The Wellington endings only have 'the most feels' if you like Kenny in the first place, otherwise they seem overly dramatic IMO.
And as for Wellington, it is only your chosen destination from the beginning if you choose for it to be, otherwise you can say it sounds like a pipe dream and advocate for doing the smart thing and not heading north into 6 months of winter you arent the least bit prepared for. There was no guarantee it even existed, and if Kenny had really cared about that baby he would have listened to reason and went back to Howes for the baby formula that they knew for certain that was sitting there.
You are entitled to your opinion, obviously. But so are the rest of us, and i really dislike statements like ' you have to admit.... ' because, no, really i don't.
The ends is to kill a racist short-sighted, short-tempered, volatile, small penis, no-eye-having psychopath from ever harming anyone again.
If you honestly label Kenny as a pyschopath then you need look up the actual meaning.
Psychopaths don't have a conscience and we all know your "favourite" character Kenny is anything but that. How do you know he has small penis by the way?
And by the way, i'm still so glad he made your season 2 experience terrible
The ends is to kill a racist short-sighted, short-tempered, volatile, small penis, no-eye-having psychopath from ever harming anyone again.
… more
Hell, fuck that. Just not to be in the story anymore really. So yes, ends far far unequivocally justify the means.
About him doing well in a zombie apocalypse—I believe that Rick from the comic series fits in rather smoothly with his description on how a good leader is.
I stumbled upon this informative video a while ago, by The School Of Life.
The ends is to kill a racist short-sighted, short-tempered, volatile, small penis, no-eye-having psychopath from ever harming anyone again.
… more
If you honestly label Kenny as a pyschopath then you need look up the actual meaning.
Psychopaths don't have a conscience and we all know your "favourite" character Kenny is anything but that. How do you know he has small penis by the way?
And by the way, i'm still so glad he made your season 2 experience terrible
I never really got too far into the comics, but now i may have to go back and read through with this in mind and see what i can see. Thanks again for the fresh perspective.
About him doing well in a zombie apocalypse—I believe that Rick from the comic series fits in rather smoothly with his description on how a … moregood leader is.
I stumbled upon this informative video a while ago, by The School Of Life.
Niccolò Machiavelli
Cool! Thanks for the link BettertoSleep
I never really got too far into the comics, but now i may have to go back and read through with this in mind and see what i can see. Thanks again for the fresh perspective.
Usually, my interpretation of a psychopath is someone who is willing to crush in a man's head without consent in front of a terrified daughter and little girl,
Aww what a shame. He makes a rash choice to kill a man out of fear this guy could turn and kill all of them and you are more concerned of the feelings of people who witnessed an event that was just natural in that apocalyptic world. You've actually never looked at it from his side because your blinded by hate lol.
bludgeoning a man to death with a crowbar
Oh yes it's not like Carver didn't deserve the beating. It's not like Carver bashed his eye in or anything...oh wait! Maybe he should have left him so that then he could come after them and be even more of a threat later?
constantly butting heads with people
Aww he hurt your feelings because he just so happens to be an asshole at times and yet there are times when he actually isn't? lol.
willing to murder again and again without thinking or displaying signs of remorse or regret.
You know what makes me laugh? The fact that you seem to dislike the murders/killings he has committed yet all the people he has killed has been someone who to be frank had deserved it or was a threat to the group or himself and only commited these killings when they caused it in the first place, Carver, Johnny, the Russians, even Jane. Ok Larry didn't deserve it i accept that but if was to be picky, he deserved it in the sense that he left Lee to die. But for you to criticise him for those killings just shows you are hating on him for the sake of hating but hey i wouldn't expect anything less from you haha.
By the way, he does show remorse for everything he had done previously as shown in the Wellington ending how he says that people Clem meets won't have to look at her and feel ashamed at what they put her through but of course you probably didn't know this as you've most likely never seen or quickly glanced at that ending lol. He also shows remorse over Shawn Greene's death, once in the drugstore and determinantly on the train. He felt responsible for it. If that isn't remorse then what is?
And sure, he's family dying was a very tragic event, if not caused in part by him rushing to start up a vehicle in order to leave Lilly behind while Lee and Lilly stagger to keep his aforementioned family alive and safe
That's amusing of you to say, given the fact that it was Ben's fault that his family died and the bandits attacked which then caused him to rush and start the vehicle.
I believe he gave Lee the gun to "protect our people" i recall Kenny saying. As for Lilly, yeah it was shitty of him to say "screw her let her stay" but after all, they never did like each other. I bet Lilly would have said the same thing given the chance but of course you wouldn't mind that because you are biased as hell lol but anyway, the thing is she was never left behind at the motor inn so there's nothing more to say.
Judging solely by his constant anger and seemingly needing to abuse those around him to feel like a big man.
You just have a one dimensional view don't you? You don't consider the reasons behind his anger and violent outbursts. You just put it down to him being an asshole. That's fine. Maybe one day you'll think why he did the bad things he did instead of for no reason as you most likely feel.
but he was hardly a psychopath.
Usually, my interpretation of a psychopath is someone who is willing to crush in a man's head withou… moret consent in front of a terrified daughter and little girl, bludgeoning a man to death with a crowbar, constantly butting heads with people and is fully willing to murder again and again without thinking or displaying signs of remorse or regret. He definitely doesn't seem exactly stable.
And sure, he's family dying was a very tragic event, if not caused in part by him rushing to start up a vehicle in order to leave Lilly behind while Lee and Lilly stagger to keep his aforementioned family alive and safe. What happened to "family first?" It's wasn't "mean's of escape first, then my family," so there already is either a huge fallacy in his own agenda or the writers wrote a seriously huge plot-hole (both are viable, I choose to believe that he's a hypocrite because it's an all too common theme with his "m… [view original content]
Ok, it's just sometimes it's like you go off on a rant about his negative qualities to the point you are trying to sway mine and others opinions. I know that's not your intention but that's how it comes across
You had said this to another user, and I feel like I should practice similar strategies of not reading your entire response, but I will.
One reading later
Ok then... I'm sensing more emotional rambling and little actual argumentative reinforcement.
If you really have this much of an issue with my opinions or biased with ShitHead McTinyPecker, I don't know what to tell you. Giving me a lot of clouded overly opinionated biased does not help me appreciate Kenny or his actions, if anything, you're making it worse.
Usually, my interpretation of a psychopath is someone who is willing to crush in a man's head without consent in front of a terrified daught… moreer and little girl,
Aww what a shame. He makes a rash choice to kill a man out of fear this guy could turn and kill all of them and you are more concerned of the feelings of people who witnessed an event that was just natural in that apocalyptic world. You've actually never looked at it from his side because your blinded by hate lol.
bludgeoning a man to death with a crowbar
Oh yes it's not like Carver didn't deserve the beating. It's not like Carver bashed his eye in or anything...oh wait! Maybe he should have left him so that then he could come after them and be even more of a threat later?
constantly butting heads with people
Aww he hurt your feelings because he just so happens to be an asshole at times and yet there are times when he actually isn't? lol.
willi… [view original content]
How do you know he has small penis by the way?
I'm just prodding, one thing I doubt Kenny's done properly or without immediate regre… moret. Kinda like protecting the people he swore to keep safe.
And by the way, i'm still so glad he made your season 2 experience terrible
I never stated he did, just partly the reason No Going Back was as atrocious as it was.
The alone ending logically doesn't make sense to me but I liked it regardless. I don't understand how a baby wouldn't cry in a situation where it's surrounded by walkers and if it was asleep all the combined sounds of so many walkers would surely wake it up. Which would cause it to cry resulting in itself and clementine being eaten. And clementine doesn't know how to look after a baby and doesn't have the experience or knowledge to care for it. I'm assuming the fact that because they only showed clementine that something happened to the baby. Which further shows how that alone ending at least to me was the worse one despite me personally thinking it's a cool one for various reasons.
