Where is this AJ hatred coming from?
Recently I've seen many people wishing AJ was dead or would die, and I don't really get why. Is it because people see him as a liability, or is it something else? He's a newborn, his involvement in the ending is not his fault in any way. And I get that having a baby around that needs food and is loud isn't ideal in the ZA, but Clem seemed to do fine in the alone ending, and he's also still with them when they reach Howe's or Wellington, meaning it couldn't have been that bad. And one thing that people seem to overlook is that leaving AJ to die would be incredibly cold of Clem and would surely not be good for her mental health either. She would turn into a person that Lee would never have wanted her to become. Am I really the only one who wants AJ to grow up and not be killed off?
Probably because she was basically burdened with a kid that wasn't her responsibility and because he's everyone's biggest suspect for Clem losing her finger.
I myself don't hate the kid, but I do hate the fact that we never got a chance to name him, even if it could've been a fake choice.
A lot of fans seem to have an outsized hatred for characters that are dependent. They seem to want everyone to be a badass.
I was hoping we could name him Omid. I was so sure that's what was going to happen, but it never did
I guess a lot of people want to see AJ dead cause they see him as just a plot device.
However, I don't want him to be dead. I don't want any baby or child to be dead, even if it causes some trouble on the long run.
Yeah I was actually hopping to name him Lee.
Because he is useless and probably some people will die because of him in Season 3.
Because we are forced into a caring role for the kid no matter what our choices and he was only really there for a plot device to sow discord between Jane, Kenny, and Clem.
Well Lee did the same for Clem, took care of a child who was not his and he did not need to do this, it was his own choice. Plus, why do people say AJ is just a plot device? I mean, I can understand, but he is a baby, what do you expect him to do? Kill walkers? Fight with Kenny? Save Luke?
Their not wrong about him being a plot device. But speaking for myself, I like plot, stories without plot, are really not stories at all.
Exactly. LEE had a choice in looking after the baby. Clem didn't. During my playthrough as Clem she didn't like babies. Come Episode 5 she was gaga for AJ.
Because he was only there to cause trouble between Jane and Kenny and to make that final scene work at the pit stop. That's why he's a plot device. He was around only to cause a fight between Jane and Kenny.
And who knows if Lee liked kids? If he was married and in his late 30's but didn't have any he probably didn't want any. And Clem made a choice too, she could have let AJ with Kenny or Jane in the alone ending for example, or let him to die, but she is not a cold blooded person
Not liking babies doesn't mean Clem would let it die though. She's not a sociopath
People are immature narcissists, that's why. It's a vocal minority, man.
I find it funny that when people bitch about AJ they sound more like babies then he does.
I think people just don't want to deal with a baby character.
He's a baby.
People literally only hate him because he's a baby and therefor a liability/plot device. It's ridiculous.
Heck, I don't even like babies, but I don't wish death on AJ. Those who want him dead or gone complain because they don't want to have to deal with extra baggage, which comes off as immaturity IMO. And there are even those who want to believe he's responsible for Clementine's missing finger in season 3. Seriously, guys?
On a final note, there are also some things about playable characters that you just can't change. If TellTale wants to establish that Clementine cares for AJ, then she truly does. Get over it.
I don't hate him but I don't care for him either. It seems like my Clementine is forced to take care of him.
Couldn't have put it better myself.
If anyone is written to be a 'badass', then there's no story. Every conflict, tension, and drama is non-existent when everyone can overcome every obstacle without fear of failure.
This! It's not a question of liking kids or not, it's a question of leaving a helpless kid to die
I dont think that many people hate him, a lot dont really care but very few want him to come to harm
Actually Lee did want kids. I think during his determinate confession to the stranger about hurting his wife, he says a big problem for them was that he wanted a family but that his wife didn't.
According to your logic, Clem was also 'useless' in Season 1.
But I don't see how he's just a plot device? He's a baby, Judith also didn't do shit in both the show and comics, yet everyone grieved about her, and by your logic she was also a plot device for Rick's insanity.
Clementine is not a character that is solely defined by our choices. Beneath all that, there are still some basic character traits for every Telltale character. Your Clementine is 'forced' to take care of AJ because Clementine as a 'basic' character has a conscience and would not leave a baby to die in the cold.
