The Vent/Help Thread



  • I know it sounds backwards, but it might be a good thing. If this group is all following this toxic person you might count yourself lucky you got out before things got really bad.

    She really does, but she won't listen to me and no one else in that group chat will speak up because they're all basically controlled by her. I wouldn't be shocked if they don't talk to me because of her.

  • Life is so mysterious.

    The fact that there are things that we sometimes cannot give a concrete explanation scares me so much.

  • edited June 2016

    yepthays universal it may be the internal layer ofthe disc is somehow worn/stretched best course of action is maybe return the game and get your money back or exchange it for another game or exchange it for a working version or download the games i havent played online on my ps3 for a while (i only play yakuza on there now and use ps4 for online) so i dont know how much it will cost or is the disc scratched? because that can be a major problem for blu ray in general

    The little icon says "all" so I'm guessing it's universal lol. Well, just my luck.

  • I'm starting to get really concerned that it's me. I'm not a bad guy, but I have a hard time believing all of these people are the real fucked up ones, and not just me.

    I know it sounds backwards, but it might be a good thing. If this group is all following this toxic person you might count yourself lucky you got out before things got really bad.

  • fuckcancer stay strong

    Another grandparent with Cancer. Fuck you cancer.

  • So this an odd one for me. But just the amount of just outright evil happening this month has me feeling way insecure! Of course the internet just feeds on it. Sounding almost gleeful. So what am I ranting about? Its the murder of Christina Grimmie. Problem is there should be no reason for this to bother me as it does! Fighting with myself not to cry while typing this. The only time I had heard of her was thanks to her youtube channel Zeldax64 comeing up when I searched for Zelda related things on the youtube. This very thing may have happened about a week before her death. So I caught her charity team challeng thing. Thought thats nice and went back to my zelda search. So then it happened,and I'm pissed beyond reason because a:Where in the @#$% was her security! And B: I subscribed to her channel after she died like an ass hat! Seems legit except I'm 40 and male and not gay. Hard thing to bring up in the wake of The Pluse shootings as well. Any way I can't get her song "Deception" out of my head. Rip kid :(

  • edited June 2016

    I have the same problem.

    This has been bothering me so I'm going to edit it in here because it seems like the perfect place for it. I go to an AA meeting on Friday nights. After the usual intro BS a smoker's meeting splinters off outside the building. Everyone takes a folding chair and makes a circle outside. I intentionally wait for some other people to go outside before I even stand up now because if I'm the first one out there everyone else puts their chairs down in a way that makes me have to reset. It's awkward and it makes me think no one wants to sit next to me. But last night I hadn't smoked before the meeting and I went out first because I was fiending. I put my chair down and lit up a cigarette, and just waited for everyone else. Now, I'm not exaggerating in any way when I say that everyone else made a half-circle directly across from me. They moved their chairs when they noticed that I noticed and someone even said 'Awkwaaard'. These are adults. I am an adult. I know I have 'The crazy eyes', I know I hardly talk. I've done nothing wrong, but I swear some of them look at me like I'm a monster. I'll take the hint and just not bother them with my whole being there thing. I can't even fit in with a bunch of other alcoholics. I honestly don't know why I bother waking up every day.

    I'm starting to get really concerned that it's me. I'm not a bad guy, but I have a hard time believing all of these people are the real fucked up ones, and not just me.

  • If the black markets are the only way to get guns, then all you're simply doing is punishing law-abiding gun owners. Criminals will still turn to illegal means to get guns, and law-abiding citizens won't be able to defend themselves.

    The issue is not the type of weapon, but the person owning it. If you can prove yourself mentally stable, are able to handle a gun, and don't have a history of violent crime, then as far as I'm concerned you can be trusted with a weapon.

    Chilled posted: »

    Even if it stops one child being killed, that's more than enough. Placing harsher restrictions on guns or banning them altogether (excludin

  • edited June 2016

    Never played that game, personally.

    So this an odd one for me. But just the amount of just outright evil happening this month has me feeling way insecure! Of course the in

  • edited June 2016

    Something that I don't understand, is why every time another country has a problem, we're always having to rush in and fix it for them, when we can't even solve our own.

    Something else that I don't understand, is that with the country in the financial shape that it said, why it is still legal for big business owners to build factories in third world countries, so they can get cheap labor.

    Also, former childhood actor Corey Feldman, didn't interview about several years ago Ann and talked about his experience, and that of fellow child star the late Corey Haim, and how they were molested as children, by people who worked in the industry.
    enter link description here

    And what I don't understand is why the law system doesn't do something to try to protect these children from such things.

    Also, people complain that about how terrorists are able to recruit young people to do their dirty work. In fact I even saw on the news that terrorists groups have their own online magazine.

    It seems to me if you want to severely hamper terroists ability to be able to influence and recruit people, then you need to go after the way they communicate across the world, and that includes pulling down there websites, taking down any videos they have online, and etc.

    Also, President Obama wanting to pull the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, is the stupidest thing that could have ever been done. And the reason why is because after Saddam Hussein was taken out of power, that American troops were the only thing keeping that whole area stable.

    And now because the American troops are gone, look at how that whole area has just gone from bad to worse. And now we're having to spend more money on having the train locals armies, so they can deal with their own problems. And as a country we're already trillions of dollars in debt!!!

    Also, the Liberals in Government want to talk about banning Firearms, like assault rifles and whatnot, and yet they are perfectly fine with giving Iran nuclear weapons - a country that is overrun by extremists - and if those missiles were to fall into the hands of extremists - the damage that they could do would be catastrophic.

    And it's not just America that would be affected if nuclear weapons were to fall into the hands of a terrorist. Every single country on Earth would be in danger if that were to happen.

    You know I almost would think that my dog could run our country better than the lot of these ass clowns that we have an office right now.

  • Honestly, I'm sick of how people label each other based on the subjects they take. Apparently a guy taking Drama/Theater or playing Soccer/Football must be gay? Apparently someone taking Maths must be academically advanced? Apparently a guy taking Physical Education has to be fit? Why do people think this? x.x I keep hearing people talking labeling others behind their backs just because of the subjects they take, it's ignorant.

  • Those are some childish adults. You did literally nothing wrong and it doesn't seem like there is anything wrong with you, you want to solve a problem you have and these other adults are depriving you of that opportunity for a reason I can't understand. I'm sorry man, I hope you get better.

    I have the same problem. This has been bothering me so I'm going to edit it in here because it seems like the perfect place for it. I go

  • My dad went to AA meetings he said they were awful and full of self riotous assholes. I would leave if I was you and find something else feeling like a freak isn't going to help you in anyway. The later steps get embarrassing like phoneing people you haven't spoke to in years and apologising for bullshit they have probably forgotten, I don't know if your religious or not but I heard that the bibley part is particularly patronising. Please leave and go find somewhere else that will make you feel better about yourself, loving yourself is the first step to a healthy lifestyle and if you can see a doctor.

    I have the same problem. This has been bothering me so I'm going to edit it in here because it seems like the perfect place for it. I go

  • Yeah, it's ignorant, but I wouldn't, personally, consider it a big enough deal to be bothered by. As long as you're happy with whatever subject you're taking, who really gives a shit about what anyone else thinks of it.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Honestly, I'm sick of how people label each other based on the subjects they take. Apparently a guy taking Drama/Theater or playing Soccer/F

  • Yeah, it actually made my stomach drop when I found out. Then after finding who the victim was, I couldn't eat. How much I hate living in England.

    Shooting at Tesco? Wait was this the Labour MP in yorkshire?

  • [removed]


  • Well, not everyone chooses to be bothered by it. What people often forget(not saying you) is that words can hurt others on emotional levels, even if they weren't intended to. For some people, it can be disheartening and demoralizing to hear others talk behind their backs, even if it's just about the subjects they take - in a way, some people can feel that people are mocking them for doing what they enjoy and that isn't a pleasant feeling for everyone.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    Yeah, it's ignorant, but I wouldn't, personally, consider it a big enough deal to be bothered by. As long as you're happy with whatever subject you're taking, who really gives a shit about what anyone else thinks of it.

