Game of thrones "Blood of My Blood" Discussion Thread
Since this hasn't been created yet, decided to do it myself. Let the discussions commence!
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Since this hasn't been created yet, decided to do it myself. Let the discussions commence!
Wow someone beat Ingen to it eh?
Which one was anti-climactic?
Yeah, I thought Benjen was dead and gone. Im happy to be wrong.
And now they have another Valerian steel sword thanks to Sam stealing it, lol. Randyll Tarly did not disappoint. Dickon is a more suitable name for him. He might be even worse than Tywin as far as fathers go. I only wish Sam could have told him off but that might have ruined the surprise of him stealing the sword and taking off with his new little family.
The King's landing scene. I was really excited and hoping for a battle that killed the high sparrow.
I don't know Roose, Balon Greyjoy and Stannis have already passed that for me
I totally forgot to be honest, having no Sunday night TV show to watch (haven't finished pilot of Preacher) kind of threw me off.
I think thats what was so brilliant about it. They kill the high Sparrow and then what? I kind of like it when they circumvent expectations. Its much more insidious that he has Tommen wrapped around his finger.
Well, this world is full of horrible fathers. Ned was the best. Sam will probably be a good one.
Decent episode. I would give it a 7/10
On one hand this episode was full of these wonderful quiet moments and scenes, but it kinda lacked on the scale - there wasn't really a scene with more "kick" in it. I know the Baelor's Sept scene (which was a great scene in its own way) and the Dany scene were supposed to be that, but naah, this falls to completely under the "build up episode" category. That doesn't mean it's bad, and we all know shit's about to go down very soon so I don't really want to complain too much about that.
The scene at the Twins was fucking great
"You lost it? What is it, a sheep?", Walder Frey you focker, I've missed you (I hope you die, bastard). And reintroducing Edmure was nice - I think the Siege of Riverrun is going to be great.
Talk about reintroducing, fucking Benjen! When was it that we saw him last? 1x03? Would've never guessed before this season that they'd actually bring him back. Oh, and that brief flash of the Mad King Aerys in Bran's visions was nice.
The KL was mostly good. High Sparrow, you slimy fuckhead. That smug smile when he had revealed Tommen as his trump card (that's the way you take over from the inside - I wonder how long he had those Faith of 7 KG armors waiting to get used xD). And I'm thankful we saw a good chunk of Jaime, even if it ended up to sexy time with Cersei (ugh). I wonder if Cersei was in on this somehow though? She seemed quite calm about it. Anywho, very happy to see Jaime go to Riverrun.
Arya's storyline, well, I'm glad it's moving forward. I must say though, I would've preferred if she actually did her mission and was sent to Westeros on a mission and that's where she would've truly snapped out being no one. But she has required skills and matured a lot during her time at Braavos, so I suppose it wasn't for nothing. Now go find Nymeria, Arya
The scenes at Hornhill were pretty good - especially the dinner. Man, I hope we'll see more of Randyll, because that was some Tywin level cold-hearted-bastard-badassery
And a very ballsy move from Sam to just steal the Heartsbane - I wonder if that's gonna bite him in the ass later.
It was nice to see Dany riding Drogon again, but other than that, the scene was kinda meh - and not one I would end an episode with.
I actually had a bit lowered expectations for this week, because last week was such an actionpacked episode and I'm sure the last episodes will also be, so this one was bound to be a bit slower. I also missed Meereen and even more Jon&Sansa storyline. Overall though, a solid episode, and it really made me wait for next week.
i thought it was good. like 7, barely scratching 8,/10 good.
well to me it looks like next weeks episode is gonne be MAJOR HYPE!
ps: all these character returning that we havent seen in a long time and none of them are Gendry lmao. keep rowing brother.
I'm so happy that Arya stopped pretending to be a faceless man, cause that cult bs is annoying.
And Benjin is back, and he almost got turned into a white walker?! What! And is that some more hidden info about white walker/children of the forest magic that no one expected?
This honestly continues to show how themes in this show play out differently. While Jon was killed by being stabbed by his fellow brothers, Benjin almost died fighting walkers off with his brothers. One was revived by a red priestess, the other was healed by the Children of the Forest.
This also helped me see how similar Arya and Sansa's storylines were last season, though hard to tell objectively. I mean, one was trying to be an assassin and the other was married off to Ramsay Bolton. But they both were going through phases of losing their identity. And they both got very close to losing themselves, especially Arya.
But back to the story, I can't wait to see what the Blackfish has to say to the next Lannister he sees. And apparently the Brotherhood w/o banners are still very active in the river lands, sounds promising.
Also, Sam now has a Valryian steel sword. And he also confirmed in the first 15 min, that summer is officially over. I don't know how long "Autumn" lasts but I know that Winter is on the horizon.
All I can say is, CleganeBowl confirmed.
Sam is probably the best Father in the Seven Kingdoms, him or Oberyn.
This was definitely build up, I agree. But man, those Bran flashbacks to the Mad King were unexpectedly brilliant. They even had Jaime cut him down in one frame.
Yeah I was a bit disappointed when I didn't see Sophie turner or Peter Dinklage in the opening cinematic, but the Kings Landing part made it worth it. the high sparrow is, as season 1 Tyrion would say, a clever bastard. Can't say I didn't see that coming, but it's poetic to see in one episode that Randyll aggressively denounces and banishes his son in one area, and then here Tommen calmly and timidly orders his father Jaime to be banished also in a sense.
I don't think the action was much here this episode, but the themes were crazy especially this episode being called Blood of my Blood. And we don't have much time to build up before Winter comes.
wait what??... Kappa
Sam says on the way to Hornhill, while he's listing off the certain types of trees and things, he talks about how some trees will replace the others.
He says something to the degree of, "Now that summers over, there will be more of (generic tree name) than this. Autumn is wonderful in Hornhill, it's not as green anywhere else"
Also I don't know what you mean by Kappa, so I just assume you want me to elaborate
Wow, I did not enjoy this episode! Just so slow and uninteresting! Here's what I thought:
The Hornhill stuff was okay, but I didn't find it that interesting, other than Sam stealing his father's sword, nothing much interested me here.
Benjen Stark in the house, bitches! Can't wait to see him in action and helping out the team, though I don't think he'll be around for long. Bran's storyline this season has been my favorite, and it's great to see Bran and Meera's relationship grow. This just keeps getting better and better.
The Arya stuff was boring, as usual. I just don't care that she's conflicted between her life as an assassin and her morality, though I am glad to see her finally leaving this goddamn storyline. I'm just hoping she doesn't play that big of a part in the Game of Thrones.
Nice to see Walder Frey again. That's all I have to say about that scene.
The King's Landing stuff was probably my least favorite part of the episode. You can't just build up all this hype around storming the keep and taking back Margaery and Loras and then just end it on Tommen being a shitty ruler and letting the HS stay alive. It was fucking pathetic how they ended that scene, and was one of the most anticlimactic endings to an arc in GoT since the "Taking Back Theon" shit in Season 4 (yeah, remember that!) Horrible.
The ending was just boring and uninteresting to the point where I would've rather ended the episode off on Arya leaving the Faceless Men. It was really awkward how they did that scene, and Dany's "epic" speech was just the same old, same old.
Really bad episode for me, and I didn't even have high expectations for it! 4.5/10
It's not the end of the arc though?
Yeah, not my favorite episode, mostly it felt like a "set up" episode to set up storylines and character arcs. But it was still decent.
Mostly I liked everything in this episode, especially Arya's storyline, since it feels like it's gaining traction again and I'm satisfied seeing the path she has chosen (though I think choosing to become no one would have made for some interesting drama). Sadly, this is where I might have to draw the line for Tommen. I've given him a lot of breaks because he was a good kid in a bad situation, but this was the last straw for me in tolerating his naivete. I still don't hate him but I can't say I can defend him either. I don't even think this is even the High Sparrow's doing, I think Margaery might be manipulating all of them.
