I'm just going to keep it as simple and short as possible or try to. For starters whether I was replying to you or someone elese's comment it was in the form of a question. Secondly I said it was sexist despite me not personally thinking so but because I can see how it might be and seem that way to others I just agreed to it to try to avoid imo a discussion that shouldn't happen because of it being a preference to me and therefore answering your question while simultaneously ending the discussion on my end. So there would be no reason to discuss anything concerning this imo. Unless you want to say or add something else it seems like things were ended because I gave you an answer. Sorry for the so much editing. I just have a problem with personal spelling errors.
I don't "enjoy" seeing anyone suffer so I have no idea what you're getting at. You're still not providing any reason as to why you'd prefer seeing men get killed instead of women. So I'll just jump to conclusions as you did and say you're sexist.
I've been reading Mistborn, by Brandon Sanderson (great book, you should read it), and I got this awsome idea (that might not be so awsome as I think it is but whatever)
What if Clementine finds herself in a group of sexist, ageist (is that even a word?) men that only sees her as a useless little girl, and she has to prove them how strong she is to survive? I think it would be interesting, not as principal plot, but as a minor part of the story.
There's no "good" reason to be sexist. As a woman (I mean teenager) I feel offended. Why can't woman suffer, or get killed? Do we need special traits? Or protection by part of the men? Are we more graceful, or weaker (graceful? I never heard something so stupid)? What's the difference between a man and a woman that is tortured or murdered? One thing is rape, but we're not talking about rape, we're talking about murder. You're in disaventage.
If you were forced to choose between seeing me, a woman (girl, but ignore the age part) that you never saw in your life, suffering or dying, or a complete strange man you never saw in your life, suffering or dying, would you "protect" me, and choose the man to suffer? I don't need or want any luxury, help or protection. I'm not better, more graceful, more delicate or weaker than a man.
You know? screw it. I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with a sexist stranger at the other side of the world. No one wants to change their minds. You don't want to, BetterToSleep doesn't want to, and I don't want to.
If you're one of those people who had bad experience with women and enjoy seeing them suffer in various ways because of said bad experiences then at least to me it's pretty obvious you'd want to see that
WTF? what is this, One Thousend and One Nights (or whatever the name is where you live. Fucking google translate)? Not because a woman did something to a man (there's a lot of bad women, but one thing is to see the woman that hurt you dying, and other completly different is to see every woman dying!) means that man has right to become femicide! Not all women are alike, and I see this extremadly offensive. If a woman you're dating betrays you, or hurts you, someone could feel like "I hate love, I hate romance." But "I hate women" is just sexist and stuipid! Are women just men's cute objets? I know I said I wouldn't say anything else, but SHIT! You should be banned for this!
There's no "good" reason to be sexist. As a woman (I mean teenager) I feel offended. Why can't woman suffer, or get killed? Do we need speci… moreal traits? Or protection by part of the men? Are we more graceful, or weaker (graceful? I never heard something so stupid)? What's the difference between a man and a woman that is tortured or murdered? One thing is rape, but we're not talking about rape, we're talking about murder. You're in disaventage.
If you were forced to choose between seeing me, a woman (girl, but ignore the age part) that you never saw in your life, suffering or dying, or a complete strange man you never saw in your life, suffering or dying, would you "protect" me, and choose the man to suffer? I don't need or want any luxury, help or protection. I'm not better, more graceful, more delicate or weaker than a man.
You know? screw it. I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with a sexist stranger at the other side of the world. No o… [view original content]
I'm sorry if you're offended by me not wanting to personally see women get hurt. Or me not believing that women and men need to be equal in everything. I'm one of those people that belives in respecting females. I was rasised to show respect and to treat people with respect and I try to at least. There are people who you don't have to try to be nice to. So I try to be nice and respectful to people who make me have to put in effort to be. I'm speaking in general and i've met people and have known people who've been through all kinds of terrible things. So considering people have enough to deal with and go through enough problems just existing and the fact that there are people who have unfortunately been harmed and are been harmed has caused me to feel compassion for those people. No matter the race or gender. I personally have a softer spot for females though. I sincerely apologize if I offended you or anyone else.
There's no "good" reason to be sexist. As a woman (I mean teenager) I feel offended. Why can't woman suffer, or get killed? Do we need speci… moreal traits? Or protection by part of the men? Are we more graceful, or weaker (graceful? I never heard something so stupid)? What's the difference between a man and a woman that is tortured or murdered? One thing is rape, but we're not talking about rape, we're talking about murder. You're in disaventage.
