I Had A Dream Last Night That...
Clementine, James and Alex were fighting Walkers near by a shore and a massive ship like the size of Titanic and it was like near the Ending of The Walking Dead Season 3 Game. Paige turns up Determinately for Season 3, it depends on what you say to her in The Michonne Mini Series. Paige can either not turn up in Season 3 or turn up running to the screen with a severed arm and a Pirate slits her neck and dies, then Walkers devoure her. Samantha is Unknown, James and Alex say Samantha got separated by a group of Pirates. James and Alex run away leaving their fate Unknown. The Main Antagonists are The Pirates In Season 3. Clementine runs to the massive ship and it ends there.
I wonder why I had this dream, maybe something like this may happen is Season 3??
There are two posibilities:
And as crazy as it may sound, this would be a great idea for a fanfiction!
I'll go with the first one.
Sounds like a meaningless dream to me
I have played it to many times and that fact that Paige is my farvorite Character!
No more TWD for you
Go home whoever wrote this thread your drunk
No need to get rude.
It was a reference but ok
I highly doubt he was being rude. "Go home, you're drunk" is a very common phrase meant to be taken as a joke.
I understood that reference.
Despite this, I am sure that hearing somebody else tell you—@MichonneUK2—that you seem to be drunk in response to a prediction that you publish isn't particularly nice.
It is a joke, but it was put there on purpose.
It wasn't really a prediction more as it was just a random dream he was sharing with us. I still don't see how it was rude. If I was the one who made the thread and someone said that to me I wouldn't have been offended.
I once had a dream about waking up, it came true!
Dreams are such mysterious things, who knows, maybe there's some truth to what you saw? Perhaps a potential future?
Pirates? You're joking. Right?
Plot twist: Kenny will return as a pirate in S3 (with a longer beard)
I'm not as think as you drunk I am.
With the Governor as his first mate
Ten people who don't take into consideration that there is somebody behind every username, not just you and the people you like. Did any of you even read what I have to say? But, @JonGon responded with a meme, so I guess I truly am a shame. Sad face.
I know I would have, and that's why I published the first comment. If there was the possibility that they would've been offended, I believe it would be unlikely for the original poster to reply, since they're not that active. I wanted to take the chance and call @UNDERTAKER0909, even though they could've meant it as a joke.
Too bad I was attacked with a hail of mighty memes to stop my evil plan.
But, nobody was getting angry...
Kenny will be Blackbeard the Pirate.
I am
Okay calm down... You weren't "attacked." You must have a flawed meaning of "attacked." And just because someone disagrees with you and replays with memes doesn't mean it's the end of the world. It's the Internet, you can't be sensitive. It was a joke and wasn't meant to be offensive, that's it. That's final. If they were offended they would have likely said something by now.
That's like someone saying "break a leg" and then you getting offended. It's never meant to be offensive.
Who's angry?
Lmfao! Finally someone gets it.
No one says sad face. No one. Please.
Best theory I've seen so far.
LiS, nice
Comparing "break a leg" with posting a meme. Okay.
You forgot the part where I said "too bad I was attacked with a hail of mighty memes to stop my evil plan," which I put there to show that I was hyperbolizing. You took it out of context, and makes it look like I said I was deeply offended.
In reality, I'm honestly not nearly as affected nor out of my mind as you make it look like by saying that—just want to make it clear. But I do wonder, why did you ignore the paragraph where I explained why I started commenting here in the first place?
@MichonneUK2 already commented that they got angry at this, and you even replied to them, so I also wonder why you don't acknowledge it.
Anyway, I don't want this to blow out of proportion—although it already did—and I never wanted it to. Please read the paragraph where I explain the reasoning behind it before going any further. That is, only if you are going to go any further with this.
The Life Is Strange PTSD shall rain upon you!
Lmao wasting my time with sensitive people
And I have no idea why you're acting superior.
Superior? Lmao where? Just don't like sensitive people. Please stop blowing up my feed now.
Your entire comments.
What happened to childish? Did it vanish from my comment? Or are you not addressing that because you don't have a snarky response?
Stop coming back with snarky comments if you don't want your feed to blow.
Childish and condescending. I would like to know what makes you think that I am a sensitive person, but knowing who I am talking to, I can only expect a sarcastic one-liner.
By the way, nice edit right there!
I'm not addressing your insult because it was your idea in the first place to stop arguing and let it pass. So, im doing that.. You don't seem to be doing that. Frankly I don't care enough to address your argument and it's a redundant conversation.
I'll ask again, stop blowing up my feed. Please.
Edit: I took it out cause I thought you wouldn't want it there, but if you want it I'll add it back for you
Felt like a good place to put in a Panic! At The Disco reference haha.
Lmao I noticed that. Nice.
Ahh... I was gonna go to their concert but had to sell my tickets. Tough times.