And again, I'm getting sick of Dany's storyline. She's regressing in her character development. I thought the point of Meeren was to show her there's more to being a Queen than conquering and claiming titles, which we already know she's good at. She was supposed to learn how to rule, when to show mercy, how to negotiate, and everything else that came with being the ruling Queen she wanted to be so badly. What's the point in being the Queen if you don't know what to do after taking the throne? That's why she needed Tyrion as an advisor.
Now she's gone back to her old "I'm a conqueror. I take what I want" mentality. We already know she can do that. I know people are probably excited that this means she'll finally be leaving Essos for Westeros and all the boring and meandering plotlines behind, I get that. But I still don't think she's ready, or knows what being a Queen means when she's just going to abandon her responsibility to help the people she liberated. I thought that was the whole point to those boring, meandering plotlines - to teach her how to handle it, but I never got the sense that she did. Now I don't know if I want to see her take the Iron Throne.
I'm starting to believe that it Will be Cersei herself who Will kill Tommen lol.
Daenerys trash is back. (Killing direwolves for this bullshit, are you kidding me? Even if Summer's death was symbolic)
I thought she was gonna say that they will rape westerosi women, if this fool comes to westeros I think I'll root for the night king on the iron throne
It is my least favorite episode of Season 6. Not a lot of stuff happened. But it is still decent enough.
Once again I enjoy Bran's story and Benjen's return was really nice.
I actually like Arya's decision of saving the actress. It could have been simple that Arya do her mission and continue being a Faceless Men. Now that the Faceless Men is after her makes her confrontation with the Waif more exciting and there is now a reason for the antagonism between them.
But I didn't enjoy Sam's story and the King Landing is quiet and slow once again. Danny's ending felt like it was just there for her to get her dragon again and make another speech.
The problems with wolf cgi have nothing to do with how much they do the dragon cgi, if that's what you are talking about.
I was kidding. I know that direwolves have not an important role like in the books.
I only was saying that I found the scene a bit ridiculous.
Tommen today made me miss Joffrey for a moment( but then I remembered what a psycho monster he was XD), he has no personality and I don't think he has a plan, instead of Margaery, he demonstrated to be easily manipulated by everyone.
Yeah, this isnt close to being over, as it shouldnt be.
I had a feeling that after a big episode like last week, people were going to be disappointed. Its the way that works. It was definitely setting things up for the next round of big things to come, but I personally found all of it pretty interesting, even the Cercei and Jaime scene because I know where thats going, an epic confrontation between Jaime and the Blackfysh if the books are to go bye.
I think what best describes this episode is disappointment. While it actually falls closer to adequate, the trailer for the episode has such a build to it that the show just can't pay off in this episode. It's filler, and not the good creamy center kind.
Pros : The return of Arya Stark. Being completely honest, this character's storyline took a nose dive after being seperated from the Hound. The House of Black and White was house keeping 101, undertaker premed, and training montages.
Benjen Stark versus wights. A nice choreographed battle on horseback. Fanservice merge of Benjen and Coldhands.
Walder Frey is the lord of insults. Nice to see the Black Fish storyline finally appearing. I'm hoping it's not a few seasons too late for that. If only they'd done this in place of the Snakes of Dorne kinslaying the last of the Martell family..... to avenge the murder of the Martell family. Because logic.
Cons : Kingslanding. All of it. It's like grandma and grandpa got all dressed up for breakfast but Denny's had no tables ready, so they went back home.
Sam and Gilly. A pure matter of taste a lot of people might disagree on. I just didn't find it interesting at all. The only saving grace moment it had was the very end of it, but it sponged up so much of the episode's running time I'm not sure it was worth it.
Danny...... poor Danny. I want to like you. You keep making it so hard for me to like you. I understand that this speach while seated on a dragon is supposed to sound empowering. Let's be honest, to be the only Khal ( Khalessi ) in history to need an entire Dothraki hoard of bloodriders just makes you weak. You want the most fearsome three chosen bloodriders a khal has ever claimed? Name your three dragons!
