If Telltale, would make another mini-series of TWD.
Lets say, what if telltale would make another Mini-Series like the Michonne game,after Season 3 of TWD is finished.
What would you want, it to be about and which character's story would you want to see.
So lets all be abit creative and, make up an idea for the Mini-Series, you would like to see them create.
I would want to see, a mini-series about Lilly, after she stole the RV or was left on the side of the road( in some other people's game.)
I think it would, make for an interesting story, to see her try to get herself out of the dark place, she was in after the inccident's in S1.
Also it would be cool, to see her meet up with another group,which might have some off the 400-days characters in it, which she will become the leader of in time.
Because i think, playing as the leader of a group in the apoacalyps would be pretty interesting.
I would like to see all the different idea's you all come up with, what in your opinion would be a fun mini-series to play.
I would really enjoy a mini-series about the cabin group and the 400 days people when they were stuck at Howe's Hardware. I would love to see how the cabin group escaped and how they became friends.
Because let's be honest, the cabin group barely got any attention in season 2, and I think they should get some more in a mini-series. Especially Nick and Sarah.
That is a good idea, yes that would give allot more depth to those characters
Which would be in some ways, a good thing for Season 2 aswell.
For example we would learn, why Carver is doing the things he does, cause i personally just saw Howe´s as his personal bootcamp XD
To be honest? I'd love a Negan mini-series, and yes, I know they're gonna show Negan's backstory in the comic special, but he'd be fun to play with. I'd also like an Alpha mini-series and a Jesus mini-series before he met Rick.
There could be a mini series about Jane and her sister Jaime. The stories Jane told about her in Season 2 was interesting. And there could be a determinant ending on Jaime's fate because it was never directly stated if she was killed or not.
Interesting, idea for a mini-series i would play that game if telltale would make it
Also! If we go by game characters, I'd love a Kenny mini-series about his journey between S1 and S2 but I know it's not gonna happen.
That, is a game i wouldn't buy haha
But people can name any character, they want game or comic
Well it's just I love Kenny so much. XD He's my favorite character. I always want to see more of him.
Be careful mate. You might get the Kenny haters saying that it's a bad idea and Kenny is only a "commercial fisherman". Watching what happened to him when he got lose in no time left would be good though. And he story he told lee when hey first met how someone grabbed duck and he attacked the guy.
Well, for me, Kenny is as important for the story as Clem and Lee were, I mean, it's his story too. He's the tritagonist of the overall story so far. Everyone has their opinion, of course. This is mine. I'll always want to see more about him, same as other people want to keep seeing more of Clem in S3 (me included, of course, but with Kenny by her side). We've already lost Lee, I don't wanna lose Kenny too, but unfortunately since he's determinant he'll probably be gone soon.
I think a lot of people don't like the fact that he was the only character. Besides the two main ones, that had a lot of development. They only want room for clementine. Kenny like you said is just as important and weather be like or dislike him, he deserves the same respects as clementine.
DLC about what happened during the 16 months when Clem was with Christa after Omid died.
I understand the dislike towards him from some people, but in my opinion, he's kinda like the Daryl of the game. He's been there since Day 1, and even if you don't get along with him, I'm sure Kenny grew fond of Lee and of course Clem. We've seen what he's capable of, what he's willing to do to protect his loved ones. And I'm sure he considers Clem as his own, and I'm sure he also sees Lee in her, whom he remembers fondly, even if they weren't best friends (in mine they were, though. They kinda were like Rick and Daryl XD).
Well believe me
Kenny didn't grew fond of my Lee XD
Infact, they where eachother's worst enemies.
Not trying to be, hating on Kenny but just want to point out that thats a possibilitie aswell, in some people's play-trough's.
I think I would prefer new characters in a mini series. TT wouldn't have to hold back due to story restrictions/continuity issues. Not like 400 days, but a single story.
Yep, that's the beauty of the game, his either always with you or a major asshole.
But the game is based on your decisions, how you treat people is how they treat you back, which should also apply to real life.
Edit: Seems, the link to my picture is down XD
I Agree
Thats, what made S1 such a interesting game to me.
Lilly mini series.
A Jane, Lilly and Kenny DLC.
Jane: She's interesting, I'd like to see the situation where she had to chose to save her own life instead of dying with her sister.
Lilly: I just need to know what happened to my favourite character of this game x.x
Kenny: How he met Sarita and how he left Savannah.
I would like a completely unrelated miniseries, not bound by timelines or future appearances
Furthermore I'd like to see a real tailored story, where your choices can properly affect the story
Definitely a mini-series revolving around Daryl and Merle. They are my favorite characters
I don't think they can do that, Daryl and Merle don't exist in the comics, and the game is canon to the comics. Plus, for these two, we already got the infamous Survival Instinct.
Definitely Lilly because we have no idea what's up with her so choices would be more interesting.
If it were up to me, I would like to have a director's cut version of Season 2 to improve on it's shortcomings:
Not to say that I absolutely hated Season 2, but I believe that Season 2 could have been so much more.
It really depends. I would enjoy another comic mini-series. Since a Negan one is likely off the table because of everything he's getting.
Like, there's only a few characters you can do that haven't had a load of backstory dropped on them (the Governor).
I suppose the characters being alive in the comics would help, but I don't like it matters. Here's a few I would enjoy:
Id kinda of prefer if Telltale made another game similar to 400 days, but with characters we already knew.
