I love this episode so much, it was beautiful, really. But there were just some things that I can't help but point out;
What was the point of Sansa keeping Baelish and the Knights of the Vale a secret from Jon? If he would have known about them, he could have used them in a manner that you know... Wouldn't have gotten almost his entire Wildling force killed? that's just so baffling. It makes no sense, really.
Jon's immensely thick plot armour; first he just charges right in on horseback right into a wall of archers and doesn't get hit once? (Save for his horse.) And after his horse goes down, he's left on foot, not even moving... The archers just conveniently pause? I'm not even going to elaborate on the whole standing ground against the cavalry on foot thing.... and getting saved at the last minute....
Ramsay having a chance to fight Jon one on one, man to man, then he just takes out a bow and tries to shoot him like a craven? I can understand him retreating back to Winterfell, which isn't all that cowardly, but the bow thing was just a bit too much. I was hoping we would get a hand to hand fight from Jon and Ramsay, but it was denied.
Also, we only got one scene without even any dialogue from Lyanna...
It's a bit of a shame that Rickon and Osha were brought back just to kill them off later... I would have liked some more scenes from them other than just their return scenes and death scenes.
On a side note, I will always miss Ramsay's character on the show and Iwan Rheon's amazing portrayal of the character.
Anyway, everything else was great. Namely: Ramsay's little game with Rickon, Jon and Sansa's argument, Lyanna's death stare, and the aesthetics of the battle scenes.
It's been a bit of a rough season for GoT. But I have faith that episode 10 will be just as amazing, if not better than episode 9.
She endured some torment however, I say Theon had it far worse than her. She was never mutilated/maimed for life and she trusted in the weasel Peter Bailish if that is spelled correctly. After he sort of betrayed Ned Stark I've never cared that much for him in the series but Sansa may not have ever known that.
On a normal show, I would be like "the hero will get up" but I know this is Game of Thrones so I was somewhat almost expecting like maybe Jon will drown in these bodies because Starks losing is something you almost expect. Nice change.
Well not every story beat can be a surprising twist. But it was still a tense episode and showed interesting development in Jon's and Sansa'… mores characters. Can't speak for anyone else but there were couple moments I actually was worried for Jon, thinking perhaps he dies and is brought back again.
What was the point of Sansa keeping Baelish and the Knights of the Vale a secret from Jon?
I was thinking about this and she didnt tell him purely as she thought he would waste them in the battle. Sansa figured out jon would fall for ramseys trick thus she waited until ramsey had the upperhand. Sansa learned from littlefinger about planning twenty steps ahead.
I love this episode so much, it was beautiful, really. But there were just some things that I can't help but point out;
What was the poin… moret of Sansa keeping Baelish and the Knights of the Vale a secret from Jon? If he would have known about them, he could have used them in a manner that you know... Wouldn't have gotten almost his entire Wildling force killed? that's just so baffling. It makes no sense, really.
Jon's immensely thick plot armour; first he just charges right in on horseback right into a wall of archers and doesn't get hit once? (Save for his horse.) And after his horse goes down, he's left on foot, not even moving... The archers just conveniently pause? I'm not even going to elaborate on the whole standing ground against the cavalry on foot thing.... and getting saved at the last minute....
Ramsay having a chance to fight Jon one on one, man to man, then he just takes out a bow and tries to shoot him like a craven? I can… [view original content]
Wait, how did Boltons have a better tactic? Their tactic was just to shoot arrows everywhere because Ramsay knew he had the numbers, he knew that he would kill plenty of them and his men, but he knew he was gonna win, it was clear, you could tell by looking at him that he knew what he was doing. After plenty had died of arrows, they surrounded rest of them, which was the good part of the tactic. Their tactic indeed would have worked if Sansa and Littlefinger wouldn't have come behind the shield guys, now the Bolton army was completely doomed, Stark army in front of them and behind.
