The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • You like hawaiian pizza don't you, YOU MONSTER.

    Hmm never realized how much psychopathic tendencies I had till now.

  • Does anyone know exactly which Friday the 13th movies are canon?

  • I'm sure @Johro knows!

    Does anyone know exactly which Friday the 13th movies are canon?

  • All of them except maybe jason x

    Does anyone know exactly which Friday the 13th movies are canon?

  • What about the 2009 remake?

    All of them except maybe jason x


    You like hawaiian pizza don't you, YOU MONSTER.

  • edited June 2016

    Right now... Technically, only the remake as the next installment is supposed to be a sequel to it. The odd thing is that this is probably the only reboot of a franchise that may take place within the old franchise, somewhere before part 2. It's been a while since I've seen it and the only discrepancy I recall is that he gets his mask in the reboot & part 3(besides the addition of modern technology, which wasn't crucial to the story at all). Guess he could have lost it and happened to find another? I've heard of dumber reasons to force continuity before(if people can ignore the fact that technically, Rob in 4 has been hunting Jason three days after his sister died, why not?)

    If you mean the older films? By the overall fan consensus, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(even though people dislike it), 6, 7, 8.

    9 and Versus tried to force a myth into a franchise that wasn't needed. While Versus is pretty well liked, neither's additions to the franchise stuck.

    X takes place way into the future. Could be canon, I guess. As long as Jason is alive, there's nothing to say it isn't canon. I don't really consider it to be. It feels more like an old comic book "what if..." scenario.

    Don't get me wrong though. I don't hate any of them.

    What about the 2009 remake?

  • I'm not really following this. Judging by your comment, I probably don't want to even know what this video is about.

    I remember this video, it was in pretty bad taste. Can't say I didn't find it funny though. I have no idea why you're posting it, here of all places.

  • Beginning to think arguing with my family on religion and then coming on here to argue about the Walking Dead, mightn't be the best way to spend my free time...

  • Even in a time where we have apps that can find out what a song is, I spent a fairly decent amount of time trying to find what the song from a recent Apple commercial is, since the commercial was too quick to be able to get the app to load in time. I finally found the song (Her - Five Minutes), and it reminded me of how good the sense of satisfaction was from finding a song on your own as opposed to whipping out an app on your phone that can find it in seconds.

  • edited June 2016

    I've had that feeling many times...sometimes years down the track.
    This is a song that popped up in my recommended panel on YouTube, clicked on it with no idea what it was...then it started to play and I got that same sense of overwhelming satisfaction, a song I had heard ages ago and completely forgot about it until I found it from a random click. The song is pure bliss to me.
    enter link description here
    Shazam is still awesome though haha.

    Even in a time where we have apps that can find out what a song is, I spent a fairly decent amount of time trying to find what the song from

  • @Wolfenus54, Thank you for accompanying me through the night and morning. xoxoxoxo

  • No problem. :^)

    Felt like doing something generous for once. ^_^

    Brodester08 posted: »

    @Wolfenus54, Thank you for accompanying me through the night and morning. xoxoxoxo

  • Discussing is better than arguing. You just gotta keep it calm.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    Beginning to think arguing with my family on religion and then coming on here to argue about the Walking Dead, mightn't be the best way to spend my free time...

  • the resident evil teaser demo is SO FRICKIN COOL! much better than some of that shit you have to actually pay for on the ps store. Im going spend so much time trying to fully explore that hell hole.

  • edited June 2016

    Just found out that my PS4 I had bought online some time ago came with a free Grand Theft Auto 5 game in the hard-drive, which I don't remember being mentioned in the description as I bought the console.

    Lucky me.

  • Couldn't agree more.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Discussing is better than arguing. You just gotta keep it calm.

  • Hey, is buying Steam CD-Keys from G2A safe?

  • You'll get the key, it'll work. The question is more moral, since most keys in sites like G2A are stolen, that's the reason why prices are lower there than in the steam store. Just gotta ask if you're okay with buying stolen keys, which I'm not.