I mean, they could have 5 episodes for 5 characters and be about an hour each. For example they could have:
Kenny Episode - Explains Kenny after he was separated from the group
Christa Episode - See what happened to Christa
Jane episode - Follows Jane from when her sister's death to Carvers camp
Molly episode - After she meets Lee's group or even before with Crawford
Luke episode - Cabin Group and escape from Carver
What you need is a story that adds something new.
For the people suggesting a Cabin group or a Kenny backstory. Honestly it sounds good as first, but trust me it won't do much for TWD universe. The characters fates are already set, so any choices in the game would be minor just like the michonne game.
Now a Lilly story, after the RV is something I'm on board for. I can imagine a Jamie Lannister sort of redemption story arc for
That's a large reason why I'm not on board with a Cabin Group DLC. As much as I liked the characters and their relationship, what's the point of determining their backstory if I know Nick is just going to end up in a fence, Luke in a lake, and Sarah under a deck?
Edit- Ignore
Extra Episode-All Loose Ends-
Final choice-Did you kill Vernon?
Final choice-Who did you let into Wellington? (Still holding out hope she's the leader)
Final choice- Did you kill Walker Lee? Or (If shot) How did you pay respects?
Final choice- What did you do to Ralph?
Final choice- Who killed Nick's mom? You, Pete or Nick?
Bonus story
Final choice- What were your last words to Jamie?
An unpopular opinion, I'd want the DLC to add new characters for the season.
Stone Mountain DLC.
Three episodes based off the students from Ben's school. Episode 1 focuses on Ben's life and his family he left without knowing their fates. The friendship between Ben and Travis. I'm going to assume Ben is a geek who is attracted to a girl that is out of his league. The only other student mentioned was Jenny Pitcher. There are four other students, three guys: Axel, Dante and Harry and girl Angela.
The progression shows their Stages of Grief throughout the series.
Denial: David Parker, reassures his students and pretends that everything is alright.
Anger: Axel, is a mean jock who torments Ben and Travis and shows his anger towards them as a superior student who can handle walkers.
Bargaining: Ben, attempts to reason with the bandits by giving them meds for safety.
Depression: Dante, cannot handle the walker outbreak and is more of a liability than Ben
Acceptance: Angela, a strong girl who is Axel's girlfriend who adapts her abilities to survive in the apocalypse.
As they are hiding in the school gym, Jenny Pitcher leaves while others are afraid. Angela checks on her the next day and is frightened by her being a walker. Ben must choose whether to kill his crush or run away. The class escapes and sets up camp until bandits take over like what was mentioned by Ben and Travis. The male students have been killed and the female students have been raped and killed as originally planned in unused audio. This causes Ben to experience trauma as he watches his classmates get attacked without being able to do anything causing Ben to become fearful.
The remaining survivors: Mr Parker, Travis, Ben, Angela, Axel, Dante, and Harry,
As they escape Dante gets caught in crack in the ground and is stuck causing Ben to choose whether to save him or not.
Angela, Axel and Harry get separated from the main group causing Ben to travel until 3 months after the apocalypse where David Parker is caught in the bear trap.
Season 1 events take place until Ben is threatened by a bandit that he has his friend (Dante) in which Ben gives them meds in order to save his friend.
As Dante is tied up he can choose to escape or stay binded where a humane bandit wants to leave and intends to save him since he does not want to associate with the evil bandits. They escape and Ben returns to ask the bandits if he can see them until he finds out they don't have his friend. But Ben must continue supplying meds to save the group.
Final episode revolves around Angela, Axel and Harry as they are separated. Harry gets bit and the two intend to save him and meet up with Luke, Nick, Pete and Nick's mother. They take them in and try to save Harry but he turns and kills Nick's mother. Furious at the two survivors, Nick forces them to leave like Hershel in Season 1. Angela and Axel intend to survive without a group and leave.
I would buy that game for sure.
Since Ben is my second favourite character after Lilly.
and just create it.
I must say you came up with a really interesting story, in my opinion telltale should hire you as one of the writers for that DLC
Still want the Kenny Savannah escape dlc, (mainly to see how he got out) maybe he pulled a Glenn but I didn't see any dumpsters apart from the small trash can or he fount a man hole or broke a window or that he's God
I'm sort of to what Pooger said. I wish there was 400 Days type DLC that tied up a few loose ends, but more on Season 2 because that game needs Jesus! I remember somebody suggesting a theory a long while back when there was rumors of a 3 episode DLC found in files [before Michonne got announced] that maybe each episode might focus on a different cast, like Christa and Clementine, Kenny and his group, and the cabin group. Heck even on Jane and Jaime, there's so many bits on backstory that could've adapted really well into a side episodes type thing.
I don't care if it would've had no impact on the universe, because guess what? 400 Days had virtually no impact on Season 2. If that type of DLC had happened, I'd of gone out and bought that shit in a heartbeat just to get some extra development on all the characters, especially if it'd had the cabin group.
But on the subject of Michonne, I wouldn't mind a second season of that. Feels like one of those things they could do more with.
Have no fear, Jesus is here!
Personally, I like having some mystery to the backgrounds of characters. Personally, I'd prefer a DLC would introduce a major character, like how 400 Days introduced Bonnie, which I thought was definitely a redeeming point. I like stuff like 400 Days, a lot because of world building, a thing I thought Michonne did very well.
I wouldn't mind some more Michonne, although I'd prefer other characters get a chance to shine.
Woah, I really love this one. I wish they did this, with the structure of 400 Days but longer.
I would like a mini series about Kenny after Savannah.