You can get married. Not sure if you can have kids. I personally really love Stardew Valley so far, it's won my Game of the Year vote just o… moren how nostalgic it feels since it's so similar to games I played growing up. Plus it's beautiful, fun, and a nice change of pace considering all I've been playing up until very recently was Dark Souls 2: SotFS edition.
Ratchet Trilogy. It's mostly a good port, but there are quite a lot of graphical glitches (mostly in cutscenes) that weren't present in the OG PS2 version. Also playing through The Master Chief Colection and Rare Replay.
Just started a Classic/Normal run of Fire Emblem: Awakening. Been doing fine in the regular chapters, but getting my ass kicked in the encounters. Whoops.
M-E: Shadow of Mordor. (Thank you E3 sale!) Dying a lot, but I think I'm getting better at it..
Do you know the guy who made the Stanley Parable, William Pugh? Well he made a company CrowsCrowsCrows, They just released a new game. Just played it; Here it is completely free on your browser (it is short, and a twine game):
I would seriously love to play the uncharted series but I don't yet have a PlayStation I have watched a play through for Uncharted 4 on you tube though and its such a great game.
My girlfriend recently finished Far Cry 3, which she loved, so I went out and surprised her with Far Cry 4, Bioshock: Infinite, and Alien: Isolation. Somebody tell me that I made some good choices!
My girlfriend recently finished Far Cry 3, which she loved, so I went out and surprised her with Far Cry 4, Bioshock: Infinite, and Alien: Isolation. Somebody tell me that I made some good choices!
I would seriously love to play the uncharted series but I don't yet have a PlayStation I have watched a play through for Uncharted 4 on you tube though and its such a great game.
My girlfriend recently finished Far Cry 3, which she loved, so I went out and surprised her with Far Cry 4, Bioshock: Infinite, and Alien: Isolation. Somebody tell me that I made some good choices!
My girlfriend recently finished Far Cry 3, which she loved, so I went out and surprised her with Far Cry 4, Bioshock: Infinite, and Alien: Isolation. Somebody tell me that I made some good choices!
Well, I bought Bioshock 1 & 2, Tabletop Simulator, and Alien Isolation from the Steam Summer Sale. Bioshock's been pretty great so far. Big Daddies are terrifying!
i know im going to get a lot hate for this,but i just started uncharted 4 today and im huge fun of the series but first 8 chapters are meh.(they are good dont get me wrong it just,i was especting more).So should i keep playing till the end(will it get better,i also heard people say first 9 chapters are slow but others are great)?
thx and please no spoilers
These are my mains right now though I do plan on replaying Witcher 3 and Rise of The Tomb Raider soon.
Mass Effect 1 (waiting for the others to be backwards compatible)
King's Quest
Nba 2k16
i know im going to get a lot hate for this,but i just started uncharted 4 today and im huge fun of the series but first 8 chapters are meh.(… morethey are good dont get me wrong it just,i was especting more).So should i keep playing till the end(will it get better,i also heard people say first 9 chapters are slow but others are great)?
thx and please no spoilers
Well, I bought Bioshock 1 & 2, Tabletop Simulator, and Alien Isolation from the Steam Summer Sale. Bioshock's been pretty great so far. Big Daddies are terrifying!
I am currently playing Mount and Blade Viking Conquest. I am trying to conquer lands and become king without using any cheats. And the game is definitely more fun and immersive this way, especially if you allow yourself to roleplay and imagining the story within.
Beside that, I am waiting for the latest episodes from Telltale as well as Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlords.
The story is good, but it's pretty much nothing compared to Oblivion's story. So there's really no reason to have the faintest clue of the story.
I don't have a pc, but all this talk is making me want harvest moon
Right now, I'm playing Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Ratchet Trilogy. It's mostly a good port, but there are quite a lot of graphical glitches (mostly in cutscenes) that weren't present in the OG PS2 version. Also playing through The Master Chief Colection and Rare Replay.
Started playing WildStar not long ago. Slowly making my way through KOTOR 2s story as well.
Im waiting for GalGun
Just finished Rise of the Tomb Raider and have no idea what to play next!
Just started a Classic/Normal run of Fire Emblem: Awakening. Been doing fine in the regular chapters, but getting my ass kicked in the encounters. Whoops.
Nathan drake is similar try that if you can
I would seriously love to play the uncharted series but I don't yet have a PlayStation
I have watched a play through for Uncharted 4 on you tube though and its such a great game.
Resident Code Veronica.
My girlfriend recently finished Far Cry 3, which she loved, so I went out and surprised her with Far Cry 4, Bioshock: Infinite, and Alien: Isolation. Somebody tell me that I made some good choices!
You sir,have a good taste
Overwatch with my friends.
Fallout 3 at the moment, though DLC for Fallout 4 has come out so probably try that out
Great game. It was actually one of the first games I completed by myself and it played a part in making me a gamer. I miss dreamcast
All the games are amazing. The best ones are Uncharted 2 and 4.
Higgs is getting that pussy tonight!
enter link description here
The Long Dark.
I've been having to replay a lot of my old games due to my computer. I have:
I also plan on replaying The Last of Us and Until Dawn.
3 great games, all in a row. May I say, greatest boyfriend ever?
(No homo)
Catching up on Fallout 4 stuff.
And of course, sum' more Last of Us Factions.
I still need to play the rest of Dragon Age Inquisition. But I just bought Spec Ops: The Line for cheap at Gamestop.
Opinion on Inquisition?
It's fun. A bit repetitive in terms of gameplay but never to an obnoxious degree.
Well, I bought Bioshock 1 & 2, Tabletop Simulator, and Alien Isolation from the Steam Summer Sale. Bioshock's been pretty great so far. Big Daddies are terrifying!
These are my mains right now though I do plan on replaying Witcher 3 and Rise of The Tomb Raider soon.
Mass Effect 1 (waiting for the others to be backwards compatible)
King's Quest
Nba 2k16
i know im going to get a lot hate for this,but i just started uncharted 4 today and im huge fun of the series but first 8 chapters are meh.(they are good dont get me wrong it just,i was especting more).So should i keep playing till the end(will it get better,i also heard people say first 9 chapters are slow but others are great)?
thx and please no spoilers
Every time I launch nba it wipes my character, it even wiped all my stats.
I was dissappointed with it myself, I thought the later chapters were worse personally.
Bioshock is what defines gaming as art.
Dragon Age Inquisition
Star Wars the Force Unleashed
Just Cause 3
Whoa! I can't believe I'm not the only one who still comes back to that! Cool, man.
The (extremely infuriating) Swindle
I am currently playing Mount and Blade Viking Conquest. I am trying to conquer lands and become king without using any cheats. And the game is definitely more fun and immersive this way, especially if you allow yourself to roleplay and imagining the story within.
Beside that, I am waiting for the latest episodes from Telltale as well as Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlords.