douchey excuse for it, like it was all about Theon growing his balls back, that fueled the burn.
I'm sorry but this something I've been meaning to say a long time ago. Just cams to my mind today.
Overall I think it was better to use sansa than add another minor character, at least for the show anyway
Can't say. That's the problem with adaptation. Too much characters for a TV show, too little to follow the literary source.
i just dont like because its HBO and its actually understandable for her to be nude. its not like they just ask her to be naked just to be naked, its something that is relevant to the story, although that scene wasnt really that meaningful, but it makes sense to see her naked. i thought they were gonna try to shame her more though..
basically what im saying is i dont like it, not because i just want to see her naked (honestly i rather see her smile and moving her eye brows tbh), but because its hbo, it doesnt need to be censored. you know what i mean? i mean i respect what Emilia Clarke wants and to be honest i really dont care much, but like i said you shouldn't have to censor oneself. well those are my thoughts. if i wrote like shit tell me, but i think i made my point kinda clear..
Wallpaper material.
Since we're talking about leaks, some suggest that Ramsay tells Rickon to run to his brother Jon while shooting arrows at him. Rickon reaches Jon but is fatally shot by Ramsay and dies in front of Jon's eyes.
I luv it.
But if you choose Davos over Stannis, then that would mean Stannis is alive. And as long he is, Davos would follow.
So you would follow Stannis aswell :^)
Well, I thought his last speech was just him still trying to justify what he did, and it made me mad quite frankly. Its like saying, "Im never going to admit I was wrong, not to you."
I dont know how people can be mad at Olly for killing Ygritte. Wasnt she the one who killed his father, she killed Pyp, and she almost killed Jon.
That looked an awful lot like Shaggydog though. How many pure black giant wolves are there?
I think he's supposed to be 14-15. Frankly, the idea of Maergery bedding a 12 year old is appalling.
No, nightmare fuel. Youre just making me feel even worse for the kid.