Do You Think Season 3 Will Be Good?
It's a question that has been lingering on my mind. I liked Season Two, though I recognize its flaws, I just personally think it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it could or would be (I had my doubts ever since Vanaman and the other writer left the team to form Campo Santo, sorry new writers). But at the same time, as I go over Season 1 and Season 2, I still think there are some troubling cracks in story and development that left Season 2 with a sour taste in the mouth of fans. I know, a lot of people outside the forums loved it, and I can see why. But at the same time, with the alternate endings, the continued engine issues, save file issues, this new updated art style (which could be good or bad either way, we'll have to see - I have my hopes), as well as the flaws of Season 2 (which could very well translate into Season 3 - such as lack of hubs, puzzles, everyone treating Clementine like an adult, lack of a great villain - Carver was good in my opinion, but not too good - impactful decisions, good story, determinant characters treated well or even making it to the end, etc.).
It all seems somewhat troublesome, Telltale have a lot to fix (that is, if they even acknowledged and considered the complaints on this forum, which I'm hoping they have, but when you have practically every reviewer almost worshipping you as well as the general public, they're more than likely going to hear them and even if they have acknowledged complaints, it doesn't suddenly mean they will fix them well). I'm trying to have my hopes for Season 3, that maybe Telltale can strike lightning twice and it could even be comparable to the likes of Season 1. But once again, a lot of different issues and desires from this Season, might leave people worried.
But that's not to say I've lost faith in Telltale, they clearly appreciate their fanbase and they do great work (I mean Tales From The Borderlands was great), but once again, a lot of things to be solved, with all these alternate endings somehow having to be wrapped up nicely, a lot of pressure is on Teltlale. But what do you think? Do you think, Season 3 will or even can be good? Maybe even as good, or (this would be extremely impressive), better than Season 1? Or will we be in for another disappointment, but maybe not so much so as Season 2? What do you think?
I think it'll be great but I won't hype myself up too much. Many people hated S2 just because they thought it'd be equal/better than S1 :P
Considering I haven't hated a Telltale game yet like a lot of you fellows I have high hopes I'll enjoy this season, but shit happens. We'll have to wait and see.
If season three takes on the dark turn season two was originally going to take, then yes. It'll be good.
Do I think it CAN be? Yes. Do I think it WILL be? Hard to say.
The thing is, for every NEW series Telltale has put out (and Poker Night 2), they've done a stellar job, even if it wasn't starting too well (this mostly goes for Minecraft Story Mode). But every entry in the Walking Dead series after 400 Days, as good as they may have been (All That Remains, What We Deserve) has failed to live up to their potential -- not their expectations, but their potential. A lot of the choices and deaths in Season Two and Michonne have left us feeling less cry-for-the-characters and panicky and more "WTF, TTG?" (akin to Mighty No. 9 raising millions of dollars and coming out with a lackluster game and a supporter-bashing trailer), but even when this is the case for other Telltale installments, we tend to be proven wrong by the end (and yes, these reactions go beyond the forums, so y'all can tone down the finger–pointing, please).
What We Deserve was a step in the right direction for Walking Dead and I'm sure I'm not the only one hoping to see things get better from there, but only time will tell if the series stays mediocre-at-best.
If they will go back to the roots of season 1 then yes. TTG is doing too much of pseudodrama these days.
I mean, I doubt it's going to be bad, as Telltale have yet to release a terrible game, but it could end up suffering some of the faults of S2. I know I'll enjoy the game, but I literally have no idea if it's going to live up to expectations and improve from their mistakes.
Thinking a game will be good is pretty subjective. I know plenty of people on this forum hated Season 2. Me? I loved it personally despite its flaws. Chances are Season 3 will probably have its haters and have its fans. Kind of like every game. others stated; im not going to hype myself up until I watch the teaser/trailer. If it's good then it's good. If it's meh then im Un-sure. If it's bad then its not really good.
i think so, they're advertising it as it's gonna be HUGE and will be a beginning as much as a continuation. i'm prediticing two story-lines at once until they eventually meet.
Honestly I'm at a loss. A great season filled with interesting characters, dialogue and a loveable story followed by a short but good DLC with characters that have potential and could make an interesting story only to be wasted and disregarded, then a subpar/mediocre season with wasted potential and bland characters. The Michonne series didn't impress me in anything other than a graphics update and didn't bring anything new to reel me in to being hyped
I have no idea. Season 2 taught me not to set expectations. Maybe if there's no more than 2 writers, then Season 3 might be pretty good.
I do not expect to be pleasantly surprised. I fought a lot during S2 to try and have more small, character driven moments. For them to give me a reason to care about these people. Mechanically, I proposed this in the way of hubs.
I lost interest in the TT format after S2. I came back here out of nostalgia. For Clementine and those fond memories of flawed, but still great Season One. I guess only time will tell if this season will be worth it.
I will follow the news, but to answer your quesiton, no. I do not personally expect it to be good.
Ew nostalgia.
They say it is infectious.
Well, after 2 years ago, I hope they learned from their mistakes in Season 2 and improve their work on Season 3.
Being someone graced with the gift of having low standards, yes. I can count the amount of games that have actually disappointed me on one hand, and not a single Telltale game is on that list.
If Clementine is the protagonist, then yes.
if the writers are not lazy to write a shitty story and choices that matter then that's a yes
If clementine not a protagonis, possibility clem be dead. but i not hope it. i really love clem #ForClementine
Not really. It has become boring. Killing slow lame zombies, dumb people with problems, evil leaders of communities, senseless deaths.
yeah XD , but this stories good for me XD im crying when ending twd s1 and twd s2 (leave kenny, go in wellington) XD
telltale is really good at hyping things and then failing to deliver, unfortunately.
Yeah, but you see season 1 wasn't about that, thats TV show and Season2/Michonne miniseries. Season 1 was about finding Clems parents, securing a safe place to live out the apocalypse (boat plot) and ultimetly Lees redemption for murder. They need to come up with an original plot like that for season 3. Season 2 started out good, it got really great in house divided and then went downhill because TTG had multiple writers and aparently each had his own idea of where the plot should go and the episodes became completely disconnected. Also they went with this " slow lame zombies, dumb people with problems, evil leaders of communities, senseless deaths" instead of some original idea.
Loved S2 and S1, so I have yet to be dissapointed. As long as TT puts their all into S3, I'll probably like it. But I always want their games to be better than the one before it. So here's hoping they continue to improve.
Ask me in 6 hours, 43 minutes and 41 seconds.
Listen, it will be if you manage your expectations! Maybe this will help explain what I mean. I'm a Zelda fan as in the NES classic. Since I was ten its been the only Zelda that mattered to me. Then along comes Ocarina of Time and suddenly I'm split. Yes I really did'nt play any after Zelda II until N64. Maybe I'm wrong. But the journey worts and all can be worth it just go in with low expectations. Just like I did back in the day. Then you should find yourself happy with season3 TTG TWD.