I thought the episode was decent
* The battle was cool I guess
* The mereen battle and everything with it was really good… more
* Ramsey's death was satisfying
* The rickon execution was pretty horrible but a dramatic scene
* Davis finding that deer is kinda dumb
* Jon dodging every arrow, sword and everything else was kinda dumb, it just took me out of the scene completely.
* Why did sansa not tell jon about the help she was getting?
* Lets be honest the Boltons should have won, tactically they were 10 times better, Jon fell for the trap and got surrounded, they broke formation and were outnumbered to begin with.
He really wasn't a coward at all, I expected him to cry after being with the dogs, but he still was having a straight face, I don't understand where the thought of him being scared comes. Also, in the books Joffrey and Ramsay are completely different to my knowledge. Joffrey actually gets people to his side with charisma and he was a good looking guy too, and as an adult he would've probably veen a good fighter. Ramsay, in the other hand, according to the books, did not know how to fight, was not good looking at all and many despised him
I'm still conflicted over this episode.
On one hand, it was a masterful work of artistic genius... the best episode of the season, and on… moree of the best episodes, overall, of the entire show.
On the other hand, Ramsay was so, so underwhelming throughout it, I can't help but feel sour over the fact. (They made him into a Joffrey-esque coward... so much so, when Jon knocked him the fuck out, it wasn't even satisfying. I felt like I could have done it, Ramsay was so pathetic by that point).
It just feels so disconnected to the character I've been watching on screen for over three years now... does anyone else feel the same? It doesn't seem like it, though I've just put it down to people being too gladdened by his death to care (which I understand).
According to the books, Ramsay wasn't much of a fighter. I knew immediately that Ramsay was fucked one on one and you can tell that by his face in that scene.
I love this episode so much, it was beautiful, really. But there were just some things that I can't help but point out;
What was the poin… moret of Sansa keeping Baelish and the Knights of the Vale a secret from Jon? If he would have known about them, he could have used them in a manner that you know... Wouldn't have gotten almost his entire Wildling force killed? that's just so baffling. It makes no sense, really.
Jon's immensely thick plot armour; first he just charges right in on horseback right into a wall of archers and doesn't get hit once? (Save for his horse.) And after his horse goes down, he's left on foot, not even moving... The archers just conveniently pause? I'm not even going to elaborate on the whole standing ground against the cavalry on foot thing.... and getting saved at the last minute....
Ramsay having a chance to fight Jon one on one, man to man, then he just takes out a bow and tries to shoot him like a craven? I can… [view original content]
They had more men, higher ground and held formation. Ramsey may have sacrificed his troops after they collided but that was also part of the strategy to surrong jons remaining forces.
Jon just charged, completely forgetting all strategy all together, without the vale they all would have died after being played over and over.
Wait, how did Boltons have a better tactic? Their tactic was just to shoot arrows everywhere because Ramsay knew he had the numbers, he knew… more that he would kill plenty of them and his men, but he knew he was gonna win, it was clear, you could tell by looking at him that he knew what he was doing. After plenty had died of arrows, they surrounded rest of them, which was the good part of the tactic. Their tactic indeed would have worked if Sansa and Littlefinger wouldn't have come behind the shield guys, now the Bolton army was completely doomed, Stark army in front of them and behind.
Regardless of whether Ramsay is skilled in combat or not, I'm pretty sure it's out of character for Ramsay to do something so cowardly. He's ready to take on 20 Ironborn shirtless with a knife, then he has a fair fight between him and another man that he could possibly win, but he just backs down like a craven. I really don't think it was a skill thing.
Also, if I'm not mistaken, the books never directly state that Ramsay is not a skilled fighter. But rather he has an improper fighting style, he uses the sword more like a blunt weapon, hacking and slamming rather than slicing like a sword is meant to be used.
According to the books, Ramsay wasn't much of a fighter. I knew immediately that Ramsay was fucked one on one and you can tell that by his face in that scene.