If you were forced to choose between seeing me, a woman (girl, but ignore the age part) that you never saw in your life, suffering or dying, or a complete strange man you never saw in your life, suffering or dying, would you "protect" me, and choose the man to suffer? I don't need or want any luxury, help or protection. I'm not better, more graceful, more delicate or weaker than a man.
You know? screw it. I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with a sexist stranger at the other side of the world. No o… [view original content]
What about getting a choice between the 2 characters for each scene instead of being forced to play one then another ?
Or getting a choice say after chapter one to play one or the other, while the second character become a NPC for the rest of the story (would be even better if they have partly conflicting goals and can't completely trust each other).
Would certainly please both people wanting the game to be a new Clem adventure and those wanting an adult protagonist, more than playing half the scenes with a character they weren't wanting to play.
What about getting a choice between the 2 characters for each scene instead of being forced to play one then another ?
Or getting a choice … moresay after chapter one to play one or the other, while the second character become a NPC for the rest of the story (would be even better if they have partly conflicting goals and can't completely trust each other).
Would certainly please both people wanting the game to be a new Clem adventure and those wanting an adult protagonist, more than playing half the scenes with a character they weren't wanting to play.
I would like to see hub areas brought back and made bigger then ever. If we are at Wellington for example, I would really like it if we are able to explore the area and talk to whoever we want before moving on. I mean part of the reason the episodes are so much shorter is just that we don't get to walk around and just take our time to talk to everyone like at the motel in season one, or the train, or even the pharmacy in the premiere. In terms of character development season two was just lacking and there just weren't many chances to develop characters and if there were they just weren't as good as Season One.
I'm confident that Season Three will be good but I really hope it's not just a giant cut scene because that's what Michonne felt like until we got to explore the house.
The feature that is really intriguing to me is the facial expression, seeing as these games focus on communication and interaction with other survivors. It would be interesting to have alloted times within conversations to react to what a person is saying while we don't have a dialogue option to choose from. Staying neutral is the default, smiling would give you a better relationship with the character and more favorable dialogue, and frowning or grimacing would either prompt the other character to cut short the conversation, count against your relationship with the character, or give you less favorable dialogue.
That said, a feature like that would be very complex if integrated so much into the story. If it ever does become an option in a telltale game, it would probably start off as a cosmetic change with little to no consequence.
Oh, that's quite surprising, at least for me.
Do you know about Sultan Suleyman(i?) series too? Because I watched every single episode and I loved it hah.
They say varity is the spice of life. "They" are not wrong! I'll take as many improvments as can safely be fit in the game. We are after all playing and paying for an interactive story! I understand the want of more game play. Just not at the expense of story. Speaking of can we get at least one ep this time where no one dies? That's all I really want this is TWD not Border Lands TTG!
They say varity is the spice of life. "They" are not wrong! I'll take as many improvments as can safely be fit in the game. We are after … moreall playing and paying for an interactive story! I understand the want of more game play. Just not at the expense of story. Speaking of can we get at least one ep this time where no one dies? That's all I really want this is TWD not Border Lands TTG!
It may sound like a silly thing to ask but I would love it if they kept Season 2's menu style. Every episode was unique in it's own way. They all had different colors, slides, background music, options menu image, post episode image and post episode music which was neat!
Credits - ()
Slide Music - ()
There's also a bug that allows to exchange the colors between episodes. You can make the river from All That Remains purple, blue or pink. Or the statue from Amid The Ruins yellow.
To add on to that, I'd really like it if the hubs themselves were a type of choice in and of itself. Say, you're exploring Wellington and you visit the infirmary, but then Wellington gets attacked! Whereas you could have gone to explore the workshop and then Wellington gets attacked! giving you the same situation but in a different location.
I would like to see hub areas brought back and made bigger then ever. If we are at Wellington for example, I would really like it if we are… more able to explore the area and talk to whoever we want before moving on. I mean part of the reason the episodes are so much shorter is just that we don't get to walk around and just take our time to talk to everyone like at the motel in season one, or the train, or even the pharmacy in the premiere. In terms of character development season two was just lacking and there just weren't many chances to develop characters and if there were they just weren't as good as Season One.
I'm confident that Season Three will be good but I really hope it's not just a giant cut scene because that's what Michonne felt like until we got to explore the house.
I too, would love to see the return of that. (And I personally liked that when you finished the episode, the main menu became the ending credits picture for that episode.)
It may sound like a silly thing to ask but I would love it if they kept Season 2's menu style. Every episode was unique in it's own way. The… morey all had different colors, slides, background music, options menu image, post episode image and post episode music which was neat!
