The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Stupid me I forgot to write the problem! Well, he couldn't walk the stage because his school didn't allow him to. Facial hair is against the rules at that school, but it was never enforced so students thought it was okay to wear it. So they took his cap and gown when he was about to walk on stage and told him he couldn't participate because of the facial hair. They did tell him to shave it in the school's bathroom, but he refused. I mean he should have listened, but facial hair shouldn't have been against the rules.

    If he's so embarrassed of it then why not just shave it off? Personally I'm all for facial hair.

  • He really shouldn't need to shave it off, growing some good facial hair takes dedication. I mean why the hell would anyone ban facial hair?

    Stupid me I forgot to write the problem! Well, he couldn't walk the stage because his school didn't allow him to. Facial hair is against the

  • Trying to decide whether to change my avatar or not. Hmm....

  • Jon, why? ;_;

    JonDee013 posted: »

    Hey @Wolfenus54 I have a confession. I've always pronounced your name in my head as "Wolfanus54" and I always will. k thanx bye

  • In regards to my earlier post, it seems that Telstra has experienced yet ANOTHER outage, hence why our modem has not updated.

    This is beyond ridiculous. They are the largest telecommunications provider in the country and they have already had three outages this year alone (this one being the fourth). As if poor customer service from outsourced call centres was bad enough. Once more......fuck Telstra.

  • Fuck our internet in general.

    Our internet modem was topped up using one of three free top ups offered throughout the year that we may update our devices and download any

  • You should make a parody of that "should have gone to Specsavers" ad called "should have gone with Optus".

    In regards to my earlier post, it seems that Telstra has experienced yet ANOTHER outage, hence why our modem has not updated. This is bey

  • Never had any services outside of Telstra with internet, so I cannot speak for Vodafone or Optus. But from my experience alone, definitely yes.

    Oh, well. No Far Harbour for me until June 2 (When the cycle refreshes, assuming the modem does not update).

    Fuck our internet in general.

  • Telstra having outages and passing you on to to incompetant call centres in India for "customer service"? Should've gone to Optus.

    You should make a parody of that "should have gone to Specsavers" ad called "should have gone with Optus".

  • You're right. You're very right. He doesn't want to force our religion on anyone, I think he just thinks it's ridiculous that they're telling us that sex in adolescence is okay, rather than encouraging us to wait. His heart's in the right place on the subject, but I think he needs to understand that not every teen is going to wait, and that it's better to teach them about birth control now instead of waiting for a ton of girls to get pregnant.

    I mean your dad shouldn't be angry because you go to a public school. They don't enforce religion upon students and they don't teach religion there, so what'd he expect.

  • Well, that's how I learn about everything else, honestly.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Your teacher can't make your parents answer anything. I'd say just report their answer with "(That's their answer. Sorry, I tried!)" Then learn about sex from the Internet, because that's always a perfect reference.

  • Ugh. My cousin is his school's valedictorian, and if they tried to pull that shit with him, I'd have raised hell!

    My mom just read to me a local article about a boy who was valedictorian and couldn't walk to stage for graduation because he had facial hair. Like, what the hell?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I'm too lazy for explanation

    Mind explaining what a "gay monitor" is?

  • Studies finished for the year 2015-2016. o/

    It was last week of exams; "friends" of mine who said they will send me the lessons I missed didn't send it and just ignore me since then.

    I was a bit afraid to fail these exams but I managed to find what I missed with internet and all, so I had no difficulties with the exams.

    Anyway, this feeling of freedom is pretty good, gotta find a job to have some money now.

  • I'd have kept the facial hair and went home. He still graduates either way.

    Stupid me I forgot to write the problem! Well, he couldn't walk the stage because his school didn't allow him to. Facial hair is against the

  • edited May 2016

    The problem is Telstra basically own Australia's internet. It's affecting other providers too who are running on Telstra's lines. They really need to sort their shit out.
    Either way, it feels like our internet is worse than most 3rd world countries. The NBN is a colossal failure.

    In regards to my earlier post, it seems that Telstra has experienced yet ANOTHER outage, hence why our modem has not updated. This is bey

  • Hahahahaha

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    The Cringe Kids

  • edited May 2016

    Goodbye social life:
    enter link description here

    CDPR is literally the best team in the gaming industry at the moment. This is a fucking DLC pack, it's packed enough to be a full game two times over. All they release is quality, quality, quality. Can the 31st come any faster?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Just do it!