Usually, my interpretation of a psychopath is someone who is willing to crush in a man's head without consent in front of a terrified daught… moreer and little girl,
Aww what a shame. He makes a rash choice to kill a man out of fear this guy could turn and kill all of them and you are more concerned of the feelings of people who witnessed an event that was just natural in that apocalyptic world. You've actually never looked at it from his side because your blinded by hate lol.
bludgeoning a man to death with a crowbar
Oh yes it's not like Carver didn't deserve the beating. It's not like Carver bashed his eye in or anything...oh wait! Maybe he should have left him so that then he could come after them and be even more of a threat later?
constantly butting heads with people
Aww he hurt your feelings because he just so happens to be an asshole at times and yet there are times when he actually isn't? lol.
willi… [view original content]
Because much like 95% of all characters in season 2, Jane was a dull poorly written character who often felt forcibly rammed into a narrative seemingly more akin to a sit-com rather than a serious zombie apocalyptic story.
And if the point of the game is to make choices, it's fair to assume perspective is a big part of formulating those choices. The problem with the game is it tries so hard to bastardize peoples' perspective for emotional conflict it often times makes no sense.
The reason a lot of people say Jane is a pathological liar (or at least that was the theory for a while) is that her very emotional story doesn't exactly add up. Her and her sister ended up on a roof surrounded by walkers and she left her because she had to? Eh, seems far-fetched, but we as a player aren't exactly given perspective into her actual character, she just babbles about Jamie everytime we're meant to remember why she is the way she is. She's supposed to be a distant, cold, calculated survivor. A lot of people would immediately hate that because it's not the perspective the game had woven her out to be, rather she's someone who would devise a scheme to hide a baby... and have a psychopathic threat... try to kill her... to prove... you see? You see how absolutely that doesn't make sense for her character to do that?
She's been sullied by emotional ambiguity, and my perspective is a tad less forgiving than others. Jane sucks, Kenny sucks, AJ sucks, Sarah sucks, they all mostly suck.
Oh I'm aware of that. Basically even though what you said were your opinions which is fine, i just felt like i had to sarcastically respond in defence as per usual because i think "some" of the things you said were harsh.
Imagine if i started bitching about Elena from Uncharted? You would hate that because i know you really like her (i do too by the way, i was just using someone you like as an example). Everything you say is of course all opinions but for some of us it's not nice to see and we feel we need to respond. You should know me by now that i'm not intending to deliberately offend you with what i say. We've had many disagreements over the years.
Ok, it's just sometimes it's like you go off on a rant about his negative qualities to the point you are trying to sway mine and others opin… moreions. I know that's not your intention but that's how it comes across
You had said this to another user, and I feel like I should practice similar strategies of not reading your entire response, but I will.
One reading later
Ok then... I'm sensing more emotional rambling and little actual argumentative reinforcement.
If you really have this much of an issue with my opinions or biased with ShitHead McTinyPecker, I don't know what to tell you. Giving me a lot of clouded overly opinionated biased does not help me appreciate Kenny or his actions, if anything, you're making it worse.
You can disagree without making it personal, you know. This is what makes Kenny fans look bad ^
It's ok, he just pushes my buttons sometimes more than a lot of Kenny haters and my post was actually meant to be sarcastic although I may have said it slightly offensively with some things but it does bother me "sometimes" the way some people state their opinions on Kenny
One thing though, if you had disliked Elena (which is impossible to do seeing as though she's perfect) I really wouldn't mind or care. I mean, I know it'd be a lie cause she's Elena fucking Fis- Drake now, so it wouldn't be true. But I digress.
I mean, a whole lot of people don't like Ellie from The Last of Us, but I thought she was very well written and believable so that's where I stand in comparison to others. No hard feelings though, but you know me Dan. I fucking hate Kenny, I haven't seen an argument yet to sway my opinion and most likely never will.
Oh I'm aware of that. Basically even though what you said were your opinions which is fine, i just felt like i had to sarcastically respond … morein defence as per usual because i think "some" of the things you said were harsh.
Imagine if i started bitching about Elena from Uncharted? You would hate that because i know you really like her (i do too by the way, i was just using someone you like as an example). Everything you say is of course all opinions but for some of us it's not nice to see and we feel we need to respond. You should know me by now that i'm not intending to deliberately offend you with what i say. We've had many disagreements over the years.
Yeah, just making the point that if there was something you feel strongly about, i mean it may not even be a game character, it could be anything. If someone criticises it, certain things can offend us and this is one of them but i do accept others opinions nor am i intending to sway them.
I like Ellie too. I think she swears too much but then again thats kids these days for you, even if it was in a world like in The Last Of Us lol
Sure sure.
One thing though, if you had disliked Elena (which is impossible to do seeing as though she's perfect) I really wouldn't mind … moreor care. I mean, I know it'd be a lie cause she's Elena fucking Fis- Drake now, so it wouldn't be true. But I digress.
I mean, a whole lot of people don't like Ellie from The Last of Us, but I thought she was very well written and believable so that's where I stand in comparison to others. No hard feelings though, but you know me Dan. I fucking hate Kenny, I haven't seen an argument yet to sway my opinion and most likely never will.
Yeah, and now that you mention it "alone and with AJ" is the worst and I use to think stuck with Jane was the worst simply because I didn't care much for Jane and her misdeeds nor that weird family. But with Clem alone anything could happen especially with a whiny baby attracting danger from every direction to her location.
That missing finger deal could had possibly been a product of the alone ending.
Yeah okay like I said you could somehow argue its better but im not seeing it, its the only ending where she finds no other people and is on her own taking care of a baby with walkers everywhere.
I just don't understand how she survived nine days with A.J. She has NO supplies with her, what has she been feeding it? And what you said aswell, how did all the noise the walkers were making not wake up A.J? I had the alone ending, but it could've been tweaked up a little bit to make it seem more believable.
The alone ending logically doesn't make sense to me but I liked it regardless. I don't understand how a baby wouldn't cry in a situation whe… morere it's surrounded by walkers and if it was asleep all the combined sounds of so many walkers would surely wake it up. Which would cause it to cry resulting in itself and clementine being eaten. And clementine doesn't know how to look after a baby and doesn't have the experience or knowledge to care for it. I'm assuming the fact that because they only showed clementine that something happened to the baby. Which further shows how that alone ending at least to me was the worse one despite me personally thinking it's a cool one for various reasons.
I just don't understand how she survived nine days with A.J. She has NO supplies with her, what has she been feeding it? And what you said a… moreswell, how did all the noise the walkers were making not wake up A.J? I had the alone ending, but it could've been tweaked up a little bit to make it seem more believable.
Just as Clementine is walking through the horde of zombies, AJ springs awake from his slumber and cries.
All(most) walkers turn to Clementine's direction, and with that the screen cuts black.
Well we play as Clementine no matter what in S3, so she ends up A-ok in the alone ending as well. I wouldn't be surprised if she comes across new people or Javier to help survive, but the fact she made it through that zombie horde at the end by herself, ya just gotta give her credit. She does not need Kenny, Jane, or a big community to live.
Well we play as Clementine no matter what in S3, so she ends up A-ok in the alone ending as well. I wouldn't be surprised if she comes acros… mores new people or Javier to help survive, but the fact she made it through that zombie horde at the end by herself, ya just gotta give her credit. She does not need Kenny, Jane, or a big community to live.
Cos I'm sick and tired of constantly being contradicted and put down for my opinion in these forums, and overly sensitive people having fits, as all I was explaining was my personal opinion.
I didn't put down your opinions or have a fit. But if you start a discussion, people will inevitably respond with their own comments. That is the whole point of these forums after all
If you don't care to hear them then maybe you shouldn't post?
I'm just prodding, one thing I doubt Kenny's done properly or without immediate regret.
Katjaa doesn't seem like the type of person that'd have very high standards when it comes to the bedroom, if you ask me
I doubt that Telltale would make this sort of disturbing fate for AJ. Would Kirkman allow Telltale to make zombie babies? I don't think I've ever heard of a walker baby in the comic book.
I believe that her backstory makes perfect sense, actually, and was one of the few characters who had that much background—others include Kenny and Bonnie, but that isn't a fair comparison, since we knew both of them before their reappearances in Season Two.