    Hey, is buying Steam CD-Keys from G2A safe?

  • Thanks.

    You'll get the key, it'll work. The question is more moral, since most keys in sites like G2A are stolen, that's the reason why prices are lower there than in the steam store. Just gotta ask if you're okay with buying stolen keys, which I'm not.

  • My dad just had the most epic rant about pants. A lot of scary screaming was had.

  • edited June 2016

    Mostly sites like these use grey market keys for AAA titles. You can usually tell which sites these are by seeing a lot of region locked keys(find a game that is region locked and search it on the site. Russia, Poland, Hungary are common grey market regions). Professional sites usually do this. There are a lot of stolen key sites still though. I don't believe G2A has been one of them for a few years now. Another tell is indie games. Indie developers are easier to scam keys out of. If the site has a lot of dirt cheap indie games, there you go. These sites are also made to be quite mobile. If the site looks like it was made in 10min, it probably was.

    Again, you could always just search Google.
    (Grey market keys still pay the developers and publishers, they just have a smaller profit margin for the seller)

    You'll get the key, it'll work. The question is more moral, since most keys in sites like G2A are stolen, that's the reason why prices are lower there than in the steam store. Just gotta ask if you're okay with buying stolen keys, which I'm not.

  • G2A appears to be a grey market site by inspection. The cheap games they have right now were recently on sale on other sites as well. The non-sale AAA titles range from 40-45, which is common grey market prices. The only thing I would worry about is that the site has had customer service complaint issues. So don't expect help if something goes array in the transaction.

    Johro posted: »

    Mostly sites like these use grey market keys for AAA titles. You can usually tell which sites these are by seeing a lot of region locked ke

  • Like that?

    My dad just had the most epic rant about pants. A lot of scary screaming was had.

  • Finally finished Life is Strange. Honestly, I have no major complaints about the series except for the ending. The ending was really shitty, but other than that I really enjoyed each and every episode. Pretty fucking good game.

  • High school seems to have turned me into a paranoid motherfucker.

  • My younger sister dropped her ice cream when she had about 20% of it left. She began crying, so I gave her my ice cream that I'd only had a few bites of so far. She took two bites of my ice cream and threw it away. -_-

    My dad felt bad and gave me some of his funnel cake. Still kinda PO'd about the ice cream, though...

  • NBA Finals time...

  • So which ending did you pick?

    Finally finished Life is Strange. Honestly, I have no major complaints about the series except for the ending. The ending was really shitty, but other than that I really enjoyed each and every episode. Pretty fucking good game.

  • Go Cavs.... I'm not a basketball fan at all.

    NBA Finals time...

  • I'm fucking done with this shit. All people at school do is piss me off all day. I can't be fucked with any of this.

  • Screw that, I was way more interested in the U.S. Open. Congrats Dustin Johnson on a well deserved win.

    NBA Finals time...

  • Well, if it's worth anything, I was watching that till after I saw him sink that birdie, then the channel was changed.

    Screw that, I was way more interested in the U.S. Open. Congrats Dustin Johnson on a well deserved win.

  • Why did I have to lose HBO? I watch tonight's Game of Thrones episode. :(

  • So I decided to watch a walkthrough of MGSV Phantom Pain. Just got to the part that had a sniper battle with Quiet. It's an interesting game by the looks of it, and I am a fan of espoinage and it looks really fun. I like the more mutant angle in military idea, the intro was crazy. And I can't deny the weird gags in the game. Or the fanservice... But it looks like a fun game that I might buy. I never played the series before so I missed out on a lot of history lol

  • me tooooo

    When I was 4, I first saw "Finding Nemo" and the part when the Scuba Divers show up and Catched Nemo I got scared, because of how they look

  • not thaaat much

    It's man, I know, the name throws it off. I'm fine, it's just fucking disturbing is all. I was fucked up long before I saw that shit.

  • Let's go Cleveland. Truly a tense finish.

  • I have never seen an NBA trophy presentation before, but what the hell? I have never, in any sport, seen the trophy given to the owner first.

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