I imagine it's because Ramsay, knowing he's doomed, still wants to make a show of it by announcing to Jon that he is accepting his proposal for one on one combat. He's still screwing with him, he knows kiling people close to Jon will get him angry.
Ok, I've rewatched the Battle of the Bastards and now I have another question.
When Ramsay has shot a funal arrow that killed Wun Wun, Jo… moren was standing right next to the giant and didn't even move. Why didn't Ramsay try to kill Jon? That was really stupid. He just wasted his arrow. He could've killed his enemy!
* Grey Jeyne
* Helicent
* Jez
* Alison
* Kyra
* Maude
* Red Jeyne
* Sara
* Willow
Those are all the Bastard's Girls who were named after woman he enjoyed raping and hunting.
My main worries for the Starks now are actually Sansa and Littlefinger. She seems to get progressively darker as the season goes and I noticed that she didn't exactly have a face of relief when she saw Jon alive, maybe I just interpret it wrong.
And I am worry about Littlefinger because I still don't know about his plans unless his plans is to marry Sansa.
It was pretty great episode, even though Littlefinger's army arriving at the last moment was predictable. Didn't like Jon's plot armor this episode (not a single arrow hit him, come on m8) and Rickon's wasted potential this season (he didn't even get to speak poor kid). Otherwise it was really awesome.
Blackwater still remains my favourite episode, but this one is easily in my TOP 5.
so like i said in my "review" that i was gonna rant about rickon, so im gonna do it just a bit. but mainly for the point that i had have yet to see.
ok another character brought back just to kill him... and sigh fuck it im not gonna do it here. just no energy for it.
OK so the point that i wanted to make and forgot to make in my original "review": why not just bring back Rickon back to life??? i get that Melisandre hasnt appeared much this season but why not just, idk mention the a possible ressurection?? i mean Jon, you yourself has been brought back to life? why not just be like 'hey sansa, everyone, chill no need to get sad of our brothers death. death is not final, well it is but not with this red witch i have with me. i mean im pretty sure you all know i came back right? i mean c'mon sansa i told you what happened, dont you remember? (maybe that would clear up my lil theory that both sansa and jon are lying to themselves, jon not telling her the WHOLE truth about his death, but that sure as hell aint gonna be a thing..) no worries he has a couple of arrows on him, but we'll take them off him and my girl melly will bring him back' idk i mean why not? that thought immediately cross my mind when jon said " we will bury him next to my father" i was like "woah, hey can you just bring him back?" i mean i guess they didnt do it because of budget and all that other shit, but i'd like a reasonable explanation. i dont want the whole "ehh the lord of light doesnt need him, only you" shit", or "ehh my powers down here arent as powerful as in the wall"....
well idk i just felt like, why not? also wun wun. ok that might be harder to do since he is a whole of a lot MORE BIGGER so idk if there is something like a restriction of transferring too much energy to a stiff and possibly sacrificing your whole life on a giant.. ok rant/observation over.
To put it simply: It doesn't work that way. It was stated in this episode that Melisandre has no power to revive anyone she wants. The only reason she could revive Jon was because the Lord of Light wanted Jon to be revived.
ok everywhere ive look i have yet to see this...
so like i said in my "review" that i was gonna rant about rickon, so im gonna do it just… more a bit. but mainly for the point that i had have yet to see.
ok another character brought back just to kill him... and sigh fuck it im not gonna do it here. just no energy for it.
OK so the point that i wanted to make and forgot to make in my original "review": why not just bring back Rickon back to life??? i get that Melisandre hasnt appeared much this season but why not just, idk mention the a possible ressurection?? i mean Jon, you yourself has been brought back to life? why not just be like 'hey sansa, everyone, chill no need to get sad of our brothers death. death is not final, well it is but not with this red witch i have with me. i mean im pretty sure you all know i came back right? i mean c'mon sansa i told you what happened, dont you remember? (maybe that would clear up my lil theory that b… [view original content]
tl;dr, but to that first question:
why not just bring back Rickon back to life???