The actual story tells us that she ended up cornered inside a room with her sister Jamie, and all possible exits were blocked by walkers. Except one. And that is the skylight. Jane was ready to escape the room, but Jamie did not want to keep going, and without her cooperation, Jane couldn't push Jamie through a skylight. She then decided to leave by herself instead of dying next to her sister. That is what I understood, at least.
I took that she became attached to Clementine—partly because she reminded her of Jamie, and partly because Clementine in Season Two is the perfect human model that everyone loves. She thought that Clementine would not be safe with Kenny alone, since he had a history of being hot-headed and driven by his rage. That is why she decided to provoke him—she wanted to make Clementine conscious about how he could get. I suppose that her plan was to tell him that AJ was fine afterwards, so that he could calm down, and finally proceed to go away with a Clem and possibly AJ, too. Why she didn't do that, I don't know.
Risky plan, I know, but as far as I am concerned, she doesn't deserve to die because of it.
Because much like 95% of all characters in season 2, Jane was a dull poorly written character who often felt forcibly rammed into a narrativ… moree seemingly more akin to a sit-com rather than a serious zombie apocalyptic story.
And if the point of the game is to make choices, it's fair to assume perspective is a big part of formulating those choices. The problem with the game is it tries so hard to bastardize peoples' perspective for emotional conflict it often times makes no sense.
The reason a lot of people say Jane is a pathological liar (or at least that was the theory for a while) is that her very emotional story doesn't exactly add up. Her and her sister ended up on a roof surrounded by walkers and she left her because she had to? Eh, seems far-fetched, but we as a player aren't exactly given perspective into her actual character, she just babbles about Jamie everytime we're meant to remember why she is the way she is. She's supposed t… [view original content]
…I didn't need the mental picture of Kenny's penis.
…and I didn't need the mental picture of him and Kat.
I can't get rid of either, now.
It gets worse when you watch a playthrough featuring them.
I unfortunately can only reply to this thread for some reason and not see any posts. If any one replied to anything I typed I apologize for not replying back. I can only see posts and reply to other threads except this one.
Exactlay, Dan. Hilariously uncomfortable, and uncomfortably hilarious. Both apply when it comes to describing how I feel about it. And I am not hyperbolizing.
Oh my God, way to rid the game from its somber tone.
I might make a scrapbook on that. Kenny having a bothered expression, with a subtext of him thinking about his penis, and Katjaa with a happy expression, with a subtext implying to Kenny that she would like to do kissing stuff.
I suppose that her plan was to tell him that AJ was fine afterwards, so that he could calm down, and finally proceed to go away with a Clem and possibly AJ, too. Why she didn't do that, I don't know.
Risky plan, I know, but as far as I am concerned, she doesn't deserve to die because of it.
She didn't deserve to lose her life in that sense but she deserved it in terms of her naivety if that makes sense? She knew or should have known what would/could happen and I think she did know that he'd try to hurt/kill her and as i've said all along, her intentions were in the interest of Clem but it was just a very dumb idea to get her point across. She didn't need to prove her point in my opinion because Clem is mature enough to see the way Kenny had changed and i mean as long as Jane was around to keep an eye on things, if Kenny had become too out of control she could have dealt with him in a smarter way. She did what she did simply because she herself didn't want Kenny around because of what he was doing and where they were going and i totally get that but she just went all about it in a terrible way. I felt she could have proven her point some other way
I believe that her backstory makes perfect sense, actually, and was one of the few characters who had that much background—others include Ke… morenny and Bonnie, but that isn't a fair comparison, since we knew both of them before their reappearances in Season Two.
The actual story tells us that she ended up cornered inside a room with her sister Jamie, and all possible exits were blocked by walkers. Except one. And that is the skylight. Jane was ready to escape the room, but Jamie did not want to keep going, and without her cooperation, Jane couldn't push Jamie through a skylight. She then decided to leave by herself instead of dying next to her sister. That is what I understood, at least.
I took that she became attached to Clementine—partly because she reminded her of Jamie, and partly because Clementine in Season Two is the perfect human model that everyone loves. She thought that Clementine would not be safe with Kenny alone, since he had … [view original content]
Cool or not, Niccolo Machiavelli was smart as shit, and ruthless too. I bet he would have done well in the Zombie Apocolypse
The Wellington endings only have 'the most feels' if you like Kenny in the first place, otherwise they seem overly dramatic IMO.
