The Vent/Help Thread



  • I'm in so much pain. I don't know what to do.

  • A Happy Lovely Person shouldn't be in so much pain.

    Vent about it?

    I'm in so much pain. I don't know what to do.

  • What's wrong?

    I'm in so much pain. I don't know what to do.

  • but a normal person doesn't knock someones door at 5am

    While I agree your abusive ex showing up in your life again is unsettling, let me state that if I had a bullet wound in my upper gut and your house was the closest to the shooting, would you just want me to just barge down your door? I guess knocking isn't allowed?

    I told him to fuck off and he eventually did, I didn't open any windows or doors. I have no idea what he wanted but a normal person doesn't knock someones door at 5am. Me and my bf decided if he comes back we call the police.

  • I just have really bad cramps and no medicine is really helping.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    A Happy Lovely Person shouldn't be in so much pain. Vent about it?

  • Cramps

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    What's wrong?

  • If it's inside, girl-type cramps, then I'm not qualified to answer, but if it's something like leg cramps, you could try heat packs. You can get things at the pharmacy that pop in the microwave for a few seconds to heat up, and they stay hot for a while. Worth a try if nothing else is working.

    I just have really bad cramps and no medicine is really helping.

  • Might be too late, but a hot compress is usually good for abdominal cramps.

    I'm in so much pain. I don't know what to do.

  • edited June 2016

    Sadly, it doesn't work as much but thanks for suggesting that! :)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Might be too late, but a hot compress is usually good for abdominal cramps.

  • It's the girl-type but thanks for helping anyway! :)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    If it's inside, girl-type cramps, then I'm not qualified to answer, but if it's something like leg cramps, you could try heat packs. You ca

  • edited June 2016

    Well shit.

    It turns out me and my family don't have Netflix anymore.


  • A hot water bottle helps :) sneezing doesn't ._.

    It's the girl-type but thanks for helping anyway!

  • edited June 2016

    Fucking hell, I'm really pissed right now.

    Basically I've been working on this joke game that I ended up really liking, even released a demo, and when I tried to keep working on it after taking a small break, I found a file, but it's a old one.

    Pretty sure I lost most of my progress.

    And that fucking sucks.

  • No, I would want want you to get your thug life ass off my property and take your gang land rivals to some other bastards address. There are phone boxes, people have mobiles, people are up early driving around at that time, shops and cafes are open, dont knock my damn door at 5am.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    but a normal person doesn't knock someones door at 5am While I agree your abusive ex showing up in your life again is unsettling, le

  • So because I got mugged, per say, and got shot in the upper gut, I'm suddenly a thug? Not all shootings involve gang rivalries. No one in your house can deliver the simple call of 911 and say "I live at (so and so) and someone here is bleeding out. Please send an ambulance."? What's wrong with pitching in with the community? Passing it off to someone else is just lazy.

    No, I would want want you to get your thug life ass off my property and take your gang land rivals to some other bastards address. There are

  • With the position of where my door is it isnt as straight forward to get to as my neighbours but that doesn't matter because I have a fucking right to not disturbed at ridiculous hours in my damn home, especially when there are other people up and walking about in the street at that time to harass instead.

    And im not passing off jack because it wasnt my bullshit to begin with.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    So because I got mugged, per say, and got shot in the upper gut, I'm suddenly a thug? Not all shootings involve gang rivalries. No one in yo

  • Harass? I'm bleeding out and you feel harassed. Oh well, guess I should bleed out slowly on your front lawn trying to find someone else to help me. It doesn't hurt to contribute to those who could contribute back, you never know.

    (Ps, calling the time ridiculous while being wide awake is contradictory at it's finest)

    With the position of where my door is it isnt as straight forward to get to as my neighbours but that doesn't matter because I have a fuckin

  • Ughhhh losing progress on ANY project sucks, dude.

    My heart goes out to you. Anything like that is super frustrating.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Fucking hell, I'm really pissed right now. Basically I've been working on this joke game that I ended up really liking, even released a d

  • Yeah bleed out while dozens of people walk around you having early morning jogs, going to work and buying coffees I don't care. And the time thing doesn't matter I can be up and still think its ridiculous o'clock just like if I ate five pizzas I could call that greedy, its not a contradiction, you dont understand what contradiction means.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Harass? I'm bleeding out and you feel harassed. Oh well, guess I should bleed out slowly on your front lawn trying to find someone else to h

  • Yeah, no. Not arguing past this, stage of "you don't know what this means" is setting in. Have fun with that mindset of yours.