Credits - ()
Slide Music - ()
There's also a bug that allows to exchange the colors between episodes. You can make the river from All That Remains purple, blue or pink. Or the statue from Amid The Ruins yellow.
It's not an huge feature but I really liked it.
The feature that is really intriguing to me is the facial expression, seeing as these games focus on communication and interaction with othe… morer survivors. It would be interesting to have alloted times within conversations to react to what a person is saying while we don't have a dialogue option to choose from. Staying neutral is the default, smiling would give you a better relationship with the character and more favorable dialogue, and frowning or grimacing would either prompt the other character to cut short the conversation, count against your relationship with the character, or give you less favorable dialogue.
That said, a feature like that would be very complex if integrated so much into the story. If it ever does become an option in a telltale game, it would probably start off as a cosmetic change with little to no consequence.
Huh, I actually liked the season 2 style of dialogue and choice options for clicking on the boxes on the bottom of the screen. I guess it's an opinion thing
I hope telltale returned system of responses ilke in 1 season (numpad 1-4). (for PC version)
It is really inconvenient to keep the mouse in hand all the time, because the hand is numb.
OH I GOT THIS AMAZING IDEA! (ok not that amazing but still good)
"secret" options and secuences depending in puzzles in the huds and chains of options.
Let me explain myself:
You're in this hud, let's say, an abandoned house. A random character is trying to open a locked chest. If you find a key, that is in a drawer, behind a locked door that you will only be able to unlock if, before, in the previous episode, when someone offered you one of two different weapons, a knife and a hammer, you chose the second one. You will use the hammer to break the lock (if you chose the knife, the paylable character will say something like "I wish I had a hammer..."), you will find the key in the drawer and use it to open the locked chest. In the chest, there will be either some ammo, one or two weapons or food. You can either keep the ammo/weapons/food, let the group decide or give it some or all to another random character. This actions will have consecuences, For example, in the next episode, if you gave the ammo/weapon/food to Random Character Number 1, it may save his/her life. If you gave it to Random Character Number 2, it may save his/her life, if you kept the ammo/weapon/food for yourself, it will keep you from, for example, getting hurt, and you will skip a secuence, or/and play another secuence, but the Random Character you were with will be angry with you for being that selfish (thought you will be able to buy his/her silence by giving him/her part of what you found, but he/she won't like you anyways). It would be good because it would be like a "secret scene" or a secret way to save a character. Of course, people would see the game files and say "But, wait, is there a way to save this character?" and try to find it. Something so small that would create like a secret story behind the game
Of course, it means a lot more of work, and Telltale is lazy. But they already did that with TWAU, with keeping/giving money and stuff. Well, this is more difficult, but still possible and sooo cool!
Exactly, I do not know, I was just thinking that, if the action sequences could somehow make some "difference" in the story, it would be cool, like in Heavy Rain you know? But at the same time not JUST like Heavy Rain, TTG could do this their own way, although unlikely to happen, I think that it would be nice.
Exactly, I do not know, I was just thinking that, if the action sequences could somehow make some "difference" in the story, it would be coo… morel, like in Heavy Rain you know? But at the same time not JUST like Heavy Rain, TTG could do this their own way, although unlikely to happen, I think that it would be nice.
I believe that there already is a mechanic like that, it just isn't used very often. Like, if you don't shoot the zombie that is holding Ben in the bell tower in S1, the game treats you as if you dropped him. In S2, if you don't break the ice fast enough when you cover Luke, Bonnie dies. Though these are kinda not QTE, they are things that if you don't do in a certain amount of time you have something in the story change?
I believe that there already is a mechanic like that, it just isn't used very often. Like, if you don't shoot the zombie that is holding Ben… more in the bell tower in S1, the game treats you as if you dropped him. In S2, if you don't break the ice fast enough when you cover Luke, Bonnie dies. Though these are kinda not QTE, they are things that if you don't do in a certain amount of time you have something in the story change?
I'm just going to keep it as simple and short as possible or try to. For starters whether I was replying to you or someone elese's comment it was in the form of a question. Secondly I said it was sexist despite me not personally thinking so but because I can see how it might be and seem that way to others I just agreed to it to try to avoid imo a discussion that shouldn't happen because of it being a preference to me and therefore answering your question while simultaneously ending the discussion on my end. So there would be no reason to discuss anything concerning this imo. Unless you want to say or add something else it seems like things were ended because I gave you an answer. Sorry for the so much editing. I just have a problem with personal spelling errors.