  • Apparently someone taking Maths must be academically advanced?

    I'm continuing maths next year and I was shit at it until six months ago.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Honestly, I'm sick of how people label each other based on the subjects they take. Apparently a guy taking Drama/Theater or playing Soccer/F

  • edited June 2016

    Ugh, I know, right? It pisses me off every time that happens.

    On a side now, some of classmates are using gay/lesbian as an insult which is completely ignorant. It's not even an insult! Just because someone is more interested in the same gender he/she is, it is an insult? lolwut

    I don't even get people nowadays, especially people that are 13 years old or 14 years old, mostly at my place. They are using words with the worst way possible... mostly with the worst grammatical way possible.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Honestly, I'm sick of how people label each other based on the subjects they take. Apparently a guy taking Drama/Theater or playing Soccer/F

  • I've taken Mathematics every year of school, I manage to get good grades but to be honest I often feel like I don't know what I'm doing x.x

    Apparently someone taking Maths must be academically advanced? I'm continuing maths next year and I was shit at it until six months ago.

  • I always do crap on the tests, but the work we do is actually really easy.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I've taken Mathematics every year of school, I manage to get good grades but to be honest I often feel like I don't know what I'm doing x.x

  • I don't even understand how taking a subject, being feminine/masculine or sounding feminine/masculine equates to being a sexuality other than Hetero... it's strange logic that people use sometimes.

    I agree, I'm a Teen and I don't understand half of what people younger than me or even my own peers say xD

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ugh, I know, right? It pisses me off every time that happens. On a side now, some of classmates are using gay/lesbian as an insult which

  • I don't even understand how taking a subject, being feminine/masculine or sounding feminine/masculine equates to being a sexuality other than Hetero... it's strange logic that people use sometimes.

    Exactly. Ugh, kinda wish some people could learn more about some of the words instead of using them, without even knowing the actual meaning of them.

    I agree, I'm a Teen and I don't understand half of what people younger than me or even my own peers say xD

    Lol I'm like the only young student at my school that actually doesn't use words like that as insults and I'm proud of it. We even discussed about this kind of thing in the professors, but my classmates keep doing it anyways. I feel like I'm the only one who actually listens when subjects like these are being discussed in school.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I don't even understand how taking a subject, being feminine/masculine or sounding feminine/masculine equates to being a sexuality other tha

  • 2016 has claimed another. FUCK YOU 2016!!

    R.I.P Anton Yelchin

  • I don't know the owners but the cat corpse is no longer there so I'm guessing the owners or someone who knew them took it.

    Thats fucked up Do you know the owners I hope they know their cat is dead and not just missing.

  • My school laptop is a piece of shit. It's a fucking Acer Travelmate B115 that costs $600 at my school, and last night it only charged to 50% for some reason. And this is a Wednesday which means that I need to use my laptop a lot today. So fuck.

  • Acers are garbage. I broke four before age twelve.

    My school laptop is a piece of shit. It's a fucking Acer Travelmate B115 that costs $600 at my school, and last night it only charged to 50% for some reason. And this is a Wednesday which means that I need to use my laptop a lot today. So fuck.

  • I took my psychological evaluation today and while it was an extremely fascinating experience, I feel dead exhausted. I went in with only three hours of sleep and was there from 9 AM to 4:30 PM with the false promise that I would be home by 3 PM. Unfortunately for me, I was not aware that they held you longer if you were actually doing GOOD. I'm not saying I would've intentionally bombed my efforts, but damn, if I knew that, I'd feel a little bit better while taking the evaluation. . .

    Adding onto my slightly previous vent, the last test they had me do involved watching a computer screen for fourteen minutes. It was boring and I couldn't concentrate. I'm well aware that they were testing my concentration levels and it's probably good that I did so terribly on it to get a more accurate feedback (I was being tested for generalized anxiety, PTSD and ADD), but damn, my head was spinning from watching so many numbers appear on the screen. Now that my testing is over, I feel the need to keel over and sleep for the next century. Whew. . .

