What line of dialogue summed up a character's personality for you?
"You'll meet people. Good people. People better than me! People that don't have to look at you and feel ashamed at what they put you through." - Kenny to Clementine at the gates of Wellington.
For me, that line of dialogue sums up Kenny's character in a nutshell. Yes Kenny did have his faults, but deep down, he was really a decent and selfless person.
Yes he wanted to survive, just like everybody else. And yes there were times when he frankly could be a huge dick. But when he gave you his heart, it was for good. And if you had him as an ally, he would be with you to the very end.
In some ways, I would almost have to say that Kenny didn't quite make a good Survivor. And the reason why is because he actually cared about others. He wasn't just looking out for himself.
And I think personally, that's why I relate to Kenny's character so much. I'm not a survival at all costs kind of guy. Though I believe self preservation is important, I do not believe that it should come at the expense of other people.
Call that naive, call that foolish, call it whatever you want, but that is just the way that I'm built. If I care about somebody, I'll go to the ends of the Earth for them.
And though I will admit it bothers me to think that more than likely they probably won't do that for me, I'm not going to let that change who I am.
And it is true, most people are not willing to go to the ends of the Earth for others. What my life experience has taught me, is that most people - especially in today's world - are really just looking out for themselves.
While I agree, that it is important to look after number one, so that should not be the only person you look out for.
I've often had people tell me that I'm different. That there's something different about me. And I guess that would have to be it.
incidently, I do not want this to be turned into a Kenny vs. Jane thread, or to see people being rude or belligerent to each other over their opinion of a video game character.
So I'm going to ask that we please be civil and respectful here. Because if I see people making rude or condescending remarks toward each other, I will flag that person personally. That's how strongly I feel about it!
I've seen how other threads have dissolved into nothing but a bunch of hateful arguing between Forum users, and frankly I am tired of it. So I am stating, as the creator of this thread, that there is no room for that kind of behavior here. I'm not gonna put up with it!
So let's keep it respectful, let's keep it civil, and let's simply have a nice discussion. Let's simply share our opinions, and bury the hatchet.
"Nobody who died is anyone's fault, we all wanted to be together, and it just went bad. But we owe it to them to try to make the best of this!"
IMO this pretty much defines Clementine: a selfless, optimistic, mature little girl that still has a chunk of humanity in her
"Fuck you, Kenny! I am so, so, so sorry about Katjaa and Duck, I am.And I know I fucked up, but stop, pushing me around and stop wishing I was dead. NO! You know how they died. You've said goodbye, I never got to see my family, my parents, my little sister...do you get that? Your family is gone but at least you had them to lose. I never made it home. They could be alive or dead or walkers or worse and I don't know. So give me a fucking break." - Ben standing up for himself to Kenny.
I liked Ben before he said this, but it sums him up perfectly.
Ben knows that he has messed up, and he is trying to redeem himself, but Kenny is always giving him a hard time about something he can't change and in the end he just snaps. He says that he is a human being with a family just like Kenny and he has feelings to. He understands he caused a lot of sorrow but his doing the best he can to make up for it.
Ben was a good kid who made mistakes like everyone and went through a lot of messed up moments. It's just a pity he died before he could develop into a stronger version of himself.
Your thoughts on Kenny are definitely similiar to mine. I thought that that quote right there really defines his person. The only quotes I really have memorized are Kenny quotes but you pretty much summed it up.
Well, I dislike Larry, but depending on your choice he does have a rather human moment. I don't really like talking about someone behind their back, and I knew it was true, so I told Mark that Larry was just looking out for his daughter. Larry kind of just shut up, mumbled, and worked without being an ass to Lee when Mark told him that. Really, when I think of Larry I think of how he left Lee to die, but that comes to mind too.
Ben: "Hey, don't put all that on me here. I'm doing the best I can." Ben is cowardly. He freezes up when scared and at times lacks common sense. Because of these traits, he ends up getting so many people killed. Despite this, he still tries to help. He knows he messes up. He has the best of intentions. His rant to Ken was just great also.
Lee:" I've got a little girl I'm trying to protect in here too. You want to get violent, you old fuck? Well come on, because it's me before anyone one else in here!" Lee's personality can be altered depending on how you play him, and this is a determinant dialogue, but I think it sums him up well.
