The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I personally can't give a shit about scores, to be honest.

    I mean, they don't really affect my opinion on a game, so...

    Holy shit. Every Telltale game except Game of Thrones has a green score on Metacritic. GoT has a yellow score. That's...fucking bullshit.

  • Oh. Cool!

    You know, Shark Week, Discovery's annual week of sharks.

  • Temperature hot

    Uhhhh... The weather or Jamie Lannister?

  • Whomever the community manager is these days. That would be the Staff above the Mods. Ask a mod, it's not like they wont tell you.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Does anybody know where a man can report a problem with this forum? Not a technician one. I mean, talk with the staff, not vmods. Someone who won't ignore.

  • They're imaginary scores. Who cares man.

    I remember when some guy gave uncharted 4 forty on metacritic, people literally made a petition to take his review down because it differed to their opinion of it being the best game ever, a petition Troy Baker retweeted. Lost a little hope in humanity and Troy Baker. Such sad people.

    Holy shit. Every Telltale game except Game of Thrones has a green score on Metacritic. GoT has a yellow score. That's...fucking bullshit.

  • so an update on the list of stress i cant afford that place that iwas hoping to get it would ckst over £1000 toget decorated for a start than even with housing benefit because i work part time i couldnt afford the rent and bills the boiler was condemned and the flat was a mess it seemed too good to be true when i was told a place was available i had plans of getting unlimited internet than being stuck with only 2 hours on the internet because my dad makes stupid rules and maybe be able to actually get a girlfriend because they like a guy witht their own place and i could invite her round but it ain't gonna happen so i guess im stuck with my parents and probably not going to have a girlfriend i think im cursed

  • I swear sometimes people tick me off on here and in real life. I have such a short temper and no patience.

  • I have a short temper too, though I only show it around good friends, since it's pretty funny to see me rage.

    I swear sometimes people tick me off on here and in real life. I have such a short temper and no patience.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I just got back from a weeks holiday/vacation fro Las Vegas, it was really fun and i even managed to win some money on both a Walking Dead and Game of Thrones slot machine :D

  • Nice, always wanted to go to Vegas.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I just got back from a weeks holiday/vacation fro Las Vegas, it was really fun and i even managed to win some money on both a Walking Dead and Game of Thrones slot machine

  • Wow they have a slot machine for everything there! I remember winning a lot on a Jungle book slot machine once :3

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I just got back from a weeks holiday/vacation fro Las Vegas, it was really fun and i even managed to win some money on both a Walking Dead and Game of Thrones slot machine

  • What did the slot land on? 3 Daryl's or something?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I just got back from a weeks holiday/vacation fro Las Vegas, it was really fun and i even managed to win some money on both a Walking Dead and Game of Thrones slot machine

  • So typical of people these days. If you don't agree with the majority, your opinion is just automatically wrong...

    They're imaginary scores. Who cares man. I remember when some guy gave uncharted 4 forty on metacritic, people literally made a petition

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I won on a bonus wheel like in this video

    enter link description here

    What did the slot land on? 3 Daryl's or something?

  • If you send an email to the regular support address ( ), letting them know it's a forum issue, they will forward it to the right person as appropriate.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Does anybody know where a man can report a problem with this forum? Not a technician one. I mean, talk with the staff, not vmods. Someone who won't ignore.

  • 'til you get a better job, anyway. Or are willing to consider flatmates.

    so an update on the list of stress i cant afford that place that iwas hoping to get it would ckst over £1000 toget decorated for a start tha

  • edited June 2016

    Shut up & put ur money where u month is thats what u get for waking up in vegas... get up and shake the glitters of ur clothes now thats what u get for waking up in vegas :D

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I just got back from a weeks holiday/vacation fro Las Vegas, it was really fun and i even managed to win some money on both a Walking Dead and Game of Thrones slot machine

  • You do love Katy Perry don't you

    KatyPerry posted: »

    Shut up & put ur money where u month is thats what u get for waking up in vegas... get up and shake the glitters of ur clothes now thats what u get for waking up in vegas

  • Yeah, why?

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    You do love Katy Perry don't you

  • Just an observation really :p

    KatyPerry posted: »

    Yeah, why?

  • Did you get to play the Silent Hill slot machine?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I just got back from a weeks holiday/vacation fro Las Vegas, it was really fun and i even managed to win some money on both a Walking Dead and Game of Thrones slot machine

  • Just a hunch.

    KatyPerry posted: »

    Yeah, why?

  • edited June 2016

    A new coach I spoke to today in a one-to-one meeting mistook my sister, who helped take me down to the building, for my mother.

    She's three years older than me. Oh, and even as of now she still gets asked for ID.

    I wish I was making that up.

  • edited June 2016

    Why dont I have "permission to do that" arghhhh!!!!!!!!

    Oh this works typical. Why cant I reply to people????

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I didn't try that one.

    papai46 posted: »

    Did you get to play the Silent Hill slot machine?

  • Try login in again.

    Why dont I have "permission to do that" arghhhh!!!!!!!! Oh this works typical. Why cant I reply to people????

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2016

    Sounds like a server issue on the site's end. I would just try waiting for a short while and try again.

    Why dont I have "permission to do that" arghhhh!!!!!!!! Oh this works typical. Why cant I reply to people????

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2016

    I saw a video that shows the 7 Days to Die Walking Dead skins. The characters they have skins for are Lee, Michonne, Christa, Luke (who is super tanned), and Pete (from Michonne).

    (Starts at around 2:20)

    enter link description here

  • Which Pete?

    I saw a video that shows the 7 Days to Die Walking Dead skins. The characters they have skins for are Lee, Michonne, Christa, Luke (who is super tanned), and Pete (from Michonne). (Starts at around 2:20) enter link description here

  • Michonne's Pete

    Which Pete?

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited June 2016

    Is that gray in his hair I see?

    Michonne's Pete

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    They're all kinda disturbingly buff.

    I saw a video that shows the 7 Days to Die Walking Dead skins. The characters they have skins for are Lee, Michonne, Christa, Luke (who is super tanned), and Pete (from Michonne). (Starts at around 2:20) enter link description here

  • Lee looks like he could knock someone out with a single punch.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    They're all kinda disturbingly buff.

  • I'm debating if I should get the remastered version of The Last of Us.

    I played the main game on my PS3 but I still have yet to play the Left Behind DLC.

  • Well, it all depends on your expectations as gamer. It might be the occasion to play it with the most hard difficulty, since all difficulties are unlocked. I never played it on PS3 so I can't talk about the scale of the upgrade concerning graphism but it's really pretty, as a result I spent some hours with the picture mode :')

    Dlc was cool from what I remember.

    I'm debating if I should get the remastered version of The Last of Us. I played the main game on my PS3 but I still have yet to play the Left Behind DLC.

  • What about u? what u think about her? & ur fav in music?

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Just an observation really

  • & what u think about her by the way?

    papai46 posted: »

    Just a hunch.

  • Thanks for the input, Euron. :)

    Euron posted: »

    Well, it all depends on your expectations as gamer. It might be the occasion to play it with the most hard difficulty, since all difficultie

  • I agree. My dad once said to me, "You're gonna realize that a lot of the so called critics are a bunch of opinionated dumbasses, and that everyone has a different opinion. Don't listen to them, watch something for yourself and judge it the way you see it. Besides, didn't you like the Star Wars prequels?"

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I personally can't give a shit about scores, to be honest. I mean, they don't really affect my opinion on a game, so...

  • Any users here live in New York or Jersey? I'm on vacation here and would like to know some great places to visits aside from the obvious (Liberty, Empire, etc).

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