The Vent/Help Thread



  • edited June 2016

    I hate it when someone says something bad, even if meant as sarcasm or a joke, during a serious conservation.

    I was talking to a friend of mine about the recent Orlando attack, and talked a bit about ISIS saying that they even might have a potential to take over shit, and my friend said "Oh Goodie." She said it was sarcasm right afterwards before I was able to send a message, but it still really pissed me off. I calmed down easily though.

  • Automatic weapons should be illegal in America. Don't give me that "if guns are outlawed..." bullshit either. Here, automatic weapons are illegal, the ammo is illegal, extended clips are illegal and all are strictly enforced at all borders. Take a guess how many incidents we have had involving automatic weapons? Yeah. We do have a fair amount involving shotguns and rifles though, but those severely limit the casualties. I would have an easier time getting a hold of nuclear fuel than an AK-47. This isn't a holier than thou speech. This is a plea for change. Please.

  • edited June 2016


    Johro posted: »

    Automatic weapons should be illegal in America. Don't give me that "if guns are outlawed..." bullshit either. Here, automatic weapons are

  • FYI, fully automatic weapons are illegal in the U.S. and have been since 1986.

    The gun used in the Orlando shooting was an AR-15, which is semi-auto.

    I wouldn't mind them being banned (they were during 1994-2004), but people will (and did) find other ways to inflict mass casualties if they are. There has to be some other solution. I don't know what it is.

    Johro posted: »

    Automatic weapons should be illegal in America. Don't give me that "if guns are outlawed..." bullshit either. Here, automatic weapons are

  • How people can still be so closed minded that they think all muslims are terrorists or isis just because of thier religion.

    What happened in america was horrible this week, this was a attack towards the LGBT community and as the attacker had phoned the police, he was 'fighting' for ISIS.

    One thread has been closed, I read through it. WOW the people on there, just..... wow.... Easily lost respect for some people on this forum.

  • I can see why many people have started to hate Muslims, but the problem is, hatred is never a solution, it will instead just create even more hatred and it could very will turn into a war if it wasn't dealt with right.

    Tell you what, I am a Muslim Egyptian and I have lived in Germany for nearly 6 years and I've met a lot of Muslims like me, and guess what, none of them were terrorists or had anything to do with religious extremism, we also had a German neighbor and she was honestly one of the kindest people I've ever met, she even knew we were a Muslim family and she didn't bat an eye either (and that was only 2 years the attacks of 9/11), so in the end, I wanna say that generalization is totally bad.

    Imo, the best shot the US and EU have at combating terrorism is to try their best at cutting any means of connection with terrorist organizations in the Middle-East, and just continue to fight ISIS till they cease to exist.

    How people can still be so closed minded that they think all muslims are terrorists or isis just because of thier religion. What happened

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2016

    The panic and outrage caused by these atrocities are always an opportunity for white nationalists and other vultures to gain a strong platform to spread their views. You'll notice that immediately after the shootings, the usual suspects immediately came out of the woodwork to start evangelizing against Muslims and gleefully attacking their political enemies. Mind you, not all of the people who stay stuff like that are pushing an agenda, many are just frightened and upset.

    I see the same thing happening in regards to guns, with Feinstein and other ignorants using the tragedy as a glorified advertisement for their misguided legislature.

    How people can still be so closed minded that they think all muslims are terrorists or isis just because of thier religion. What happened

  • Really fucking sick of school at this point. My teacher feels the need to explain the most obvious of things, and he hovers over us and watches us while we do our work. I feel like I'm under a goddamn microscope at this place.

  • "Please consider replacing battery" on my Windows 7 laptop... with all my work on it..... Noooo.... ;~;

  • Good time to make a backup.

    "Please consider replacing battery" on my Windows 7 laptop... with all my work on it..... Noooo.... ;~;

  • Saving all that's needed to my USB stat.

    I don't want to lose nearly a decade of my life's work over this.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Good time to make a backup.

  • I know. I had this discussion on a different forum after this. AR-15's are illegal here too. I still think semi's should be banned too though. Then again, I'm the guy whom thinks anything with a clip, should be illegal. That's right, handguns are relegated to revolvers only.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    FYI, fully automatic weapons are illegal in the U.S. and have been since 1986. The gun used in the Orlando shooting was an AR-15, which i

  • edited June 2016

    You know what I hate... When a girl dates a guy, and the girl is an angel but her boyfriend is Satan in the flesh. Then, she gets caught up in his bullshit and suffers along with him, and she's too blind to see it.