Ok I will now rate this episode on the Conan o'brien scale. If a tyrion is great score and a high sparrow means an awful score then I would give this episode a Bran. You figure it out.
Oberyn (in the show especially, in the books to some degree) didn't really do a great job at raising his daughters. And if we're counting dead characters I'd add Ned to the list of best fathers.
Glover's banner in next episode.
We will know how they took back their seat on their own. Or maybe not.
In the books, the scenes at Riverrun lead to Jaime giving one of the most awesome speeches in the series. I hope they keep it for the show.
Speaking of Jaime...if he's not in the kingsguard anymore, is he the Lord of House Lannister now? That's a pretty big deal.
I think he is. Tommen even says he'll continue to serve the King and his house, but not in KL. Obviously it's the High Sparrow seeing him as a threat and shooing him away, but basically that means the only place for him is Casterly Rock. After he is done with the Siege of Riverrun of course. In all honesty though, I'm quite doubtful that we'll ever actually see Casterly Rock in the show.
The interesting thing is that we also see Mormont banners in that hall that is seen in the preview. I wonder if they are at the same place, or if we go to two Northern strongholds in one episode.
Technically we have two laws:
-The child of the Lord inherits the castle when he dies.
-Being in Kingsguard doesn't allow you to inherit anything.
At Tywin's death, Casterly Rock should have passed to Kevan imo.
But apparently, it passed to Cersei in both mediums. Women apparently inherit if there are no remaining sons. But it's not like Cersei would marry again. So after Cersei it would pass to Tommen. Which is dumb since he's supposedly a Baratheon, putting an end to Lannister's name, or at least as those known in the rock (since there are Lannisters ruling in Lannisport for example). At Cersei's death it would make technically Tommen lord of Storm's End (before Daenerys take it I guess), Casterly Rock and King's Landing, as well as Lord paramount of these two Kingdoms.
Now that Jaime is back maybe it cancels her claim. Maybe not. It depends on if Cersei is considered to have already inherit Casterly Rock or not. Both hypothesis stand I guess.
But I maybe played too much Crusader Kings II too.
I think we're gonna see two.
It seems the group Sansa/Jon/Davos went to the Mormonts and Sansa met Glover lonely. That's at least the feeling I got while watching it.
Boltons are not yet crushed and they already began to make an inner war for Winterfell and the North.
Petyr still controls easily Sansa imo.
Maybe aha
Eh, it was alright. I expected more, to be honest.
Daenerys' speech was not powerful for me. It felt... weak... if you catch my meaning. It was still decent, though. But it was disappointing.
King's Landing's bullshit, yay. The whole High Sparrow thing in this episode had potential, but... the execution wasn't well for me. It was... alright.
Glad to see Benjen Stark, though. The way he fought the wights was amazing.
Walder Frey's scene... T_T Amazing. Just bloody amazing.
I'm really glad that Arya Stark did the right thing. The whole "faceless god" thing wasn't for her. She can do better than that. Glad she leaved all that behind and decided to save the actress. Also, that scene where the actress was acting sad... I don't know why but it kinda made me sad... Too bad the whole episode kinda ruined it for me.
Hey, looks like Sam's father is a freaking arsehole. I'm glad that Sam stole that damn sword.
Overall, I'm not sure what to make of the damn episode. It was decent but surely my least favorite episode in the season. I rate it at least 7/10.
Craster is the man.
For fuck's sake Daenerys, one episode you have a really nice emotional scene where you actually act like a decent person, the next episode you're urging a horde of bloodthirsty savages to pillage Westeros and "Take what is yours." (complete bullshit lol). Meanwhile Tyrion and Varys have to clean up the mess you made when you went for a dragon ride. Quite disappointing episode. Liked the Arya and Benjen scenes though.
I watched GOT this morning. Afterwards, I decided to come in here to talk about Daenerys Targaryen. It wasn't pretty.