To put it simply: It doesn't work that way. … moreIt was stated in this episode that Melisandre has no power to revive anyone she wants. The only reason she could revive Jon was because the Lord of Light wanted Jon to be revived.
What was the point of Sansa keeping Baelish and the Knights of the Vale a secret from Jon?
I was thinking about this and she didnt t… moreell him purely as she thought he would waste them in the battle. Sansa figured out jon would fall for ramseys trick thus she waited until ramsey had the upperhand. Sansa learned from littlefinger about planning twenty steps ahead.
Yeah, Ive heard that suggestion and I dont buy it. It makes her sound a little too Littlefinger-like. I know she has suffered and toughened as a result, but I cant see her as being that manipulative and evil and emulating Cercei of all people. Destroying the only family she has left for power? Thats not the Sansa Ive been watching. I tell you right now, if Sansa turned into combination of Littlefinger and Cercei, the two characters I hate most, I want no part of her.
A lot of people are suggesting that her plan was to use jon as bait and then unveil her knights (jon would have wasted them) as she knew he … morewould be reckless. Additionally it has been suggested that perhaps even with the ( repressed internal) hope of him being killed. Thus giving her the power over the army rather than loyalty be divided.
I think the first part is more likely than the second and honestly quite good strategy if anything. Plus it shows elements of cersei and littlefinger who have been her main teachers.
Who else is she going to emulate? Sansa has only Been around these kinds of people for the past few years. No one has been legit nice to her since her father died, it's all been pure manipulation or using. Sansa has learned honest victories don't happen
Yeah, Ive heard that suggestion and I dont buy it. It makes her sound a little too Littlefinger-like. I know she has suffered and toughened … moreas a result, but I cant see her as being that manipulative and evil and emulating Cercei of all people. Destroying the only family she has left for power? Thats not the Sansa Ive been watching. I tell you right now, if Sansa turned into combination of Littlefinger and Cercei, the two characters I hate most, I want no part of her.
I like to think she still has the influence of her family who loved her, Ned who died for her. I cant believe that she would completely turn cold and dead like that. I never got the impression that she was doing this for power, but to restore the house of her family back to what it was, and to get the people who hurt and betrayed her and her family out of it. I get that she has been learning how to play the game but I cant see her becoming full on Cercei-lite. Cercei manipulated her and destroyed her family. And hopefully, she'll see Littlefinger for what he is and wash her hands of him too.
Who else is she going to emulate? Sansa has only Been around these kinds of people for the past few years. No one has been legit nice to her… more since her father died, it's all been pure manipulation or using. Sansa has learned honest victories don't happen
yeah i can kinda see that but at the same time, he has seemed kinda afraid that there's nothing after life... well maybe not. but it seems kinda fucked up, weird, that no one even brought it up lol.
ROOSE:I have seen my bastard fight. He is not entirely to blame. Reek was his tutor, the first Reek, and Reek was never trained at arms. Ramsay is ferocious, I will grant you, but he swings that sword like a butcher hacking meat
Reek 1.0 is what looked more for a master of arm for him. A man fighting like a "butcher hacking meat" isn't a compliment here, meaning he will have no chance against a trained man. And it's his father who mentions how bad he is.
Regardless of whether Ramsay is skilled in combat or not, I'm pretty sure it's out of character for Ramsay to do something so cowardly. He's… more ready to take on 20 Ironborn shirtless with a knife, then he has a fair fight between him and another man that he could possibly win, but he just backs down like a craven. I really don't think it was a skill thing.
Also, if I'm not mistaken, the books never directly state that Ramsay is not a skilled fighter. But rather he has an improper fighting style, he uses the sword more like a blunt weapon, hacking and slamming rather than slicing like a sword is meant to be used.