Now this is a new thing for me

Anyways, sorry and thanks for new information
I wish there was a choice to leave AJ behind in the loner ending. It would've been realistic and I would've left him behind.
I don't hate AJ, but I won't force myself to watch him because of some moral compass I have in the ZA. He will die with me, might as well let it happen early on.
im pretty sure there wasnt an option of "hey ima just leave you in the tree cuz shit is crazy in here and i dont want trouble so peace" in season so... yeah
What is wrong with those guys?
Isn't everything a plot device in a story?
Thinking outside the narrative ruins the experience imo, AJ wasn't there to be a plot device, AJ was there because Rebecca had a baby.
Those guys are sadists.
enter link description here
Alright, I guess this is something I need to address cause obviously a completely fictitious character whose only purpose existing as for the way he exists was from an executive meeting addressing the forced choice between two characters solely met to fill quotas and force arbitrary choices that feel about as organic as a game of rock, paper, scissors is upsetting quite a few people now.
Look, I don't like babies in real life. They're gross, they piss and shit everywhere, and they're goodfornothingdeadbeats that don't pay rent. However, when done correctly, babies can instill hope and life reborn. In a good example like Children of Men, the infant's birth was the mark of the protagonists' rebirth, whereas he was cold and bitter toward the world before, he now finds something to fight for. Sound familiar?
That's cause much like everything else from No Going Back, this synopsis is ripped almost whole-cloth from CoM and sloppily thrown in this game last minute, not to try to give Kenny a much needed character motivator to deepen him as a survivor, but to help him and Jane becoming what would be a laughing stock of "feud-baiting." So his purpose could literally be extended to a rock with drawn on eyes and a mouth and it wouldn't matter. He's not there to help the audience garner any emotion to him or Clementine, he's there so that Jane has her tacked on purpose to return and fight.
That's why I want AJ gone, his purpose dissipated the moment neither Kenny and Jane could sustain the story themselves... Also, I'm a cruel asshole who likes fucking with some of the softies here that think just cause you don't like a baby in a game, you must be evil or at least incapable of becoming emotionally attached to an extended plot-device for a character whose jumped through all his hoops more than enough times for it to be old-hat.
There is no need baby in middle of zombies.
I wouldn't let the baby die. I'm not a ditcher like Jane. I'm trying my best to keep him safe.
It's too late about that now that he's born.
Your Clementine isn't made in Sims though. She's a child herself so help another one is expected from her mroe or less.
So, somehow not giving a crap about a fictional baby, who as others have pointed is just a plot device to create the Kenny/Jane fight, means I'm a sadist...? Perfect logic there, lad.
No, you don't have to care about him.
But if you're totally fine with leaving a baby to die in the middle of nowhere where he eventually dies a horrible death, don't you think that's a little messed up?
You know, I've asked myself this question in the past, and I've come to a conclusion; I have no idea. I also came to a second conclusion; I don't really care
If anything, I'd like AJ to stick around just to watch everyone froth at the mouth while I sit in the corner and chuckle like a smug bastard
I think your right, many dislike AJ because to them he seems like a liability.People have and still say the same things towards Clementine as well, when Lee chose to take care of her. To me I don't see it that way, I see it rather that Clem taking care of AJ shows her maturity and willingness to be responsible. True she is young and many people take issue with that, however responsibility has nothing to do with age but how one handles the situation, and given all the difficulties she has gone through I am sure she is more then capable of taking care of AJ, she is a quick learner. Also seeing that Clem has lost soo many people she cares about along the way I doubt she is cold hearted enough to leave a baby to die or fend for itself, it's just not in her nature. Jane on the other hand would have done so.
Newborns have no personalities so of course he isn't as popular as Lee or Kenny. Not everything/everybody has to have some divine purpose. Not even in video games.
If some random baby was left alone in the last episode and we had to take care of them "accidentally" in the last episode then you'd be right. But he's been there since episode 1, I mean um..in Rebecca. If AJ hadn't existed then Jane would maybe fake something about Clementine being hurt to test Kenny.
That'd be like saying Jane is a useless character because she existed only to provoke Kenny in the last episode.