  • Wanted to get tickets to see Peru vs Colombia but apparently life wants to take a dump on me.

    Fucking ugh.

  • edited June 2016

    enter image description here

    But a girl chooses to date Satan over a nice guy all the time because she loves the drama of it I seen it so many times and talked to many girls on the issue while the friendzone have an array of caring dudes for her who were just to nice so just see them as friends.

    Like person always putting hand on hot stove and refusing to take their hand off after everyone telling them to. Thinking it will cool down one day instead of just switching off the oven.

    Sad thing is they will ride this train until she hits rock bottom, he cheats or something bad happens. Then to next Satan rinse and repeat. Like person repeatably punching themselves in the face and asking why does this keep hurting? These girls usually have Renaissance in their 30's where wake up but sometimes to late

    Some girls just have that type not all girls btw. I met many amazing girls

    You know what I hate... When a girl dates a guy, and the girl is an angel but her boyfriend is Satan in the flesh. Then, she gets caught up in his bullshit and suffers along with him, and she's too blind to see it.

  • I know that feeling. I know some girls who are really nice people but then their boyfriend is a total dick and they defend him all the time and says "nobody understands him!" well maybe SHE's the one who doesn't understand him! It's happening right now with a girl I know but she's moving away to the other side of the country so part of me's sad because she's my friend but part of me's really happy because I won't have to see their bullshit anymore. (sorry for that rant, but it's an annoying thing)

    You know what I hate... When a girl dates a guy, and the girl is an angel but her boyfriend is Satan in the flesh. Then, she gets caught up in his bullshit and suffers along with him, and she's too blind to see it.

  • Sounds like every girl when I was in school, the dickheads get the girls but the nice guys get bullied :) ):

    You know what I hate... When a girl dates a guy, and the girl is an angel but her boyfriend is Satan in the flesh. Then, she gets caught up in his bullshit and suffers along with him, and she's too blind to see it.

  • We have a meat-colored bridge and it pisses me off. For the record, this is the bridge in question, a big one, that crosses the Halifax River and is very close to the end-point of a major state highway.

    And now, it's the ugliest thing imaginable. Why? Nobody knows! Some bureaucrat in Tallahassee decided this was the way it should be and then suddenly, we have work crews painting our bridge. It's not even kitschy Miami Vice pink, it's the color of raw, goddamn veal. Bear in mind, our city is very poor, with a 31% poverty rate, and a homelessness crisis that rivals cities many times our size, and THIS is what the magnanimous tea- party owned State of Florida decided we needed.

    Small government my ass.

  • Am I the only one who feels like...the world is fucked? And by fucked, I mean about to die.

  • Satan in the flesh

    Hey, don't insult my dad.

    You know what I hate... When a girl dates a guy, and the girl is an angel but her boyfriend is Satan in the flesh. Then, she gets caught up in his bullshit and suffers along with him, and she's too blind to see it.

  • Probably. I don't see it spontaneously combusting anytime soon.

    Am I the only one who feels like...the world is fucked? And by fucked, I mean about to die.

  • That pissed you off?

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    I hate it when someone says something bad, even if meant as sarcasm or a joke, during a serious conservation. I was talking to a friend o

  • Nah, I give it about 30 more years.

    Am I the only one who feels like...the world is fucked? And by fucked, I mean about to die.

  • I don't see whats so bad about the color...

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    We have a meat-colored bridge and it pisses me off. For the record, this is the bridge in question, a big one, that crosses the Halifax Riv

  • My belt just snapped so now I'm gonna have to live the rest of the week in constant fear that my trousers could fall down at any time. On the bus, in class, walking down the street, it could happen at any moment and I'm terrified. But at the same time, a little bit excited.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2016

    That's the color it used to be. I couldn't find one of the current color.

    EDIT: Couldn't find a pic of the new one, so here's an impromptu visual representation.

    I don't see whats so bad about the color...

  • Just tell everyone you're kickin' it 90's style.

    My belt just snapped so now I'm gonna have to live the rest of the week in constant fear that my trousers could fall down at any time. On th

  • Looking back on it, I know now that I overreacted.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    That pissed you off?