Vale's army is intact from the War of the Five Kings. You've got Yohn Royce who is a decent battle commander.
You can't waste them, they would have crush Bolton's army all the way.
I think Ramsay would've stayed inside Winterfell if Jon had waited out for the Vale army. And in a siege he would've again had the advantage… more.
So I'd say Sansa wanted to make sure it wouldn't be a siege, so the Vale army could crush Ramsay's army in an open field.
I'm not sure about that, would Jon really have taken the bait's role willingly? If he hadn't, Ramsay probably would've noticed the Vale army quickly enough to retreat back to Winterfell.
I am wondering if either Arya or Bran gets to Winterfell in the next episode. I hope Bran returns to Winterfell and properly takes his place as the Lord of Winterfell. He is the only one who can continue the Stark name. Unless Jon gets legitimated.
Or are there special exceptions in medieval time where women's line can pass on the name?
But if Bran passes the wall the spell that keeps the "others" away will break right? I think the 3 eyed raven said something about Brans mark, which is destroying the spells. But I hope Bran gets home too, hopefully without the company of the white walkers.
He is the only one who can continue the Stark name. Unless Jon gets legitimated.
Dont forget Benjen, he is a Stark as well. But I dont think he can have children since hes half dead. And I dont think he can get south of the wall because of that spell, unless Bran breaks it...
I am wondering if either Arya or Bran gets to Winterfell in the next episode. I hope Bran returns to Winterfell and properly takes his place… more as the Lord of Winterfell. He is the only one who can continue the Stark name. Unless Jon gets legitimated.
Or are there special exceptions in medieval time where women's line can pass on the name?
he has seemed kinda afraid that there's nothing after life...
I thought of that as well. But I think Melisandre has a limit of how often she can revive someone. At least Thoros said that he cant revive Beric or Catelyn anymore after about 6 resurrections. So I think that they will reach the point where they dont have such powers anymore after using them too often.
yeah i can kinda see that but at the same time, he has seemed kinda afraid that there's nothing after life... well maybe not. but it seems kinda fucked up, weird, that no one even brought it up lol.
Since it has all been destined, I think it was meant for Bran to have the mark in order to start the war against the White Walkers and finally defeat them for good in the final war.
I am quite interesting to know what Bran's role will be in the war. For now, it seems that it will be Bran who will convince the armies of the world to fight together against the White Walkers. He knows the history of the world, for me it seems like it could be a useful tool when it comes to diplomacy.
But if Bran passes the wall the spell that keeps the "others" away will break right? I think the 3 eyed raven said something about Brans mar… morek, which is destroying the spells. But I hope Bran gets home too, hopefully without the company of the white walkers.
He is the only one who can continue the Stark name. Unless Jon gets legitimated.
Dont forget Benjen, he is a Stark as well. But I dont think he can have children since hes half dead. And I dont think he can get south of the wall because of that spell, unless Bran breaks it...
That sounds good, I would really like that. It would be terribly disappointing if his role was just to break the spell and write a letter or something to Jon Snow about his origins. I hope you are right, and to be honest I think they really have plan for Bran. When I started watching the show I kinda had the feeling that Bran is the main character or the center of the show or something like that.
Since it has all been destined, I think it was meant for Bran to have the mark in order to start the war against the White Walkers and final… morely defeat them for good in the final war.
I am quite interesting to know what Bran's role will be in the war. For now, it seems that it will be Bran who will convince the armies of the world to fight together against the White Walkers. He knows the history of the world, for me it seems like it could be a useful tool when it comes to diplomacy.
He would just have to stick to the plan and stay in the tranchees they dug all days, playing defensive while waiting for the Vale. I can't see why Ramsay wouldn't attack, he still has got the larger/better army.
If Ramsay sees the army he would flee just as he did in the episode, I don't see how the outcome would change ^^
I'm not sure about that, would Jon really have taken the bait's role willingly? If he hadn't, Ramsay probably would've noticed the Vale army quickly enough to retreat back to Winterfell.
I love this episode so much, it was beautiful, really. But there were just some things that I can't help but point out;
What was the point of Sansa keeping Baelish and the Knights of the Vale a secret from Jon? If he would have known about them, he could have used them in a manner that you know... Wouldn't have gotten almost his entire Wildling force killed? that's just so baffling. It makes no sense, really.
Jon's immensely thick plot armour; first he just charges right in on horseback right into a wall of archers and doesn't get hit once? (Save for his horse.) And after his horse goes down, he's left on foot, not even moving... The archers just conveniently pause? I'm not even going to elaborate on the whole standing ground against the cavalry on foot thing.... and getting saved at the last minute....
Ramsay having a chance to fight Jon one on one, man to man, then he just takes out a bow and tries to shoot him like a craven? I can understand him retreating back to Winterfell, which isn't all that cowardly, but the bow thing was just a bit too much. I was hoping we would get a hand to hand fight from Jon and Ramsay, but it was denied.
Also, we only got one scene without even any dialogue from Lyanna...
It's a bit of a shame that Rickon and Osha were brought back just to kill them off later... I would have liked some more scenes from them other than just their return scenes and death scenes.
On a side note, I will always miss Ramsay's character on the show and Iwan Rheon's amazing portrayal of the character.
Anyway, everything else was great. Namely: Ramsay's little game with Rickon, Jon and Sansa's argument, Lyanna's death stare, and the aesthetics of the battle scenes.
It's been a bit of a rough season for GoT. But I have faith that episode 10 will be just as amazing, if not better than episode 9.
She endured some torment however, I say Theon had it far worse than her. She was never mutilated/maimed for life and she trusted in the weasel Peter Bailish if that is spelled correctly. After he sort of betrayed Ned Stark I've never cared that much for him in the series but Sansa may not have ever known that.
On a normal show, I would be like "the hero will get up" but I know this is Game of Thrones so I was somewhat almost expecting like maybe Jon will drown in these bodies because Starks losing is something you almost expect. Nice change.
I was thinking about this and she didnt tell him purely as she thought he would waste them in the battle. Sansa figured out jon would fall for ramseys trick thus she waited until ramsey had the upperhand. Sansa learned from littlefinger about planning twenty steps ahead.
Wait, how did Boltons have a better tactic? Their tactic was just to shoot arrows everywhere because Ramsay knew he had the numbers, he knew that he would kill plenty of them and his men, but he knew he was gonna win, it was clear, you could tell by looking at him that he knew what he was doing. After plenty had died of arrows, they surrounded rest of them, which was the good part of the tactic. Their tactic indeed would have worked if Sansa and Littlefinger wouldn't have come behind the shield guys, now the Bolton army was completely doomed, Stark army in front of them and behind.
He really wasn't a coward at all, I expected him to cry after being with the dogs, but he still was having a straight face, I don't understand where the thought of him being scared comes. Also, in the books Joffrey and Ramsay are completely different to my knowledge. Joffrey actually gets people to his side with charisma and he was a good looking guy too, and as an adult he would've probably veen a good fighter. Ramsay, in the other hand, according to the books, did not know how to fight, was not good looking at all and many despised him
According to the books, Ramsay wasn't much of a fighter. I knew immediately that Ramsay was fucked one on one and you can tell that by his face in that scene.
They had more men, higher ground and held formation. Ramsey may have sacrificed his troops after they collided but that was also part of the strategy to surrong jons remaining forces.
Jon just charged, completely forgetting all strategy all together, without the vale they all would have died after being played over and over.
Regardless of whether Ramsay is skilled in combat or not, I'm pretty sure it's out of character for Ramsay to do something so cowardly. He's ready to take on 20 Ironborn shirtless with a knife, then he has a fair fight between him and another man that he could possibly win, but he just backs down like a craven. I really don't think it was a skill thing.