    Also, on a side note, a completely irrelevant side vent: I remember why I never venture away from the General Talk on these forums.

  • Congrats on completing your psych eval without going nuts! :)

    If it helps, which it probably doesn't, the psychology profession has dreamed up far worse examinations, all of which do not involve explaining what's going to happen in advance.

    Be sure to explain that you were exhausted to anyone who tries to interpret the results.

    I took my psychological evaluation today and while it was an extremely fascinating experience, I feel dead exhausted. I went in with only th

  • Thank you! I hear it is quite a feat.

    And to your other comment, I'm well aware - I live with a psychologist. Even when they aren't at work, they still do things at home and "observe you" (from a purely curious point of view, of course) without explaining it. I don't think I need to worry too much about the exhaustion part as I went in mentioning I only got three hours of sleep and even if I didn't, I was tested by the student of my aunt's coworker (the coworker couldn't do it herself since it would be unethical as she is fairly close to my aunt) and if need be, my aunt could just pass on the message.

    Now to wait three weeks for the results.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Congrats on completing your psych eval without going nuts! If it helps, which it probably doesn't, the psychology profession has dreame

  • So, I've pretty much forgotten and stopped caring about that group from before. However, one of the guys from it texted me telling me that a lot of people are hurt because of me and that I caused all of this. I don't even care, and is that bad? He is here, trying to make me feel like shit, and I don't feel a thing. I told him that it's in the past, I'm sorry for the pain I helped cause but it's the past that I can't change, so I'm not going to tear myself up over it. He kept going even after it, I asked him why he's even telling me this. Apparently he just wants me to know that I hurt a lot of people really bad. My exactly words to that were "That sucks", and I just don't care, hell I even made a joke.

    Am I in the wrong here? Should I feel bad for anything I did? It sucks, I recognize that, but I just can't force myself to care.

  • edited June 2016

    I read your previous posts about this situation and all I have to say is wow. It seems like you group of friends are like a flock of misguided sheep following another sheep that is misguided. It seems like they are putting all the blame on you when they don't even see that the girl of the group is typing things that seem kind of aggressive. They all seem to be followers of this one particular girl and see her in blameless eyes. Honestly, if they are supposedly your friends they should try to hear you side of the story and discuss how to fix the situation. You need friends that are understanding and not jump in conclusions of things. Anyways, you shouldn't feel really bad because you weren't the only person who caused the situation. However, I think you should say sorry to the group so they wouldn't be "hurt" anymore.

    So, I've pretty much forgotten and stopped caring about that group from before. However, one of the guys from it texted me telling me that a

  • I have this cousin. This cousin has mental problems (I don't know, doctors and psychiatrists say it's ADD) and I'm pretty sure he's spoiled. Rotten.

    As you all may or may not know, I live with my grandparents; and since my Aunt and Uncle raised this child I'm the piece of shit for reacting to his bullshit. They just DROP THIS PIECE OF SHIT OFF TO MY HOUSE EVERY DAY (and his little brother which is actually a nice little guy) and leave off for work NOT GIVING A FUCK WHETHER OR NOT HIS KID DOES SHIT TO ME AND MY SIBLINGS.

    Woah, Bigdog! He has mental issues! He can't help it! Don't worry, I've told myself that. But it's gone too far when he forces his issues on other people. I have a little sister, suffering from autism. SHE doesn't walk up to me and demand I get off the computer, where I LIVE, for her; SHE doesn't whine and lie to her parents to get me into trouble; and most important of all, SHE doesn't annoy me 24 fucking 7 and try to make it feel like it's my fault that she has autism. Okay?