I've been reading Mistborn, by Brandon Sanderson (great book, you should read it), and I got this awsome idea (that might not be so awsome as I think it is but whatever)
What if Clementine finds herself in a group of sexist, ageist (is that even a word?) men that only sees her as a useless little girl, and she has to prove them how strong she is to survive? I think it would be interesting, not as principal plot, but as a minor part of the story.
Not that I disagree with all the people saying they want longer episodes/more hub areas/etc, but I would not exactly count those as new features. ;P
There's no "good" reason to be sexist. As a woman (I mean teenager) I feel offended. Why can't woman suffer, or get killed? Do we need special traits? Or protection by part of the men? Are we more graceful, or weaker (graceful? I never heard something so stupid)? What's the difference between a man and a woman that is tortured or murdered? One thing is rape, but we're not talking about rape, we're talking about murder. You're in disaventage.
If you were forced to choose between seeing me, a woman (girl, but ignore the age part) that you never saw in your life, suffering or dying, or a complete strange man you never saw in your life, suffering or dying, would you "protect" me, and choose the man to suffer? I don't need or want any luxury, help or protection. I'm not better, more graceful, more delicate or weaker than a man.
You know? screw it. I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with a sexist stranger at the other side of the world. No one wants to change their minds. You don't want to, BetterToSleep doesn't want to, and I don't want to.
WTF? what is this, One Thousend and One Nights (or whatever the name is where you live. Fucking google translate)? Not because a woman did something to a man (there's a lot of bad women, but one thing is to see the woman that hurt you dying, and other completly different is to see every woman dying!) means that man has right to become femicide! Not all women are alike, and I see this extremadly offensive. If a woman you're dating betrays you, or hurts you, someone could feel like "I hate love, I hate romance." But "I hate women" is just sexist and stuipid! Are women just men's cute objets? I know I said I wouldn't say anything else, but SHIT! You should be banned for this!
Hey, I actually know that story lol. It even had some (not canon) turkish series about it.
You can run if you press RT while walking
…and it is frustratingly popular where I live for some reason.
In the south of South America.
I'm sorry if you're offended by me not wanting to personally see women get hurt. Or me not believing that women and men need to be equal in everything. I'm one of those people that belives in respecting females. I was rasised to show respect and to treat people with respect and I try to at least. There are people who you don't have to try to be nice to. So I try to be nice and respectful to people who make me have to put in effort to be. I'm speaking in general and i've met people and have known people who've been through all kinds of terrible things. So considering people have enough to deal with and go through enough problems just existing and the fact that there are people who have unfortunately been harmed and are been harmed has caused me to feel compassion for those people. No matter the race or gender. I personally have a softer spot for females though. I sincerely apologize if I offended you or anyone else.
A fourth wall option would be cool and funny. It would be an interesting concept.
What about getting a choice between the 2 characters for each scene instead of being forced to play one then another ?
Or getting a choice say after chapter one to play one or the other, while the second character become a NPC for the rest of the story (would be even better if they have partly conflicting goals and can't completely trust each other).
Would certainly please both people wanting the game to be a new Clem adventure and those wanting an adult protagonist, more than playing half the scenes with a character they weren't wanting to play.
That would be a good idea.
Oh, that's quite surprising, at least for me.
Do you know about Sultan Suleyman(i?) series too? Because I watched every single episode and I loved it hah.
Choices that actually do something and impact the rest of the game/episode rather than the next few minutes of dialogue.
choices that matter
I would like to see hub areas brought back and made bigger then ever. If we are at Wellington for example, I would really like it if we are able to explore the area and talk to whoever we want before moving on. I mean part of the reason the episodes are so much shorter is just that we don't get to walk around and just take our time to talk to everyone like at the motel in season one, or the train, or even the pharmacy in the premiere. In terms of character development season two was just lacking and there just weren't many chances to develop characters and if there were they just weren't as good as Season One.
I'm confident that Season Three will be good but I really hope it's not just a giant cut scene because that's what Michonne felt like until we got to explore the house.
The feature that is really intriguing to me is the facial expression, seeing as these games focus on communication and interaction with other survivors. It would be interesting to have alloted times within conversations to react to what a person is saying while we don't have a dialogue option to choose from. Staying neutral is the default, smiling would give you a better relationship with the character and more favorable dialogue, and frowning or grimacing would either prompt the other character to cut short the conversation, count against your relationship with the character, or give you less favorable dialogue.