And as for Wellington, it is only your chosen destination from the beginning if you choose for it to be, otherwise you can say it sounds like a pipe dream and advocate for doing the smart thing and not heading north into 6 months of winter you arent the least bit prepared for. There was no guarantee it even existed, and if Kenny had really cared about that baby he would have listened to reason and went back to Howes for the baby formula that they knew for certain that was sitting there.
You are entitled to your opinion, obviously. But so are the rest of us, and i really dislike statements like ' you have to admit.... ' because, no, really i don't.
If you honestly label Kenny as a pyschopath then you need look up the actual meaning.
Psychopaths don't have a conscience and we all know your "favourite" character Kenny is anything but that. How do you know he has small penis by the way?
And by the way, i'm still so glad he made your season 2 experience terrible
About him doing well in a zombie apocalypse—I believe that Rick from the comic series fits in rather smoothly with his description on how a good leader is.
I stumbled upon this informative video a while ago, by The School Of Life.
Niccolò Machiavelli
I'm just prodding, one thing I doubt Kenny's done properly or without immediate regret. Kinda like protecting the people he swore to keep safe.
I never stated he did, just partly the reason No Going Back was as atrocious as it was.
Cool! Thanks for the link BettertoSleep
I never really got too far into the comics, but now i may have to go back and read through with this in mind and see what i can see. Thanks again for the fresh perspective.
The pleasure is mine, @Arya_Stupid!
(That username, LOL.)
M glad you appreciate it
Aww what a shame. He makes a rash choice to kill a man out of fear this guy could turn and kill all of them and you are more concerned of the feelings of people who witnessed an event that was just natural in that apocalyptic world. You've actually never looked at it from his side because your blinded by hate lol.
Oh yes it's not like Carver didn't deserve the beating. It's not like Carver bashed his eye in or anything...oh wait! Maybe he should have left him so that then he could come after them and be even more of a threat later?
Aww he hurt your feelings because he just so happens to be an asshole at times and yet there are times when he actually isn't? lol.
You know what makes me laugh? The fact that you seem to dislike the murders/killings he has committed yet all the people he has killed has been someone who to be frank had deserved it or was a threat to the group or himself and only commited these killings when they caused it in the first place, Carver, Johnny, the Russians, even Jane. Ok Larry didn't deserve it i accept that but if was to be picky, he deserved it in the sense that he left Lee to die. But for you to criticise him for those killings just shows you are hating on him for the sake of hating but hey i wouldn't expect anything less from you haha.
By the way, he does show remorse for everything he had done previously as shown in the Wellington ending how he says that people Clem meets won't have to look at her and feel ashamed at what they put her through but of course you probably didn't know this as you've most likely never seen or quickly glanced at that ending lol. He also shows remorse over Shawn Greene's death, once in the drugstore and determinantly on the train. He felt responsible for it. If that isn't remorse then what is?
That's amusing of you to say, given the fact that it was Ben's fault that his family died and the bandits attacked which then caused him to rush and start the vehicle.
I believe he gave Lee the gun to "protect our people" i recall Kenny saying. As for Lilly, yeah it was shitty of him to say "screw her let her stay" but after all, they never did like each other. I bet Lilly would have said the same thing given the chance but of course you wouldn't mind that because you are biased as hell lol but anyway, the thing is she was never left behind at the motor inn so there's nothing more to say.
You just have a one dimensional view don't you? You don't consider the reasons behind his anger and violent outbursts. You just put it down to him being an asshole. That's fine. Maybe one day you'll think why he did the bad things he did instead of for no reason as you most likely feel.
You had said this to another user, and I feel like I should practice similar strategies of not reading your entire response, but I will.
One reading later
Ok then... I'm sensing more emotional rambling and little actual argumentative reinforcement.
If you really have this much of an issue with my opinions or biased with ShitHead McTinyPecker, I don't know what to tell you. Giving me a lot of clouded overly opinionated biased does not help me appreciate Kenny or his actions, if anything, you're making it worse.
