Should Carver have been determinant?

I'm wondering if it would have been smarter of Telltale to make him determinant with the possibility of him coming back in season 3. They have a bad habit of killing off too many people that could at least have the possibility of returning if they decided to. By killing so many people off they really limit their options.


  • I was expecting Troy to be determinant and join the group but die regardless early on

  • Nooo. It's like, a known fact that once you're determinant, it's all over pal. Plus, I don't think that'd be good for his arc, honestly. I'd rather him stick around longer, but would also rather he died one death.

  • I think it was better for the story for Kenny to kill him. I wish it didn't happen so soon though.

  • The whole Season, in my opinion, really didn't have a clear Direction.

    I've often time start back on, and from a narrative perspective, I've often wondered what exactly was the main point of the story behind season 2?

    if I had to make an educated guess, I would say that the entire season, the writing for it, probably fell behind schedule and was probably rushed at the last minute.

    Now obviously writing a story for a video game, a movie, book, or whatever it might be, does take a lot of thought, creativity, and time to be able to put it together in a logical order.

    However the writers are on the schedule, deadlines to keep, and no doubt they were also involved with other stories as well. And I am sure they did the best they could with what they had to work with.

  • If he was determinant, he would die off-screen on a fence. So no thanks.

  • He just died WAY too soon. I'd prefer he had lasted until the gun fight in early episode 5 and had otherwise been determinant. (Killing him or leaving him to die)

  • This.

    Clemenem posted: »

    He just died WAY too soon. I'd prefer he had lasted until the gun fight in early episode 5 and had otherwise been determinant. (Killing him or leaving him to die)

  • If Carver was killed off early because of contract issues with the celebrity voice actor, then it would explain why Carver had such a small role for someone who was meant to be the central villain.

    I can't imagine that Carver was always intended to be nothing but a stepping stone in the heroes' paths, given how much build-up he had as the main antagonist who could be compared to The Governor in terms of threat. Instead the Carver we had ended up being portrayed as incompetent, illogical, and one-dimensional.

    It makes me wonder why nobody in his community had thought of taking him out themselves if all it took was Clementine and her group to execute him in a span of two or three days, considering that barely anybody in his community liked or respected him.

  • He'd be as good as dead with a determinant status anyway.

  • I think, first off, Carver should've been better written and his death have actual agency and not just a "show 'n' tell" of Kenny's violence towards others. Honestly, I though I was watching a much more derivative and less effective version of the head smashing scene from Irreversible. Just something to again rob every character of their personality.

    Carver was a bore anyway.

  • Loved Troy, Carver was cool. I agreed with him to be honest and was hoping this would be a Negan-Carl relationship, without any animosity (I mean why should I hate him again? He didn't do anything to my Clem until the plot forced his card)

    I was hoping that the group would deteriorate very fast, and we'd be left with Carver, Jane, Kenny and Luke with Clem and maybe AJ. Instead of this crazy off going on between Jane and Kenny, we'd also have this morality battle between not only carver and the group (mostly Luke) but carver vs Clem.

    The characters, the season, everything had potential. We still love you telltale

  • edited May 2016

    Yes. I always thought there should've been an option to tie up Carver and leave him. And depending on how supportive Clem was to him would affect how he behaves whenever he appears again.

  • I don't think Carver should have been determinant, but I do think that Carver should've lasted until episode 4. I felt like his story line was cut short. Instead of the Russians the ambush group should've been Carver and 400 Days cast (or other Howes survivors should few people leave with Tavia).

  • edited May 2016

    Carver should have lived longer, but he should have died either way. He was a Darwinist gone wrong and that's terrifying to me.

    But him being determinant would've at least given us a little more power in the story instead of going in the direction that it did. That direction being "What the fuck is going on right now"

  • I agree Carver should of lived longer rather then be killed off. In my view they should of waited till the gun battle scene with the Russians and had him meet his end there. They also could of waited till Season 3 where at some point later on we run into Carver and have the option of taking revenge on him.

  • Cause come on, only one person dying resulting from that gunfight is not realistic

    I agree Carver should of lived longer rather then be killed off. In my view they should of waited till the gun battle scene with the Russian

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