The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2016

    Wolf Among Us is really worth checking out. InGen explained the premise of the game already, but beyond that, it has a really atmospheric presentation and some of Telltale's strongest writing. I wasn't even familiar with Fables beforehand, and I still found it really compelling as the game is friendly towards newcomers to the source material. I highly recommend it.

    Johro posted: »

    All right. This is me extending an olive branch to the newer users. I have not played a Telltale Game since TWD season 1. What should I play and why? Please convince me with something other than "I'm a big fan of X franchise".

  • As Ingen suggested Wolf Among Us. It's the only one outside TWD I've played (wanted to try TFTBL but I spend on other things). There's plenty of hubs (if slightly smaller than TWD S1), good detective drama involved, strong characters, great fight scenes and decent plotline. It ain't perfect but it's fun.

    Try demo first to know for sure if you want to play it though, it's how I do it and determines which are worth the buy for me.

    Johro posted: »

    All right. This is me extending an olive branch to the newer users. I have not played a Telltale Game since TWD season 1. What should I play and why? Please convince me with something other than "I'm a big fan of X franchise".

  • edited May 2016

    Tales From the Borderlands easily. While games like TWAU and GOT are good, this game has that similar magic that made TWD S1 an amazing experience to play. Yeah it's a comedy game, but it has its fair share of serious and dramatic moments. It incorporates elements of the main Borderlands games, such as its humor and a little gunplay, while maintaining Telltale's usual gameplay, it's basically a perfect blend of what makes both Borderlands and Telltale so great. It also has one of the best casts in a Telltale game (Troy Baker, Laura Bailey, Nolan North, Patrick Warburton, Chris Hardwick, etc.). The characters are great as well as relatable, the writing top notch, the comedy hilarious, and it's music, don't even get me started on the music.

    If you haven't played a Telltale game since Season 1, you should know that episode lengths have decreased, as well as exploration and puzzle solving. I would say this game has a good amount of exploration, the episode lengths were always around 2 hours for me (which was a welcome improvement compared to TWAU and TWD S2), but there were no puzzles, and if there were, they weren't really difficult. That being said, it's still an amazing game, easily my favorite Telltale game.

    EDIT: Here's the World Premiere Trailer

    enter link description here

    Johro posted: »

    All right. This is me extending an olive branch to the newer users. I have not played a Telltale Game since TWD season 1. What should I play and why? Please convince me with something other than "I'm a big fan of X franchise".

  • extending an olive branch to the newer users

    Only older users respond :/

    Johro posted: »

    All right. This is me extending an olive branch to the newer users. I have not played a Telltale Game since TWD season 1. What should I play and why? Please convince me with something other than "I'm a big fan of X franchise".

  • You're.... not dead?

    When you've only been gone for three days and everyone thinks you're dead...

  • Brody, stop telling people I'm dead!

    Brodester08 posted: »

    You're.... not dead?

  • He is one of the older members from before Telltale went mainstream after Season 1. In this context, "newer users" means anybody who became a Telltale fan during/after Season 1 of Walking Dead.

    extending an olive branch to the newer users Only older users respond

  • Well, they are newer to me. I haven't been here for 2 years. That's okay. They probably don't like me for a number of reasons. I may not like the direction Telltale took, but we're well past the point of "If enough of us disagree, they might do something different". It is what it is. TWD was okay for something to do while drinking that didn't require any real attention. That's where the genre still fits for me.

    I do own every TTG except the console games, hold'em, and GoT. So they got my money from me and that's all that really matters. I'm such a sucker. Anyway, yeah. I'm just looking for opinions here and it looks like we're in a tie currently with 2 games I do own.

    extending an olive branch to the newer users Only older users respond

  • Yeah it's a comedy game, but it has its fair share of serious and dramatic moments.

    Telltale's older games were mostly comedy as well, so in this context, he'd actually be fine with it being a comedy and he wouldn't need that disclaimer. It's funny how times have changed. :P

    Tales From the Borderlands easily. While games like TWAU and GOT are good, this game has that similar magic that made TWD S1 an amazing expe

  • edited May 2016

    I'll probably drive us off a bridge, just like in Borderlands 2 except that time it was a cliff.

    RockMySocks posted: »

    GTA 5 so we can play together

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2016

    Let me spoil it for you - most of the votes will be split between Wolf and Borderlands, as the consensus most people share is that those are the two best games post-Season 1 of Walking Dead. ;)

    So, really, it just boils down to your personal preference. As I said above, Borderlands, despite its eccentricity in being chosen for a Telltale game, is actually really close to classic Telltale games in tone due to also being a comedy (except it's more mature obviously). It also has some really good cinematics, as all of the episodes of Borderlands have intros that are inspired by the intro sequences to Borderlands games, complete with a great soundtrack of licensed music and everything. It's kinda similar to how Telltale made a game off of a niche premise like Strong Bad/Homestar Runner.

    Wolf is more dramatic and in-line with Telltale's current direction, but as you know, it was announced alongside Season 1 of Walking Dead and not after, meaning that the choice in franchise was chosen more from a place of passion as opposed to being picked in part because it's a pop culture icon like newer franchise announcements. The premise of the universe is more imaginative than typical franchises, which also bears some similarities to the types of franchises Telltale chose to work with in their earlier days, while still showing their dramatic range as well. Wolf also has small doses of comedy, but not nearly as much as Borderlands or other classic Telltale games.

