I think that the oath broken was with Whent and Dayne not protecting the prince or king. As someone "honorable" as Ned would see it, it completely stains their existence.
Uuuuummm. Hate to break it to you, but Everyone knew Jon was coming back. It's pretty clearly and heavily foreshadowed that his arc was not over at his 'death'.
Some Dothraki might burn. Couple Faith Militants might get crushed by FrankenGregor, as you said maybe Lancel as one of them. And that's pretty much it, unless Osha is killed already, though I doubt it.
I think that the oath broken was with Whent and Dayne not protecting the prince or king. As someone "honorable" as Ned would see it, it completely stains their existence.
I feel that Season 6 has been generous so far. Roose Bolton is dead and so is Balon Greyjoy. I hope that Ramsay and Walder dies this Season as well.
Aside from calling me dense, did you have any other thoughts about my thoughts about the show?
500 points for Slytherin because
Something definitely burned and they're ponytails with them. Nice call @WildingKing
And they also did kill Osha already 
R.I.P Osha