    Yeah bleed out while dozens of people walk around you having early morning jogs, going to work and buying coffees I don't care. And the time

  • You were the one ignoring the fact that I dont live in the only house in town and there is zero need to knock my door. You pulled a stupid dramatic scenario out your ass and called me lazy, also your use of the word was clearly intended to be a insult which was why i jumped on it. good luck with your mindset.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Yeah, no. Not arguing past this, stage of "you don't know what this means" is setting in. Have fun with that mindset of yours.

  • Thank you for the tip! :) However, hot compressors does not work on me for some reason. And the sneezing thing sucks. One of the worst feelings in the world.

    A hot water bottle helps sneezing doesn't ._.

  • If its always painful you might want to consider the contraceptive pill, if your young your parents might freak out but your comfort is priority I knew a 11yo who took it because otherwise it was so bad she was bedridden.

    I'm in so much pain. I don't know what to do.

  • life goes on

    if it comforts you in any way, I have never had it in the first place

    Well shit. It turns out me and my family don't have Netflix anymore. FML

  • Im a mighty pirate, yarr! I dont know the pain.

    Well shit. It turns out me and my family don't have Netflix anymore. FML

  • ROFL!

    I had to dissect a rat for my bio final. It was horrible! Poor little things... And the fact that one of my classmates decided to disgrace his rat's corpse and post it on his Twitter didn't help at all. Asshole...

  • "Yar har fiddle dee!"

    Im a mighty pirate, yarr! I dont know the pain.

  • R.I.P.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Fucking hell, I'm really pissed right now. Basically I've been working on this joke game that I ended up really liking, even released a d

  • I miss my bestfriend from middle school...

    We were really close but then came high school and we've just grown distant throughout the years. I've tried reaching out to her recently but she just ignores me. I don't think she's the same person I knew...

  • My mom suggested that to me, but I'm scared to get them and I don't why I'm scared honestly.

    If its always painful you might want to consider the contraceptive pill, if your young your parents might freak out but your comfort is priority I knew a 11yo who took it because otherwise it was so bad she was bedridden.

  • Same happened to me when I was in middle school. My old best friend hung out with the cool crowd and left me hanging. I was sad for some time, but my mom told me to let it go and I did. The hard truth is that people are going to change either for better or for worse and usually it's the former. You are going to miss her because sometimes I miss my old bestfriend. However, we went different ways and it's going to stay like that. My advice is to just leave her alone and move on because she doesn't want to be bothered and has changed from who she was. Sorry if this sounds pretty harsh

    I miss my bestfriend from middle school... We were really close but then came high school and we've just grown distant throughout the yea

  • Definitely do it there is no reason not to, discuss any worries with a doctor. If you do get them you probably wont want to stick with the first one, some types can maybe not work for you its ok to change brands with a drs help.

    My mom suggested that to me, but I'm scared to get them and I don't why I'm scared honestly.

  • edited June 2016

    I know how it is, i had a friend i knew since kindergarten, we were best buddies but i'm a few years younger than him and because of that his tastes changed before mine so we grew apart and now his in college so we grew even more apart.

    I miss my bestfriend from middle school... We were really close but then came high school and we've just grown distant throughout the yea

  • The Pill is really safe. It's not the best solution for everyone, but if it causes any problems, you just stop taking it.

    My mom suggested that to me, but I'm scared to get them and I don't why I'm scared honestly.

  • People change as they grow up. You probably have, too. Just send her a ping every now and then, like "This video reminded me of the time we had by the lake" with no expectation. (Don't send anything asking why she doesn't answer you. She'll do it eventually, or you'll give up as you socialize with people who do respond.)

    I miss my bestfriend from middle school... We were really close but then came high school and we've just grown distant throughout the yea

  • That guy is nothing but a heartless cunt who has no respect for animals. Fact.

    I had to dissect a rat for my bio final. It was horrible! Poor little things... And the fact that one of my classmates decided to disgrace his rat's corpse and post it on his Twitter didn't help at all. Asshole...

  • Thats not right because different pills have different side effects I tried several brands before I found the right one, I explained to the dr why it wasn't working for me and I was perscribed something new based on my needs.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    The Pill is really safe. It's not the best solution for everyone, but if it causes any problems, you just stop taking it.

  • That's true. there are several varieties. In the U.S., though, only the standard generic three weeks on and one week off has to be covered free under Obamacare. Variations might cost something.

    Thats not right because different pills have different side effects I tried several brands before I found the right one, I explained to the dr why it wasn't working for me and I was perscribed something new based on my needs.

  • So for the late reply, but I will like to thank you guys for the advice! :) I will talk to a doctor about it when I have a chance.

    Thats not right because different pills have different side effects I tried several brands before I found the right one, I explained to the dr why it wasn't working for me and I was perscribed something new based on my needs.

  • Does anyone on these forums have...a dead relative?

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