    Example of his bullshit: A few months back I was on my PS4, you know, chillin. I had to pause my game of TFTBL to investigate the babbling and arguing I heard from behind me. My cousin was yelling at his younger brother because the youth wanted 30 minutes on the computer this piece of shit was on all day. Acting like it was his, he proceeded to state "Well Sal's always on it! No one makes him get off!" This asswipe brought me into this, and that's when I burst in with "And Sal lets other people on. So take turns, it isn't yours.", to which he says "No one's talking to you!" "Dude-" Thank you!" "I swear to-" "Goodbye! Shut up!" "You better cut your shit right no-" "Go away! Moron!" I won't lie, I smacked his back with the weakest force I could possible do, but still express my irritation. But apparently to him I threw a lego under his foot as I stuck a butter knife into his spine. He runs upstairs crying, I saved my little cousin the argument with his parents.

    But his parents and my grandparents yelled at me. 5:00 PM comes and ooooh boy the storm comes flooding in.

    "Oh, how dare you touch my child!"

    "My son is not your punching bag!"

    "Treat me with respect!"

    "I bought you this PS4, I'll take it back!" At this point, I'm pissed at this shit. I told my friend "Hold please" and he heard "TAKE THE FUCKING PS4! OKAY! IM SICK OF THIS BULLSHIT OF "I BOUGHT IT FOR YOU SO IT'S MINE". NO. YOU GAVE IT TO ME, DON'T GIVE PEOPLE SHIT UNLESS YOU MEAN IT TO BE THEIRS!" and then clap!

    "Don't disrespect me boy! I bought you that headset too!" So I threw the headset in her direction and told her to take it. To which my uncle tries to be a hero and says "Go to your room" And I say "No, I'm loving this conversation right now. Totally not "adult is always right", isn't it?" and he grabs me and throws me towards the stairs, yelling for me to go to my room. So I didn't. I went upstairs and prepared to hide-out on my roof. Fuck this bullshit where I have no say and can't be treated with human decency because I'm not 18+.

    As I tie my shoe-lace I hear "That kid of yours is so disrespectful, you know that ma?"

    Oh well, my roof felt great on that rainy day of 58 degrees F. I wish I was being sarcastic, quiet and stress relieving areas are my weakspot.

    Recently, summer break started. Nice, time to relax and feel happy about school being relieved from your Things To Do list, right? Nope. He comes over 3 out of 7 days a week, without question, and terrorizes the people of my household. To top it off, my Aunt also plays victim, because whenever I disagree with something a family member says she has to be the hero saying "Don't argue, I learned the hard way that he doesn't listen."

    Nice. I have more of life's bullshit on my platter. Wonderful.


  • GTA Vice City. Great game, no doubt about that. But 100% fuck the cops in this game. If you thought cops in GTA V were bad, they are absolutely horrendous in Vice City. One hit with a stick, bam you're busted. Got a 4 star wanted level? They will penetrate and ram the shit out of your behind worse than the ones in GTA V. Also, thanks to how quickly you open car doors in this game, good luck trying to escape those assholes when they're right next to you. I have never felt so much anger towards video game enemies before. Words cannot explain how badly I want every single cop in this game to burn in hell...

    And fuck the camera in this game.

  • You shouldn't and probably don't feel bad because from the sounds of the stories you told us you didn't even do anything to cause their pain, they're all just a bunch of psycho's, lmao.

    So, I've pretty much forgotten and stopped caring about that group from before. However, one of the guys from it texted me telling me that a

  • A.C.A.B.

    GTA Vice City. Great game, no doubt about that. But 100% fuck the cops in this game. If you thought cops in GTA V were bad, they are absolut

  • But apparently to him I threw a lego under his foot as I stuck a butter knife into his spine

    I burst out laughing at this.

    How old is the cunt?

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I have this cousin. This cousin has mental problems (I don't know, doctors and psychiatrists say it's ADD) and I'm pretty sure he's spoiled.

  • I got really drunk last night and somehow broke my bathroom window. The shame is real. the shame is strong.

  • He's 12. Lmao I wrote that part to try to keep some positivity

    But apparently to him I threw a lego under his foot as I stuck a butter knife into his spine I burst out laughing at this. How old is the cunt?

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