Katjaa doesn't seem like the type of person that'd have very high standards when it comes to the bedroom, if you ask me
The alone ending logically doesn't make sense to me but I liked it regardless. I don't understand how a baby wouldn't cry in a situation where it's surrounded by walkers and if it was asleep all the combined sounds of so many walkers would surely wake it up. Which would cause it to cry resulting in itself and clementine being eaten. And clementine doesn't know how to look after a baby and doesn't have the experience or knowledge to care for it. I'm assuming the fact that because they only showed clementine that something happened to the baby. Which further shows how that alone ending at least to me was the worse one despite me personally thinking it's a cool one for various reasons.
You can disagree without making it personal, you know. This is what makes Kenny fans look bad ^
Because much like 95% of all characters in season 2, Jane was a dull poorly written character who often felt forcibly rammed into a narrative seemingly more akin to a sit-com rather than a serious zombie apocalyptic story.
And if the point of the game is to make choices, it's fair to assume perspective is a big part of formulating those choices. The problem with the game is it tries so hard to bastardize peoples' perspective for emotional conflict it often times makes no sense.
The reason a lot of people say Jane is a pathological liar (or at least that was the theory for a while) is that her very emotional story doesn't exactly add up. Her and her sister ended up on a roof surrounded by walkers and she left her because she had to? Eh, seems far-fetched, but we as a player aren't exactly given perspective into her actual character, she just babbles about Jamie everytime we're meant to remember why she is the way she is. She's supposed to be a distant, cold, calculated survivor. A lot of people would immediately hate that because it's not the perspective the game had woven her out to be, rather she's someone who would devise a scheme to hide a baby... and have a psychopathic threat... try to kill her... to prove... you see? You see how absolutely that doesn't make sense for her character to do that?
She's been sullied by emotional ambiguity, and my perspective is a tad less forgiving than others. Jane sucks, Kenny sucks, AJ sucks, Sarah sucks, they all mostly suck.
Oh I'm aware of that. Basically even though what you said were your opinions which is fine, i just felt like i had to sarcastically respond in defence as per usual because i think "some" of the things you said were harsh.
Imagine if i started bitching about Elena from Uncharted? You would hate that because i know you really like her (i do too by the way, i was just using someone you like as an example). Everything you say is of course all opinions but for some of us it's not nice to see and we feel we need to respond. You should know me by now that i'm not intending to deliberately offend you with what i say. We've had many disagreements over the years.
It's ok, he just pushes my buttons sometimes more than a lot of Kenny haters and my post was actually meant to be sarcastic although I may have said it slightly offensively with some things but it does bother me "sometimes" the way some people state their opinions on Kenny
Sure sure.
One thing though, if you had disliked Elena (which is impossible to do seeing as though she's perfect) I really wouldn't mind or care. I mean, I know it'd be a lie cause she's Elena fucking Fis- Drake now, so it wouldn't be true. But I digress.
I mean, a whole lot of people don't like Ellie from The Last of Us, but I thought she was very well written and believable so that's where I stand in comparison to others. No hard feelings though, but you know me Dan. I fucking hate Kenny, I haven't seen an argument yet to sway my opinion and most likely never will.
Yeah, just making the point that if there was something you feel strongly about, i mean it may not even be a game character, it could be anything. If someone criticises it, certain things can offend us and this is one of them but i do accept others opinions nor am i intending to sway them.
I like Ellie too. I think she swears too much but then again thats kids these days for you, even if it was in a world like in The Last Of Us lol
I was just trying to say there are no best/worst choices in this game.
Like who is anyone to say that not putting Sam down is the worst choice?
Yeah, and now that you mention it "alone and with AJ" is the worst and I use to think stuck with Jane was the worst simply because I didn't care much for Jane and her misdeeds nor that weird family. But with Clem alone anything could happen especially with a whiny baby attracting danger from every direction to her location.
That missing finger deal could had possibly been a product of the alone ending.
