The Vent/Help Thread



  • I know what it's like to lose a grandparent, it's real shitty. May he rest in peace. You and your family have my condolences. Stay strong!

    (sorry I'm late btw)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Sad day. Grandad passed away peacefully this morning. We can't really afford the plane ticket or pet-sitter, which means I can't go to the

  • My sneezes are like a grenade going off with shrapnel pieces flying all over the place. Yeah....

    Plus it hurts my body when I sneeze, so I hate it even more when allergies kicks in.

    A few girls started talking about my friend because of how she sneezed. Why can't people have lives?

  • Yeah, they're a real pain in the ass.

    I rarely get them. Sis, however, gets em all the time. And she screams very loudly too when she gets a charley horse. o_o

  • Finally. I bet it was a very boring experience of how hospitals aren't the best places to spend time in.


  • edited May 2016

    Hey, the food's free.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Finally. I bet it was a very boring experience of how hospitals aren't the best places to spend time in.

  • Hopefully it tasted good enough.

    Hey, the food's free.

  • It's mostly just different kinds of porridge and soup but it's edible.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Hopefully it tasted good enough.

  • Yeah, but we were taking exams and plus she didn't notice so we kinda just let it go.

    Some people have weird sneezes though, she should have agreed and laughed along, I found school went easier when I wasn't hung up and started laughing at myself

  • Allergies suck hard

    My sneezes are like a grenade going off with shrapnel pieces flying all over the place. Yeah.... Plus it hurts my body when I sneeze, so I hate it even more when allergies kicks in.

  • Oh my gosh! XD

    You wanna talk weird sneezes that's definitely my dad. He has one of those sneezes kevin hart talks about where it scares the crap out of you lol

  • Hmmm, I didn't realize there were female /pol/tards.

    The more you know...

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So there is this girl on YouTube who literary has made videos singing fucking happy birthday to Adolph Hitler and how to tell someone is a J

  • Does she happen to be named Evalion?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So there is this girl on YouTube who literary has made videos singing fucking happy birthday to Adolph Hitler and how to tell someone is a J

  • So I've kept track with the yahoo articles about Fort McMurray and I've found this article and read the comments.

    Refugees assisting donations for Fort MacCurray

    My reaction to most of it?

    enter image description here

    Same shit from the comments all the time, complete generalization and discrimination. Even if it's liberal propaganda (I don't classify myself on any part of the political spectrum) this also shows there are refugees who aren't shit like everyone thinks they are. Behold forum, I introduce to you shitty side of my country. I've said it before I'll say it again, we're all human regardless of our country/religion/patriotism/race/gender, there are the good, the grey, the bad. These people in the comments acts like this is the only story about donations, however I've seen other articles about the donations without the refugees in it.

    example 1

    example 2

    Ignorant bigots. Tired of their shit. Ain't gonna bother having an argument with them, just a bunch of brick walls with nothing behind them.

    Now, back to reading.

    enter image description here

  • Her channel's been terminated.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So there is this girl on YouTube who literary has made videos singing fucking happy birthday to Adolph Hitler and how to tell someone is a J

  • That moment when, after a very long and heartfelt talk, someone you care about tosses a bag of many small bottles of whiskey that are poisoning him into the garbage and drives off into the distance, I check to find the bottles so I can fucking dump them out personally, only to find them missing after about one minute of the trash can being out of my sight, and I just watch the car fade into the distance.

    If I could only just leave everything, be on my own, and not give a fuck about anyone else, I'd be happy. Only then would I be happy. Being the model citizen and always sticking by those you care about, trying to be strong for those who need you... it's not fucking worth it. Not a single bit of it. It hurts too fucking much.

  • edited May 2016

    I was ment to reply a while ago, but yes she is the girl I was talking about.

    And thank god she's no longer on youtbe now.

    Edit: whoops wrong person

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Her channel's been terminated.

  • Yes she is the girl I was talking about

    No_username posted: »

    Does she happen to be named Evalion?

  • You cant talk someone into changing, if you force them thats wrong and they might resent you or even worse lie and hide things from you. All you can do is hope they change and let them know you care. its up to them as awful as it is. Try and avoid guilt trip language I know when you try and open a addicts eyes it sometimes ends up with "your hurting x" and "how do yo think y feels" guilt trips are dangerous.

    If someone needs a drink then thats it they sure as fuck need a drink, throwing the stuff away is dangerous even life threatening, withdrawal is mental as well as physical imagine thinking about how dissappointed people are with you while having diarrhea, a panic attack, shaking so hard you cant move, possible heart palpatations and depression- thats cold turkey.

    damkylan posted: »

    That moment when, after a very long and heartfelt talk, someone you care about tosses a bag of many small bottles of whiskey that are poison

  • edited May 2016


  • edited May 2016


    Markd4547 posted: »


  • edited May 2016

    I recently made a post on this forum about a girl who was over obsessed with me and basically began borderline stalking me. I got a lot of support and advice from other users and I couldn't be more grateful for that. After I broke things off with her, I made a Facebook post describing my side of the story (I didn't say her name or anything) and advised people that if they're ever in a similar situation, they should get out when they can. I got a lot of support and sympathy from my friends.