    Trying to decide whether to change my avatar or not. Hmm....

  • Doesn't Oz have laws against monopolies?

    Chilled posted: »

    The problem is Telstra basically own Australia's internet. It's affecting other providers too who are running on Telstra's lines. They reall

  • thanks

    you always know how much of an attention ho I am

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Eh... I'll just call random people... @MarijaaNo7 @OfficialSheriffMaybe @DillonDex @Kracmos @2614118 @Eryka And done.

  • I'm a bit disappointed

    That's what she said??

    What the hell, I woke up and this thread had 100 new comments. 90% was this weird ass conversation. I'm a bit disappointed.

  • edited May 2016

    They aren't really a 'monopoly'. Just got in at the right time and grew faster and bigger than other internet providers could catch up. They are like the Coke to the Pepsi, if that analogy makes sense. To be honest, i'm not sure about Australian laws to do with monopolies, but it has never been an issue with Telstra.
    It's hard to explain...they are a business, but they also 'make' the business. Their phone lines/fibres/copper network etc are the reason other ISP's exist. You could say 'Telstra' is also our infrastructure. Because they have made their own networks and other companies 'piggyback' off it. Kinda hard to explain, i'm not the best at it. But no, they're not doing anything wrong.
    Correct me if i'm wrong fellow Aussies, but I think Optus is the only other ISP to start developing their own physical network now, with their own lines and such.

    To put it simply, no Telstra, no internet. So when they start to have all these outages, it could become a very serious problem for everyone living in Oz in the future.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Doesn't Oz have laws against monopolies?

  • Yeah, I know.

    So you gonna change your bio or not?

    if you change it i'll spam nat for you on steam

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    thanks you always know how much of an attention ho I am

  • I thought of another way to phrase the question that might elicit a more direct answer.

    "What sort of contraception should be imposed on wanton teenagers to prevent them from conceiving offspring, dropping out of school, subsisting off of your tax dollars, and passing on their depraved ways to a new generation who will grow up to further reproduce and elect evil politicians who will ban Christianity and bleed our once great country dry?"

    Actually, your parents probably won't answer that one straight, either, and might ban you from the Internet, because you're clearly consorting with radicals, so it's probably best to take my earlier advice.

    That awkward moment when you have to ask your parents about teens and sexual protection for a Sex Ed assignment (write down your parents' re

  • idk i like this one bc it is inspirational

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, I know. So you gonna change your bio or not? if you change it i'll spam nat for you on steam

  • I guess they wouldn't have let this guy give a speech, either.

    enter image description here

    Stupid me I forgot to write the problem! Well, he couldn't walk the stage because his school didn't allow him to. Facial hair is against the

  • Then don't delete the inspirational quote and just add "Genius. Arguing with me is pointless." next to it.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    idk i like this one bc it is inspirational

  • done !

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Then don't delete the inspirational quote and just add "Genius. Arguing with me is pointless." next to it.

  • Thanks, Marijaa!

    Oh, and welcome to the club. Or cult. However you want to call it. ~_^

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    done !


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Thanks, Marijaa! Oh, and welcome to the club. Or cult. However you want to call it. ~_^

  • No arguments there. Club indeed sounds better. ^-^

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • I received my report card. I have seven "A"s and one "C". Damn chemistry.

  • Shave your raggedy-ass beard, hippie!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I guess they wouldn't have let this guy give a speech, either.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited May 2016

    That's pretty nuts, and while it might not be a formal monopoly, it looks like there's a complete absence of competition, which is pretty horrible for the consumer. Hopefully you guys get better internet someday.

    Chilled posted: »

    They aren't really a 'monopoly'. Just got in at the right time and grew faster and bigger than other internet providers could catch up. They

  • im wondering how you find your tag number on here im just curious what mine is

  • um my character on fallout 4 is crazy he joins the brotherhood of steel,kills anyone who is a synth but is romancing synth curie

  • I found a script for a 22 Episode animated series named "Reaper" I wrote at the beginning of 2015, all 22 episodes are fully written, and honestly, if I could proofread it a bit and fix some plot points, it might make a really good series. Any suggestions on what to do with it?

  • I can hook you up with some cool Dark Souls pictures or some waifus to use for your new avatar.

    Trying to decide whether to change my avatar or not. Hmm....

  • <----- best waifu

    I can hook you up with some cool Dark Souls pictures or some waifus to use for your new avatar.

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