I just don't understand how she survived nine days with A.J. She has NO supplies with her, what has she been feeding it? And what you said aswell, how did all the noise the walkers were making not wake up A.J? I had the alone ending, but it could've been tweaked up a little bit to make it seem more believable.
Just as Clementine is walking through the horde of zombies, AJ springs awake from his slumber and cries.
All(most) walkers turn to Clementine's direction, and with that the screen cuts black.
Let me change my ending 0.o
OMG, Clem is fine, why so many worries?
Well we play as Clementine no matter what in S3, so she ends up A-ok in the alone ending as well. I wouldn't be surprised if she comes across new people or Javier to help survive, but the fact she made it through that zombie horde at the end by herself, ya just gotta give her credit. She does not need Kenny, Jane, or a big community to live.
You're right, all she needs is Telltale's good graces. Which she'll almost undoubtedly remain having throughout the new season.
Here's to a long prosperous reign. May Clementine forever bathe in her enemies' blood.
he says as he has a fit
But what about her finger?!
That's determinant and it can't be from a walker because it's impossible for a walker to bite just one finger when they can bite 4 at once.
I didn't put down your opinions or have a fit. But if you start a discussion, people will inevitably respond with their own comments. That is the whole point of these forums after all
If you don't care to hear them then maybe you shouldn't post?
T'was a joke mate.
…I didn't need the mental picture of Kenny's penis.
…and I didn't need the mental picture of him and Kat.
I can't get rid of either, now.
It gets worse when you watch a playthrough featuring them.
I guess my advice, then, would be just to try and find your Zen and just ignore them. Good luck friend
I doubt that Telltale would make this sort of disturbing fate for AJ. Would Kirkman allow Telltale to make zombie babies? I don't think I've ever heard of a walker baby in the comic book.
I believe that her backstory makes perfect sense, actually, and was one of the few characters who had that much background—others include Kenny and Bonnie, but that isn't a fair comparison, since we knew both of them before their reappearances in Season Two.
The actual story tells us that she ended up cornered inside a room with her sister Jamie, and all possible exits were blocked by walkers. Except one. And that is the skylight. Jane was ready to escape the room, but Jamie did not want to keep going, and without her cooperation, Jane couldn't push Jamie through a skylight. She then decided to leave by herself instead of dying next to her sister. That is what I understood, at least.
I took that she became attached to Clementine—partly because she reminded her of Jamie, and partly because Clementine in Season Two is the perfect human model that everyone loves. She thought that Clementine would not be safe with Kenny alone, since he had a history of being hot-headed and driven by his rage. That is why she decided to provoke him—she wanted to make Clementine conscious about how he could get. I suppose that her plan was to tell him that AJ was fine afterwards, so that he could calm down, and finally proceed to go away with a Clem and possibly AJ, too. Why she didn't do that, I don't know.
Risky plan, I know, but as far as I am concerned, she doesn't deserve to die because of it.
Hahahaha! It's hilarious come to think of it.
I unfortunately can only reply to this thread for some reason and not see any posts. If any one replied to anything I typed I apologize for not replying back. I can only see posts and reply to other threads except this one.
Exactlay, Dan. Hilariously uncomfortable, and uncomfortably hilarious. Both apply when it comes to describing how I feel about it. And I am not hyperbolizing.
Oh my God, way to rid the game from its somber tone.
I might make a scrapbook on that. Kenny having a bothered expression, with a subtext of him thinking about his penis, and Katjaa with a happy expression, with a subtext implying to Kenny that she would like to do kissing stuff.
She didn't deserve to lose her life in that sense but she deserved it in terms of her naivety if that makes sense? She knew or should have known what would/could happen and I think she did know that he'd try to hurt/kill her and as i've said all along, her intentions were in the interest of Clem but it was just a very dumb idea to get her point across. She didn't need to prove her point in my opinion because Clem is mature enough to see the way Kenny had changed and i mean as long as Jane was around to keep an eye on things, if Kenny had become too out of control she could have dealt with him in a smarter way. She did what she did simply because she herself didn't want Kenny around because of what he was doing and where they were going and i totally get that but she just went all about it in a terrible way. I felt she could have proven her point some other way