    But then not even 24 hours later, my sister comes home and tells me that I should delete the post because it sounded "mean" and will probably "hurt her feelings." (I blocked her. So it's not like she saw it or anything.) It's not the fact that she told me that I should delete the post that pissed me off. (I ended up deleting it because looking back on it, I probably should've kept it private.) It's the reason she told me to delete the post. Because it seemed "mean." Because apparently stalking and harassing someone is absolutely fine, but telling people a cautionary tale based on my own experiences, no. That's a dick move in her book. I never got an "I'm sorry you were in a situation like this" or anything like that from her. To me it seemed like she cared more about the well being of the instigator than the actual victim. We fought about this for a while and said some pretty foul things but it never went anywhere. I apologized to her not too long after, but I'm just sorry that I made things worse. I'm not sorry that I felt attacked by someone who should support me in a time like this. I still fail to see how the post was "mean." I didn't rant or slam on this girl in any way. I just simply told my side of the story and advised people to get out when they can if they're ever put in a similar situation. But no. God forbid I ever do that.

  • It sounds like your sister didn't realise the gravity of the situation and didnt understand how uncomfortable it made you feel im sure if things were the other way around she would epect you to understand, maybe you should explain to her

    ralo229 posted: »

    I recently made a post on this forum about a girl who was over obsessed with me and basically began borderline stalking me. I got a lot of s

  • Oh. My. God. I just finished the hardest and longest homework I've ever had to do in my entire life. But thank God it's over. It took, like, 2 hours to finish it.

  • 2 hours? My weekly math homework used to take 3-4. Jesus i hated that homework, it made my head hurt.

    Oh. My. God. I just finished the hardest and longest homework I've ever had to do in my entire life. But thank God it's over. It took, like, 2 hours to finish it.

  • I had to dissect a rat for my bio final. It was horrible! Poor little things...

    And the fact that one of my classmates decided to disgrace his rat's corpse and post it on his Twitter didn't help at all.


  • Something ive never mentioned on here is that both of my parents are dead, I have never mentioned either of their deaths because I have never seen a valid reason to bring it up without it bringing ott gravity to a conversation. They both died three years ago.

  • I knew you had left but didn't know they had died. At least you're still around.

    Any reason you've decided to bring it up now?

    Something ive never mentioned on here is that both of my parents are dead, I have never mentioned either of their deaths because I have neve

  • I was drunk last night and its my birthday so im thinking about them.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I knew you had left but didn't know they had died. At least you're still around. Any reason you've decided to bring it up now?

  • Oh, well, Happy Birthday, anyway! You'll never forget them.

    I was drunk last night and its my birthday so im thinking about them.

  • edited June 2016

    TWO AND A HALF DAYS LATER! I have finally finished adding all data back onto works computer after the data was corrupt and deleted 5 days of works, including, payments, invoices, products, nominal, cheques. I've had to add all this back on then print all invoices again.

    Now i'm onto the next job, paying suppliers.

    I've never been so stressed as I have in these past few days.

    I BETTER GET PAID FOR THIS! Wait... this is a job..... Of course i'll get paid :D

  • Yes, I dont see how that would pop up into any forum discussions naturally.

    I'm very sorry to hear. I could go overboard on some cliché things to say but, I just hope you're alright. Being drunk brings alot of things out of people. And obviously there alot of people on the forums you can talk too :) not that I need to tell you as everyone here is great.

    Also I have to say happy birthday :) was it a big one?

    Something ive never mentioned on here is that both of my parents are dead, I have never mentioned either of their deaths because I have neve

  • Jesus christ that's gross. I'm surprised phones are even allowed in finals, how did he take the picture?

    I had to dissect a rat for my bio final. It was horrible! Poor little things... And the fact that one of my classmates decided to disgrace his rat's corpse and post it on his Twitter didn't help at all. Asshole...

  • Yooooouuu!

    I had to dissect a rat for my bio final. It was horrible! Poor little things... And the fact that one of my classmates decided to disgrace his rat's corpse and post it on his Twitter didn't help at all. Asshole...

  • Confronting to you sharing your loss, one doesn't necessarily know what to say or if we have to say something, not by fear of making fools of ourselves but seeing how important this subject is to you.

    My condolences to your loss.

    Something ive never mentioned on here is that both of my parents are dead, I have never mentioned either of their deaths because I have neve

  • that's horrible I am sorry that I have nothing more to say

    Something ive never mentioned on here is that both of my parents are dead, I have never mentioned either of their deaths because I have neve

  • I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that your okay.

    Something ive never mentioned on here is that both of my parents are dead, I have never mentioned either of their deaths because I have neve

  • Shit. I know what it's like to not have a parent, but not both parents. That's such a shitty thing to go through. You have my condolences.

    Something ive never mentioned on here is that both of my parents are dead, I have never mentioned either of their deaths because I have neve

  • A-IBRAHIM0702A-IBRAHIM0702 Banned
    edited June 2016



  • Tell work about the importance of making backups. :)

    TWO AND A HALF DAYS LATER! I have finally finished adding all data back onto works computer after the data was corrupt and deleted 5 days of

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