The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Are you fucking serious? Is Konami just suicidal? Does the company want itself to die?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    The worst part is how apparently they're using the Fox Engine to render the video that's playing on the machine. That's all it's going to be

  • enter image description here

    Clord posted: »

    OBJECTION! ...

  • edited June 2016

    If you get the triple box, you get a code to unlock Chapter 3 MGSV. It's about how Venom Snake develops a gambling addiction.


  • enter link description here

    I would be all over an MGS3 remake in the Fox Engine, but Konami is run by a bunch of morons who obviously want to sink the company into the ground.

    Are you fucking serious? Is Konami just suicidal? Does the company want itself to die?

  • I've seen you on Forum of Thrones, I think.

    Hello, guys. You probabky saw me on this forum before. My name is Sonya. I've been on this forum for about two years already. Sadly, most of

  • Right now I'm basically a tomato I haven't got sunburn in like 7 years

    Nope. Being an indoor hermit, I'm pale as fuck. But yeah, sunburns suck. Had them when I was little.

  • edited June 2016

    The answer the question above you thread just got buried.

  • Has anyone here ever tried gamefly? I'm tempted to try it. How much does it cost? Is it worth it?

  • You're not the only one, when the sun is too High in my city of residence, my cheeks are all red, so as my ears, and when I get home, my sister calls me a tomato too

    Right now I'm basically a tomato I haven't got sunburn in like 7 years

  • Why's that?

    The answer the question above you thread just got buried.

  • Because no one's replied on it in a week.

    Why's that?

  • Actually they are kinda. They're trying to distance themselves from video games for whatever reasons. They were even sending developers (even head developers) to work in the pachinko mines.

    Are you fucking serious? Is Konami just suicidal? Does the company want itself to die?

  • Fun fact: my English teacher is the doppelgänger of this Juliet. Juliet is also played by a girl named Olivia - which is the name of my teacher's daughter.

    I fucking love this scene! enter link description here

  • Can you pm me the name of the banned member?

    Hello, guys. You probabky saw me on this forum before. My name is Sonya. I've been on this forum for about two years already. Sadly, most of

  • No more damage can be done. Hopefully you're right. And yeah people will likely return once season 3 kicks in.

    @1506898 Lol doubt they'll ever come back. Hopefully they stay away. And yeah lots of people left but maybe they'll be back when S3 of TWD starts.

  • I can strongly imagine that will be the case; the culture around here changes a little depending on what the current franchise is, but I can see a good majority of people coming back in some sense, aside from people who straight up did not like Season 2 or people who just moved on due to time passing between the end of Season 2 and the eventual premiere of Season 3.

    No more damage can be done. Hopefully you're right. And yeah people will likely return once season 3 kicks in.

  • I just finished rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender. I don't remember why, but back when the show was on, I had originally stopped watching toward the end of Season 2. Finally, after almost a decade, I saw how it ended, and it was fucking amazing, and it's easily one of the best shows I have ever seen. It may be a kids show, but there's so much to appreciate about it, from its writing, to its characters, to its story, to the voice acting, everything is just stellar.

    Now if someone can tell me where I can find the comic continuations online for free, it would be much appreciated.

  • Oh, dang! Well that answers my question.

    Because no one's replied on it in a week.

  • So if Telltale made an episodic adventure game around Sherlock Holmes, apart from driving Frogwares bankrupt, what kind of choices do you think a Telltale Sherlock game would have?

  • Welp Konami ruined my favorite series.

    Clord posted: »

    enter link description here

  • ssshh, that's a secret

    papai46 posted: »

    Can you pm me the name of the banned member?

  • If I came back, anything is possible. The culture wouldn't change as much if you beat them harder. Whatever happened to breaking in the fresh meat?

    I can strongly imagine that will be the case; the culture around here changes a little depending on what the current franchise is, but I can

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2016

    Yeah, the other mods and I have been talking lately about trying to improve things around here such as posting quality given recent incidents. We're planning on trying out some different things on a fairly notable scale once Batman and Walking Dead: Season 3 come around, in addition to us working towards smaller steps currently.

    In the mean time, I'll say that you guys flagging posts from your end really helps us a ton. Not just if people break the forum guidelines, but also if people spam threads with low quality posting, inside jokes, etc. In the short term, we want to be more strict on catching stuff that details conversations and lowers the quality of both posting and the atmosphere here on the forums. In some areas such as character shipping threads, we got caught a little off guard, leading to some of the newer users from the Borderlands era thinking of the forum as more of a glorified chat room as opposed to a forum. In the short run, we want to focus on catching posts that derail the thread, or are otherwise low quality posting. In the long term, we're trying to plan on better ways to keep an eye on larger threads, better discipline, and attempting to work towards pushing for a forum culture that focuses on better discussions.

    Again, just to emphasize, you guys flagging posts really helps us - especially in larger threads.