Also, if I'm not mistaken, the books never directly state that Ramsay is not a skilled fighter. But rather he has an improper fighting style, he uses the sword more like a blunt weapon, hacking and slamming rather than slicing like a sword is meant to be used.
I imagine it's because Ramsay, knowing he's doomed, still wants to make a show of it by announcing to Jon that he is accepting his proposal for one on one combat. He's still screwing with him, he knows kiling people close to Jon will get him angry.
Those are all the Bastard's Girls who were named after woman he enjoyed raping and hunting.
Wow, he got ripped apart by 9 dogs.
My main worries for the Starks now are actually Sansa and Littlefinger. She seems to get progressively darker as the season goes and I noticed that she didn't exactly have a face of relief when she saw Jon alive, maybe I just interpret it wrong.
And I am worry about Littlefinger because I still don't know about his plans unless his plans is to marry Sansa.
It was pretty great episode, even though Littlefinger's army arriving at the last moment was predictable. Didn't like Jon's plot armor this episode (not a single arrow hit him, come on m8) and Rickon's wasted potential this season (he didn't even get to speak poor kid). Otherwise it was really awesome.
Blackwater still remains my favourite episode, but this one is easily in my TOP 5.
These two
If only Smalljon had chose the right side, I think him and Tormund could've become bros 
They actually look like brothers. They both got the magnificent beards.
Now I just need a nice and happy pic with Kit, Sophie and Iwan and world peace will be established.
Thanks. Make sure to bring flowers and the hounds.
So Mira, what did you think of this weeks episode?
ok everywhere ive look i have yet to see this...
so like i said in my "review" that i was gonna rant about rickon, so im gonna do it just a bit. but mainly for the point that i had have yet to see.
ok another character brought back just to kill him... and sigh fuck it im not gonna do it here. just no energy for it.
OK so the point that i wanted to make and forgot to make in my original "review": why not just bring back Rickon back to life??? i get that Melisandre hasnt appeared much this season but why not just, idk mention the a possible ressurection?? i mean Jon, you yourself has been brought back to life? why not just be like 'hey sansa, everyone, chill no need to get sad of our brothers death. death is not final, well it is but not with this red witch i have with me. i mean im pretty sure you all know i came back right? i mean c'mon sansa i told you what happened, dont you remember? (maybe that would clear up my lil theory that both sansa and jon are lying to themselves, jon not telling her the WHOLE truth about his death, but that sure as hell aint gonna be a thing..) no worries he has a couple of arrows on him, but we'll take them off him and my girl melly will bring him back' idk i mean why not? that thought immediately cross my mind when jon said " we will bury him next to my father" i was like "woah, hey can you just bring him back?" i mean i guess they didnt do it because of budget and all that other shit, but i'd like a reasonable explanation. i dont want the whole "ehh the lord of light doesnt need him, only you" shit", or "ehh my powers down here arent as powerful as in the wall"....
well idk i just felt like, why not? also wun wun. ok that might be harder to do since he is a whole of a lot MORE BIGGER so idk if there is something like a restriction of transferring too much energy to a stiff and possibly sacrificing your whole life on a giant.. ok rant/observation over.
tl;dr, but to that first question:
To put it simply: It doesn't work that way. It was stated in this episode that Melisandre has no power to revive anyone she wants. The only reason she could revive Jon was because the Lord of Light wanted Jon to be revived.
And Jon is not even happy about it. I think he would rather his brother rest in peace.
Like a boss.
House Giantsbane of Last Hearth has a nice ring to it
Vale's army is intact from the War of the Five Kings. You've got Yohn Royce who is a decent battle commander.
You can't waste them, they would have crush Bolton's army all the way.
Yeah, Ive heard that suggestion and I dont buy it. It makes her sound a little too Littlefinger-like. I know she has suffered and toughened as a result, but I cant see her as being that manipulative and evil and emulating Cercei of all people. Destroying the only family she has left for power? Thats not the Sansa Ive been watching. I tell you right now, if Sansa turned into combination of Littlefinger and Cercei, the two characters I hate most, I want no part of her.