  • Haha I don't know if that would work, was it a common thing to see people walking around with their trousers round their ankles in the 90's? Just tried fixing it with staples but now it's worst than before.

    Johro posted: »

    Just tell everyone you're kickin' it 90's style.

  • That would depend on what you mean by 'about'. Holy shit I sound like Bill Clinton.

    Am I the only one who feels like...the world is fucked? And by fucked, I mean about to die.

  • edited June 2016


    Okay, something bullshitty just happened:

    I was recording TWAU Episode 2, and the recording stopped, and I exited the game, and my computer froze.

    So I restart my computer, and when I get back on, all of my recorded files are FUCKING GONE!!!

    Everything I recorded, it's just totally fucking gone.

    This is total fucking bullshit, cuz now I have to replay both TWD S1 and TWAU fucking over again.

    enter image description here

  • Don't you just love it when you're constantly pissed off around everyone around you, feel stressed and axtious 24/7 for jackshit and are on the verge of screaming majority of the time!

  • edited June 2016

    It really fucks me off how absolutely dumb some Americans are. When will people realise guns are killing more than they are saving, how many more innocent lives need to be lost before you yahoos get it?
    I know it's not all Americans but it is a bunch. Fuck your rights and face reality.
    Here's a great example, list of mass shootings in Australia since they banned Assualt weapons in 1996:

    • -

    Number of mass shootings in America in the past year ALONE: 100+
    Wake the fuck up, it honestly makes me so angry.

  • edited February 2018


    Chilled posted: »

    It really fucks me off how absolutely dumb some Americans are. When will people realise guns are killing more than they are saving, how many

  • edited June 2016

    I probably could've gotten the point across without saying that. But whenever the argument comes up its always this, "It is my right to own a gun." I'm not saying all rights, simply ones concerning firearms.
    As far as I'm concerned it isn't a right to own a gun, it's a twisted privilege.
    I understand you though and apologise if it came across the wrong way.

    Saltlick123 posted: »


  • edited June 2016

    I probably could've gotten the point across without saying that. But whenever the argument comes up its always this, "It is my right to own a gun." I'm not saying all rights, simply ones concerning firearms.

    I figured but I guess it was the phrasing that had me a little curious. For me though, when someone says "The 2nd Amendment means I can have assault weapons"-well they didn't have the weaponry we have today back then and the world was a very different place so the 2nd amendment doesn't mean anyone should be able to have ANY weapon they want.

    Chilled posted: »

    I probably could've gotten the point across without saying that. But whenever the argument comes up its always this, "It is my right to own

  • But the theory is this. There is terrorist on your street who opens fire, so people around him can shoot back and kill the terrorist before he reaches his goal.

    In reality, I have not seen many news where having so many guns has prevented any massacres. Still, I understand how having some protection might be justified.

    Anyway, right to carry gun is a very cultural thing over there and I doubt the shootings would stop just because guns are taken away officially.

    Chilled posted: »

    It really fucks me off how absolutely dumb some Americans are. When will people realise guns are killing more than they are saving, how many

  • In reality, I have not seen many news where having so many guns has prevented any massacres. Still, I understand how having some protection might be justified.

    I suppose someone could argue that the reason we don't is because there is no massacre to report if it was stopped before it reached a point to be considered.

    Clord posted: »

    But the theory is this. There is terrorist on your street who opens fire, so people around him can shoot back and kill the terrorist before

  • Even if it stops one child being killed, that's more than enough.
    Placing harsher restrictions on guns or banning them altogether (excluding hunters, cops and farmers etc) would undoubtedly slow down the amount of people being killed for simply living out their lives.
    You can't get a gun if a gun can't be bought, of course there would still be black markets and such, but few and far between instead of buying one at the local store.

    Clord posted: »

    But the theory is this. There is terrorist on your street who opens fire, so people around him can shoot back and kill the terrorist before

  • You know, the solution for this is simple. Take a break, if you got some time on your hand leave everything behind and go do something else, watch a movie, go out for a walk, invite friends to your house or even practise your favourite activity, just don't let depression and anxiety get to you, otherwise the consequences would be very bad.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Don't you just love it when you're constantly pissed off around everyone around you, feel stressed and axtious 24/7 for jackshit and are on the verge of screaming majority of the time!

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