    EDIT: Just to add on a little for context on what you missed while you were gone - for a while, Telltale Talk was more or less essentially buried around Walking Dead: Season 2/Wolf Among Us. When the new site launched, it was initially the top listed forum and also displayed recent discussions like all boards did, but sometime towards the end of that year, the board was shifted beneath all of the other boards for recent titles, and the listing of recent discussions for Telltale Talk was replaced with a description whereas all other boards still showed recent discussions. You would not think that would be a major change, but Telltale Talk massively dropped in activity for a while and people basically made a bunch of off topic threads in Walking Dead, resulting in us having to move a crazy large amount of threads to Telltale Talk while telling people that this off topic board was even a thing to use. A little while after, we asked Telltale's web team to have the forum display recent discussions again, which brought a notable surge in activity. Of course, the forum is still not listed at top, but my theory is that even more people would stick around between seasons if the off topic forum was placed more prominently on the index page.

    Even ignoring what I said about Telltale Talk, another thing to keep in mind is that since Telltale's games are more cinematic and less gameplay focused, there is more of a drop off once a Season ends since most of the discussion revolves around the story and not the minimalistic gameplay. I do agree we need to be more strict in areas - I'm not deflecting on various shortcomings of ours - but even so, the forum culture does end up being a little more fluid due to certain things such as Telltale's new games bringing in different fan bases of a large scale, a lot of who end up staying around when a Season is live, but not as much during the downtime.

    Johro posted: »

    If I came back, anything is possible. The culture wouldn't change as much if you beat them harder. Whatever happened to breaking in the fresh meat?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2016

    I could see the format being similar to the earlier episodes of Wolf Among Us, where you make choices in having to figure out who is behind a situation, choosing the order of locations to investigate, etc

    Also, if you wanna have deeper discussion on Telltale games that you would like to see happen, we have a thread for people to post franchises that they would want Telltale to make games for, located here:

    Harian96 posted: »

    So if Telltale made an episodic adventure game around Sherlock Holmes, apart from driving Frogwares bankrupt, what kind of choices do you think a Telltale Sherlock game would have?

  • I never leave my house so I can't really get sunburnt, it is damn hot in my house though.

    Anyone else already have severe sun burn?

  • edited June 2016

    Found these on Imgur. The links to the other parts are in it as well.

    Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise

    I just finished rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender. I don't remember why, but back when the show was on, I had originally stopped watchin

  • Guys. I'm thinking about talking to my moms step bro about something.. because he..almost choked my mom to death. Any advice? Im mad about it, i felt my heart was beating fast that I can't wait to get my hands on that piece of shit. My dad isn't here, but, I don't think my mom could handle it herself..don't ask me 'why'..

  • Call the police?

    Killah posted: »

    Guys. I'm thinking about talking to my moms step bro about something.. because he..almost choked my mom to death. Any advice? Im

  • If he's capable of almost killing someone, then you shouldn't try to confront him in case it sets him off. The best thing for you to do is go to the police (or anyone who will do something), and look for a safe place that your mother and you can stay.

    Killah posted: »

    Guys. I'm thinking about talking to my moms step bro about something.. because he..almost choked my mom to death. Any advice? Im

  • It's not safe for you to confront your step-uncle directly, and attempting it might actually get you in trouble, so that you wouldn't be around to defend your mom next time.

    It would be best to get your mom to do something about it, and if she won't, then ask your dad what to do about it long distance if you can. Calling the authorities would require your mom to cooperate, or they can't do anything.

    What country are you in? There are domestic violence hotlines in a lot of places that can give more informed and personalized advice.

    Killah posted: »

    Guys. I'm thinking about talking to my moms step bro about something.. because he..almost choked my mom to death. Any advice? Im

  • I don't think he is capable of killing someone, but I think he is more capable of hurting and yelling at someone..we already have a safe place thank goodness.

    If he's capable of almost killing someone, then you shouldn't try to confront him in case it sets him off. The best thing for you to do is g

  • That won't solve anything.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Call the police?

  • Filipines, He gets a bit drunk sometimes. She is..I think she fears that my "uncle" would do something more crazier and she don't want to do anything about it but she's still mad about it I guess..we should be respected since we own the house they're living in, I totally agree with you that authorities will be useless. It isn't domestic abuse, it's more like "getting out of control" or "tired of this shit". Also my dad has a high blood problems. I don't want to make him lose it and get super mad and he isn't abusive he is just doing what's best for me and mom.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    It's not safe for you to confront your step-uncle directly, and attempting it might actually get you in trouble, so that you wouldn't be aro

  • Okay dokay.

    ssshh, that's a secret

  • Somehow i didn't get a notication.... hmm?


    enter image description here

    Yes you should, because you're great.

  • I'm saving that to my Tracer folder.

    Somehow i didn't get a notication.... hmm? But..... THANK YOU MY FRIEND!

  • Thank you

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Found these on Imgur. The links to the other parts are in it as well. Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise

  • As I'm still searching for a job, I'm keeping myself busy by cutting the trees behind my natal house.

    I was cutting the upper side of a tree today; not a large one but quite tall. The upper trunk collapsed while I didn't expected it. I froze and didn't move, and the trunk fell next to my head.

    That was pretty close to have some head damages.

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    Awesome Seeing Anthony and Rachel again here good people and I have many good memories of them

    Nostalgia feels :')

    No more damage can be done. Hopefully you're right. And yeah people will likely return once season 3 kicks in.

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