The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Sacrificed Arcadia Bay. Either choice erased all of my previous choices, figured I'd go with the one that let me keep Chloe. Besides, if it came to that in my own life, I'd always choose my best friend over the lives of a bunch of strangers and a few people I had only known for weeks.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    So which ending did you pick?

  • Anton Yelchin, an actor from Star Trek 2009 and the upcoming Beyond movie, lost his life yesterday in a freak accident. He played the character Ensign Pavel Chekov.


    Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 6

  • Great, the series that ruined my childhood is back...

    At least it's not as horrifying as the previous ones.

    Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 6

  • That math game though.. 20%

    My younger sister dropped her ice cream when she had about 20% of it left. She began crying, so I gave her my ice cream that I'd only had a

  • Does anyone remember the holy amazingness that was XPlay?

    Watching some of their old reviews.

  • I fucking hate this series so much that it's slowly evolved into love.

    Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 6

  • So for some reason I have to go to this performance meeting at school tomorrow. As if I want to be reminded of how shit I'm doing at the moment.

  • My TWD fanfic. Before you say anything, I am fully aware that my writing is shit. That being said, enjoy!

  • Eh, it's a rough estimate. She was eating an ice cream sandwich and had a little under half of the bottom piece (and its ice cream) left. I'd say about 20 percent.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    That math game though.. 20%

  • edited June 2016

    enter link description here

    It's refreshing to have good supporters here. You can support your country and have fun without breaking teeths, those Irish show it.

  • Hey that's pretty good! You gonna update often?

    My TWD fanfic. Before you say anything, I am fully aware that my writing is shit. That being said, enjoy!

  • so i got my bank statement for an interview tomorrow as a hospital administrator and i get home and what happened? they look atmy bank statement and calculate what i spent and start lecturing me i did spend £50 on games last month but had eneough to pay my bills and was getting payed a few days later ihave to pay a lot because i only get to play online for 2 hours an evening which annoys me the internet isnt even capped and now hes threatenig to get rid of it i f i had unlimited time to play online i could pay a small subscription and watch all the anime i wanted for practically nothing rather than pay £30-£40 for a dvd and play MMO free to play games but noo hes too stubborn and strict im already working a crappy job for low pay and got friendzoned by a girl i like i would at least like something togo my way for once

  • Trump's Wall in Final Fantasy XV

    enter image description here

  • Your parents are psychopaths. The jokes on them one day you will get your shit together and leave and they will have the audacity to wonder why you never call them. Seriously I actually feel bad for you they have no right to look at your bank statement and 50 a month is fuck all thats like 1 game thats is a night at a club 50 is nothing.

    so i got my bank statement for an interview tomorrow as a hospital administrator and i get home and what happened? they look atmy bank state

  • Yass

    enter image description here

    joshua007 posted: »

    Trump's Wall in Final Fantasy XV

  • edited June 2016

    that 50 got me 5 games (i usually buy secondhand its cheaper and the codes sometimes work) hopefully ill get this administrator job at a hospital i dont have much (timed on the internet) and its just unfair my dads ex military but i dont knowwhy he has to be so stubborn and just so suspicious of me all the time

    Your parents are psychopaths. The jokes on them one day you will get your shit together and leave and they will have the audacity to wonder

  • its easy to cqtch up with the histor just google metal gear solid history and ther should be loads of results

    So I decided to watch a walkthrough of MGSV Phantom Pain. Just got to the part that had a sniper battle with Quiet. It's an interesting game

  • I want to see the Trump version of Final Fantasy XV so bad right now lmao.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Trump's Wall in Final Fantasy XV

  • looks like the walls built around him

    Saltlick123 posted: »


  • We don't need any of you immigrants- Soldier in FF15 Kingsglaive


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I want to see the Trump version of Final Fantasy XV so bad right now lmao.

  • 18,000 likes, yah!

  • I just found out that two kids I went to high school with were killed in a car accident last night. I wouldn't say I was close friends with them, but its still tragic to hear something like this happen, especially to people you know. They were both great kids, their lives unfortunately cut far too short, my prayers to their family and friends.

  • edited June 2016

    Psychopaths miiiiight be going a bit too far.

    Your parents are psychopaths. The jokes on them one day you will get your shit together and leave and they will have the audacity to wonder

  • I thought you meant as in thsi thread has 18k likes. It wasn't a much of a plot twist later though..

    18,000 likes, yah!

  • Oh dear. It's really sad seeing someone so young die, like they just started living and found who they were.

    I just found out that two kids I went to high school with were killed in a car accident last night. I wouldn't say I was close friends with

  • Restricting a adults internet time (while they're job hunting no less) looking at other people's bank statements and berating them for spending their own money on a hobby they enjoy is taking things too far.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Psychopaths miiiiight be going a bit too far.

  • edited June 2016

    Well that's sad. I know there was this student at my school 3 years ago who was killed while walking home, 2 days before summer break. I didn't really know him, but was sad to know someone I passed by in the hallway everyday just died.

    I just found out that two kids I went to high school with were killed in a car accident last night. I wouldn't say I was close friends with

  • Once the holidays come around, I should be able to get myself into a weekly update schedule.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Hey that's pretty good! You gonna update often?

  • edited June 2016

    I found out my dog has cancer and I honestly don't know how I should feel about this or even react. I've never really had a potential close loss like this. .

  • I'm sorry to hear about that. Did they say how bad it is?

    I found out my dog has cancer and I honestly don't know how I should feel about this or even react. I've never really had a potential close loss like this. .

  • Those kids had a bright future ahead of them. RIP.

    I just found out that two kids I went to high school with were killed in a car accident last night. I wouldn't say I was close friends with

  • :(

    I found out my dog has cancer and I honestly don't know how I should feel about this or even react. I've never really had a potential close loss like this. .

  • Not yet. We find out in the next day or two. I'm trying to stay optimistic.

    I'm sorry to hear about that. Did they say how bad it is?

  • Yeah, I picked that ending as well. Honestly, if I was in the same situation irl I probably woud've ended up doing the same thing. Didn't like that both endings erased my past choices, but I got over it and I'd probably still place it in my top 10 games of 2015, that I played.

    Sacrificed Arcadia Bay. Either choice erased all of my previous choices, figured I'd go with the one that let me keep Chloe. Besides, if it

  • I'm sorry. Our very old corgi of 13 years passed away a month ago, so I can understand what it's like. We're much less consolation than the people you personally know in your life, but there's still a whole lot of us here who are willing to try and cheer you up through this.

    I found out my dog has cancer and I honestly don't know how I should feel about this or even react. I've never really had a potential close loss like this. .

  • Yeah, cant' argue with that, that's for sure. Pandoranwanderer know the best how do they exactly act, and he has just said that his dad was ex-military, maybe he has PTSD.

    Restricting a adults internet time (while they're job hunting no less) looking at other people's bank statements and berating them for spending their own money on a hobby they enjoy is taking things too far.

  • Did anyone ever play runescape back in the day? 2006-2008 era

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2016

    Yeeeaaah boi!

    PKing was my shit!

    Did anyone ever play runescape back in the day? 2006-2008 era

  • [removed]

    Go to this site. You can thank me later.

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