Nick: "I wish I could just keep movin' all the time. But I'm just not...built like that." Nick has had a lot of bad stuff happen to him. He sees himself as a screw-up. Instead of moving on from bad experiences and emotions, they keep their grip tight on him and never let go. He wants to be strong and he wants to move on, but he just can't.
Never has a characters' line so perfectly summed up their entire personality throughout either season of this game.
Someone who is either too selfish to care for anyone he doesn't consider to be "his" or is too dumb to think before he speaks, digging their hole further with each passing word. It was at that moment captured in that picture I knew exactly who Kenny was, is, and always would be.
I find people forget too easily Kenny can call Clementine a "sham," and quite easily too.
''That's fucking stupid, Ben'' - Kenny, This sums up Kenny and Ben.
"I'm Omid" -Omid
"Clem, people don't always make sense." "Cause bad things happen to everyone and it's hard to keep being yourself after they do." -Lee
Even though this advice is for Clementine and it's pretty much describes everything everyone has been through, it fits Lee (the player) just as well. How many people pick choices they never would have after an emotional fit. Think that they're good people, but once scorned after a bad thing, we turn into a monster without realizing it.
As much as I hate Kenny, I can't really hold this against him this one time due to what was happening to his wife and son.
I can't agree with the argument that just because someone is worried or grieving, that they have a right to unleash on anyone that tries to console and help ease their sorrow.
And there are particular things that I don't like about him being an asshole to Lee for often times very overlooked details I won't get into. Let's just say had Kenny guarded his family at the motor inn a little more carefully rather than try to abandon Lily, I think Duck wouldn't have met the same fate.
That's perfect
"You think I don't know what ya'll are whispering about over there? What's wrong with Kenny, why's Kenny acting that way, do you think Kenny's okay? It's all I hear from anyone anymore" Now I do agree with the quote you mentioned. I think this sums up Kenny's darker side.
"The hunger a man's got for a woman is all we got left now, no laws, no jobs ain't nothing that make us men."
"Weakness, incompetence. It puts us all at risk. Think of that the next time you're asked to do something."
Carver most likely explaining his own downfall
Clementine: "Everything is harder now, but you have to be tough to survive" - Someone who has matured and knows how to survive
Kenny: "I'm gonna keep doing what needs to be done" - A guy who likes doing things his way, no matter how reckless or rash it is
Jane: "So I tried something else. I told her she could have what she wanted. And I left her there." - Someone you can't count on when you need her most
Larry: "I got charm coming out of my ass" - Someone whose charm stinks
Sarah: "I don't know why people have to be so mean. Like, even when I'm really mad, I still don't want to hurt anyone" - A sweet, good person
Duck: (Sees a drawing of a cat) "It's a goat!" - Just like Kenny said... Dumber than a bag of hammers...
Bonnie: It must be nice being a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do a damn thing" - Someone who is oblivious...
That little girl's in my care! We've been through more together than you can imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - ANYONE! - is gonna wind up dead! You hear me? -Lee to Vernon
This to me shows how far Lee is willing to go to protect Clementine he is almost like a Father to her.
"If it weren't for you I'd probably BE food right now." - Mark, a man who became food.
Can I go off the script and use a character that isn't from the game, but still has a line that perfectly captures their character?
"And I may not have what it takes to last for long, but that's okay. 'Cause at least I can say, when the world goes to shit, I didn't let it take me down with it."
~Episode 2x07, after Shane finds Dale trying to hide the bag of guns in the swamp.
That line not only sums up his TV counterpart perfectly, but his comic counterpart as well. That line always resonated with me since it was said back in S2. I have my own reservations about how they handled Dale on the TV show in comparison to his comic counterpart, but this quote captured the intent of his character perfectly.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuck - Kenny
I think bonnie is responsible for Luke's dead, I mean its common sense, when the ice is cracking when a person you don't just run on the cracking ice to "save" the person, they should have throwed a rope or something which he could grab if the ice breaks and/or they should have said him to jump from there, I know his leg was broken but is the leg more important than life. Bonnie is nothing but a murderer and a low IQ person who doesn't think before she acts
"You ain't little. You ain't a girl, you ain't a boy. You ain't strong... or smart. You're alive." - Chuck, with the ideology of how identity means nothing in a post-apocalyptic world if you can't survive.