Who else is she going to emulate? Sansa has only Been around these kinds of people for the past few years. No one has been legit nice to her since her father died, it's all been pure manipulation or using. Sansa has learned honest victories don't happen
I like to think she still has the influence of her family who loved her, Ned who died for her. I cant believe that she would completely turn cold and dead like that. I never got the impression that she was doing this for power, but to restore the house of her family back to what it was, and to get the people who hurt and betrayed her and her family out of it. I get that she has been learning how to play the game but I cant see her becoming full on Cercei-lite. Cercei manipulated her and destroyed her family. And hopefully, she'll see Littlefinger for what he is and wash her hands of him too.
yeah i can kinda see that but at the same time, he has seemed kinda afraid that there's nothing after life... well maybe not. but it seems kinda fucked up, weird, that no one even brought it up lol.
who is just hype to see the credits next episode??? STARK'S SIGIL BACK AT WINTERFELL!! AHHHHHH FUCK YES
And Benjen is still alive. Iam not sure though if hes more alive than dead. And he probably cant have children, but he still counts as a male Stark.
I'm gonna say what I already said somewhere:
Reek 1.0 is what looked more for a master of arm for him. A man fighting like a "butcher hacking meat" isn't a compliment here, meaning he will have no chance against a trained man. And it's his father who mentions how bad he is.
At least for book Ramsay.
I think Ramsay would've stayed inside Winterfell if Jon had waited out for the Vale army. And in a siege he would've again had the advantage.
So I'd say Sansa wanted to make sure it wouldn't be a siege, so the Vale army could crush Ramsay's army in an open field.
Ramsay didn't notice the Vale army at all, so saying it to Jon that they're coming shouldn't change the outcome of the battle (a siege/battlefield)
I'm not sure about that, would Jon really have taken the bait's role willingly? If he hadn't, Ramsay probably would've noticed the Vale army quickly enough to retreat back to Winterfell.
I am wondering if either Arya or Bran gets to Winterfell in the next episode. I hope Bran returns to Winterfell and properly takes his place as the Lord of Winterfell. He is the only one who can continue the Stark name. Unless Jon gets legitimated.
Or are there special exceptions in medieval time where women's line can pass on the name?
But if Bran passes the wall the spell that keeps the "others" away will break right? I think the 3 eyed raven said something about Brans mark, which is destroying the spells. But I hope Bran gets home too, hopefully without the company of the white walkers.
Dont forget Benjen, he is a Stark as well. But I dont think he can have children since hes half dead. And I dont think he can get south of the wall because of that spell, unless Bran breaks it...
I thought of that as well. But I think Melisandre has a limit of how often she can revive someone. At least Thoros said that he cant revive Beric or Catelyn anymore after about 6 resurrections. So I think that they will reach the point where they dont have such powers anymore after using them too often.
Since it has all been destined, I think it was meant for Bran to have the mark in order to start the war against the White Walkers and finally defeat them for good in the final war.
I am quite interesting to know what Bran's role will be in the war. For now, it seems that it will be Bran who will convince the armies of the world to fight together against the White Walkers. He knows the history of the world, for me it seems like it could be a useful tool when it comes to diplomacy.
That sounds good, I would really like that. It would be terribly disappointing if his role was just to break the spell and write a letter or something to Jon Snow about his origins. I hope you are right, and to be honest I think they really have plan for Bran. When I started watching the show I kinda had the feeling that Bran is the main character or the center of the show or something like that.
He would just have to stick to the plan and stay in the tranchees they dug all days, playing defensive while waiting for the Vale. I can't see why Ramsay wouldn't attack, he still has got the larger/better army.
If Ramsay sees the army he would flee just as he did in the episode, I don't see how the outcome would change ^^