That said, a feature like that would be very complex if integrated so much into the story. If it ever does become an option in a telltale game, it would probably start off as a cosmetic change with little to no consequence.
Less Zombie pop ups
In TWD, yes. It could totally work in any of the more lighthearted things Telltale does, though.
I have heard about it, but never really watched.
My grandmother watched the full soap opera, too. That's something.
Yup. I laugh at cheesy though. It's so terrible it's funny.
They say varity is the spice of life. "They" are not wrong! I'll take as many improvments as can safely be fit in the game. We are after all playing and paying for an interactive story! I understand the want of more game play. Just not at the expense of story. Speaking of can we get at least one ep this time where no one dies? That's all I really want this is TWD not Border Lands TTG!
meant Game of Thrones lol
It may sound like a silly thing to ask but I would love it if they kept Season 2's menu style. Every episode was unique in it's own way. They all had different colors, slides, background music, options menu image, post episode image and post episode music which was neat!
Credits - (
Slide Music - (
There's also a bug that allows to exchange the colors between episodes. You can make the river from All That Remains purple, blue or pink. Or the statue from Amid The Ruins yellow.
It's not an huge feature but I really liked it.
To add on to that, I'd really like it if the hubs themselves were a type of choice in and of itself. Say, you're exploring Wellington and you visit the infirmary, but then Wellington gets attacked! Whereas you could have gone to explore the workshop and then Wellington gets attacked! giving you the same situation but in a different location.
I too, would love to see the return of that. (And I personally liked that when you finished the episode, the main menu became the ending credits picture for that episode.)
I hope telltale returned system of responses ilke in 1 season (numpad 1-4). (for PC version)
It is really inconvenient to keep the mouse in hand all the time, because the hand is numb.
Unfortunately, season 1 doesn't have that option XD
Well let's hope it does make it in
Huh, I actually liked the season 2 style of dialogue and choice options for clicking on the boxes on the bottom of the screen. I guess it's an opinion thing
OH I GOT THIS AMAZING IDEA! (ok not that amazing but still good)
"secret" options and secuences depending in puzzles in the huds and chains of options.
Let me explain myself:
You're in this hud, let's say, an abandoned house. A random character is trying to open a locked chest. If you find a key, that is in a drawer, behind a locked door that you will only be able to unlock if, before, in the previous episode, when someone offered you one of two different weapons, a knife and a hammer, you chose the second one. You will use the hammer to break the lock (if you chose the knife, the paylable character will say something like "I wish I had a hammer..."), you will find the key in the drawer and use it to open the locked chest. In the chest, there will be either some ammo, one or two weapons or food. You can either keep the ammo/weapons/food, let the group decide or give it some or all to another random character. This actions will have consecuences, For example, in the next episode, if you gave the ammo/weapon/food to Random Character Number 1, it may save his/her life. If you gave it to Random Character Number 2, it may save his/her life, if you kept the ammo/weapon/food for yourself, it will keep you from, for example, getting hurt, and you will skip a secuence, or/and play another secuence, but the Random Character you were with will be angry with you for being that selfish (thought you will be able to buy his/her silence by giving him/her part of what you found, but he/she won't like you anyways). It would be good because it would be like a "secret scene" or a secret way to save a character. Of course, people would see the game files and say "But, wait, is there a way to save this character?" and try to find it. Something so small that would create like a secret story behind the game
Of course, it means a lot more of work, and Telltale is lazy. But they already did that with TWAU, with keeping/giving money and stuff. Well, this is more difficult, but still possible and sooo cool!
As many as it's nessesary to express my rage
It's still just a two syllables word to represent laughing
It would be cool if the action scenes mattered a bit more.
Exactly, I do not know, I was just thinking that, if the action sequences could somehow make some "difference" in the story, it would be cool, like in Heavy Rain you know? But at the same time not JUST like Heavy Rain, TTG could do this their own way, although unlikely to happen, I think that it would be nice.
Like, if you fail a QTE (or whatever the name is... when you have to press the Q like a thousand times), the stry changes (a character dies or lives)?
Yes, or someone gets really hurt. It does not have to CHANGE the story, it only needs to show some difference.
I believe that there already is a mechanic like that, it just isn't used very often. Like, if you don't shoot the zombie that is holding Ben in the bell tower in S1, the game treats you as if you dropped him. In S2, if you don't break the ice fast enough when you cover Luke, Bonnie dies. Though these are kinda not QTE, they are things that if you don't do in a certain amount of time you have something in the story change?
Yes, you totally got it, I would like to see QTE with more importance, it is a delicate question, but still, could be done.