"You're gonna have to depend on the honesty of strangers if you're gonna make it. And if those same people get to questioning yours, you're gonna be in trouble." - Hershel, speaking of how important trust is, as well as how dangerous it can be.
"He's my friend. We don't leave friends behind. That's my vote." - Clementine, showing loyalty towards people she cares about.
"It's impossible to go through life without causing some kind of pain." & "Part of growing up is doing what's best for the people that you care about. Even if it means hurting someone else." - Lee, accepting his mistakes and the reality of the world, zombies or not.
"Sometimes, you gotta play a role... even if it means people you love hate you for it." - Pete, willing to be hated by those he loves if it means they pertain growth and stability.
"Even when I'm really angry I don't want to hurt anyone." - Sarah, never violent even in the face of aggression.
I still don't feel like one or two quotes really sum up any character's personality(just aspects of their personality).
People tend to be overly emotional, critical, and even violent when they're overcome by sorro, and this was the only one moment where I felt that Kenny was somewhat justified in his behavior.
Though you are right that in this case he wasn't exactly very sympathetic, considering that he didn't seem to take too much notice of what was going on with his family at the time and went into denial, and how he had an odd habit of not being there for his family when they're in trouble, except for the meat locker scene when he didn't even have a choice in the matter.
Ugh, the meat locker thing...
His choice was to murder an unconscious man in order to rescue his family... ok, pretty shitty but he's itching to break out... right?
Except he just paced back and forth immediately after not looking for any access to the outside of the locker, (determinately) hid from eyesight while one of his family's abductors almost kills the only other chance of being able to psychically overpower the rest of the threat if Lee doesn't take his side inside the locker, doesn't appear to be anywhere in the vicinity of the path Lee trekked to make his way into the house where Katjaa's cries were coming from (what, did he happen to see Andy take his son around the back of the house and just play table running whilst Lee was busy trying to coordinate an attack plan?), and then (determinately) pits blame on Lee saying he selfishly saved his family whole-cloth without any assistance.
See, I can't fuck with Kenny like that. He's a selfish murderer in my eyes that literally put others into danger. I'm not sure if his head just wasn't in the game when Lee was basically saving Kenny's entire family or if he's just that big of a pussy behind all that tough-talking but either way, He... eugh, never mind anyways. He's dead now in my playthrough so I'm at least happy about that.
This alone line provides us with an insight about the dog's carnal instinct, the ass's commonplace suffering and struggle, and their rough relationship. It also lets us know that Rebecca is upset by the fact that the dog bites her ass on a regular basis.
I was really talking more about how he was separated from his family by force and not by choice when it came to the meat locker incident, I don't think he willingly went in to be away from his family he cares about without a gun to his head.
The other times though, he did had this odd habit at times where his family is in danger and he's not with them when he would be able to, just as you say.
I agree. The ice was too brittle for anymore people. So I wanted to help Luke his way, but Bonnie just had to go over and kill him...
Very good! Quite honestly, I had forgotten about that line.
"I don't know what the hell you're saying, but I know it's bullshit!"
Murder involves intent. Manslaughter perhaps. I don't think he would have got out either way, but who knows. They should have killed all the walkers and everyone got off the ice to give him a chance. I still like Bonnie, but yea that was her low point.
And then later Kenny beat that dog to death with a crowbar.
"That little girl is in my care! Anyone one who tries to get between me and her is dead! You hear me! Dead!"- Lee
"Still. Not. Bitten. I never was, and you left me out here to die"- Clementine
"You'll meet people. Good people. People who look at you, and don't have to feel ashamed at what they've out you through"- Kenny
"They are weak, and we are strong. That's why it falls to people like us, to lead them to safety."- Carver
"Everyone I grew up with, it all happened to them. Now, it's gonna happen to us."- Nick
"Here's to all those that we lost along the way. And to the hope that we'll see them again, someday."- Luke
"I believe everyone deserves a second chance, but never a third."- Norma
"Moo"- Maybelle
My history teacher in a nutshell