    Johro posted: »

    Well, they are newer to me. I haven't been here for 2 years. That's okay. They probably don't like me for a number of reasons. I may not

  • I'm leaning more towards Wolf right now as Borderlands still has a bad taste in my mouth. First I didn't like the first Borderlands, and then there was the whole Gearbox diverting Colonial Marines assets to Borderlands 2 followed by numerous BS remarks from Pitchford. I know that the game has nothing to do with Gearbox, but I think I need to let this die down a bit more inside me before touching that world. Man, I hate Pitchford.

    Johro posted: »

    All right. This is me extending an olive branch to the newer users. I have not played a Telltale Game since TWD season 1. What should I play and why? Please convince me with something other than "I'm a big fan of X franchise".

  • For what it's worth, the humor in Telltale's Borderlands is more refined and well-written. It's not just about memes and guns; the story has actual substance to it. That being said, if you aren't interested in Borderlands anyways because of what you said about Gearbox, I'd probably lean towards Wolf like you said.

    Johro posted: »

    I'm leaning more towards Wolf right now as Borderlands still has a bad taste in my mouth. First I didn't like the first Borderlands, and th

  • Yeah. It's just that if I go into one of these games with a "you need to win me over" attitude, we both know how that's going to go.

    For what it's worth, the humor in Telltale's Borderlands is more refined and well-written. It's not just about memes and guns; the story has

  • he's kinda rude.

    das coo

    papai46 posted: »

    You should talk to Green613, he's like an expert on this subject, I think he would like if you shared your experiences with the show with him... maybe, he's kinda rude.

  • Yes I know, but looking at what Telltale has done since Season 1, doing a comedy game, while a return, sticks out as an oddity due to their recent drama oriented titles like Wolf and Thrones, which you also talked about in your post below. At the same time, I wasn't really sure what type of game he was looking for, a serious drama, or a lighthearted comedy, and I just figured mentioning that Tales, while predominantly comedy with its fair share of drama, captures the best of both worlds.

    Yeah it's a comedy game, but it has its fair share of serious and dramatic moments. Telltale's older games were mostly comedy as wel

  • Sorry aboot that. To me, gone for 3 days= ded.

    Brody, stop telling people I'm dead!

  • You guys play Borderlands? on pc? Can i play with ya'll?

    I'll probably drive us off a bridge, just like in Borderlands 2 except that time it was a cliff.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    If you have Steam account I can give you a code for Wolf (I was planning on doing a Telltale giveaway anyway so I might as well give this one to you), I'd have also offered a TFTB code but I'm giving that to my friend for his birthday.

    Johro posted: »

    I'm leaning more towards Wolf right now as Borderlands still has a bad taste in my mouth. First I didn't like the first Borderlands, and th

  • I have one, but thank you for the thought.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    If you have Steam account I can give you a code for Wolf (I was planning on doing a Telltale giveaway anyway so I might as well give this one to you), I'd have also offered a TFTB code but I'm giving that to my friend for his birthday.

  • [removed]

    Johro posted: »

    Random posts need to at least have a coolsome standard. I'm just disappointed. Edited because I love you.

  • Almost to the middle of a long two weeks of work. Being short staffed, losing my assistant for a while and working on my days off is so much fun. While I'm delirious, free hugs for all.

  • Well, I never thought you were dead... c:

    When you've only been gone for three days and everyone thinks you're dead...

  • Tales or The Wolf Among Us. Definitely.

    Johro posted: »

    All right. This is me extending an olive branch to the newer users. I have not played a Telltale Game since TWD season 1. What should I play and why? Please convince me with something other than "I'm a big fan of X franchise".

  • I salute you for asking which Telltale game is the best to play next when you clearly don't have time for any of them.

    Johro posted: »

    Almost to the middle of a long two weeks of work. Being short staffed, losing my assistant for a while and working on my days off is so much fun. While I'm delirious, free hugs for all.

  • In a month or so I might. After our bi-annual inventory near the end of June, it'll be smoother sailing til September. I can probably take a vacation week after that too.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I salute you for asking which Telltale game is the best to play next when you clearly don't have time for any of them.

  • English exam in the morning today. Wish me luck.

  • Which one do you think is best?

    enter link description here

  • edited May 2016


  • Both of you, grow up.

  • [removed]

    papai46 posted: »

    Both of you, grow up.

  • Shhhh be nice. Everyone be nice. It's more fun that way.

  • We already tried that, and we didn't get kindness in return. Who says we should give it now?

    Shhhh be nice. Everyone be nice. It's more fun that way.

  • The irony of you saying "grow up" is just too fucking hilarious.

    papai46 posted: »

    Both of you, grow up.

  • edited May 2016


  • Holy shit, the name of the character Hugh Bliss from Sam And Max is a gay joke.

  • edited May 2016

    I just finished watching The Shining and I loved it. Jack Nicholson did a fucking great job in that movie.

    • "I'm not gonna hurtcha. I'm just gonna bash your brains in. I'm gonna bash 'em right the FUCK in."
    • "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. Not by the hair of your chinny-chin-chin? Then I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in."
    • "Wendy, I'm home."
    • "Here's Johnny!

    Yeah, he did a fantastic job.

  • The whole character is a gay joke. I especially love all the interactions with the unicorn on episode 6.

    Sam: Hey Max, want to pet my unicorn?

    Max: No thanks, I did that before we left the office.


    Sam: Hey Jimmy, want to rub my unicorn?

    Jimmy: Beat it!

    Sam: No, just touch it.

    Jimmy: Scram!

    papai46 posted: »

    Holy shit, the name of the character Hugh Bliss from Sam And Max is a gay joke.

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